PC gone wild as school in CANADA!!! bans confederate flag

I'm sure they don't allow the Nazi flag either.

Hell, in Quebec they (almost) don't allow the CANADIAN flag.

In my 'humble' opinion, Quebec sounds like possibly the most interesting province in Canada. I've only been to BC; Vancouver and Victoria are fairly interesting. I'd really like to go to Quebec someday. My grandmother was French Canadian from Quebec. I don't see anything wrong with them wanting to keep their identity. I've known and worked with a lot of Canadians. Many of them speak some French. I think that's a good thing. More Americans should speak a second language. I'd like to go to Nova Scotia someday too.
The only interesting thing in Canada is Tim Hortons doughnut shops......."aye"
I found the womenfolk in Quebec to be veeeeeeeeeeery friendly. The menfolk seemed to be doing their best impersonation of the stereotypical Frenchman.
What an absolutely ignorant, assinine thing to say. :cuckoo:

Actually it's not. :)

It's the bloody truth. Right now the Liberals are wandering in a wasteland created by a crushing defeat at the hands of the Conservatives and the NDP.

They are waiting for their messiah Justin Trudeau to lead them out of the wilderness.

True story.

You just haven't got a clue. When you make these kinds of claims, you need to back them up with evidence.

I should have mentioned I'm Canadian.


Once upon a time I was a liberal.

I've been in politics here since I was a foolish teenager and campaigned for Justin's father.

The Right Honorable Pierre Elliot Trudeau. I was a PET girl all the way.
The only interesting thing in Canada is Tim Hortons doughnut shops......."aye"

Hockey, Bob and Doug McKenzie, great beer....

There's lots to admire.

ETA: ok, I'm sorry. I should mention the dark side. But I had no control.

Justin Bieber, Celine Dion and now Carly Rae.

Sorries. Mean it.

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*shrug* Its Canada.

Exactly. It's Canada. They can do any damn thing they want. They are not Americans. They don't have to acknowledge the Conferacy. They owe no nods to you regarding this issue.

But in banning the open display of the Stars & Bars they're doing exactly what you say they don't have to: acknowledge the Confederacy.

My bone of contention is the double-standards. Symbols of extreme oppression and brutality are embraced and displayed all the time (the Hammer and Sickle, for instance). But whenever those symbols have any bearing on something white/European people may (or may not) draw some sense of pride from or rally around, they're tirelessly stigmatised.

Where do you see the Hammer and Sickle being brandished? And why would you feel pride or rally around the flags of the Confederacy or Nazi Germany?

Where do you see the Hammer and Sickle being brandished? And why would you feel pride or rally around the flags of the Confederacy or Nazi Germany?

It's called freedom of expression but liberals can't comprehend that.
The flag that flew off the stern of slave ships for two hundred years in the New World was the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes. Maybe the hockey puck heads should check the history books once in a while.
The flag that flew off the stern of slave ships for two hundred years in the New World was the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes. Maybe the hockey puck heads should check the history books once in a while.

The urban liberals are too high and mighty to watch hockey. :eusa_angel:

And they don't care about truth in History. They're too busy trying to rewrite it.
The flag that flew off the stern of slave ships for two hundred years in the New World was the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes. Maybe the hockey puck heads should check the history books once in a while.

You miss the point entirely. Pointedly, I think, unless you really can't figure it out. Both the US (the Union) and Great Britain realized that slavery was wrong and stopped engaging in that practice.

The Confederacy never realized or acknowledged that slavery was wrong and fought a war to keep it. Even when they lost that war and had to give it up, they continued to fly the Confederate flag as a symbol of their belief in slavery, and, the states (most) who supported the Confederacy, instituted Jim Crow laws that segregated black Americans and kept them down for another hundred years. The confederate flag is a symbol of racism. That's why Neo-Nazis like to sport it, and that is why Canada has banned it. I believe they have also banned Fox News because it calls itself a news program when, in fact, it is an entertainment program.

Canada is a messed up place alright. They have a fairly high standard of living for pretty much everyone. They have a miniscule amount of violence compared to the US. They have universal health care that works well. The have a better infant mortality rate and higher life span than Americans. Many people speak two languages. They are better educated, healthier, live longer, and have safer cities and a more peaceful life that US citizens. Very few of their soldiers are dying on foreign soil. The bloody fools.
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The flag that flew off the stern of slave ships for two hundred years in the New World was the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes. Maybe the hockey puck heads should check the history books once in a while.

You miss the point entirely. Pointedly, I think, unless you really can't figure it out. Both the US (the Union) and Great Britain realized that slavery was wrong and stopped engaging in that practice.

The Confederacy never realized or acknowledged that slavery was wrong and fought a war to keep it. Even when they lost that war and had to give it up, they continued to fly the Confederate flag as a symbol of their belief in slavery, and, the states (most) who supported the Confederacy, instituted Jim Crow laws that segregated black Americans and kept them down for another hundred years. The confederate flag is a symbol of racism. That's why Neo-Nazis like to sport it, and that is why Canada has banned it. I believe they have also banned Fox News because it calls itself a news program when, in fact, it is an entertainment program.

