Pelosi already wanting more gun laws

You know we will eventually have universal background checks. You can fight it if you want, but we both know that in the end you will lose.
You know we will eventually get all firearm legislation repealed or overturned, right?

We are going back the ither way. We will not give one single inch.

Better leave well-enough alone. Stop pushing for more and be satisfied with what you have


Rave on lunatic.
You know we will eventually have universal background checks. You can fight it if you want, but we both know that in the end you will lose.

But who/what is going to force the gun owners to comply? My guns will never be registered. If this passes, I will make all future sales and purchases through the black market.

Ah, more of the Manufactured Panic. Trying to enact and enforce a universal gun registration would take about 100 years. Once again, you try and confuse and panic people with Universal Gun Registration when the subject of Universal Background check comes up. These two are not married to each other no matter what your little panic buttons says. And you will find that the majority of the people that will never support Universal Run Regs already do support Universal Background Checks. so you can stop hammering that panic button any time now.
They already do background checks on anyone purchasing a gun. -

No they don't. You know better than that.

Well when I bought mine they did a background check.

I suppose a few states might have their own laws, but generally, you can buy all the guns you want from an individual, and never even give your name. Money is the only requirement for that kind of sale.

And you can fill up your Panel Truck with them, transport them to Chicago and sell them on the streets for a nice tidy profit to the Gangs. Afterwards, you can come onto here and hammer about how only the criminals will have guns if we go to Universal Background Checks. Yes, that might cut into your profits.
Specifically, what IS a “universal background check”? It’s always tossed out there but never defined. What will the “universal background check” do that Brady don’t?

It will work exactly like background checks from gun dealers do. An individual sells a gun, a small fee is charged for the purchaser's background check. Will some ignore the law? yep. Will most responsible gun sellers follow the law? yep. No, it's not 100% effective, but it will make it much harder for a thug to get a gun. Our laws against robbing banks aren't 100% effective either, but they are still worthwhile.
Laws against thugs getting a gun are unconstitutional. Unless you remove their constitutional rights for being law offenders first.

Don't be silly. Background checks are done by registered gun dealers every day, and thugs with a criminal record are denied on a regular basis.
Where does it say in the constitution "except for those with criminal backgrounds"?

Are background checks at licensed dealers limited to only those with criminal backgrounds, or do they check everybody?

If you have a background check at a licensed FFL dealer, everyone gets checked.
You know we will eventually have universal background checks. You can fight it if you want, but we both know that in the end you will lose.
wfools.we already have backround checks moron
You know we will eventually have universal background checks. You can fight it if you want, but we both know that in the end you will lose.
wfools.we already have backround checks moron

I could drive a truck full of unchecked weapons that never had to go through a Background Check through your argument. By Federal Law, only FFL Dealers are required to run background checks. After that, it's left up the the states. And some states allow gun sales without background checks except at FFL Licensed Dealers. I can get a whole truck full of guns dress as an Arab wearing Bandoleers at many Denny's parking lots in some states. And then change to my Poncho Villa garb and hit the same places and fill up another truck.
Why should a citizen have to get permission from the fucking government to enjoy a right guaranteed in the Bill of Rights?
The asshole Democrats are hell bent to destroy our Civil Rights by having a UBC for firearms.


Not only do the assholes want UBC but also a gun registry.

The men that stood their ground at Lexington when the fucking government wanted to take away their arms would be turning over in their graves, wouldn't they?

House Democrats' Gun Control Unenforceable Without Firearm Registry

House Democrats’ Gun Control Unenforceable Without Firearm Registry

The gun control currently being pushed by House Democrats is unenforceable without a national firearm registry.

On January 8, 2019, Breitbart News reported that House Democrats introduced legislation to criminalize private gun sales. They are using universal background checks as a means of criminalizing the sales, and they do not mention such checks are unenforceable without firearm registration.

Instead, the Democrats keep talking of how their bill will “prevent” or reduce “gun violence.”

Politico quoted Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) saying:

Since the shooting at Sandy Hook, the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force has been fighting for a chance to pass legislation that will help save lives. Finally, with our new majority that ran on helping to prevent gun violence, we will introduce a bipartisan, universal background checks bill. We will hold hearings, we will have a vote, and this legislation will finally pass the House.

But the reality is that universal background checks open the door to a gun registry inasmuch as the government has to know every gun owners’ name and the guns he or she owns in order for the checks to work.

