Peace Democrats

Can you refute them?
easily----you and your cohort are "cherry pickers". Jews have been serving in positions of "CLERK" for the OVERLORDS both for christian and muslim despots for centuries----for an interesting reason. Jews have had a UNIQUELY high percentage of LITERATES----quite a distinction in BOTH the worlds of islam and christianity. My very own father was THE ONLY JEW---
on the ship---in the North Atlantic during World War II----so---of course
he was made the SHIP'S BURSAR----yanno---jew banker!!!!!!. The captain
was a christian as were all the "mates" as was the President of the USA. Saladin's personal physician was a jew. Neither Lenin nor Stalin were jews---
but that fact is hotly contested in your propaganda---as is the ancestry of your greatest hero Adolf Hitler. Seek and you will find-----a jew......somewhere
The war in Ukraine does not serve American interests. Russia is not a threat to the U.S. Russia’s GNP is about the same as Mexico’s. We don’t need to keep expanding NATO eastward. We should only be seeking peace in that region. Why are we pushing Russia into the arms of China?

The endless Israel-Palestinian conflict does not serve American interests. Why should the U.S. antagonize the whole Muslim world to serve the brutal Israeli militarists? Why do conservative Americans sacrifice to serve people who despise them?

Yep. We have very different ideals. It is not in anyone’s interest to let Russia take more of Europe. It isn’t in anyone’s interest to at all.

Let’s say some thugs were attacking the next town over. You object to sending ammunition and supplies to the folks fighting those thugs. How long before the thugs are around your town? Russia has said more than once they want Alaska back. If we say and do nothing to stop Russia from taking Europe, who will stand with us to oppose the Russians when they start demanding, or else, that we return Alaska?

China is pissed because Biden said in public what was always understood. We would defend Taiwan. I support that 100%.

I wish you RW douchebags would make up your minds. In one thread you moan about China sending Fentanyl flowing across the border. In the next we can’t risk offending China.

Finally Israel. Why in the name of all that is Holy would I oppose Israel? Why would I take the side of a bunch of radical terrorists over Israel?
easily----you and your cohort are "cherry pickers". Jews have been serving in positions of "CLERK" for the OVERLORDS both for christian and muslim despots for centuries----for an interesting reason. Jews have had a UNIQUELY high percentage of LITERATES----quite a distinction in BOTH the worlds of islam and christianity. My very own father was THE ONLY JEW---
on the ship---in the North Atlantic during World War II----so---of course
he was made the SHIP'S BURSAR----yanno---jew banker!!!!!!. The captain
was a christian as were all the "mates" as was the President of the USA. Saladin's personal physician was a jew. Neither Lenin nor Stalin were jews---
but that fact is hotly contested in your propaganda---as is the ancestry of your greatest hero Adolf Hitler. Seek and you will find-----a jew......somewhere
Facts are not your strong suit.

And Hitler is your hero, isn’t he?

Facts are not your strong suit.

And Hitler is your hero, isn’t he?

I am very familiar with islamo-nazi propaganda having read it for the past--almost 70 years. You are presenting bits and pieces of the SAME OLD CRAP---much of it was written by your faves----nazi war criminals who escaped Nuremburg and found refuge in several North African muslim countries and
in South America. Today the Gaza bullshit is a REPRISE of the same crap---in style and content----happily consumed by the same jerks who ate it up in
the anglican founded town of my childhood
Yep. We have very different ideals. It is not in anyone’s interest to let Russia take more of Europe. It isn’t in anyone’s interest to at all.

Let’s say some thugs were attacking the next town over. You object to sending ammunition and supplies to the folks fighting those thugs. How long before the thugs are around your town? Russia has said more than once they want Alaska back. If we say and do nothing to stop Russia from taking Europe, who will stand with us to oppose the Russians when they start demanding, or else, that we return Alaska?

China is pissed because Biden said in public what was always understood. We would defend Taiwan. I support that 100%.

I wish you RW douchebags would make up your minds. In one thread you moan about China sending Fentanyl flowing across the border. In the next we can’t risk offending China.

Finally Israel. Why in the name of all that is Holy would I oppose Israel? Why would I take the side of a bunch of radical terrorists over Israel?
Look at the trouble Russia has had taking the SE corner of Ukraine. And now you think Russia will suddenly invade NATO including Alaska? You think Russia will invade an alliance that includes some of the most powerful countries on earth, three of which possess nuclear weapons?