Canada is a messed up place alright. They have a fairly high standard of living for pretty much everyone. They have a miniscule amount of violence compared to the US. They have universal health care that works well. The have a better infant mortality rate and higher life span than Americans. Many people speak two languages. They are better educated, healthier, live longer, and have safer cities and a more peaceful life that US citizens. Very few of their soldiers are dying on foreign soil. The bloody fools.

Yikes. Where are you getting your information?

It's only this school in York region that banned the symbol. One school in the GTA.

And FOX news is available completely across Canada. That was a stupid rumor started on a blog site a couple of years back that FOX was banned in Canada.

Complete bullshit.

On the original application Global applied to the CRTC to combine the two networks. Because of our very protective canadian content rules that was rejected.

BUT Fox of course was allowed to come in on its own.

In 2003, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) rejected a Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association (CCTA) application to bring Fox News to Canada because Fox News U.S. and Global Television were planning to create Fox News Canada (a combination of U.S. and Canadian news).

In 2004, after a Fox U.S. executive said there were no plans to create the combined channel, the CRTC approved an application to bring Fox News to Canada.

Fox News Channel is currently offered by Access Communications, Bell TV, Cogeco, Eastlink, Manitoba Telecom Services, Rogers, SaskTel, Shaw Cable, Shaw Direct and Telus TV.

An exception is Vidéotron, Canada's third-largest cable company, which has not added Fox News Channel to its lineup.

Fox News Channel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Exactly. It's Canada. They can do any damn thing they want. They are not Americans. They don't have to acknowledge the Conferacy. They owe no nods to you regarding this issue.

But in banning the open display of the Stars & Bars they're doing exactly what you say they don't have to: acknowledge the Confederacy.

My bone of contention is the double-standards. Symbols of extreme oppression and brutality are embraced and displayed all the time (the Hammer and Sickle, for instance). But whenever those symbols have any bearing on something white/European people may (or may not) draw some sense of pride from or rally around, they're tirelessly stigmatised.

Where do you see the Hammer and Sickle being brandished? And why would you feel pride or rally around the flags of the Confederacy or Nazi Germany?
Both those flags are used by white supremacists, neo-nazis, and other far right groups. Fortunately displaying them is outlawed in Germany & Austria but such groups do exist there.
BERLIN – Facing a surge of right-wing extremism among fans, the soccer club Borussia Dortmund has long used social workers at games to defuse tense situations and help promote tolerance.
This month, however, the social workers were attacked by a group of neo-Nazi fans. One of them was beaten badly in a stadium bathroom.
It was one of many recent episodes underlining how Germany — and Dortmund in particular — is still dealing with grim reminders of its dark days of racism, intolerance and violence.
Far-right extremists in the west German city of 600,000 have infiltrated some of Borussia Dortmund's rabid fan groups. They are recruiting sympathizers, leading to more thuggery and violence.

Read more: A top German soccer club confronts a scourge of neo-Nazi racism and violence among its fans | Fox News
BERLIN – Facing a surge of right-wing extremism among fans, the soccer club Borussia Dortmund has long used social workers at games to defuse tense situations and help promote tolerance.
This month, however, the social workers were attacked by a group of neo-Nazi fans. One of them was beaten badly in a stadium bathroom.
It was one of many recent episodes underlining how Germany — and Dortmund in particular — is still dealing with grim reminders of its dark days of racism, intolerance and violence.
Far-right extremists in the west German city of 600,000 have infiltrated some of Borussia Dortmund's rabid fan groups. They are recruiting sympathizers, leading to more thuggery and violence.

Read more: A top German soccer club confronts a scourge of neo-Nazi racism and violence among its fans | Fox News

Much of the rise of the Neo-Nazi movement in Germany has occurred since the repatriation of East Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall. In the East, before 1989, the Holocaust was not taught in schools and not talked about. People kept their beliefs about Jews that had been held before WWII. Since then, as East Germans have spread into West Germany, Neo-Nazis and Holocaust Denying have spread as well.

I was in Munich a few years ago when a Neo-Nazi rally was taking place in the town square. It was a holiday and I was only there for a one day lay-over and happened to be in the town square also. Most of the Neo-Nazis I saw looked like scraggly, pimply faced, uneducated teenagers or kids in their early 20's with a very few older adults as their 'gurus.' They were pathetic looking. A crowd of German citizens was there to protest the Nazis and had gathered around a roped off place in front of the town hall where the rally was to take place. I didn't stay for the whole thing, but the Nazis were out numbered and out shouted by the citizens of Munich telling them to go away, that they were not wanted.

