Pedophiles: Born That Way


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. “If “fairness” is associated with group-identity, with all of the associated accommodations, law will be reduced to constant petition of government for special and specific exemptions from justice. Law, to be just, but be written and carried out in ignorance of the identity of its claimants.” Mamet, “The Secret Knowledge,” chapter 23.

2. Ann Coulter’s most recent best-seller, “Mugged,” is an extended version of the above. In it, she lays out the case that Liberals have made all sorts of special exemptions and exceptions for black Americans which, she documents, have had many negative ramifications for the integration of said group into American society.

a. This generalized into a special set of rules for black Americans: instead of punishing violence, criminality and sexual promiscuity, as society has with other groups, society protected said behavior as priceless cultural artifacts, producing a black underclass. “THEY are afraid to say so in public, but many of the North's big-city mayors groan in private that their biggest and most worrisome problem is the crime rate among Negroes.” National Affairs: THE NEGRO CRIME RATE: A FAILURE IN INTEGRATION - TIME

3. The most intellectual of Democrats, former NY Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, had an interesting phrase for the fact that in many areas, society accepts more and more of what was once considered unacceptable.

a. "Defining Deviancy Down (DDD) was an expression coined by the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan in 1993. Moynihan based his phrase on the theory of Emile Durkheim that there is a limit to the bad behavior that a society can tolerate before it has to start lowering its standards. In ‘93, the senator applied his slogan to the “moral deregulation” that had eroded families, increased crime, and produced the mentally ill “homeless” population.”
The American Spectator : Defending Deviancy Down

b. “…Charles Krauthammer expanded Moynihan’s point by proposing the reverse — that not only were we “normalizing what was once considered deviant,”… Ibid.

4. Is there any limit? Mamet and Coulter discuss equal treatment for everyone. Moynihan says that this can be taken to an extreme that becomes detrimental to society. Consider the following:

5. “On Valentine's Day of last year, Dr. Vernon Quinsey, then of Queen's University, and Dr. Hubert Van Gijseghem (pronounced HI-sheh-hem), who was retired from the University of Montreal, testified before the Canadian Parliament's "Committee on Justice and Human Rights." The topic of the day was mandatory minimum sentences for people convicted of sexual offenses against children.

a. ‘t is a fact that real pedophiles account for only 20 percent of sexual abusers. If we know that pedophiles are not simply people who commit a small offence from time to time but rather are grappling with what is equivalent to a sexual orientation just like another individual may be grappling with heterosexuality or even homosexuality, and if we agree on the fact that true pedophiles have an exclusive preference for children, which is the same as having a sexual orientation, everyone knows that there is no such thing as real therapy. You cannot change this person's sexual orientation.’

6. … "real pedophiles" is the definition most of the scientists I spoke to use and the definition we'll use throughout this article. That is, people—the overwhelming majority of whom are men—who have an unwavering sexual attraction to prepubescent children.

7. Van Gjiseghem says what he and his colleagues mean by sexual orientation is a person's inborn and unalterable sexual preference, irrespective of whether that preference is harmful to others or not. Currently, there is no significant longitudinal evidence that pedophiles can be made to not be attracted to children, and thus it can be defined as their orientation.

a. And if pedophilia is a sexual orientation, that also means it's futile to send pedophiles to prison in an effort to alter their attractions.

8. Dr. James Cantor is the Head of Research in the Sexual Behaviours Clinic at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Canada's largest mental health and teaching hospital…. his first indication that there was something different about pedophiles' brains… Other patterns soon emerged…. the last clue that made him almost certain pedophilia is a prenatal issue: non-right-handedness….. "It is quite possible that one or more components of the process are related to prenatal stresses like poor maternal nutrition, toxin exposure, ill health, or poor health care,"…

9. …. Dawn Horwitz-Person, a psychotherapist in Chico, California, who specializes in treating sex offenders, believes we can help pedophiles…. "I try to get them to develop empathy and to get them to recognize the risk factors in their life," she says.

10. The old adage is that the true mark of a society is how it treats the weakest in its ranks. Blacks, women, Latinos, gays and lesbians, and others are still in no way on wholly equal footing in America. But they're also not nearly as lowly and cursed as men attracted to children. One imagines that if Jesus ever came to Earth, he'd embrace the poor, the blind, the lepers, and, yes, the pedophiles. As a self-professed "progressive," ….”
Born This Way: Sympathy and Science for Those Who Want to Have Sex with Children

"As a self-professed "progressive,"....
Can you see where this is going?

