Pedophile Gets Life Sentence


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
A Texas jury sentenced polygamist leader Warren Jeffs for sexual assault on two underage girls he claimed as "spiritual brides."

It's against the law to marry more than one person at the same time in the state. Jeffs received a 99-year sentence on one count and 20 years on the other. He will serve no less than 45 years.

It took less than an hour for the jury to decide.

A Texas jury sentenced polygamist leader Warren Jeffs for sexual assault on two underage girls he claimed as "spiritual brides."

It's against the law to marry more than one person at the same time in the state. Jeffs received a 99-year sentence on one count and 20 years on the other. He will serve no less than 45 years.

It took less than an hour for the jury to decide.


The conviction has nothing to do with the "marriages" as he did not legally marry them. The conviction was due to him having sex with underaged girls. He was also being investigated for setting up "spiritual marriages" which were not legal, between older men and underaged women.

The fundementalist mormons do not do legal marriages, only church marriages. That is how they get around the bigamy laws. What jeffs got nailed for was being a pederast.
A Texas jury sentenced polygamist leader Warren Jeffs for sexual assault on two underage girls he claimed as "spiritual brides."

It's against the law to marry more than one person at the same time in the state. Jeffs received a 99-year sentence on one count and 20 years on the other. He will serve no less than 45 years.

It took less than an hour for the jury to decide.


The conviction has nothing to do with the "marriages" as he did not legally marry them. The conviction was due to him having sex with underaged girls. He was also being investigated for setting up "spiritual marriages" which were not legal, between older men and underaged women.

The fundementalist mormons do not do legal marriages, only church marriages. That is how they get around the bigamy laws. What jeffs got nailed for was being a pederast.
The children thought they were married to him at the time, and so did their mothers. The bond was so strong over their minds it was alike a legal marriage in every way to those underage girls. I've seen how recalcitrant spiritualists who pursue evil work. First they create a common enemy in the mind of their followers--government, the police, all other churches, namely the ones from which they just broke away. Then they move in for the kill to freely rape, order murders, thefts, and every manner of illegality there is that will pleasure their warped minds.

Perhaps the lawyers didn't broach this issue, but it's the elephant in the sitting room.

Thanks you, however, for bringing up the letter of the law. In this case, it works for me, but so does Warren Jeff's elephant just sitting there, preening himself on how he was going to pull this one off by outfoxing the foxes, FWIW. :)
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A Texas jury sentenced polygamist leader Warren Jeffs for sexual assault on two underage girls he claimed as "spiritual brides."

It's against the law to marry more than one person at the same time in the state. Jeffs received a 99-year sentence on one count and 20 years on the other. He will serve no less than 45 years.

It took less than an hour for the jury to decide.


In a word

The 'life' expectancy if pedophile's in prison is subject to the temperment of fellow prisoners...his 'life sentence' may be shorter than expected.
The 'life' expectancy if pedophile's in prison is subject to the temperment of fellow prisoners...his 'life sentence' may be shorter than expected.

In a word


In my opinion ALL pedophiles should be put into general population....and what they are in for broadcasted to the rest of the inmates.....

That sentence works for me.
The 'life' expectancy if pedophile's in prison is subject to the temperment of fellow prisoners...his 'life sentence' may be shorter than expected.

That depends, some prisons put the short eyes "pedophiles" in protective custody, they don't have any contact with gen pop so he may have a long life.
The 'life' expectancy if pedophile's in prison is subject to the temperment of fellow prisoners...his 'life sentence' may be shorter than expected.

In a word


In my opinion ALL pedophiles should be put into general population....and what they are in for broadcasted to the rest of the inmates.....

That sentence works for me.

You mean execution works for you.
The 'life' expectancy if pedophile's in prison is subject to the temperment of fellow prisoners...his 'life sentence' may be shorter than expected.

In a word


In my opinion ALL pedophiles should be put into general population....and what they are in for broadcasted to the rest of the inmates.....

That sentence works for me.

You mean execution works for you.

In pedophiles cases.... no. I prefer they live a very long time.

Long slow prison sentences in general population works much better for me.

But in the general sense... yes executions work for me :thup:
The 'life' expectancy if pedophile's in prison is subject to the temperment of fellow prisoners...his 'life sentence' may be shorter than expected.

