Peaceful Protestors Assaulted by Police Officers in Baltimore

I do know history, and we wouldn't have survived if we were inherently greedy, my position is, human nature is a silly concept, but if we're going to go with it, the actions and inherit greed of humans you talk about is thrust forward due to capitalism and other systems encouraging exploitation, not wanting solidarity. I don't know how, I'm opening it can be peaceful and democratic..

"Opening" it can be peaceful and democratic? Really?
So how does one peacefully and democratically confiscate the wealth of American individuals and transfer it to your union buds? You 're gonna need a plan because it is at the core of your POV and the Americans I know aren't just gonna say "OK, Sport!"
BTW, Kumbaya is a silly concept and greed (or capitalism if you prefer) "in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind..." - Gordon Gecko, Wall Street
Ah, wall street.. what a great source for things. I support solidarity, and I oppose exploitative systems that can literally never end poverty, promote hatred and division, inefficiently allocate resources.. Ah, it might not be peaceful, but workers will realize that THEY own the factory, and not the capitalist.
How old are you? Like fifteen? Your absurd 'revelations' are 100 years old. They have never worked. BTW union membership in the US has fucking collapsed pal. Never to be heard from again. Have a nice day picking your nose.
American unions membership declines as public support fluctuates Pew Research Center
They're not absurd when working people worldwide are growing more and more upset with capitalism.. They did work until they were violently killed. It's supposed to be a good thing that union membership is collapsing? LOL.
Oh. You mean the billions of people in China and India? They are "upset with capitalism? Every fucking one of them live every fucking minute embracing capitalism. Even the fucking communist Chinese government finally had to concede that capitalism was the only way for China to fucking survive into the 21st century. Now China has basically bought 100% of Africa's mineral wealth for what amounts to some pieces of fucking broken mirror. Capitalism at it's finest.
You're an illiterate idiot pal.
Many are, and look at the conditions of the workers there. Yeah, they really have a choice in the matter. China was never communist, sorry. They only claimed to be, and they never admitted to have achieving it. Yeah, in a world with capitalism, you sort of have to follow capitalism for survival, it's a real shame.
"Now China has basically bought 100% of Africa's mineral wealth for what amounts to some pieces of fucking broken mirror. "
Yeah. I'm the idiot.
I do know history, and we wouldn't have survived if we were inherently greedy, my position is, human nature is a silly concept, but if we're going to go with it, the actions and inherit greed of humans you talk about is thrust forward due to capitalism and other systems encouraging exploitation, not wanting solidarity. I don't know how, I'm opening it can be peaceful and democratic..
Sober up fuck-wit. "I'm opening it can be peaceful..........."
You are showing everyone here what an idiot you are. Get to a fucking clinic for help.
Yeah, I spelled something wrong while thinking about something else, if that's your only debate point, you need help.

Said the douchebag that commented on my intentional mispelling a few posts ago.....f---ing precious !
You haven't been contributing anything and just throw out straw mans, you deserved it.
The word is 'men' idiot!
Keep going, I honestly don't care.
Yep.... You heard it here first folks...

China was never really communist....

