Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again

Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

See, that’s how they get you. Either you deliver dump trucks full of cash to the doorstops of billionaires or the country is over.

nothing in any plan would "deliver dump trucks of cast to billionaires" thats total bullshit. the plan that Pelosi killed would have sent cash payments to average americans and would have kept their employers from going under. If this does not get done, the jobs will not be there when this is over, and it will be over, probably sooner than any of us realize.

Corporations were awash in cash a year ago. What happened to it? They spent it on stock buybacks among other things. Democrats want to ban this. In this case they are right.

Trump agrees with you, he said exactly that yesterday in the press conference.
As opposed to the billionaires writing their own bailout packages. I bet they would never lie
Do you know the kinds of ridiculous things Pelosi crammed into the bill? about $65 million for the Kennedy center and $200 million for promotion of abortions on foreign soil and paid gender change procedures for inmates...are you crazy or what?....
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

See, that’s how they get you. Either you deliver dump trucks full of cash to the doorstops of billionaires or the country is over.

nothing in any plan would "deliver dump trucks of cast to billionaires" thats total bullshit. the plan that Pelosi killed would have sent cash payments to average americans and would have kept their employers from going under. If this does not get done, the jobs will not be there when this is over, and it will be over, probably sooner than any of us realize.

Bolded is accomplished with said dump trucks.

no its not. the money is a LOAN unless it is used to pay workers. If it is used to buy back stock, pay execs or anything else it must be paid back.

as usual you have no idea what you are talking about.

You have no idea what you are talking about. The bill gives the Treasury Secretary broad discretion to waive those provisions. The discretion should be removed.
Hard working middle class and working poor are finally going to get their government bail out and who stands in the way?...the democrats.....
Speaker Pelosi is trying to protect workers against the Republican slush fund to corporations! Go Nancy!
Pelosi went against the senate dems who helped write this bill. This was as bipartisan as it gets. People kind of need jobs after this is over. A lot of companies aren’t going to survive this even with the relief. Almost all of the 1.8 trillion is going to the 3000$ checks for families, and then at least 500 billion is going to cities and states. Do you mind explaining how Nancy plans to protect workers, many of whom aren’t going to be working for the next 10 weeks, that is if their work survives? My buddy owns a construction company that’s been doing great. He’s probably going to go out of business because he’s renting a lot of heavy machinery that’s just going to be sitting collecting dust, and eating thousands of dollars a day. He employs 70 people. That story is going to be happening everywhere across the country. Let’s not forget, the markets are crashing and everyone with a 401k, which is almost everyone in the country, is loosing thousands of dollars in the markets right now. Not good. Use your brains people. Pelosi doesn’t give a shit about the workers, which is why the NYT decided to change their headline a 3rd time. This is all about tanking the economy to make trump look bad. It’s obvious political maneuvering while Americans are loosing thousands, and aren’t even sure if they’ll come back to a job after this is done.

You need to use your brains. Republicans tried to help their big corporate donors and they got caught. Republicans are responsible for this.
Bullshit...pure bullshit.....

You sure are bullshit.
No you are full of shit....because that's all you got is bullshit...I have democrat and very liberal friends and family that are supporting our president and hoping the house and the senate can work together in the face of a national and global economic crises...

You are full of shit. Maybe the House and Senate can work together if Republicans quit putting big business over the people. There should be strings attached to the money we are giving corporations. These corporation were awash in cash a year ago but wasted it on stock buybacks and generally frittered it away. That should not happen to taxpayer dollars.

Trump has constantly lied and tried to minimize a serious situation. He has told states to essentially go jump in the lake. That is not leadership. That is playing politics.

the big business lie is getting old. everyone knows that is not the case, CNN and MSNBC are lying to you.

