Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

playtime You truly are stupid and can not that you buy into what ever negative is claim about Trump. You and your little buddies impeached him twice and failed to convict. Eloquent evidence of your failures to prove your lies. Even one as moronic as you should be able to see that.

You are driven by hate of those who are much better than you, you refuse to admit anything that runs contrary to your whining or admit that you do nothing but lie.

You need to check in with your nanny Pelosi to get some new lies as o one is buying what you spew.

The more you post and attempt to insult the more evident your lack of truth and facts become.
You truly are stupid

and can not that you buy into what ever negative is claim about Trump.

ummm, what? yep, english is your 2nd language. whatever 'claim' about trump?

i've seen donny in action for 40 years. i know exactly what he has always been - thru concrete actions on his part. & he is indeed a conman & man whore.

You and your little buddies impeached him twice

my little buddies? you bet he needed to be impeached, but i am not a (D) if that is what you are saying.

<buzzer> you fail.

and failed to convict.

simply because turtleboy & his fellow dirtbags in the senate weren't done pushing through their agenda.

Eloquent evidence of your failures to prove your lies.


Even one as moronic as you should be able to see that.

You are driven by hate of those who are much better than you,



you refuse to admit anything that runs contrary to your whining or admit that you do nothing but lie.

^^^ best ironic statement of the day ^^^

You need to check in with your nanny Pelosi to get some new lies as o one is buying what you spew.

you're certifiable.

The more you post and attempt to insult the more evident your lack of truth and facts become.

playtime I note that you do 't even try to deny my claims. just dodge the truth in them. You are obsessed with lies and attempting to prove how superior you feel yourself to be. Hint: you are as far from superior as you are to being intelligent. Nowhere near.

Someday, after you grow a brain, you may realize just how negative and stupid you are. With any luck on your part.

And yes, especially since you so vehemently attempt to deny it, you show yourself to be a Pelosi democrat with your every post, but you are to dishonest to admit it. If you weren't suck a pile of crap I would almost feel sorry for your little self.

BTW, isn't it play time? Go play with yourself.
I note that you do 't even try to deny my claims.

what i don't deny is you being certifiable.

just dodge the truth in them.

you didn't answer my questions... henceforth: a dodge.
you're a lot like donny when it comes to believing what ever comes out of your pie hole, 'eh little fella? tsk tsk tsk.

You are obsessed with lies and attempting to prove how superior you feel yourself to be. Hint: you are as far from superior as you are to being intelligent. Nowhere near.


Someday, after you grow a brain, you may realize just how negative and stupid you are. With any luck on your part.


And yes, especially since you so vehemently attempt to deny it, you show yourself to be a Pelosi democrat with your every post,

i lost all respect for pelosi the day she said that impeachment was off the table with W. she regained some of it by standing up to donny. & no body that isn't a duped pawn of his knows that she was hunted down on jan. 6th.

but you are to dishonest to admit it.

& a 3rd <snicker>

If you weren't suck a pile of crap I would almost feel sorry for your little self.


BTW, isn't it play time?

it's always playtime when i walk through the door to this MB.

henceforth: my avatar.

Go play with yourself.

playtime Such arrogance from someone who has zero brains is just astounding.

You finally admit that you hate freedom and any government allows it yet you claim not to be a liberal. As if that is not another lie.

You seem to think that you are clever taking partial statements and attempting to turn them to your advantage, all you are proving is the heights of your stupidity and lack of ability to debate.

Did you ever stop to think (doubtful) that any response is someone just playing with your stupid self, to see just how far you will entangle yourself in your fantasy? For that is where you truly live, fantasy land.
You finally admit that you hate freedom and any government allows it

that was actually the voices in your head.

yet you claim not to be a liberal.

i have always said i lean left, but i have opinions that favor both liberal & conservative. real conservatism... not rw nutter butter.

As if that is not another lie.

ya ya that's getting old, kitty cat.

You seem to think that you are clever taking partial statements and attempting to turn them to your advantage,

what partial statements is that, kitten?

all you are proving is the heights of your stupidity and lack of ability to debate.

i show sources. unbiased credible links. i've yet to see anything from you that shows & proves otherwise. just you spewing nonsense.

lol ... i win.