Where do they grow these worthless parasites?
"Opening" it can be peaceful and democratic? Really?
So how does one peacefully and democratically confiscate the wealth of American individuals and transfer it to your union buds? You 're gonna need a plan because it is at the core of your POV and the Americans I know aren't just gonna say "OK, Sport!"
BTW, Kumbaya is a silly concept and greed (or capitalism if you prefer) "in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind..." - Gordon Gecko, Wall Street
Ah, wall street.. what a great source for things. I support solidarity, and I oppose exploitative systems that can literally never end poverty, promote hatred and division, inefficiently allocate resources.. Ah, it might not be peaceful, but workers will realize that THEY own the factory, and not the capitalist.
How old are you? Like fifteen? Your absurd 'revelations' are 100 years old. They have never worked. BTW union membership in the US has fucking collapsed pal. Never to be heard from again. Have a nice day picking your nose.
American unions membership declines as public support fluctuates Pew Research Center
They're not absurd when working people worldwide are growing more and more upset with capitalism.. They did work until they were violently killed. It's supposed to be a good thing that union membership is collapsing? LOL.
Oh. You mean the billions of people in China and India? They are "upset with capitalism? Every fucking one of them live every fucking minute embracing capitalism. Even the fucking communist Chinese government finally had to concede that capitalism was the only way for China to fucking survive into the 21st century. Now China has basically bought 100% of Africa's mineral wealth for what amounts to some pieces of fucking broken mirror. Capitalism at it's finest.
You're an illiterate idiot pal.
Many are, and look at the conditions of the workers there. Yeah, they really have a choice in the matter. China was never communist, sorry. They only claimed to be, and they never admitted to have achieving it. Yeah, in a world with capitalism, you sort of have to follow capitalism for survival, it's a real shame.
"Now China has basically bought 100% of Africa's mineral wealth for what amounts to some pieces of fucking broken mirror. "
Yeah. I'm the idiot.
So you don't believe China was communist? They only claimed to be?
Now you've crossed the line with your trolling. Permanent Ignore.
The fans at a game at Camden Yards were told not to leave the stadium until order was restored around the ballpark. Unbelievable the press has allowed blacks to use any incident that allows them to riot and loot and call it the cops' fault. This all started when LA cops ran from rioters in the Rodney King uprising.

Why should those folks be able to enjoy a ball game when their is so much injustice in the world. ???

Detroit is a victim of capitalism, moron.

And here everyone was thinking it was greedy unions and shitty cars.......
Detroit s decline is a distinctively capitalist failure Richard Wolff Comment is free The Guardian
Run forest, run.[/QUOTE]

US automakers could enjoy profit margins of $10,000 per SUV(*), while losing a few hundred dollars on a compact car. For instance, the Ford Excursion could net the company $18,000, while they could not break even with the Ford Focus unless the buyer chose options. This led to Detroit’s big three automakers focusing resources and design on SUVs over small cars (small cars were sold mainly to attract young buyers with inexpensive options and to increase their fleet average fuel economies to meet federal standards). The high wages of unionized workers in the United States and Canada (members of the UAW and CAW, respectively), compared to non-union workers such as that of Toyota, meant that it was unprofitable to have them build small cars. The General Motors Arlington, Texas factory where rear-wheel drive cars were built, such as the Chevrolet Caprice, Buick Roadmaster, and Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham was converted to truck and SUV production, putting an end to full-size family station wagon and overall terminating production of rear-wheel drive full-size cars. As a result of the shift in the Big Three’s strategy, many long-running cars like the Ford Taurus, Buick Century, and Pontiac Grand Prix eventually fell behind their Japanese competition in features and image (relying more upon fleet sales instead of retail and/or heavy incentive discounts), some being discontinued.”

(*) ~ Sport utility vehicle - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
There are a number of definitions for an SUV.[6] Most government regulations simply have categories for "off-highway vehicles," which in turn are lumped in with pickup trucks and minivans as "light trucks."[6] The auto industry has not settled on one definition.[6]

Nevertheless, four-wheel-drive SUVs are considered light trucks in North America (and two-wheel-drive SUVs up to the 2011 model year[7]) where they were regulated less strictly than passenger cars under two laws in the United States, the Energy Policy and Conservation Act for fuel economy, and the Clean Air Act for emissions.[8] Starting in 2004, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began to hold sport utility vehicles to the same tailpipe emissions standards as cars.[9]

~ Cars Trucks Buses and Nonroad Equipment Plain English Guide to The Clean Air Act US EPA
"The Clean Air Act required EPA to issue a series of rules to reduce pollution from vehicle exhaust, refueling emissions and evaporating gasoline. As a result, emissions from a new car purchased today are well over 90 percent cleaner than a new vehicle purchased in 1970. This applies to SUVs and pickup trucks, as well. Beginning in 2004, all new passenger vehicles - including SUVs, minivans, vans and pick-up trucks - must meet more stringent tailpipe emission standards. This marks the first time that light-duty trucks, including SUVs, pickups, and minivans are subject to the same national pollution standards as cars. As more of these cleaner vehicles enter the national fleet, harmful emissions will drop dramatically."

