PC gone wild as school in CANADA!!! bans confederate flag

I personally wonder why anyone would want to be seen wearing a t-shirt bearing an image of Che Guevara. He was an icon of murder, terrorism and oppression. Strange, then, how his likeness (and what it represents) is tolerated on streets and campuses from San Francisco to New York City.

The liberals/progressives love communism and idolize their leaders as heros.

I am surprised they don't wear Kim il Sung t-shirts. .:cool:
I personally wonder why anyone would want to be seen wearing a t-shirt bearing an image of Che Guevara. He was an icon of murder, terrorism and oppression. Strange, then, how his likeness (and what it represents) is tolerated on streets and campuses from San Francisco to New York City.

The liberals/progressives love communism and idolize their leaders as heros.

I am surprised they don't wear Kim il Sung t-shirts. .:cool:

I am good friends with the son of William Taber.

Wm. Taber was the CBS correspondent who went into the mountains to interview CASTRO before the Cuban revolution. He was also one of the founders of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. An organization that he quit after it became rife with what he characterized as clueless tools of Moscow.

Taber was wounded at the bay of Pigs invasion which he was covering from the CUBAN side of the lines.

He knew Che well. They were drinking buddies.

Che wasn't much of a devout communist so much as he was an enthusiastic revolutionary.

That is why he left Cuba to try to start a revolutionary movement in Chile. He WAS BORED!

Fidel didn't mind him leaving AT ALL.

Taber, FYI, actually worked for the Cuban government as the Cuban military attache in Prague.

Even Taber soon realized that the Cuban revolution had become little more than one dictator replacing another.

He escaped Czechoslakia by jumping the border to Austria.

History and the players in it are usually a LOT more complex than the simply GOOD V BAD that most people wish it was.

Wm Taber is a perfect example of that fact...as is Che.
Dressed in Confederate gray, a black man named Anthony Hervey marched with the banner clutched in his hands. His brother, Harry, accompanied him, wearing jeans and a Robert E. Lee T-shirt.

Hervey's devotion to the flag began when he discovered that a great-great-uncle, James Hervey, was a black American who fought for the Confederacy during the American Civil War. James Hervey served in the Army of Mississippi and was killed at the battle of Shiloh.

Further research helped Hervey discover records of at least 100,000 black Confederates who fought in the war.

"I am marching for freedom," Hervey said. "The battle flag stands for freedom and states' rights. The U.S. flag is the flag of slavery. It flew over 100 years of slavery, and Native Americans were annihilated under that flag."

For his march, Hervey chose the site where a Confederate flag once stood, one of eight representing entities that have governed the Coast. Harrison County removed the flags because of protests over the Confederate flag, a racist symbol to many, flying on the public beach.

Hervey sees a correlation between the past and today's controversies over the flag.

"We currently live under a psychological form of reconstruction," he said. "Whites are made to feel guilty for sins of their ancestors, and blacks are made to feel downtrodden. This keeps all of us from communicating. The political correctness of today is killing the pride of the people."

Hervey is the founder of the Black Confederate Soldier Foundation, an Oxford-based, not-for-profit organization. Its stated mission is to foster new thought on the Civil War. Claims that the Confederate flag is a racist symbol are, to the group, part of a nonissue. Black Confederates, the group says, have been misrepresented in historical texts.

Hervey wants to build a memorial that will include the names of the black Confederates who fought and died in the War Between the States.

Hoffman: Black Confederates


LMAO Your source is a blog from Coeur d'alene, Idaho. LOL That's white supremacist paradise. I know. Been there. Come from that area of the country, the Northwest.

When you provide 'evidence' to support knowledge claims, the important concept is 'consider the source.'

The truth is that black soldiers who fought for the Confederacy were slaves and were only given guns to fight at the last minute when the Confederacy was losing the war and they were desperate. Confederacy approves black soldiers ? History.com This Day in History ? 3/13/1865 I don't know what those black men thought they were fighting for, probably hoped for freedom, but I'm damn sure they were not fighting to preserve the system that ensured their own enslavement. "The idea of enlisting blacks had been debated for some time. Arming slaves was essentially a way of setting them free, since they could not realistically be sent back to plantations after they had fought. General Patrick Cleburne had suggested enlisting slaves a year before, but few in the Confederate leadership considered the proposal, since slavery was the foundation of Southern society. One politician asked, "What did we go to war for, if not to protect our property?" Another suggested, "If slaves will make good soldiers, our whole theory of slavery is wrong." Lee weighed in on the issue and asked the Confederate government for help. "We must decide whether slavery shall be extinguished by our enemies and the slaves be used against us, or use them ourselves." Lee asked that the slaves be freed as a condition of fighting, but the bill that passed the Confederate Congress on March 13, 1865, did not stipulate freedom for those who served."