Moynihan….was brilliant.

Perhaps we should simply send all the children to prison?
I read an article about this some time back.. just the latest push to normalize deviancy. It seems to a major plank in the Democrat platform.. to normalize any and all behavior.... except of course behaviour that involves hard work, decency, respect, self-sufficiency, piety, etc.
" At the core of the Democratic Party is the principle that no one should face discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability status. "
The Democratic Party Platform |

The information you provided was informative, but all it really does is confirm the fact that all humans are flawed. We are tasked with the responsibility to treat offenders in a humane fashion, while at the same time providing protection for the rest of society. That is no small responsibility.

I see that you still engage in the "duality mindset" of DEMOCRATS BAD and REPUBLICANS GOOD. It's not like that at all, of course, and so long as you maintain that sort of ideological simplistic thinking you will not be of benefit to anyone.

I don't know the answer to the problem--and it IS a problem--of sex offenders. Even more disconcerting, perhaps, is the problem of immoral and unethical behavior among citizens--but that is hardly a partisan issue. Arguably, there is no partly line when it comes to behaving badly.

Did you have an overall point here, PC?
" At the core of the Democratic Party is the principle that no one should face discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability status. "
The Democratic Party Platform |

The information you provided was informative, but all it really does is confirm the fact that all humans are flawed. We are tasked with the responsibility to treat offenders in a humane fashion, while at the same time providing protection for the rest of society. That is no small responsibility.

I see that you still engage in the "duality mindset" of DEMOCRATS BAD and REPUBLICANS GOOD. It's not like that at all, of course, and so long as you maintain that sort of ideological simplistic thinking you will not be of benefit to anyone.

I don't know the answer to the problem--and it IS a problem--of sex offenders. Even more disconcerting, perhaps, is the problem of immoral and unethical behavior among citizens--but that is hardly a partisan issue. Arguably, there is no partly line when it comes to behaving badly.

Did you have an overall point here, PC?

1. "I see that you still engage in the "duality mindset" of DEMOCRATS BAD and REPUBLICANS GOOD. It's not like that at all, of course, and so long as you maintain that sort of ideological simplistic thinking you will not be of benefit to anyone."

I wrote that in response to this, the tag line in the linked article:

'As a self-professed "progressive," ….”'

Are progressives Republicans?

2.".... all humans are flawed. We are tasked with the responsibility to treat offenders in a humane fashion, while at the same time providing protection for the rest of society."

This reeks of moral relativism.

Unlike you, I look at evil, and call it such.

Until the victims of crime are protected, I care not a whit for the treatment of 'offenders.'

3. As there is no evidence that you are evil, the explanation for your....let's be kind and call it an that you do not understand the OP nor the original article at Gawker.

The writer is making the case that these individuals do not deserve any punishment.
Their brains are different, and any other bogus explanation.....
...psychologists....psychoanalysts....these are the idiots who start the ball rolling: accept any behavior, call it a disease....not their fault.

“Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them.” George Orwell
The one crazy thing in the crazy world of liberalsim is how the left avoids criticism for their unwavering support of NAMBLA and related pedophile filth. Animals can be trained not to hump your leg but apparently some left wingers have to be put in shelters.
The one crazy thing in the crazy world of liberalsim is how the left avoids criticism for their unwavering support of NAMBLA and related pedophile filth. Animals can be trained not to hump your leg but apparently some left wingers have to be put in shelters.

Actually, the refusal to recognize evil is endemic in the political philosophy you mention....

A distinguishing characteristic of Liberals and Leftists is an aversion to recognizing or acknowledging evil and its permutations. On another level, it explains the Left’s dislike for capitalism, a system which produces winners and losers, a painful fact that the Left would rather not see.

Pacifism, in fact, is the proclivity to appease evil and ignore the sad facts of life. It is a form of wishful thinking.

So...where ever they can, they will find reasons to accept atrocious behavior, e.g., the OP
The idea that liberals/progressives, or anyone for that matter, defends pedophiles in any way is absurd. While you didn't come right out and say it, based on what you have said in the past, it is apparent that you include and equate homosexuality to be just another deviant sexual behavior, the same as pedophilia. Please correct me if I misunderstood your intent.