~ History of General Motors - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"After gaining market share in the late 1990s and making enormous profits, General Motors stock soared to over $80 a share. From June 1999 to September 2000, the Federal Reserve, in a move to quell potential inflationary pressures created by, among other things, the stock market, made successive interest rate increases, credited in part for "plunging the country into a recession."[26][27] The recession and the volatile stock market created a pension and benefit fund crisis at General Motors and many other American companies. General Motors' rising retiree health care costs and Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) fund deficit prompted the company to enact a broad restructuring plan. Although GM had already taken action to fully fund its pension plan, its OPEB fund became an issue for its corporate bond ratings. GM had expressed its disagreement with the bond ratings; moreover, GM's benefit funds were performing at higher than expected rates of return. Then, following a $10.6 billion loss in 2005, GM acted quickly to implement its restructuring plan. For the first quarter of 2006 GM earned $400 million, signaling that a turnaround had already begun even though many aspects of the restructuring plan had not yet taken effect.
In 2006, GM offered buyouts to hourly workers to reduce future liability; over 35,000 workers responded to the offer, well exceeding the company's goal. GM gained higher rates of return on its benefit funds as a part of the solution. Stock value began to rebound - as of October 30, 2006, GM's market capitalization was about $19.19 billion. GM stock began the year 2006 at $19 a share, near its lowest level since 1982, as many on Wall Street figured the ailing automaker was bound for bankruptcy court. But GM remained afloat and the company's stock in the Dow Jones industrial average posted the biggest percentage gain in 2006.[32]"

2008 recession was the straw that broke the camels back...

GM was /not/ exactly allowed to work on a capitalist system. US government special interest regulations and higher pay rates in the US (in part pushed by unions, but as we can see by today's public outcry to get $15/h flipping burgers, more a US greed mentality, than due specifically to greedy Unions,) made it impossible for them to remain both, profitable as an American based company, and competitive with foreign car producers.

In my mind, it makes no sense to save a company who can't keep current and profitable in the US, saving them was stupid, but it serves a socialistic agenda - we the tax payers own like 63% of GM via stocks, and our government, not the market, dictate what they will build now - A company that cannot stay afloat if they remain an American company.
Detroit is a victim of capitalism, moron.

And here everyone was thinking it was greedy unions and shitty cars.......
Detroit s decline is a distinctively capitalist failure Richard Wolff Comment is free The Guardian
Run forest, run.

US automakers could enjoy profit margins of $10,000 per SUV(*), while losing a few hundred dollars on a compact car. For instance, the Ford Excursion could net the company $18,000, while they could not break even with the Ford Focus unless the buyer chose options. This led to Detroit’s big three automakers focusing resources and design on SUVs over small cars (small cars were sold mainly to attract young buyers with inexpensive options and to increase their fleet average fuel economies to meet federal standards). The high wages of unionized workers in the United States and Canada (members of the UAW and CAW, respectively), compared to non-union workers such as that of Toyota, meant that it was unprofitable to have them build small cars. The General Motors Arlington, Texas factory where rear-wheel drive cars were built, such as the Chevrolet Caprice, Buick Roadmaster, and Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham was converted to truck and SUV production, putting an end to full-size family station wagon and overall terminating production of rear-wheel drive full-size cars. As a result of the shift in the Big Three’s strategy, many long-running cars like the Ford Taurus, Buick Century, and Pontiac Grand Prix eventually fell behind their Japanese competition in features and image (relying more upon fleet sales instead of retail and/or heavy incentive discounts), some being discontinued.”