Those poor black men who fought on the side of the Confederacy were used, just like they were used as slaves. No one in their right mind would fight for people they believed intended to keep them enslaved. No one. The vast majority of blacks who fought in the Civil War fought for the Union, and didn't enlist at the last minute because the Union was losing the war. Two hundred thousand black men fought for the Union. http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/blacks-civil-war/

This poor young man in your article, if he is indeed real, is very misguided.
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The Confederacy never realized or acknowledged that slavery was wrong and fought a war to keep it.

OMG!!! You laughably moronic liberals. For the ten thousandth time, the Civil War was not fought over slavery. Hell - when the war started slavery was still legal in washington DC and throughout the war there were four NORTHERN states that practiced slavery. Many northern generals inculding US grant were slaveowners during the war. LIncoln's VP was a slaveowner during the war.

The ignorance of liberals is truly mind-boggling.
The Confederate flag, as does the Nazi flag, represents racism. Those of you who are Americans and support it are extremely fortunate to live in a country that allows you to do so, even though the Confederacy lost the war. It is very hypocritical of you to continuously put down the American government, which allows you such rights, and to voice repeatedly how you are afraid of them becoming tyranical over you. You haven't got a clue what a true tyranny is. You don't seem to respect or value the freedoms you have. Shows a great deal of ignorance.

HAHAHAHA. You non-americans know nothing about america. The american govt is super-racist as proven by all the affirmative action programs we have in america. Our govt mandates persecution of white people.!!!!
The Confederate flag, as does the Nazi flag, represents racism. Those of you who are Americans and support it are extremely fortunate to live in a country that allows you to do so, even though the Confederacy lost the war. It is very hypocritical of you to continuously put down the American government, which allows you such rights, and to voice repeatedly how you are afraid of them becoming tyranical over you. You haven't got a clue what a true tyranny is. You don't seem to respect or value the freedoms you have. Shows a great deal of ignorance.

HAHAHAHA. You non-americans know nothing about america. The american govt is super-racist as proven by all the affirmative action programs we have in america. Our govt mandates persecution of white people.!!!!

LOL Sorry. I am an American. And I am very troubled that racist people like you are part of American culture.
The Confederacy never realized or acknowledged that slavery was wrong and fought a war to keep it.

OMG!!! You laughably moronic liberals. For the ten thousandth time, the Civil War was not fought over slavery. Hell - when the war started slavery was still legal in washington DC and throughout the war there were four NORTHERN states that practiced slavery. Many northern generals inculding US grant were slaveowners during the war. LIncoln's VP was a slaveowner during the war.

The ignorance of liberals is truly mind-boggling.

They fought to preserve the Confederate way of life, which included slavery. Had they been allowed to secede and live as they wished, they would have continued with the slave system while the Union was abolishing it. You distort the reality to try to prove a contrary point. History makes it very clear: the South wanted slavery and wanted to continue it. The North was abolishing it. Period. End of story.
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Service. Honor. Pride.
Black Confederate Veterans

I had to re-examine my feelings toward the (Confederate) flag when I read a newspaper article about an elderly black man whose ancestor worked with the Confederate forces. The man spoke with pride about his family member's contribution to the cause and was photographed with the (Confederate) flag draped over his lap. That's why I now have no definite stand on just what the flag symbolizes, because it no longer is their history, or my history, but our history.
--Terri Williams, a Black journalist for the Suffolk "Virginia Pilot" newspaper.



They fought to preserve the Confederate way of life, which included slavery. Had they been allowed to secede and live as they wished, they would have continued with the slave system while the Union was abolishing it. You distort the reality to try to prove a contrary point. History makes it very clear: the South wanted slavery and wanted to continue it. The North was abolishing it. Period. End of story.

"was abolishing it?????". So why didn't they just plain abolish it. Why, when lincoln issued his emancipation proclamation, did he exempt the 4 northern states that still practiced slavery.?

Last I looked, slavery existed under the US Flag for long more than it existed under the Confederate Flag.
Seems that Canada's so called "educators" are just as uneducated as the ones in the United States.

Hell yes - slavery was everywhere in america for years and even during the civil war there were 4 northern states that practiced slavery!!!

Don't tell anyone but, there were also black slave owners and white slaves...

The Civil War was not about slavery... But you guys probably know that.

They fought to preserve the Confederate way of life, which included slavery. Had they been allowed to secede and live as they wished, they would have continued with the slave system while the Union was abolishing it. You distort the reality to try to prove a contrary point. History makes it very clear: the South wanted slavery and wanted to continue it. The North was abolishing it. Period. End of story.

You mean to tell me that some southern dude working his ass off, who also happens to be extremely poor & knows no one who owns a slave... You're going to tell me that guy was fighting so some rich guy he has never met could own slaves???
Get outta here with that garbage!!!

It was about STATES RIGHTS.
Period...end of story!