Progressives do generally support gay rights and find nothing deviant at all about homosexuality. The difference between homosexuality and pedophilia is very distinct. Pedophilia involves forcing someone into a sexual act who not only doesn't want to participate, but is too young to give consent. A homosexual engages in sex with like minded consenting adults. There is nothing deviant about that if both share the same sexual orientation.

Now if you want to say that pedophilia is something that people are born with, you might be right. But that does not give them the right to abuse children for their own sexual satisfaction, under any circumstances, and nobody would support that idea no matter how much you would try to make us believe that.
The idea that liberals/progressives, or anyone for that matter, defends pedophiles in any way is absurd. While you didn't come right out and say it, based on what you have said in the past, it is apparent that you include and equate homosexuality to be just another deviant sexual behavior, the same as pedophilia. Please correct me if I misunderstood your intent.

Progressives do generally support gay rights and find nothing deviant at all about homosexuality. The difference between homosexuality and pedophilia is very distinct. Pedophilia involves forcing someone into a sexual act who not only doesn't want to participate, but is too young to give consent. A homosexual engages in sex with like minded consenting adults. There is nothing deviant about that if both share the same sexual orientation.

Now if you want to say that pedophilia is something that people are born with, you might be right. But that does not give them the right to abuse children for their own sexual satisfaction, under any circumstances, and nobody would support that idea no matter how much you would try to make us believe that.

1."The idea that liberals/progressives, or anyone for that matter, defends pedophiles in any way is absurd. "
"As a self-professed "progressive,"....
That was the author of the piece. He states that as an exponent of a political
Obviously he fells strongly enough to claim that that is the progressive's view.

2. "While you didn't come right out and say it, based on what you have said in the past, it is apparent that you include and equate homosexuality to be just another deviant sexual behavior, the same as pedophilia. Please correct me if I misunderstood your intent. "

You are about to be corrected.

I said nothing about homosexuality. Your attempt is to move away from the erroneous view you stated just above this.

My view is political: each state, each 'laboratory of democracy,' should made it's singular view based on the vote of the people of the state voting.....not a federal judge throwing the vote of the people out.

Pedophilia is the topic,and it has a child as its victim. Let's stick to that.

3. "Progressives do generally support gay rights ..."
Not my topic.

But, I progressives, liberals, modern Democrats....have no intention of confronting evil or upholding morality.
If you start a thread about that, I'd be happy to comment.

4. "Now if you want to say that pedophilia is something that people are born with, you might be right."
I didn't say that. The so-called 'scientists' in the article said that.

5. "and nobody would support that idea no matter how much you would try to make us believe that,,,"
Clearly you didn't absorb the import of the Gawker article.
1. Assaulting children is a crime

2. Homosexuality is NOT a crime

3. The US Constitution provides for equal protection under the law

4. Pedophilia is illegal in all 50 States

5. Henry David Thoreau famously said: As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.

6. Conservatives hate gays

7. Elton John is a homosexual but is not a pedophile

8. Benjamin Disraeli once stated: The difference of race is one of the reasons why I fear war may always exist; because race implies difference, difference implies superiority, and superiority leads to predominance.
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gee PC a racist.

Im so surprized.

Guess what PC ,

your religion is a myth created to keep the populace under control.

You will see any furthering of man going BEYOND your particular flavor of myths tennets as a distruction of society.

The freedom of women has changed the society of man.

your religion was set up to keep women in their place.

1. Assaulting children is a crime

2. Homosexuality is NOT a crime

3. The US Constitution provides for equal protection under the law

4. Pedophilia is illegal in all 50 States

5. Henry David Thoreau famously said: As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.

6. Conservatives hate gays

7. Elton John is a homosexual but is not a pedophile

8. Benjamin Disraeli once stated: The difference of race is one of the reasons why I fear war may always exist; because race implies difference, difference implies superiority, and superiority leads to predominance.

It might be advantageous to all concerned if you would read the OP, and then make an effort to respond to same.

As it is....your random perceptions appear to be a series of notes you copied from Fortune Cookies.

Your recitation reeks of the same skills that ended the career of Milli Vanilli.
gee PC a racist.

Im so surprized.

Guess what PC ,

your religion is a myth created to keep the populace under control.