Did you ever stop to think (doubtful) that any response is someone just playing with your stupid self, to see just how far you will entangle yourself in your fantasy? For that is where you truly live, fantasy land.

you think donny is still president & the election was stolen.


you're dismissed.
playtime Your constant denial of actual facts is becoming boring and just re-enforces your ow stupidity, as stated before.

BTW, if I am "dismissed" as you claim, why do you scurry to post to me every time? A mental aberration is suspected on your part. You are a bigot and just refuse to admit it as you refuse to admit to your lies.

I think that you need some professional help, although that is long over due.
Should any of you ever present honesty on the subject, I would be happy to consider it. As is, no way in hell as you only present second hand things that you have been told and been told to believe them.
In 2016 and again in 2020, the Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin, wanted Trump to be our President. A test of Trump's loyalty came in July 2018 at Helsinki when Trump rejected American intelligence and accepted the statements from Putin.

Trump appears to act very much like a Russian agent?

NATO is a gun aimed directly at the heart of Russia. As President, Trump alienated our traditional allies, meaning members of NATO, and attempted friendship with the communist dictators of Russia, China, and North Korea.

As President, Trump destroyed the nuclear agreement with Iran, a devout enemy of our country, and, as a consequence, that enemy is very close to a nuclear weapon today.

Due to his poor performance as President, Trump was soundly beaten in the Presidential election in November 2020, clobbered by over seven million votes. Trump, without a shadow of evidence, claims he won by a landslide. He also lost 60 court decisions plus the Supreme Court and countless state audits. '

First in Georgia, and then by trying to wield presidential power to force the Justice Department to declare the election soiled by fraud where none existed, Trump sought to incite a coup to stay in office. When that failed, he called a mob to Washington, incited it with false claims of voter fraud, and then it invaded Congress, obliterating a peaceful transfer of power.

Adding to the evidence that Trump is doing the bidding of the Russian dictator, he has attempted to keep his tax returns a secret. There is no law that says a President must disclose his tax returns. Nonetheless, with the exception of Gerald Ford, who released a tax summary, every President from Nixon to Obama has released his full tax returns to the public. Incidentally, Ford was never elected President.

The tradition continues with Biden. Investopedia reports, "With the exception of Gerald Ford, who released a tax summary, every president from Nixon to Obama has released his full tax returns to the public.

Even now, as a private citizen, Trump wants to keep the information about his tax returns from the American people. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports, "Former President Donald Trump's legal team formally stepped into a long-running fight over a U.S. House request for his tax returns, claiming Trump's financial history is being unfairly pursued by Democrats for political reasons and seeking to end House Ways and Means Committee investigations into the ex-president and his companies."

Does Trump have financial ties to Moscow? There are many factors that point to that conclusion, and none are denied by Trump's followers or Republican lawmakers.
In 2016 and again in 2020, the Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin, wanted Trump to be our President. A test of Trump's loyalty came in July 2018 at Helsinki when Trump rejected American intelligence and accepted the statements from Putin.

Trump appears to act very much like a Russian agent?

NATO is a gun aimed directly at the heart of Russia. As President, Trump alienated our traditional allies, meaning members of NATO, and attempted friendship with the communist dictators of Russia, China, and North Korea.

As President, Trump destroyed the nuclear agreement with Iran, a devout enemy of our country, and, as a consequence, that enemy is very close to a nuclear weapon today.

Due to his poor performance as President, Trump was soundly beaten in the Presidential election in November 2020, clobbered by over seven million votes. Trump, without a shadow of evidence, claims he won by a landslide. He also lost 60 court decisions plus the Supreme Court and countless state audits. '

Firstin Georgia,and then by trying to wield presidential power to force the Justice Department to declare the election soiled by fraud where none existed, Trump sought to incite a coup to stay in office. When that failed, he called a mob to Washington, incited it with false claims of voter fraud, and then it invaded Congress, obliterating a peaceful transfer of power.

