Peggy Noonan: Romney Looked Weak Today


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
Peggy Noonan said Romney's shoot from the hip, jump the gun, insensitive statements about the attack on our embassy made him look weak.

Video - WSJ 'Declarations' Columnist Peggy Noonan on Mitt Romney's Response to the U.S. Embassy Attack -

She said she thinks Romney understands money... but she doesn't "think he is a person of origonal foreign policy thinking"

and that at a moment of crisis, it's kind of a water's edge mement and.... never look like they are using it as a political opportunity. romney looked weak today"

Noonan said he had a grimace on his face at one point and "looked like Richard Nixon".

She also questions whether the GOP is conceding foreign policy as an issue to the Democrats.
Peggy Noonan slurped Morning Joe's coffee one too many times on MSLSD. Ms. Noonan has written speeches for many conservatives.. I wonder if Ms. Noon realizes Ronald Reagan openly criticized Jimmy Carter , as a candidate for President, over is handling of the Iran hostage fiasco?! Perhaps Ms. Noonan would serve herself better by writing more pretty speeches otherwise dear Peggy, your comments amount to nothing other than your usual suck up to liberals schmeg. I don't see any other CONSERVATIVES joining you in that assessment.. Quite the opposite.

that's funny... given that Noonan was Reagan's speechwriter.

But no surprises from Levin. But why would you think that relying on one of the usual rightwingnuts instead of one of the smart conservatives would be compelling?

Why don't you actually try for once in your miserable life, to actually read or listen to something that someone posts instead of reading a headline and making stupid, snarky remarks?

Levin happens to be a Constitutional scholar and one of the most brilliant minds on talk radio on either side. You wouldn't know that because you watch MSLSD and listen to NPR.
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I listened to Mark last night - live.. He was on fire.. so was Sean Hannity on Fox , who I don't normally like.. but he hit it out of the park! Michelle Malkin tore Obambi a new asshole.. ARAB SPRING!! Did you see the news this morning??? Our embassy in Yemen was attacked.. OBAMA POLICY

Did you hear the audio when he played their questions one right after the other. They lead with the exact same intro to their question. It was hilarious. I'm trying to find the audio. He made them look like the dupes we know they are...well some of us know....

BTW, jillian, your use of the word wingnut is as tired and old as your posting style and redundant comments.
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lol, ole Peggy sold out being Reagan's speechwriter when she went all ga ga over Obama..

Nobody takes her serious anymore, but now you lefties hold her in high regard it seems


I listened to Mark last night - live.. He was on fire.. so was Sean Hannity on Fox , who I don't normally like.. but he hit it out of the park! Michelle Malkin tore Obambi a new asshole.. ARAB SPRING!! Did you see the news this morning??? Our embassy in Yemen was attacked.. OBAMA POLICY

Did you hear the audio when he played their questions one right after the other. They lead with the exact same intro to their question. It was hilarious. I'm trying to find the audio.

Yes I did.. the Lame Stream Press and LEFTISTS are doing their best to spin this away from the Appeaser N Chief but it won't work.. He royally fucked up and they know it.. The Liberal orgasm of a peaceful Islamic Utopia is blowing up in front of their STOOPID IGNORANT eyes.. The leftist policy of coddle and appease has cost American lives.. and we're seeing it explode now.
Why would anyone think anything Noonan has to say is compelling??

I've seen her many times on MSNBC and never found her in the least compelling.

Apparantly she's in Barrys camp so anything Romney say, does or thinks is weak. LOL

Perhaps Noonan should get a life??
Why would anyone think anything Noonan has to say is compelling??

I've seen her many times on MSNBC and never found her in the least compelling.

Apparantly she's in Barrys camp so anything Romney say, does or thinks is weak. LOL

Perhaps Noonan should get a life??

She appears on Morning Joe for the free Starbucks coffee. :D

I listened to Mark last night - live.. He was on fire.. so was Sean Hannity on Fox , who I don't normally like.. but he hit it out of the park! Michelle Malkin tore Obambi a new asshole.. ARAB SPRING!! Did you see the news this morning??? Our embassy in Yemen was attacked.. OBAMA POLICY

Hannity gets on my last nerve. He keeps repeating the same thing which wears thin. Levin is superb. I'd love to see Obama debate him. They would hold Levin for manslaughter afterwards. :lol:
Peggy Noonan said Romney's shoot from the hip, jump the gun, insensitive statements about the attack on our embassy made him look weak.