They fought to preserve the Confederate way of life, which included slavery. Had they been allowed to secede and live as they wished, they would have continued with the slave system while the Union was abolishing it. You distort the reality to try to prove a contrary point. History makes it very clear: the South wanted slavery and wanted to continue it. The North was abolishing it. Period. End of story.

"was abolishing it?????". So why didn't they just plain abolish it. Why, when lincoln issued his emancipation proclamation, did he exempt the 4 northern states that still practiced slavery.?

You really are an ignorant piece of shit.

They fought to preserve the Confederate way of life, which included slavery. Had they been allowed to secede and live as they wished, they would have continued with the slave system while the Union was abolishing it. You distort the reality to try to prove a contrary point. History makes it very clear: the South wanted slavery and wanted to continue it. The North was abolishing it. Period. End of story.

"was abolishing it?????". So why didn't they just plain abolish it. Why, when lincoln issued his emancipation proclamation, did he exempt the 4 northern states that still practiced slavery.?

You really are an ignorant piece of shit.

Would you care to explain how you drew that conclusion, based on what you've quoted him on? If you can, that is.
With the exception of one vexologist I know, every person I ever met who revered the Stars and Bars was an overt (or covert) racist.

Typically they revere the CSA and claim to be state's righters, too.

Ya'll can pretend otherwise, of course, but that's pretty much the reality of that rag.

They fought to preserve the Confederate way of life, which included slavery. Had they been allowed to secede and live as they wished, they would have continued with the slave system while the Union was abolishing it. You distort the reality to try to prove a contrary point. History makes it very clear: the South wanted slavery and wanted to continue it. The North was abolishing it. Period. End of story.

"was abolishing it?????". So why didn't they just plain abolish it. Why, when lincoln issued his emancipation proclamation, did he exempt the 4 northern states that still practiced slavery.?

(My bold)

Prexy Lincoln had to make v. fine distinctions in order to hold the Northern states together, along with the border states that sided with the North - & yet prosecute the war against the South. The Emancipation Proclamation thus only applied to slaves held in states @ war with the North - it was, in legal terms, seizure of property.

Prexy Lincoln's own opinion of slavery & Blacks & related issues developed over his time in the presidency. & he had to move the Federal government along by increments, as his understanding changed & as popular opinion moved, as well. The political developments during the Civil War merit more attention than they usually get.
In all seriousness, the flag you see to the top-left of this post represents the nation that gained the most from slavery and was the head steward of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. Yet several international clothing brands have incorporated it into their respective logos, and they face no repercussions as a result of associating their brand with a former slave-trading nation.

But in my mind this has absolutely nothing to do with slavery, racism or the social discord promoting/celebrating either could provoke. It has everything to do with trampling on anything white people might rally to as a people... because the politically correct New World Order consider white people as the biggest threat to their increasingly obvious agenda.

Why not just get on a space ship and go somewhere else? Start your own damn world. Like the Puritans. Nobody seems to want you 'white' people any more and everybody keeps pooping on you. Just exit. We won't miss you at all.:bye1:

In case you hadn't noticed, white people have already accomplished that particular feat.... on the backs of black people.

But if nobody seems to want white people, how come that it's only white countries that everyone "seems" to flock to? "Seems" like people can't get enough of white folk.

Whites from all over the world flock to countries of people of color. And, they pay big bucks to do it. Zillions go to the Caribbean, for example, and many stay.

We did a three week vacation to the Caribbean last year. The hotel we always stay in is owned by a native but many of the businesses we went into were owned by whites. Many whites want to live in paradise.
With the exception of one vexologist I know, every person I ever met who revered the Stars and Bars was an overt (or covert) racist.

Typically they revere the CSA and claim to be state's righters, too.

Ya'll can pretend otherwise, of course, but that's pretty much the reality of that rag.

Yep. Where I live, the Civil War is still known as the War of Northern Aggression and many fly that racist flag next to the US flag.

I wish the scum would all go to Texasss and secede. Good riddance and they'd be so much happier without schools and medical care.
*shrug* Its Canada.

Hey, hey, hey!:)

It's Toronto (York is a borough). Most of Canada is sane.

No it's NOT Toronto, it's York Region - Newmarket, Markham, Thornhill, Aurora. The satellite communities north of Toronto. There are no boroughs in Toronto since Mike Harris forced through an amalgamation.

York Region is true blue Conservative, which is what makes this even funnier, part of the blue ring which surrounds Liberal/NDP Toronto.
Yep. Where I live, the Civil War is still known as the War of Northern Aggression and many fly that racist flag next to the US flag.
"War of Northern Aggression" is the correct name for the conflict.

And the "Stars and Bars" is not a racist symbol......... :cool:
Yep. Where I live, the Civil War is still known as the War of Northern Aggression and many fly that racist flag next to the US flag.
"War of Northern Aggression" is the correct name for the conflict.

And the "Stars and Bars" is not a racist symbol......... :cool:

The problem Sunni is that Neo Nazis and KKK members rep that flag hard all day every day.

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