Get hold of yourself. You sound like some crazy right-wing warmonger who sees threats everywhere.

The people most worried about offending China are Hollywood millionaires.

Why would you side with Israeli war criminals over the thousands of helpless civilians these criminals have murdered?
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Peace Democrats need to challenge elite warmongers.

How can anybody vote for the Biden administration warmongers? They have us mixed up in two stupid, endless wars that don’t even serve U.S. interests. Democrats have to discipline the Party leadership by voting for RFK, Cornell West, or the Green Party. Democrats didn’t elect Biden so he could blunder us into WW III.

The Ukraine War could have been avoided. Ukraine’s offensive has stalled.

Thousands of children have been murdered by Israel. Why is the U.S. funding mass murder?

Why is it that you don't report the dozens of Israeli children murdered, some in the most horrible ways imaginable, by Hamas terrorists on October 7? That Hamas has pledged many more October 7ths in Israel. That Israel's only reasonable response was to take out Hamas and they have done as much as any country could reasonably do to mitigate civilian casualties that are inevitable in any war. An Hamas has maximized that collateral damage by placing their weapons in or near schools and other places where children may be and has forced civilians to be at greater risk?

Why is antisemitism against Israelis so strong to provoke such dishonest reporting?

In WWII Allied bombers killed hundreds of thousands of German civilians and others were killed in on ground fighting. Nobody accused the Allies of committing or unreasonable collateral damage.

We need brutal and absolute honesty to fully understand what is happening in these conflicts.
Why is it that you don't report the dozens of Israeli children murdered, some in the most horrible ways imaginable, by Hamas terrorists on October 7? That Hamas has pledged many more October 7ths in Israel. That Israel's only reasonable response was to take out Hamas and they have done as much as any country could reasonably do to mitigate civilian casualties that are inevitable in any war. An Hamas has maximized that collateral damage by placing their weapons in or near schools and other places where children may be and has forced civilians to be at greater risk?

Why is antisemitism against Israelis so strong to provoke such dishonest reporting?

In WWII Allied bombers killed hundreds of thousands of German civilians and others were killed in on ground fighting. Nobody accused the Allies of committing or unreasonable collateral damage.

We need brutal and absolute honesty to fully understand what is happening in these conflicts.
The Palestinians could similarly justify the smaller number of crimes they’ve committed. The Israelis have ethnically cleansed the Palestinians and started wars against the Palestinians.

In these sort of ugly interminable conflicts deescalation on both sides is the best policy. The U.S. should get tough with Israel, end the discrimination, end the bombing.
The Palestinians could similarly justify the smaller number of crimes they’ve committed. The Israelis have ethnically cleansed the Palestinians and started wars against the Palestinians.

In these sort of ugly interminable conflicts deescalation on both sides is the best policy. The U.S. should get tough with Israel, end the discrimination, end the bombing.
I don't think you can back that up with any credible source since it just isn't true.
you are not familiar with islamo-nazi sophistry----it is based on the
genius of Josef Goebbels
I TEACH the history. I am quite familiar with it. You might want to read this short historical bio of Goebbels role in the Third Reich and re-evaluate your opinion of his 'genius.' Genius in doing evil perhaps.
I TEACH the history. I am quite familiar with it. You might want to read this short historical bio of Goebbels role in the Third Reich and re-evaluate your opinion of his 'genius.' Genius in doing evil perhaps.
Yes----evil genius. No doubt you are familiar with his approach----
simple----repeat the lie REPEATEDLY.
Other Groups Should Imitate the Jews Instead of Being Jealous of Them
You mean like inventing Marxism-Leninism, profiting off addiction, robbing folk, and murdering thousands of children?

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You mean like inventing Marxism-Leninism, profiting off addiction and murdering thousands of children?

Want to know something that is hilarious to history buffs? If Hitler wasn’t so adamant about getting rid of Jews he could have won the Second World War.

Many of those involved in the development of the Atomic Bomb were European Jews who fled the Nazi’s. The leaders were mostly European Jews who had joined America and England to seek refuge.

If Hitler had not been so anti-Semitic, he would have had the scientists he needed to develop the bomb.

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