Video - WSJ 'Declarations' Columnist Peggy Noonan on Mitt Romney's Response to the U.S. Embassy Attack -

She said she thinks Romney understands money... but she doesn't "think he is a person of origonal foreign policy thinking"

and that at a moment of crisis, it's kind of a water's edge mement and.... never look like they are using it as a political opportunity. romney looked weak today"

Noonan said he had a grimace on his face at one point and "looked like Richard Nixon".

She also questions whether the GOP is conceding foreign policy as an issue to the Democrats.

Have you seen the pic of "the smirk" yet?

Can't post it from my phone but check it out, it's going to hurt him.

I listened to Mark last night - live.. He was on fire.. so was Sean Hannity on Fox , who I don't normally like.. but he hit it out of the park! Michelle Malkin tore Obambi a new asshole.. ARAB SPRING!! Did you see the news this morning??? Our embassy in Yemen was attacked.. OBAMA POLICY

Hannity gets on my last nerve. He keeps repeating the same thing which wears thin. Levin is superb. I'd love to see Obama debate him. They would hold Levin for manslaughter afterwards. :lol:

Hahahaha!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Mark Levin too.. :)
Peggy Noonan said Romney's shoot from the hip, jump the gun, insensitive statements about the attack on our embassy made him look weak.

Video - WSJ 'Declarations' Columnist Peggy Noonan on Mitt Romney's Response to the U.S. Embassy Attack -

She said she thinks Romney understands money... but she doesn't "think he is a person of origonal foreign policy thinking"

and that at a moment of crisis, it's kind of a water's edge mement and.... never look like they are using it as a political opportunity. romney looked weak today"

Noonan said he had a grimace on his face at one point and "looked like Richard Nixon".

She also questions whether the GOP is conceding foreign policy as an issue to the Democrats.

Have you seen the pic of "the smirk" yet?

Can't post it from my phone but check it out, it's going to hurt him.

WOW! A smirk. Call in NATO. Oh wait, we are NATO! :D
Why would anyone think anything Noonan has to say is compelling??

I've seen her many times on MSNBC and never found her in the least compelling.

Apparantly she's in Barrys camp so anything Romney say, does or thinks is weak. LOL

Perhaps Noonan should get a life??

funny that you try to wrap yourself in ronald reagan's aura...

until one of the real reaganites says your guy looked terrible.

no surprises.
Peggy Noonan said Romney's shoot from the hip, jump the gun, insensitive statements about the attack on our embassy made him look weak.

Video - WSJ 'Declarations' Columnist Peggy Noonan on Mitt Romney's Response to the U.S. Embassy Attack -

She said she thinks Romney understands money... but she doesn't "think he is a person of origonal foreign policy thinking"

and that at a moment of crisis, it's kind of a water's edge mement and.... never look like they are using it as a political opportunity. romney looked weak today"

Noonan said he had a grimace on his face at one point and "looked like Richard Nixon".

She also questions whether the GOP is conceding foreign policy as an issue to the Democrats.

Have you seen the pic of "the smirk" yet?

Can't post it from my phone but check it out, it's going to hurt him.

i haven't seen it yet. but i'll look. is it as good as Maroney's olympics' smirk?
Peggy Noonan said Romney's shoot from the hip, jump the gun, insensitive statements about the attack on our embassy made him look weak.

Video - WSJ 'Declarations' Columnist Peggy Noonan on Mitt Romney's Response to the U.S. Embassy Attack -

She said she thinks Romney understands money... but she doesn't "think he is a person of origonal foreign policy thinking"

and that at a moment of crisis, it's kind of a water's edge mement and.... never look like they are using it as a political opportunity. romney looked weak today"

Noonan said he had a grimace on his face at one point and "looked like Richard Nixon".

She also questions whether the GOP is conceding foreign policy as an issue to the Democrats.

Have you seen the pic of "the smirk" yet?

Can't post it from my phone but check it out, it's going to hurt him.

lol, the SMIRK
man you people really just have NOTHING
Notice who retreats every time you engage her. And it's her thread.

That's because she's a braindead shrew.. A backstabbing turncoat who places her religion of Liberalism over the security of the tiny nation of Israel.. I HAVE ZERO tolerance for those who eat their own.. NONE.. They are beneath contempt, scum.

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