You are lying and complaining everyone else is lying.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

See, that’s how they get you. Either you deliver dump trucks full of cash to the doorstops of billionaires or the country is over.

nothing in any plan would "deliver dump trucks of cast to billionaires" thats total bullshit. the plan that Pelosi killed would have sent cash payments to average americans and would have kept their employers from going under. If this does not get done, the jobs will not be there when this is over, and it will be over, probably sooner than any of us realize.

Bolded is accomplished with said dump trucks.

no its not. the money is a LOAN unless it is used to pay workers. If it is used to buy back stock, pay execs or anything else it must be paid back.

as usual you have no idea what you are talking about.

You have no idea what you are talking about. The bill gives the Treasury Secretary broad discretion to waive those provisions. The discretion should be removed.

try to pay attention, congress wrote the bill that way, both party's versions allow that discretion. the bill could limit it, currently neither version does, the final version could, we shall see.

If you want to blame someone, blame Pelosi, she was more interested in diversity quotas than limits on how the money could be spent.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

See, that’s how they get you. Either you deliver dump trucks full of cash to the doorstops of billionaires or the country is over.

nothing in any plan would "deliver dump trucks of cast to billionaires" thats total bullshit. the plan that Pelosi killed would have sent cash payments to average americans and would have kept their employers from going under. If this does not get done, the jobs will not be there when this is over, and it will be over, probably sooner than any of us realize.

Bolded is accomplished with said dump trucks.

no its not. the money is a LOAN unless it is used to pay workers. If it is used to buy back stock, pay execs or anything else it must be paid back.

as usual you have no idea what you are talking about.

And I suppose you want me to believe billionaires always pay back their “loans”, right?

There’s no oversight. No accountability. And everything is kept secret for 6 months.

not true. by the way, where are hillary's 30,000 emails? Putin has them, why don't we? speaking of keeping things secret.

Sure it is. We are supposed to write a check to Mnuchin for half a trillion dollars and come back in 6 months to find out where it went.

I would have thought conservatives would be opposed to that but it just goes to show that there aren’t any conservatives anymore.

So you think we should have a national referendum on every penny spent by government? The election is 8 months away, if the Trump admin abuses this bill, vote them out of office.

who do you think should be checking on Mnuchin? Pelosi? How about spending some money cleaning up the human shit on the streets of Pelosi's district in SFO? Why hasn't she done anything about that mess? Human shit running down the streets into the bay where your precious turtles and seals live.

Yes, I think we should have a national referendum on how money is spent.

They’re called elections.

No one elected Mnuchin.

Why do you guys always wnt to change the rules when you don't mlike something? The Prez, ANY Prez picks his/her people and turns them loose. Lord you folks are dense.

Half a trillion dollars seems like a lot to “turn lose” without a tad more accountability.

Nope, ANY Prez picks their people and turns thm loose, there I fixed my typo for you.
Speaker Pelosi is trying to protect workers against the Republican slush fund to corporations! Go Nancy!
Pelosi went against the senate dems who helped write this bill. This was as bipartisan as it gets. People kind of need jobs after this is over. A lot of companies aren’t going to survive this even with the relief. Almost all of the 1.8 trillion is going to the 3000$ checks for families, and then at least 500 billion is going to cities and states. Do you mind explaining how Nancy plans to protect workers, many of whom aren’t going to be working for the next 10 weeks, that is if their work survives? My buddy owns a construction company that’s been doing great. He’s probably going to go out of business because he’s renting a lot of heavy machinery that’s just going to be sitting collecting dust, and eating thousands of dollars a day. He employs 70 people. That story is going to be happening everywhere across the country. Let’s not forget, the markets are crashing and everyone with a 401k, which is almost everyone in the country, is loosing thousands of dollars in the markets right now. Not good. Use your brains people. Pelosi doesn’t give a shit about the workers, which is why the NYT decided to change their headline a 3rd time. This is all about tanking the economy to make trump look bad. It’s obvious political maneuvering while Americans are loosing thousands, and aren’t even sure if they’ll come back to a job after this is done.