In a word


In my opinion ALL pedophiles should be put into general population....and what they are in for broadcasted to the rest of the inmates.....

That sentence works for me.

Tatoo pedophile on their forehead.
The 'life' expectancy if pedophile's in prison is subject to the temperment of fellow prisoners...his 'life sentence' may be shorter than expected.

In a word


In my opinion ALL pedophiles should be put into general population....and what they are in for broadcasted to the rest of the inmates.....

That sentence works for me.

You mean execution works for you.

That's not what she said at all. I just love how folks go around putting words in folks' mouths.

But...if there is ever any justification for execution, this is one. Anyone who can take liberties on a sweet, innocent child and completely turn their lives and their minds upside down is worse than pond scum and deserves no mercy.

In a word


In my opinion ALL pedophiles should be put into general population....and what they are in for broadcasted to the rest of the inmates.....

That sentence works for me.

You mean execution works for you.

That's not what she said at all. I just love how folks go around putting words in folks' mouths.

But...if there is ever any justification for execution, this is one. Anyone who can take liberties on a sweet, innocent child and completely turn their lives and their minds upside down is worse than pond scum and deserves no mercy.

Which is why i say a nice long prison general population.... with the crime broadcasted to the other inmates.
The 'life' expectancy if pedophile's in prison is subject to the temperment of fellow prisoners...his 'life sentence' may be shorter than expected.

In a word


In my opinion ALL pedophiles should be put into general population....and what they are in for broadcasted to the rest of the inmates.....

That sentence works for me.

Technically he would be considered a pederast, as his interest is in pubescent or post pubescent girls. Pedophiles if you go by the strict definition are interested only in pre pubescents.

In any event he is still a sick fuck and will appropriately rot in jail. I just have an issue calling this pedophilia, which it is technically not.
The 'life' expectancy if pedophile's in prison is subject to the temperment of fellow prisoners...his 'life sentence' may be shorter than expected.

In a word


In my opinion ALL pedophiles should be put into general population....and what they are in for broadcasted to the rest of the inmates.....

That sentence works for me.

Tatoo pedophile on their forehead.

oh i would prefer something else tattooed on the forehead other then that...

but that works too..... :thup:
The 'life' expectancy if pedophile's in prison is subject to the temperment of fellow prisoners...his 'life sentence' may be shorter than expected.

In a word


In my opinion ALL pedophiles should be put into general population....and what they are in for broadcasted to the rest of the inmates.....

That sentence works for me.

Technically he would be considered a pederast, as his interest is in pubescent or post pubescent girls. Pedophiles if you go by the strict definition are interested only in pre pubescents.

In any event he is still a sick fuck and will appropriately rot in jail. I just have an issue calling this pedophilia, which it is technically not.

baby raper any way you put it.

In a word


In my opinion ALL pedophiles should be put into general population....and what they are in for broadcasted to the rest of the inmates.....

That sentence works for me.

You mean execution works for you.

In pedophiles cases.... no. I prefer they live a very long time.

Long slow prison sentences in general population works much better for me.

But in the general sense... yes executions work for me :thup:

I see. I can't stand what pedophiles do. I don't support the death penalty, nor retalitiatory torture.
It could not be more deserved. I suspect that some of the inmates will give him some instruction on how to please them just like he did to the your girls. It is too bad we can't put all of them there. I really don't want to feed him the rest of his life.
A Texas jury sentenced polygamist leader Warren Jeffs for sexual assault on two underage girls he claimed as "spiritual brides."

It's against the law to marry more than one person at the same time in the state. Jeffs received a 99-year sentence on one count and 20 years on the other. He will serve no less than 45 years.

It took less than an hour for the jury to decide.


That was excellent judgment on his behalf. Why waste time and money on something so obvious. :clap2:
You mean execution works for you.

In pedophiles cases.... no. I prefer they live a very long time.

Long slow prison sentences in general population works much better for me.

But in the general sense... yes executions work for me :thup:

I see. I can't stand what pedophiles do. I don't support the death penalty, nor retalitiatory torture.

Again as i have told you before, i am not so forgiving. I have strong sense of justice.

And ...if the sick fuck thinks rape is a good fine wonderful thing.... he should have no problems getting raped himself now would he?

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