Peggy Noonan: Sarah Palin Jealous


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
You're Peggy Noonan and you're jealous. But it's not the normal kind of jealous, the kind reserved for girlfriends who can squeeze into size 2 jeans. No, it's the kind of jealous that hurts, that grabs your gut and twists, that has you howling with rage into your pillow in the middle of the night, screaming "It's not fair" like a two-year-old denied another piece of cake. It is Sarah Palin jealous...and it is consuming you.

You're Peggy Noonan and you're jealous. You are a card-carrying member of the intellectual conservative elite, a PBS-anointed expert on family values who worked for both Ronald Reagan and Dan Rather, a talented speechwriter and wordsmith. And you are fuming: Sarah Palin refuses to be yesterday's news. You just can't get her out of your mind.

And, what's worse, everyone continues to talk about her. You've tried everything, using your mainstream media platforms, your Wall Street Journal columns, and powerful friends -- so many of them -- to savage her, to give her a rhetorical beating so fierce that it would bring a smile to the face of Vince McMahon -- if you knew who he is, and if you had ever watched a WWE wrestling match, which he heads. "She is a complete elite confection. She might as well have been a bonbon," you wrote, your $300 manicured fingers shaking on the keyboard.

You're Peggy Noonan and you're jealous. So you loosed a multi-column primal scream: Palin is an idiot who is "out of her depth in a shallow pool", a woman who has no sense of personal limits because she is not even smart enough to realize she is "a ponder-free zone." Whoa-good one! The rhetorical equivalent of the chickenwing camel clutch, where you come up behind and twist her arm behind her back, and then force her face to the mat. Or, in her case, to the snow. That's what they have in Alaska, don't they? You don't know, of course-Martha's Vineyard is about as far north as you venture, and then only to observe humanity-you know, the common folks-from "a little pier" before strolling over for dinner with two of the more brilliant stars in your friends firmament, television personalities Diane Sawyer and Katie Couric.


American Thinker- Print Article
Noonan is a shallow, narcissistic, and ignorant person who is well paid to write rambling and nonsensical prose, all to promote the Leviathan that has become the government of the United States of America.

If Reagan were alive he'd give Noonan a PattonSlap for losing her nerve and caving in to Statism.
Peggy Noonan is John Cena and Empty vessel Palin is Vinny...LMAO!

[ame=]YouTube - John Cena and Vince McMahon TV Commercial[/ame]
If Reagan were alive he'd give Noonan a PattonSlap for losing her nerve and caving in to Statism.

:lol: I always get a kick out of the people who say shit like "If Reagan were alive blah blah" What fantasy world are you a part of, and does King Reagan slap all subjects who step out of line? Reagan was a politician, he could careless and wouldn't do shit about this womans hit piece.
If Reagan were alive he'd give Noonan a PattonSlap for losing her nerve and caving in to Statism.

:lol: I always get a kick out of the people who say shit like "If Reagan were alive blah blah" What fantasy world are you a part of, and does King Reagan slap all subjects who step out of line? Reagan was a politician, he could careless and wouldn't do shit about this womans hit piece.

Lighten up, Francis
Who is Peggy Noonan and why should any of us care what she thinks of Sarah Palin?
Who is Peggy Noonan and why should any of us care what she thinks of Sarah Palin?

Oh didn't you know, she is a very powerful force in the Republican party now. Entire threads are dedicated to what she has to say about Palin.
Who is Peggy Noonan and why should any of us care what she thinks of Sarah Palin?

Oh didn't you know, she is a very powerful force in the Republican party now. Entire threads are dedicated to what she has to say about Palin.

That explains why I don't know the name.

I try to avoid listening to talking heads of either persuasion.
As long as there will be a National Enquirer, Sarah Palin will be in the news.

So true.

And because Peggy has an opinion that differs from the standard wingnut 'repeat after me' she is a bad egg. And Peggy isn't the only one in the republican party who feels that way.
I read a lot of what the "heads" say, just to see what the party lines are evolving into. At present, you have the likes of Noonen and Brook, as well as a few others, trying to get the present Rushpublican Party back to a semblance of sanity. Then you have most of the rest of the Conservatives who are going ever further into the twilight zone of wingnut irrelevance.

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