You need to use your brains. Republicans tried to help their big corporate donors and they got caught. Republicans are responsible for this.
Bullshit...pure bullshit.....

You sure are bullshit.
No you are full of shit....because that's all you got is bullshit...I have democrat and very liberal friends and family that are supporting our president and hoping the house and the senate can work together in the face of a national and global economic crises...

You are full of shit. Maybe the House and Senate can work together if Republicans quit putting big business over the people. There should be strings attached to the money we are giving corporations. These corporation were awash in cash a year ago but wasted it on stock buybacks and generally frittered it away. That should not happen to taxpayer dollars.

Trump has constantly lied and tried to minimize a serious situation. He has told states to essentially go jump in the lake. That is not leadership. That is playing politics.

the big business lie is getting old. everyone knows that is not the case, CNN and MSNBC are lying to you.

You are lying and complaining everyone else is lying.

no dude, its you who has been lying. I have been posting facts.
Republicans are using a crisis to ram through a corporate Porkulus bill

What you call corporate porkulus is more relevant and helpful to the paycheck and retirement accounts of Americans vs. windmills and solar panels. Further, Democrats seemingly were in agreement with Republicans before they pulled their last minute, irrelevant demands. The benefits extended to Corporations were there all along during the negotiations. Democrats are only trashing them because their radical tactics around last minute, ridiculous demands are blowing up in their faces.

Democrats are once again showing the American People how willing they are to let them suffer and extend misery.

Again you prove you are a liar. The Senate bill was drafted with no input from Democrats. Then having no say, they are supposed to back this. This was a partisan Republican bill and you complain about Democrats being partisan. The Republican demands are the ridiculous part of the bill.

The Senate bill was drafted with no input from Democrats.

according to who?

Were they prevented, or did they sit on their hands purposely?
Republicans are using a crisis to ram through a corporate Porkulus bill

What you call corporate porkulus is more relevant and helpful to the paycheck and retirement accounts of Americans vs. windmills and solar panels. Further, Democrats seemingly were in agreement with Republicans before they pulled their last minute, irrelevant demands. The benefits extended to Corporations were there all along during the negotiations. Democrats are only trashing them because their radical tactics around last minute, ridiculous demands are blowing up in their faces.

Democrats are once again showing the American People how willing they are to let them suffer and extend misery.

Again you prove you are a liar. The Senate bill was drafted with no input from Democrats. Then having no say, they are supposed to back this. This was a partisan Republican bill and you complain about Democrats being partisan. The Republican demands are the ridiculous part of the bill.

Abject lie kid. They had worked together in the House and had an agreement and Pelosi torpedoed it
Pelosi doesn't want relief for the people she wants hardship for them.....that's the only way she has a shot at keeping the house.....
Republicans are using a crisis to ram through a corporate Porkulus bill

What you call corporate porkulus is more relevant and helpful to the paycheck and retirement accounts of Americans vs. windmills and solar panels. Further, Democrats seemingly were in agreement with Republicans before they pulled their last minute, irrelevant demands. The benefits extended to Corporations were there all along during the negotiations. Democrats are only trashing them because their radical tactics around last minute, ridiculous demands are blowing up in their faces.

Democrats are once again showing the American People how willing they are to let them suffer and extend misery.

Again you prove you are a liar. The Senate bill was drafted with no input from Democrats. Then having no say, they are supposed to back this. This was a partisan Republican bill and you complain about Democrats being partisan. The Republican demands are the ridiculous part of the bill.

Abject lie kid. They had worked together in the House and had an agreement and Pelosi torpedoed it

Pelosi can’t torpedo a Senate Bill goof. They couldn’t pass a senate measure to advance the bill and are continuing to negotiate in the Senate on modifications.
Pelosi doesn't want relief for the people she wants hardship for them.....that's the only way she has a shot at keeping the house.....

