Peaceful Protest?

I challenge any sane person to look at this and tell me that's NOT a violent attack on our seat of government.

And note...what's happeniong on the ground in front of that entrance is a cop being beatenand stomped on


What a classic RACIST you are.
Look at you coming to the defense of WHITE officer Sicknick. I guarantee you can't link us to your posts showing your condemnation of the murder of BLACK officer David Dorn during the BurnLootMurder picnics...CAN YOU you filthy fuck?
Shameless fucking RACIST!
He just advocated that Chelsea Clinton be killed on another thread.

I just want to get you on record as being good with all that
I challenge any sane person to look at this and tell me that's NOT a violent attack on our seat of government.

And note...what's happeniong on the ground in front of that entrance is a cop being beatenand stomped on


It was a riot and not a protest however I wouldn't go by a youtube video as a news source, we have been doing this for a few years and they are not a news source they are a propaganda source and just like with other material, it is not reliable, we need to quit using these silly sources and blindly believing them.

You saying that video is faked?

I have no idea, nor do I care. I am saying on January 6th there was a protest that turned into a riot and it was wrong. I don't look to social media as news as it is all propaganda and unreliable. I am getting to despise youtube, facebook, and others as there is a distortion of truth that seems to be inherent and it feeds into people's desire for drama and validation. I stand on my comment, I would not take a youtube video as a news source. If you had a real news source I'd look at it but youtube is not a real news source. IMO.
Let's be clear.

There is no excuse for this and trumpers are being exposed for who they really are.

They don't give a SHIT about "Blue Lives".

Not one shit
Let's be clear.

There is no excuse for this and trumpers are being exposed for who they really are.

They don't give a SHIT about "Blue Lives".

Not one shit

Neither do Democrats, they are just political pawns for both parties.
I challenge any sane person to look at this and tell me that's NOT a violent attack on our seat of government.

And note...what's happeniong on the ground in front of that entrance is a cop being beatenand stomped on


Here's two words, a gift for you, fuck and you. Tell me, shill asshole, where were their armor and air and artillery support? Tell us all, fair blister, how the "Trump" protestors planned to take and hold the fucking Capitol building without a single tank, gunship or rocket propelled grenade between them? You "people" are your own worst enemies. Make sure you write down the phone number for 911 next time you get stuck in a wet paper bag.
I challenge any sane person to look at this and tell me that's NOT a violent attack on our seat of government.

And note...what's happeniong on the ground in front of that entrance is a cop being beatenand stomped on


Here's two words, a gift for you, fuck and you. Tell me, shill asshole, where were their armor and air and artillery support? Tell us all, fair blister, how the "Trump" protestors planned to take and hold the fucking Capitol building without a single tank, gunship or rocket propelled grenade between them? You "people" are your own worst enemies. Make sure you write down the phone number for 911 next time you get stuck in a wet paper bag.

WTF are you talking about. That was an insurrectionist riot in which cops were beaten hospitalized and killed

Full stop
I challenge any sane person to look at this and tell me that's NOT a violent attack on our seat of government.

And note...what's happeniong on the ground in front of that entrance is a cop being beatenand stomped on


Here's two words, a gift for you, fuck and you. Tell me, shill asshole, where were their armor and air and artillery support? Tell us all, fair blister, how the "Trump" protestors planned to take and hold the fucking Capitol building without a single tank, gunship or rocket propelled grenade between them? You "people" are your own worst enemies. Make sure you write down the phone number for 911 next time you get stuck in a wet paper bag.

WTF are you talking about. That was an insurrectionist riot in which cops were beaten hospitalized and killed

Full stop

A unarmed peaceful protester, a brave heroine and veteran , was also slaughtered in cold blood.

I think we can that both sides learned something, and at the huge protest next Wednesday in Washington, people will be a lot more peaceful in their demonstrations against the usurper in the WH.
I challenge any sane person to look at this and tell me that's NOT a violent attack on our seat of government.

And note...what's happeniong on the ground in front of that entrance is a cop being beatenand stomped on


Here's two words, a gift for you, fuck and you. Tell me, shill asshole, where were their armor and air and artillery support? Tell us all, fair blister, how the "Trump" protestors planned to take and hold the fucking Capitol building without a single tank, gunship or rocket propelled grenade between them? You "people" are your own worst enemies. Make sure you write down the phone number for 911 next time you get stuck in a wet paper bag.

WTF are you talking about. That was an insurrectionist riot in which cops were beaten hospitalized and killed

Full stop

A unarmed peaceful protester, a brave heroine and veteran , was also slaughtered in cold blood.

I think we can that both sides learned something, and at the huge protest next Wednesday in Washington, people will be a lot more peaceful in their demonstrations against the usurper in the WH.

There was nothing peaceful about breaching the last line of defense protecting the bulk of our government.

She got what she asked for and had that not happened we might have seen that violent mob take legislators hostage or worse

You need to stop
I challenge any sane person to look at this and tell me that's NOT a violent attack on our seat of government.

And note...what's happeniong on the ground in front of that entrance is a cop being beatenand stomped on


Here's two words, a gift for you, fuck and you. Tell me, shill asshole, where were their armor and air and artillery support? Tell us all, fair blister, how the "Trump" protestors planned to take and hold the fucking Capitol building without a single tank, gunship or rocket propelled grenade between them? You "people" are your own worst enemies. Make sure you write down the phone number for 911 next time you get stuck in a wet paper bag.

WTF are you talking about. That was an insurrectionist riot in which cops were beaten hospitalized and killed

Full stop

A unarmed peaceful protester, a brave heroine and veteran , was also slaughtered in cold blood.

I think we can that both sides learned something, and at the huge protest next Wednesday in Washington, people will be a lot more peaceful in their demonstrations against the usurper in the WH.

There was nothing peaceful about breaching the last line of defense protecting the bulk of our government.

She got what she asked for and had that not happened we might have seen that violent mob take legislators hostage or worse

You need to stop

Stop being violent, I agree. But peaceful demonstrations should and must continue. IMHO, the protests in the Capitol last week were more peaceful than the liberal Freddie Gray Protests or the Stonewall Homo protests back in the 1960's. Not saying there isn't room for improvement, but there is no reason not to protest aggressively and call for an end to the Biden Regime.
IMHO, the protests in the Capitol last week were more peaceful than
Just stop right there.

There's no "than".

They were NOT peaceful and people died.

The video in the Op shows they were not peaceful and that you people don't give a shit about cops

AGAIN...the body on the ground being stomped...WAS A COP
I challenge any sane person to look at this and tell me that's NOT a violent attack on our seat of government.

And note...what's happeniong on the ground in front of that entrance is a cop being beatenand stomped on


"Folks, remember one thing, Democrats always think they are the smartest ones in the room."
Rush Limbaugh

You're not that slick......slick. Your over transparent post is to try to get just one conservative to stand up and support the rioters. It won't work. Given the fact you on the left are constantly being called hypocrites, you are trying to lure us into doing the same.

I watch right-wing television shows. I listen to conservative radio. Every single host I've seen or heard has denounced this riot. They all stated these lowlifes should be arrested and given the maximum sentences the law will allow. We are deeply saddened by the people hurt and the lives of the officer and vet that died in this mob scene. Oh yes, we support the protests, but will never support rioters no matter who they are.

Nice try, but I rate your pathetic attempt as a total failure.

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