The Confederate flag, as does the Nazi flag, represents racism. Those of you who are Americans and support it are extremely fortunate to live in a country that allows you to do so, even though the Confederacy lost the war. It is very hypocritical of you to continuously put down the American government, which allows you such rights, and to voice repeatedly how you are afraid of them becoming tyranical over you. You haven't got a clue what a true tyranny is. You don't seem to respect or value the freedoms you have. Shows a great deal of ignorance.
BERLIN – Facing a surge of right-wing extremism among fans, the soccer club Borussia Dortmund has long used social workers at games to defuse tense situations and help promote tolerance.
This month, however, the social workers were attacked by a group of neo-Nazi fans. One of them was beaten badly in a stadium bathroom.
It was one of many recent episodes underlining how Germany — and Dortmund in particular — is still dealing with grim reminders of its dark days of racism, intolerance and violence.
Far-right extremists in the west German city of 600,000 have infiltrated some of Borussia Dortmund's rabid fan groups. They are recruiting sympathizers, leading to more thuggery and violence.

Read more: A top German soccer club confronts a scourge of neo-Nazi racism and violence among its fans | Fox News

Much of the rise of the Neo-Nazi movement in Germany has occurred since the repatriation of East Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall. In the East, before 1989, the Holocaust was not taught in schools and not talked about. People kept their beliefs about Jews that had been held before WWII. Since then, as East Germans have spread into West Germany, Neo-Nazis and Holocaust Denying have spread as well.

I was in Munich a few years ago when a Neo-Nazi rally was taking place in the town square. It was a holiday and I was only there for a one day lay-over and happened to be in the town square also. Most of the Neo-Nazis I saw looked like scraggly, pimply faced, uneducated teenagers or kids in their early 20's with a very few older adults as their 'gurus.' They were pathetic looking. A crowd of German citizens was there to protest the Nazis and had gathered around a roped off place in front of the town hall where the rally was to take place. I didn't stay for the whole thing, but the Nazis were out numbered and out shouted by the citizens of Munich telling them to go away, that they were not wanted.

The Confederate flag, as does the Nazi flag, represents racism. Those of you who are Americans and support it are extremely fortunate to live in a country that allows you to do so, even though the Confederacy lost the war. It is very hypocritical of you to continuously put down the American government, which allows you such rights, and to voice repeatedly how you are afraid of them becoming tyranical over you. You haven't got a clue what a true tyranny is. You don't seem to respect or value the freedoms you have. Shows a great deal of ignorance.

you and those of your ilk see racism in every nook and cranny
I personally wonder why ANYONE would want to be seen with a Confederate Flag...
Dressed in Confederate gray, a black man named Anthony Hervey marched with the banner clutched in his hands. His brother, Harry, accompanied him, wearing jeans and a Robert E. Lee T-shirt.

Hervey's devotion to the flag began when he discovered that a great-great-uncle, James Hervey, was a black American who fought for the Confederacy during the American Civil War. James Hervey served in the Army of Mississippi and was killed at the battle of Shiloh.

Further research helped Hervey discover records of at least 100,000 black Confederates who fought in the war.

"I am marching for freedom," Hervey said. "The battle flag stands for freedom and states' rights. The U.S. flag is the flag of slavery. It flew over 100 years of slavery, and Native Americans were annihilated under that flag."

For his march, Hervey chose the site where a Confederate flag once stood, one of eight representing entities that have governed the Coast. Harrison County removed the flags because of protests over the Confederate flag, a racist symbol to many, flying on the public beach.

Hervey sees a correlation between the past and today's controversies over the flag.

"We currently live under a psychological form of reconstruction," he said. "Whites are made to feel guilty for sins of their ancestors, and blacks are made to feel downtrodden. This keeps all of us from communicating. The political correctness of today is killing the pride of the people."

Hervey is the founder of the Black Confederate Soldier Foundation, an Oxford-based, not-for-profit organization. Its stated mission is to foster new thought on the Civil War. Claims that the Confederate flag is a racist symbol are, to the group, part of a nonissue. Black Confederates, the group says, have been misrepresented in historical texts.

Hervey wants to build a memorial that will include the names of the black Confederates who fought and died in the War Between the States.

Hoffman: Black Confederates

I personally wonder why anyone would want to be seen wearing a t-shirt bearing an image of Che Guevara. He was an icon of murder, terrorism and oppression. Strange, then, how his likeness (and what it represents) is tolerated on streets and campuses from San Francisco to New York City.
I personally wonder why anyone would want to be seen wearing a t-shirt bearing an image of Che Guevara. He was an icon of murder, terrorism and oppression. Strange, then, how his likeness (and what it represents) is tolerated on streets and campuses from San Francisco to New York City.

I totally agree. Never understood the fascination with Che.
If it has caused problems or incited violence in that school, it's right to ban it.

How about banning the kids engaging in the violence? That's right you people never want to blame the person unless it's a christian, conservative, republican, patriot or white male.
You guys sure enjoy your stupidity.

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