The provisions to help ordinary people aren’t controversial. They could pass easily by themselves. The controversial part is bailouts for massive corporations.
Pelosi doesn't want relief for the people she wants hardship for them.....that's the only way she has a shot at keeping the house.....

The provisions to help ordinary people aren’t controversial. They could pass easily by themselves. The controversial part is bailouts for massive corporations.
Tell Pelosi to take up her pet projects at another time...she is shoving shit in the bill that she knows would never pass on its own....that's not governing that's an evil queen....
As opposed to the billionaires writing their own bailout packages. I bet they would never lie
Do you know the kinds of ridiculous things Pelosi crammed into the bill? about $65 million for the Kennedy center and $200 million for promotion of abortions on foreign soil and paid gender change procedures for inmates...are you crazy or what?....

Sum up all her crazy stuff and you still don’t half half of one percent of the Republican’s slush fund for corporate buddies.
Pelosi doesn't want relief for the people she wants hardship for them.....that's the only way she has a shot at keeping the house.....

The provisions to help ordinary people aren’t controversial. They could pass easily by themselves. The controversial part is bailouts for massive corporations.
Tell Pelosi to take up her pet projects at another time...she is shoving shit in the bill that she knows would never pass on its own....that's not governing that's an evil queen....
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

See, that’s how they get you. Either you deliver dump trucks full of cash to the doorstops of billionaires or the country is over.

nothing in any plan would "deliver dump trucks of cast to billionaires" thats total bullshit. the plan that Pelosi killed would have sent cash payments to average americans and would have kept their employers from going under. If this does not get done, the jobs will not be there when this is over, and it will be over, probably sooner than any of us realize.

Bolded is accomplished with said dump trucks.

no its not. the money is a LOAN unless it is used to pay workers. If it is used to buy back stock, pay execs or anything else it must be paid back.

as usual you have no idea what you are talking about.

And I suppose you want me to believe billionaires always pay back their “loans”, right?

There’s no oversight. No accountability. And everything is kept secret for 6 months.

not true. by the way, where are hillary's 30,000 emails? Putin has them, why don't we? speaking of keeping things secret.

Sure it is. We are supposed to write a check to Mnuchin for half a trillion dollars and come back in 6 months to find out where it went.

I would have thought conservatives would be opposed to that but it just goes to show that there aren’t any conservatives anymore.

So you think we should have a national referendum on every penny spent by government? The election is 8 months away, if the Trump admin abuses this bill, vote them out of office.

who do you think should be checking on Mnuchin? Pelosi? How about spending some money cleaning up the human shit on the streets of Pelosi's district in SFO? Why hasn't she done anything about that mess? Human shit running down the streets into the bay where your precious turtles and seals live.

Yes, I think we should have a national referendum on how money is spent.

They’re called elections.

No one elected Mnuchin.

I agree on elections, we elected Trump and he gets to appoint his cabinet and staff. If you don't like his appointments, vote for senile Joe in november. Did anyone elect Holder or Lynch? or any of the supreme court justices?

we do not have a pure democracy, we have a representative republic, if you don;t like the way the govt is being run, vote for new people to represent you. Until then, we have put people in power and have given them the authority to act in our behalf.

what you seem to be asking for is the ability to have a national vote on every spending item in the budget. any idea how that would work and how long it would take?

You’re making a straw man argument. I never demanded that we vote on how money is spent. I said that the people we vote for should determine how money is spent. That’s what a republic does.

No one elected Mnuchin but somehow he gets handed half a trillion dollars to dole out to whoever he wants.

That’s not what a republic does.

the secretary of the treasury has always had that authority. congress authorizes and appropriates the money and the administration spends it as authorized. Congress could limit how it is spent, but neither the dem or pub bill does that. You are pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet.

Hell no he hasn’t had this authority and Dems are trying to put some oversight before Mnuchin is handed half a trillion dollars to hand out to his corporate buddies.

