Pelosi Accuses US AG Barr Of 'Going Rogue'....AGAIN


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"He’s gone rogue...I think where they are going is the cover-up of the cover-up, and that's very really sad for them."
-- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

This is from the Leader of the Den of Traitors who accused Barr of 'going rogue' when she accused Barr of protecting the President from 'collusion' that never happened and 'Obstruction' that was never proven / did not happen, accusations that were finished being killed off by Mueller's appearance / testimony before Congress, during which time he demonstrated he was never control of 'his' own investigation, did not know who was on 'his' team, did not know some of the major 'players' involved (Fusion GPS), and did not read / know about his own report.

"To have a Justice Department go so rogue, they have been for a while, and now it just makes matters worse"....."

Nancy conveniently avoids the fact that Obama's Justice Department was the most criminal in US history:
- US AG Eric Holder committed perjury, was protected, yet was still Censured by a bi-partisan Congress, making Holder the 1st US AG / Presidential Cabinet Member in US HISTORY to be Censured.

- US AG Loretta Lynch was identified as being a part of Obstruction, helping to protect Hillary Clinton from Indictment, abdicating her powers / responsibility to FBI Director Comey, who made the decision Hillary was not to be indicted despite declaring her guilty of committing crimes, authority / power he never had; she unethically and in a huge conflict of interest scheduled a meeting and met with Bill Clinton days before Comey made his illegal / improper decision to exonerate Hillary.

- Deputy US A\G Rosenstein offered to wear a wire to spy on / attempt to make a case for Removing the President of the United States from office, committed FISA Court Abuses by signing off on statements he KNEW were not true, and was part of Obama's failed coup attempt

- According to the testimony of former FBI Agent Page, The DOJ told her and then-Deputy FBI Director McCabe that it had NO DESIRE to open / run a criminal case against Hillary Clinton despite the FBI's Lead Counsel saying one needed to be opened because the evidence against her warranted one

The Justice Department under Obama refused to act to hold NIA Director Clapper, CIA Director Brennan, FBI Director Comey, Hillary Clinton, US AG Holder, IRS Director Koskinen for proven cases of Perjury, and in some cases illegal spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and USSC JUSTICES!

Obama's DOJ and US AGs were not just 'ROGUE', they violated both Constitution and US law - they endangered our entire democratic process and country by obliterating / ignoring the Justice system that at times stood in their way!

This bitch, along with Nadler, Schiff, and all of the traitors and criminals above need to not only be indicted and convicted but sent to GITMO as traitors / enemies of this country!

Pelosi says Attorney General Barr 'has gone rogue,' alleges a 'cover-up of the cover-up'

Maybe It's time for Nasty Nancy to retire, and go home to San Franfeces...

I hear the air there is particularly fragrant this time of year...
"He’s gone rogue...I think where they are going is the cover-up of the cover-up, and that's very really sad for them."
-- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

This is from the Leader of the Den of Traitors who accused Barr of 'going rogue' when she accused Barr of protecting the President from 'collusion' that never happened and 'Obstruction' that was never proven / did not happen, accusations that were finished being killed off by Mueller's appearance / testimony before Congress, during which time he demonstrated he was never control of 'his' own investigation, did not know who was on 'his' team, did not know some of the major 'players' involved (Fusion GPS), and did not read / know about his own report.

"To have a Justice Department go so rogue, they have been for a while, and now it just makes matters worse"....."

Nancy conveniently avoids the fact that Obama's Justice Department was the most criminal in US history:
- US AG Eric Holder committed perjury, was protected, yet was still Censured by a bi-partisan Congress, making Holder the 1st US AG / Presidential Cabinet Member in US HISTORY to be Censured.

- US AG Loretta Lynch was identified as being a part of Obstruction, helping to protect Hillary Clinton from Indictment, abdicating her powers / responsibility to FBI Director Comey, who made the decision Hillary was not to be indicted despite declaring her guilty of committing crimes, authority / power he never had; she unethically and in a huge conflict of interest scheduled a meeting and met with Bill Clinton days before Comey made his illegal / improper decision to exonerate Hillary.

- Deputy US A\G Rosenstein offered to wear a wire to spy on / attempt to make a case for Removing the President of the United States from office, committed FISA Court Abuses by signing off on statements he KNEW were not true, and was part of Obama's failed coup attempt

- According to the testimony of former FBI Agent Page, The DOJ told her and then-Deputy FBI Director McCabe that it had NO DESIRE to open / run a criminal case against Hillary Clinton despite the FBI's Lead Counsel saying one needed to be opened because the evidence against her warranted one

The Justice Department under Obama refused to act to hold NIA Director Clapper, CIA Director Brennan, FBI Director Comey, Hillary Clinton, US AG Holder, IRS Director Koskinen for proven cases of Perjury, and in some cases illegal spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and USSC JUSTICES!

Obama's DOJ and US AGs were not just 'ROGUE', they violated both Constitution and US law - they endangered our entire democratic process and country by obliterating / ignoring the Justice system that at times stood in their way!

This bitch, along with Nadler, Schiff, and all of the traitors and criminals above need to not only be indicted and convicted but sent to GITMO as traitors / enemies of this country!

Pelosi says Attorney General Barr 'has gone rogue,' alleges a 'cover-up of the cover-up'

You know, I really have to fault the Republicans and McConnell here. While the democrats launch endless charges across the bow to keep the public focused on ORANGE MAN BAD, that fat-ass sits there and does nothing when the GOP ought to be hip deep in TEN investigations of about 15 or 20 democrats!
I have no real hope that Barr is going to get to 10% of the corruption in the swamp....He's one of them in the end.

But Skeletor has to get out front of anything he might dig up and not be able to ignore.

Mainstream media outlets and the former members of the Deep State are terrified that Attorney General Barr went to Rome to obtain information about Joseph Mifsud. Mifsud is the professor who helped ignite the controversy that led to the Mueller investigation.

The Weapanization of the Intelligence Community against Candidate and the President Trump is without parallel in US history. No one wants to see the ugliness, but, this is a festering sore that has to be ripped open and drained so that we may begin to heal.

We have constitutional protections against domestic surveillance by the Federal Government ad do our allies in the developed West. There are some indications that Corrupt Deep State Actors circumvent these protections by using Intelligence Agents from other Countries to handle the dirty deeds against Americans. The Attorney General is determining whether U.S. officials colluded with foreign governments to undermine and/or overturn the outcome of the 2016 election.

This sort of interference by U.S. officials in our political processes would be heinous. As a Free People, we will not stand for it.

As it stands now, it appears there probably was serious Deep State wrongdoing. There is little, if anything, on the Attorney General’s plate that’s more important than getting to the bottom of the matter.

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