Think about it — universal background checks require that Americans get permission from the government before buying a gun in any setting, retail or private. This means the government knows every time a gun changes hands, and this includes knowing the name of the buyer and the seller, of the make and caliber of the gun, etc. But the only way the government can know these things is to know exactly who owns guns — and what guns he or she owns — at every moment of every day.
Excellent. We need a national database and universal background checks. And every transaction registered.

We need a national database and universal background checks. And every voter registered
But your idea is retarded and mine is smart. That's the key difference.
If someone can't legally hold a loaded gun in their possession then their gun rights are being restricted.
Well then, simple solution. single-shot muskets are legal for everybody, and all other guns are banned.

Maybe get a better argument, brother.
Yes she want some type of universal gun law check which we already have .
She w9nt stop with that.
Its just a political move I think she has plans to run for president or god

Well if she wants something she already has, can't the great negotiator take that and run with it? Good God man, giver her what she wants, which she already has, and get something from her already .

What you’ve just wrote is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever seen. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this board is now dumber for having read to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
He might be one of those Russian trolls using a translator program


Can't we always blame america's failures on something or someone else?
Failures by who's definition?

The asshole Democrats are hell bent to destroy our Civil Rights by having a UBC for firearms.


Not only do the assholes want UBC but also a gun registry.

The men that stood their ground at Lexington when the fucking government wanted to take away their arms would be turning over in their graves, wouldn't they?

House Democrats' Gun Control Unenforceable Without Firearm Registry

House Democrats’ Gun Control Unenforceable Without Firearm Registry

The gun control currently being pushed by House Democrats is unenforceable without a national firearm registry.

On January 8, 2019, Breitbart News reported that House Democrats introduced legislation to criminalize private gun sales. They are using universal background checks as a means of criminalizing the sales, and they do not mention such checks are unenforceable without firearm registration.

Instead, the Democrats keep talking of how their bill will “prevent” or reduce “gun violence.”

Politico quoted Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) saying:

Since the shooting at Sandy Hook, the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force has been fighting for a chance to pass legislation that will help save lives. Finally, with our new majority that ran on helping to prevent gun violence, we will introduce a bipartisan, universal background checks bill. We will hold hearings, we will have a vote, and this legislation will finally pass the House.

But the reality is that universal background checks open the door to a gun registry inasmuch as the government has to know every gun owners’ name and the guns he or she owns in order for the checks to work.

Think about it — universal background checks require that Americans get permission from the government before buying a gun in any setting, retail or private. This means the government knows every time a gun changes hands, and this includes knowing the name of the buyer and the seller, of the make and caliber of the gun, etc. But the only way the government can know these things is to know exactly who owns guns — and what guns he or she owns — at every moment of every day.
Excellent. We need a national database and universal background checks. And every transaction registered.

We need a national database and universal background checks. And every voter registered
But your idea is retarded and mine is smart. That's the key difference.
How is it "your" idea?
The asshole Democrats are hell bent to destroy our Civil Rights by having a UBC for firearms.


Not only do the assholes want UBC but also a gun registry.

The men that stood their ground at Lexington when the fucking government wanted to take away their arms would be turning over in their graves, wouldn't they?

House Democrats' Gun Control Unenforceable Without Firearm Registry

House Democrats’ Gun Control Unenforceable Without Firearm Registry

The gun control currently being pushed by House Democrats is unenforceable without a national firearm registry.

On January 8, 2019, Breitbart News reported that House Democrats introduced legislation to criminalize private gun sales. They are using universal background checks as a means of criminalizing the sales, and they do not mention such checks are unenforceable without firearm registration.

Instead, the Democrats keep talking of how their bill will “prevent” or reduce “gun violence.”

Politico quoted Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) saying:

Since the shooting at Sandy Hook, the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force has been fighting for a chance to pass legislation that will help save lives. Finally, with our new majority that ran on helping to prevent gun violence, we will introduce a bipartisan, universal background checks bill. We will hold hearings, we will have a vote, and this legislation will finally pass the House.

But the reality is that universal background checks open the door to a gun registry inasmuch as the government has to know every gun owners’ name and the guns he or she owns in order for the checks to work.

Think about it — universal background checks require that Americans get permission from the government before buying a gun in any setting, retail or private. This means the government knows every time a gun changes hands, and this includes knowing the name of the buyer and the seller, of the make and caliber of the gun, etc. But the only way the government can know these things is to know exactly who owns guns — and what guns he or she owns — at every moment of every day.
Excellent. We need a national database and universal background checks. And every transaction registered.

We need a national database and universal background checks. And every voter registered
But your idea is retarded and mine is smart. That's the key difference.
How is it "your" idea?

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