If you had read my post you would have seen that I said the congress could put limits on the treasury secretary, maybe they will in the final bill, but as written by both parties it does not.

The Senate bill is being held up by Democrats in order to get such changes.

However, they are being demonized for it.

There is far more accountability in Pelosi’s bill.
As opposed to the billionaires writing their own bailout packages. I bet they would never lie
Do you know the kinds of ridiculous things Pelosi crammed into the bill? about $65 million for the Kennedy center and $200 million for promotion of abortions on foreign soil and paid gender change procedures for inmates...are you crazy or what?....

Sum up all her crazy stuff and you still don’t half half of one percent of the Republican’s slush fund for corporate buddies.
Corporate buddies create jobs tell me you support our tax dollars going to Africa to give free abortions? that what the world needs right now? about this?...she wants the president to select even numbers of men and women and blacks and whites and browns and gay and straight people to be selected for positions at the a time like this?...she is playing games with peoples lives and you are cheering her on....that means you are playing with their lives too...jackass....
As opposed to the billionaires writing their own bailout packages. I bet they would never lie
Do you know the kinds of ridiculous things Pelosi crammed into the bill? about $65 million for the Kennedy center and $200 million for promotion of abortions on foreign soil and paid gender change procedures for inmates...are you crazy or what?....

Sum up all her crazy stuff and you still don’t half half of one percent of the Republican’s slush fund for corporate buddies.
Corporate buddies create jobs tell me you support our tax dollars going to Africa to give free abortions? that what the world needs right now? about this?...she wants the president to select even numbers of men and women and blacks and whites and browns and gay and straight people to be selected for positions at the a time like this?...she is playing games with peoples lives and you are cheering her on....that means you are playing with their lives too...jackass....

Gotcha. We need to line the pockets of billionaires or else the working class is going to get hurt.

Who says y’all aren’t into wealth redistribution? You just want to take my wealth and distribute it to the wealthy elite.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

See, that’s how they get you. Either you deliver dump trucks full of cash to the doorstops of billionaires or the country is over.

nothing in any plan would "deliver dump trucks of cast to billionaires" thats total bullshit. the plan that Pelosi killed would have sent cash payments to average americans and would have kept their employers from going under. If this does not get done, the jobs will not be there when this is over, and it will be over, probably sooner than any of us realize.

Bolded is accomplished with said dump trucks.

no its not. the money is a LOAN unless it is used to pay workers. If it is used to buy back stock, pay execs or anything else it must be paid back.

as usual you have no idea what you are talking about.

You have no idea what you are talking about. The bill gives the Treasury Secretary broad discretion to waive those provisions. The discretion should be removed.
Hell, those provisions don’t even exist for the corporate slush fund in the Senate bill.

Those provisions only are written for small businesses.

But you weren’t supposed to notice that. Hurry, pass the bill!
As opposed to the billionaires writing their own bailout packages. I bet they would never lie
Do you know the kinds of ridiculous things Pelosi crammed into the bill? about $65 million for the Kennedy center and $200 million for promotion of abortions on foreign soil and paid gender change procedures for inmates...are you crazy or what?....

Sum up all her crazy stuff and you still don’t half half of one percent of the Republican’s slush fund for corporate buddies.
Corporate buddies create jobs tell me you support our tax dollars going to Africa to give free abortions? that what the world needs right now? about this?...she wants the president to select even numbers of men and women and blacks and whites and browns and gay and straight people to be selected for positions at the a time like this?...she is playing games with peoples lives and you are cheering her on....that means you are playing with their lives too...jackass....

Gotcha. We need to line the pockets of billionaires or else the working class is going to get hurt.

Who says y’all aren’t into wealth redistribution? You just want to take my wealth and distribute it to the wealthy elite.
No one is lining anyone's pockets dummy...we are trying to save jobs and companies from going away for get it but you are a dishonest partisan know what you are saying makes no sense...

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