(*) ~ Sport utility vehicle - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
There are a number of definitions for an SUV.[6] Most government regulations simply have categories for "off-highway vehicles," which in turn are lumped in with pickup trucks and minivans as "light trucks."[6] The auto industry has not settled on one definition.[6]

Nevertheless, four-wheel-drive SUVs are considered light trucks in North America (and two-wheel-drive SUVs up to the 2011 model year[7]) where they were regulated less strictly than passenger cars under two laws in the United States, the Energy Policy and Conservation Act for fuel economy, and the Clean Air Act for emissions.[8] Starting in 2004, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began to hold sport utility vehicles to the same tailpipe emissions standards as cars.[9]

~ Cars Trucks Buses and Nonroad Equipment Plain English Guide to The Clean Air Act US EPA
"The Clean Air Act required EPA to issue a series of rules to reduce pollution from vehicle exhaust, refueling emissions and evaporating gasoline. As a result, emissions from a new car purchased today are well over 90 percent cleaner than a new vehicle purchased in 1970. This applies to SUVs and pickup trucks, as well. Beginning in 2004, all new passenger vehicles - including SUVs, minivans, vans and pick-up trucks - must meet more stringent tailpipe emission standards. This marks the first time that light-duty trucks, including SUVs, pickups, and minivans are subject to the same national pollution standards as cars. As more of these cleaner vehicles enter the national fleet, harmful emissions will drop dramatically."

~ History of General Motors - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"After gaining market share in the late 1990s and making enormous profits, General Motors stock soared to over $80 a share. From June 1999 to September 2000, the Federal Reserve, in a move to quell potential inflationary pressures created by, among other things, the stock market, made successive interest rate increases, credited in part for "plunging the country into a recession."[26][27] The recession and the volatile stock market created a pension and benefit fund crisis at General Motors and many other American companies. General Motors' rising retiree health care costs and Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) fund deficit prompted the company to enact a broad restructuring plan. Although GM had already taken action to fully fund its pension plan, its OPEB fund became an issue for its corporate bond ratings. GM had expressed its disagreement with the bond ratings; moreover, GM's benefit funds were performing at higher than expected rates of return. Then, following a $10.6 billion loss in 2005, GM acted quickly to implement its restructuring plan. For the first quarter of 2006 GM earned $400 million, signaling that a turnaround had already begun even though many aspects of the restructuring plan had not yet taken effect.
In 2006, GM offered buyouts to hourly workers to reduce future liability; over 35,000 workers responded to the offer, well exceeding the company's goal. GM gained higher rates of return on its benefit funds as a part of the solution. Stock value began to rebound - as of October 30, 2006, GM's market capitalization was about $19.19 billion. GM stock began the year 2006 at $19 a share, near its lowest level since 1982, as many on Wall Street figured the ailing automaker was bound for bankruptcy court. But GM remained afloat and the company's stock in the Dow Jones industrial average posted the biggest percentage gain in 2006.[32]"

2008 recession was the straw that broke the camels back...

GM was /not/ exactly allowed to work on a capitalist system. US government special interest regulations and higher pay rates in the US (in part pushed by unions, but as we can see by today's public outcry to get $15/h flipping burgers, more a US greed mentality, than due specifically to greedy Unions,) made it impossible for them to remain both, profitable as an American based company, and competitive with foreign car producers.