Adding to the evidence that Trump is doing the bidding of the Russian dictator, he has attempted to keep his tax returns a secret. There is no law that says a President must disclose his tax returns. Nonetheless, with the exception of Gerald Ford, who released a tax summary, every President from Nixon to Obama has released his full tax returns to the public. Incidentally, Ford was never elected President.

The tradition continues with Biden. Investopedia reports, "With the exception of Gerald Ford, who released a tax summary, every president from Nixon to Obama has released his full tax returns to the public.

Even now, as a private citizen, Trump wants to keep the information about his tax returns from the American people. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports, "Former President Donald Trump's legal team formally stepped into a long-running fight over a U.S. House request for his tax returns, claiming Trump's financial history is being unfairly pursued by Democrats for political reasons and seeking to end House Ways and Means Committee investigations into the ex-president and his companies."

Does Trump have financial ties to Moscow? There are many factors that point to that conclusion, and none are denied by Trump's followers or Republican lawmakers.
So you don't bother to dispute what I said, you just continue to blather on with hit pieces with a biased point of view which you lap up like a starving kitten with a plate of milk.

You continue to make up issues and vilify any who dare to disagree with you, all the while ignoring and trying to dismiss what the original topic is. That is called trolling and is proof that nothing idiots like you have nothing of worth to add.

You are an impotent moron and just cannot stand to be exposed. You make up things to support your hate and claim them to be the only truth without even bothering to research facts that you don't like. You must be indebted to the MSM and the DNC, both noted liars. You fit right in with them.
playtime Your constant denial of actual facts is becoming boring and just re-enforces your ow stupidity, as stated before.

BTW, if I am "dismissed" as you claim, why do you scurry to post to me every time? A mental aberration is suspected on your part. You are a bigot and just refuse to admit it as you refuse to admit to your lies.

I think that you need some professional help, although that is long over due.

Top DOJ official prepared resignation letter as Trump tried to overturn election: report


A top Department of Justice (DOJ) official reportedly drafted a resignation letter for himself and the department’s second-in-command in the event that former President Trump fired acting Attorney General Jeff Rosen in his push to overturn 2020 election results.

According to a draft email obtained by Politico, Patrick Hovakimian, an associate deputy attorney general and senior adviser to Rosen, prepared the potential resignation announcement in early January 2021.

In the message, Hovakimian intended to announce that he and Richard Donoghue, the DOJ’s second-in-command at the time, would be resigning.

Top DOJ official prepared resignation letter as Trump tried to overturn election: report

someone else who will be compelled to testify.

playtime Further proof that you are a liar. You said that I was dismissed yet here you are rushing to respond to me.

Further, you continue to claim facts not in evidence before any research by verifiable sources who are unbiased just as you all did prior to the impeachment fiasco and claiming rock solid facts that failed to ever appear.

I know that history is not your thing, but you should look at the past before making a further fool of yourself. Not to mention that these "facts" contradict each other.

Too late.
playtime Further proof that you are a liar. You said that I was dismissed yet here you are rushing to respond to me.

Further, you continue to claim facts not in evidence before any research by verifiable sources who are unbiased just as you all did prior to the impeachment fiasco and claiming rock solid facts that failed to ever appear.

I know that history is not your thing, but you should look at the past before making a further fool of yourself. Not to mention that these "facts" contradict each other.

Too late.

lol ... i answer you when i'm on & should i feel like having a laugh.

i notice you can't address any articles i post showing the walls are caving in.

undeniable credible unbiased linked sources.

you have nothing but blather.
lol ... i answer you when i'm on & should i feel like having a laugh.

i notice you can't address any articles i post showing the walls are caving in.

undeniable credible unbiased linked sources.

you have nothing but blather.
I don't go on the left wing sites that you do, so I don't read them or believe them.

The fact that you do, and continue to respond to me when you "dismissed", just goes to show that you in fact know how wrong you are and will believe only what your masters tell you to believe. As such, you are not worth debating any more than a brick wall. Too dense to listen.

BTW, I deny that your sources are undeniable as they are totally one sided, just like you.