You will see any furthering of man going BEYOND your particular flavor of myths tennets as a distruction of society.

The freedom of women has changed the society of man.

your religion was set up to keep women in their place.


As your series of random notes bears no relationship to the OP, I hope you won't mind if I respond in the same vein.

You’re probably the right one to ask this….do illiterate folks get the full effect of alphabet soup?

Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street
with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.

To write with a broken pencil is pointless.

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

I used to be addicted to soap, but I'm clean now.

Some cause happiness wherever they go. Others whenever they go.
See ya.'
  • Thanks
Reactions: Jos
1. Assaulting children is a crime

2. Homosexuality is NOT a crime

3. The US Constitution provides for equal protection under the law

4. Pedophilia is illegal in all 50 States

5. Henry David Thoreau famously said: As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.

6. Conservatives hate gays

7. Elton John is a homosexual but is not a pedophile

8. Benjamin Disraeli once stated: The difference of race is one of the reasons why I fear war may always exist; because race implies difference, difference implies superiority, and superiority leads to predominance.

It might be advantageous to all concerned if you would read the OP, and then make an effort to respond to same.

As it is....your random perceptions appear to be a series of notes you copied from Fortune Cookies.

Your recitation reeks of the same skills that ended the career of Milli Vanilli.

1. But I quoted Henry David Thoreau

2. People who quote great thinkers demonstrate to others that they are very intelligent and the rest of the post should have credibility

3. Random use of the BOLD function adds relevance to the post

4. By Numbering my points it gives the appearance that there is some structure to my posts

d. Adding excessive spacing makes my posts seem lengthy

7. Mixing numbers and letters allows me to show that I have no idea what I am doing

c. If I keep posting like this, there is no need to make a coherent point
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1. Assaulting children is a crime

2. Homosexuality is NOT a crime

3. The US Constitution provides for equal protection under the law

4. Pedophilia is illegal in all 50 States

5. Henry David Thoreau famously said: As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.

6. Conservatives hate gays

7. Elton John is a homosexual but is not a pedophile

8. Benjamin Disraeli once stated: The difference of race is one of the reasons why I fear war may always exist; because race implies difference, difference implies superiority, and superiority leads to predominance.

It might be advantageous to all concerned if you would read the OP, and then make an effort to respond to same.

As it is....your random perceptions appear to be a series of notes you copied from Fortune Cookies.

Your recitation reeks of the same skills that ended the career of Milli Vanilli.

1. But I quoted Henry David Thoreau

2. People who quote great thinkers demonstrate to others that they are very intelligent and the rest of the post should have credibility

3. Random use of the BOLD function adds relevance to the post

4. By Numbering my points it gives the appearance that there is some structure to my posts

d. Adding excessive spacing makes my posts seem lengthy

7. Mixing numbers and letters allows me to show that I have no idea what I am doing

c. If I keep posting like this, there is no need to make a coherent point

This, your latest stupid ploy,...'re not going to be dishonest and pretend that I don't construct cogent posts that make points that you don't agree with....

...but wish you could defeat.....

....are you?

Gave up the 'cut and paste' thing?

Where do you go from here, to 'I know you are but what am I?'
As a last resort....why not try to actually respond to the know, as in
trying something new: maybe you can be taught new tricks.

I'm starting to worry about you, old yella', old fella'.
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1. As Shakespeare once said..........Political Chic threads are incoherent nonsense

2. Louis Tully, in speaking of PC threads is noted to have said, Gozer the Traveler. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, Political Chic came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, PC chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!

3. In reading a Political Chic thread you must suspend reality and assume that nothing she posts actually makes any sense.

4. Noted architect Art VanDalay is rumored to have become a drooling idiot for trying to reach a coherent opinion of what the fuck PC is blathering about
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1. As Shakespeare once said..........Political Chic threads are incoherent nonsense

2. Louis Tully, in speaking of PC threads is noted to have said, Gozer the Traveler. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!

3. In reading a Political Chic thread you must suspend reality and assume that nothing she posts actually makes any sense.

4. Noted architect Art VanDalay is rumored to have become a drooling idiot for trying to reach a coherent opinion of what the fuck PC is blathering about

You're fibbing. becomes you.

Why didn’t Ernest Shackleton leave you at the Pole, as the crew suggested???

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