In my mind, it makes no sense to save a company who can't keep current and profitable in the US, saving them was stupid, but it serves a socialistic agenda - we the tax payers own like 63% of GM via stocks, and our government, not the market, dictate what they will build now - A company that cannot stay afloat if they remain an American company.[/QUOTE]
No true Scotsman all day, every day.
Ah, wall street.. what a great source for things. I support solidarity, and I oppose exploitative systems that can literally never end poverty, promote hatred and division, inefficiently allocate resources.. Ah, it might not be peaceful, but workers will realize that THEY own the factory, and not the capitalist.
How old are you? Like fifteen? Your absurd 'revelations' are 100 years old. They have never worked. BTW union membership in the US has fucking collapsed pal. Never to be heard from again. Have a nice day picking your nose.
American unions membership declines as public support fluctuates Pew Research Center
They're not absurd when working people worldwide are growing more and more upset with capitalism.. They did work until they were violently killed. It's supposed to be a good thing that union membership is collapsing? LOL.
Oh. You mean the billions of people in China and India? They are "upset with capitalism? Every fucking one of them live every fucking minute embracing capitalism. Even the fucking communist Chinese government finally had to concede that capitalism was the only way for China to fucking survive into the 21st century. Now China has basically bought 100% of Africa's mineral wealth for what amounts to some pieces of fucking broken mirror. Capitalism at it's finest.
You're an illiterate idiot pal.
Many are, and look at the conditions of the workers there. Yeah, they really have a choice in the matter. China was never communist, sorry. They only claimed to be, and they never admitted to have achieving it. Yeah, in a world with capitalism, you sort of have to follow capitalism for survival, it's a real shame.
"Now China has basically bought 100% of Africa's mineral wealth for what amounts to some pieces of fucking broken mirror. "
Yeah. I'm the idiot.
So you don't believe China was communist? They only claimed to be?
Now you've crossed the line with your trolling. Permanent Ignore.
Seriously? Communism: a stateless, classless, moneyless society with collective ownership of the means of production. You're an idiot who's bought into the bullshit.
Rock throwing animals getting restless and assaulting officers .....

Lets hope these sub human neanderthals get the appropriate justice........
I like how these loony lefties think union control of American industry won't turn them into "evil capitalists" ... that somehow human nature and the need to turn a profit to stay in biz will be overcome. What really bakes my noodle is how they all seem to believe no one has ever put the "Worker's Paradise" BS as eloquently and convincing as they have.
Human nature under capitalism isn't human nature buddy, and when you have strong unions with democracy and collective ownership, it works, As shown by examples in history.

Proving only that your neither know history nor understand human nature and you still haven't explained how you intend to "peacefully" transfer control from individuals to unions.
I do know history, and we wouldn't have survived if we were inherently greedy, my position is, human nature is a silly concept, but if we're going to go with it, the actions and inherit greed of humans you talk about is thrust forward due to capitalism and other systems encouraging exploitation, not wanting solidarity. I don't know how, I'm opening it can be peaceful and democratic..

"Opening" it can be peaceful and democratic? Really?
So how does one peacefully and democratically confiscate the wealth of American individuals and transfer it to your union buds? You 're gonna need a plan because it is at the core of your POV and the Americans I know aren't just gonna say "OK, Sport!"
BTW, Kumbaya is a silly concept and greed (or capitalism if you prefer) "in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind..." - Gordon Gecko, Wall Street
Ah, wall street.. what a great source for things. I support solidarity, and I oppose exploitative systems that can literally never end poverty, promote hatred and division, inefficiently allocate resources.. Ah, it might not be peaceful, but workers will realize that THEY own the factory, and not the capitalist.

"It might not be peaceful..."
As suspected you promote the same old "Worker's Paradise" BS complete with the same point-of-gun methodology as that of the idiot Steinlight. Steal from those who currently own it and give it to your union buds. You are dismissed, Adolph.
"Opening" it can be peaceful and democratic? Really?
So how does one peacefully and democratically confiscate the wealth of American individuals and transfer it to your union buds? You 're gonna need a plan because it is at the core of your POV and the Americans I know aren't just gonna say "OK, Sport!"
BTW, Kumbaya is a silly concept and greed (or capitalism if you prefer) "in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind..." - Gordon Gecko, Wall Street
Ah, wall street.. what a great source for things. I support solidarity, and I oppose exploitative systems that can literally never end poverty, promote hatred and division, inefficiently allocate resources.. Ah, it might not be peaceful, but workers will realize that THEY own the factory, and not the capitalist.

And even better than Detroit !!! Lol
Detroit is a victim of capitalism, moron.

And here everyone was thinking it was greedy unions and shitty cars.......
Detroit s decline is a distinctively capitalist failure Richard Wolff Comment is free The Guardian
Run forest, run.