Only those on your sick side believe what you say, intelligent people do not.
I don't go on the left wing sites that you do, so I don't read them or believe them.

The fact that you do, and continue to respond to me when you "dismissed", just goes to show that you in fact know how wrong you are and will believe only what your masters tell you to believe. As such, you are not worth debating any more than a brick wall. Too dense to listen.

BTW, I deny that your sources are undeniable as they are totally one sided, just like you.

Only those on your sick side believe what you say, intelligent people do not.

that's a cop out & quite wussy. i said i never use biased sites. you use NONE. i've yet to see one source from you. just bloviated opining that means nothing.

these are the sources i used on this here thread:

The Hill

Last updated on March 31st, 2021 at 05:15 pm

The Hill - Least Biased - Credible - Reliable - Not Left - Not right Bias
Factual Reporting: Mostly Factual - Mostly Credible and Reliable


These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased Sources.

  • Overall, we rate The Hill Least Biased based on balanced editorial positions and news reporting that is low biased. We also rate them Mostly Factual in reporting, rather than High, due to previous opinion columns promoting unproven claims.

Detailed Report​

Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL
Country: USA (45/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Newspaper
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
The Hill

Voice of America

Last updated on April 24th, 2021 at 02:17 pm

Voice of America - Least Biased - Not Left - Not Right - Credible
Factual Reporting: High - Credible - Reliable


These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased sources.

  • Overall, we rate Voice of America Least Biased based on balanced story selection and minimal use of loaded words. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record.

Detailed Report​

Factual Reporting: HIGH
Country: USA (45/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Radio Station
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
Voice of America


Last updated on April 2nd, 2021 at 09:12 pm

Politico - Left Center Bias - Liberal - Democrat - Credible - Reliable
Factual Reporting: High - Credible - Reliable


These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor liberal causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information but may require further investigation. See all Left-Center sources.

  • Overall, we rate Politico Left-Center biased based on story selection and editorial positions that slightly favor the left. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record.

Detailed Report​

Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER
Factual Reporting: HIGH
Country: USA (45/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic

AND i used a .gov link which is accepted on a university level research source as a completely legit source.

LOL! & you presenting any proof to refute me like in a real debate ?


Last edited:
playtime Your claims as to how biased your hero sites are is put in doubt by your using them. They are more biased than even you.

I don't cite sources because my thought come from somewhere you can't access, personal experience and logical thought. Unlike you, I don't need to be told what to think, there fore I think where as you appear incapable of such action.

BTW, you continue to lie at every opportunity so why would anyone believe the sources that you claim as your own? Lies come from somewhere and you are too stupid to make them up by yourself.
playtime Your claims as to how biased your hero sites are is put in doubt by your using them. They are more biased than even you.

I don't cite sources because my thought come from somewhere you can't access, personal experience and logical thought. Unlike you, I don't need to be told what to think, there fore I think where as you appear incapable of such action.

BTW, you continue to lie at every opportunity so why would anyone believe the sources that you claim as your own? Lies come from somewhere and you are too stupid to make them up by yourself.

^^^ what a load of bullshit ^^^

you got nothing.

^^^ what a load of bullshit ^^^

you got nothing.

By using your sources it just goes to show that you are sued to BS.

You have no original thoughts, don't want them, and get very fearful when anyone else does. In other words, you are a troll.

And you put forth another lie. Checkmate suggests that there are no moves to make but this post shows how much of a liar you are, just to stupid to realize it.
By using your sources it just goes to show that you are sued to BS.

You have no original thoughts, don't want them, and get very fearful when anyone else does. In other words, you are a troll.

And you put forth another lie. Checkmate suggests that there are no moves to make but this post shows how much of a liar you are, just to stupid to realize it.

checkmate means the game is over.

you lose.

just like donny. he is not the prez - 'cause he lost.

the election wasn't stolen.

he will not be re-installed.

but he sure is in bigley trouble. hard copy docs AND first person eye witness' will reveal it all.

lol ...thanks for playing, kitty cat. btw - i have this thread bookmarked.

just for you. :popcorn:


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