PC gone wild as school in CANADA!!! bans confederate flag

"was abolishing it?????". So why didn't they just plain abolish it. Why, when lincoln issued his emancipation proclamation, did he exempt the 4 northern states that still practiced slavery.?

(My bold)

Prexy Lincoln had to make v. fine distinctions in order to hold the Northern states together, along with the border states that sided with the North - & yet prosecute the war against the South. The Emancipation Proclamation thus only applied to slaves held in states @ war with the North - it was, in legal terms, seizure of property.


"Fine distinctions".????!!! That's hilarious. If lincoln wanted to abolish slavery he should have done it everywhere in america instead of exempting the northern states that still practiced it. Lincoln didn't hate slavery - he hated southerners because they believed in states rights.
They fought to preserve the Confederate way of life, which included slavery. Had they been allowed to secede and live as they wished, they would have continued with the slave system while the Union was abolishing it. You distort the reality to try to prove a contrary point. History makes it very clear: the South wanted slavery and wanted to continue it. The North was abolishing it. Period. End of story.

You mean to tell me that some southern dude working his ass off, who also happens to be extremely poor & knows no one who owns a slave... You're going to tell me that guy was fighting so some rich guy he has never met could own slaves???
Get outta here with that garbage!!!

It was about STATES RIGHTS.
Period...end of story!

Yes indeed. The idea that the CW was fought to free the slaves is preposterous. States rights was a big reason and also money. Lots of southern merchants owed a lot of money to northerners and they wanted to avoid paying. All wars are about profiteering.
"was abolishing it?????". So why didn't they just plain abolish it. Why, when lincoln issued his emancipation proclamation, did he exempt the 4 northern states that still practiced slavery.?

(My bold)

Prexy Lincoln had to make v. fine distinctions in order to hold the Northern states together, along with the border states that sided with the North - & yet prosecute the war against the South. The Emancipation Proclamation thus only applied to slaves held in states @ war with the North - it was, in legal terms, seizure of property.


"Fine distinctions".????!!! That's hilarious. If lincoln wanted to abolish slavery he should have done it everywhere in america instead of exempting the northern states that still practiced it. Lincoln didn't hate slavery - he hated southerners because they believed in states rights.

(My bold)

Nah, Prexy Lincoln was only president of the US - Mexico & Canada were beyond his purview. C. & S. America were even more beyond his control. & besides, he was busy @ home.

& Lincoln's family history was back in Tennessee, as I recall. Along with Mrs. Lincoln, whose family included slaveholders, to my recollection. I think Reconstruction would have gone much better, had Mr. Lincoln survived the war & been able to calm the ensuing passions. A just peace would have gone a long way to reintegrating the South into the Union with a minimum of turmoil.

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