Are you really quoting a fellow Marxist-Leninist's opinion on the union-imposed destruction of Detroit? Who would you have the Wolff blame? The unions?
Proving only that your neither know history nor understand human nature and you still haven't explained how you intend to "peacefully" transfer control from individuals to unions.
I do know history, and we wouldn't have survived if we were inherently greedy, my position is, human nature is a silly concept, but if we're going to go with it, the actions and inherit greed of humans you talk about is thrust forward due to capitalism and other systems encouraging exploitation, not wanting solidarity. I don't know how, I'm opening it can be peaceful and democratic..

"Opening" it can be peaceful and democratic? Really?
So how does one peacefully and democratically confiscate the wealth of American individuals and transfer it to your union buds? You 're gonna need a plan because it is at the core of your POV and the Americans I know aren't just gonna say "OK, Sport!"
BTW, Kumbaya is a silly concept and greed (or capitalism if you prefer) "in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind..." - Gordon Gecko, Wall Street
Ah, wall street.. what a great source for things. I support solidarity, and I oppose exploitative systems that can literally never end poverty, promote hatred and division, inefficiently allocate resources.. Ah, it might not be peaceful, but workers will realize that THEY own the factory, and not the capitalist.
How old are you? Like fifteen? Your absurd 'revelations' are 100 years old. They have never worked. BTW union membership in the US has fucking collapsed pal. Never to be heard from again. Have a nice day picking your nose.
American unions membership declines as public support fluctuates Pew Research Center
They're not absurd when working people worldwide are growing more and more upset with capitalism.. They did work until they were violently killed. It's supposed to be a good thing that union membership is collapsing? LOL.

You have absolutely no idea what "working people worldwide" think about capitalism (or if they think about it at all) and union membership has declined precipitously because they are now viewed as the regressive, corrupt organizations they have for decades been.
Yeah, in a world with capitalism, you sort of have to follow capitalism for survival, it's a real shame.
"Now China has basically bought 100% of Africa's mineral wealth for what amounts to some pieces of fucking broken mirror. " Yeah. I'm the idiot.

Relentlessly stupid. Yeah ... you're the loony leftist idiot.
Seriously? Communism: a stateless, classless, moneyless society with collective ownership of the means of production. You're an idiot who's bought into the bullshit.

No Princess, it is you who drank the loony leftist Kool Aid. Speaking of which ... why not gather a bunch of your friends and establish your own collective somewhere. You know ... all for one and one for all! I hear Guyana is wonderful. You could even call it - drum roll, please - Jonestown! Bring your own Kool Aid.
RT Reporter captures on tape racist white cops tackling a black man for the crime of running.This occurred during the peaceful protests against police brutality in Baltimore following the death of Eddie Gray.

WOW, just wow, shaking my head #blacklivesmatter

Your claim is unproven by the video. Looks like officers were justified to me. Another poor thug thread.
Nope, tell me where I've expressed anything he said in that ridiculous post.

You were serious? Seriously? :lmao:
I know you desperately want to be perceived as a special kind of loony leftist but at the end of the day your "Worker's Paradise" routine is exactly the same as any other, Comrade.

That darned PROFIT motive is well...just downright greedy ..... Lol

I like how these loony lefties think union control of American industry won't turn them into "evil capitalists" ... that somehow human nature and the need to turn a profit to stay in biz will be overcome. What really bakes my noodle is how they all seem to believe no one has ever put the "Worker's Paradise" BS as eloquently and convincing as they have.

Old, failed ideologies can be so transformatively revolucionary and excitingly NEW....
If only the right formula can be found !
Onward comrades!!!!!

Polish the old to make it seem NEW and EXCITING!

That poster-board says to me: A child's mind inside an adult's body.
Pfft, rioting is where it's at.
Fuck the pigs. Smash the petty bourgeois and their fucking "private property".
Are you serious? If so, I love you.
Property is violence. Property is theft. There is no war like class war. I hope the black proletariat raises that entire fucking storefront to the fucking ground. The white small business owners are the front line of the capitalist war on an egalitarian and just society and need to be crushed first as far as I am concerned. They are the modern day kulaks.

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