Pelosi Appoints Anti-Jew Rep. Ilhan Omar To House Foreign Affairs Committee

You’re moving the goal posts. Was 9/11 a “minor” event? Yes or No?

In comparison to Jewish Liberal institutions, who indoctrinate many millions into Liberalism, absolutely.

Don’t dodge the question. Yes or no. Be a man and give a one word answer. Was 9/11 in your opinion a minor event?

No, but nothing like Jewish Liberal institutions indoctrinating much of the nation.

1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews, for goodness sake.

Thank you for proving you’re not a man. I said Give a one word answer. So now you’re back tracking and you admit it was NOT a minor event but earlier you said Islamists only pose a minor threat to America. Which is it? See you have zero credibility and are the laughing stock of this board. You, JoeB, Penelope and caddo kid. All antisemites here as as dumb as a bag of rocks and you wonder why no one can take you seriously. You and your stupid conspiracy theories.

Islamists have maybe killed 4,000 people in the USA since 2000, Blacks have killed maybe 80,000 people in the USA since 2000.

I am not worried about the past. I am Worried about the future.
Poland went 800 years without being conquered surrounded by monster sized empires attacking them like Mongols, Kievan Rus, Ottoman Turks, German Holy Roman Empire, and then Russia.

Israel will be lucky if it lasts another 80 years.

I will await the Partitions of Israel.

Until it was. And now it’s just another European country with the aura of being Nazi sympathizers and breeding assholes like you. How the mighty have fallen. You cannot even get a job because of your criminal record and hence you take your frustration out on Jews on this message board. Pretty sad. If I were you, I d join a monastery and repent. LOL.

What Polish Nazi sympathizers?

Jews butchered Poles with Salomon Morel, and Jakub Berman.

When Poland asked Israel to apprehend Salomon Morel, they refused, even insulting all the eye witnesses, by Israel calling it an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.

You should read the book The Pianist. But you Nazis burn books instead of reading them.

What about Jewish Nazi collaborators?

Your fcktards helped built the Concentration Camps, and Gas Chambers too.

Filip Müller - Wikipedia

Filip Müller (3 January 1922 – 9 November 2013) was a Jewish Slovak Holocaust survivor and Sonderkommando at Auschwitz.

Müller was assigned to the Sonderkommando that worked on the construction of crematoriaand the installation of the gas chambers.

March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

. Auschwitz I, the original camp, became the administrative center for the whole complex.

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations.

There were a handful as opposed to millions of Poles. Face it, your country was traitorous.

1,000,000 Poles fought the Nazis.
opposed to 17,000 Polish Nazi collaborators, and 15,000 Jewish Nazi collaborators.

Collaboration with the Axis Powers - Wikipedia

The thing is Poles outnumbered Jews.

Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators, were described as worse Nazis than Polish Blue Police Nazi collaborators, by the famed Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi German controlled Warsaw Ghetto.

The Terrible Choice
Until it was. And now it’s just another European country with the aura of being Nazi sympathizers and breeding assholes like you. How the mighty have fallen. You cannot even get a job because of your criminal record and hence you take your frustration out on Jews on this message board. Pretty sad. If I were you, I d join a monastery and repent. LOL.

What Polish Nazi sympathizers?

Jews butchered Poles with Salomon Morel, and Jakub Berman.

When Poland asked Israel to apprehend Salomon Morel, they refused, even insulting all the eye witnesses, by Israel calling it an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.

You should read the book The Pianist. But you Nazis burn books instead of reading them.

What about Jewish Nazi collaborators?

Your fcktards helped built the Concentration Camps, and Gas Chambers too.

Filip Müller - Wikipedia

Filip Müller (3 January 1922 – 9 November 2013) was a Jewish Slovak Holocaust survivor and Sonderkommando at Auschwitz.

Müller was assigned to the Sonderkommando that worked on the construction of crematoriaand the installation of the gas chambers.

March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

. Auschwitz I, the original camp, became the administrative center for the whole complex.

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations.

There were a handful as opposed to millions of Poles. Face it, your country was traitorous.
The Poles were such brave warriors that the Germans had them shitting in their underwear.

I understand that he is a disturbed fruit loop.
Until it was. And now it’s just another European country with the aura of being Nazi sympathizers and breeding assholes like you. How the mighty have fallen. You cannot even get a job because of your criminal record and hence you take your frustration out on Jews on this message board. Pretty sad. If I were you, I d join a monastery and repent. LOL.

What Polish Nazi sympathizers?

Jews butchered Poles with Salomon Morel, and Jakub Berman.

When Poland asked Israel to apprehend Salomon Morel, they refused, even insulting all the eye witnesses, by Israel calling it an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.

You should read the book The Pianist. But you Nazis burn books instead of reading them.

What about Jewish Nazi collaborators?

Your fcktards helped built the Concentration Camps, and Gas Chambers too.

Filip Müller - Wikipedia

Filip Müller (3 January 1922 – 9 November 2013) was a Jewish Slovak Holocaust survivor and Sonderkommando at Auschwitz.

Müller was assigned to the Sonderkommando that worked on the construction of crematoriaand the installation of the gas chambers.

March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

. Auschwitz I, the original camp, became the administrative center for the whole complex.

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations.

There were a handful as opposed to millions of Poles. Face it, your country was traitorous.

1,000,000 Poles fought the Nazis.
opposed to 17,000 Polish Nazi collaborators, and 15,000 Jewish Nazi collaborators.

Collaboration with the Axis Powers - Wikipedia

The thing is Poles outnumbered Jews.

Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators, were described as worse Nazis than Polish Blue Police Nazi collaborators, by the famed Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi German controlled Warsaw Ghetto.

Again. Read The Pianist. You have plenty of free time.
You’re moving the goal posts. Was 9/11 a “minor” event? Yes or No?

In comparison to Jewish Liberal institutions, who indoctrinate many millions into Liberalism, absolutely.

Don’t dodge the question. Yes or no. Be a man and give a one word answer. Was 9/11 in your opinion a minor event?

No, but nothing like Jewish Liberal institutions indoctrinating much of the nation.

1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews, for goodness sake.

Thank you for proving you’re not a man. I said Give a one word answer. So now you’re back tracking and you admit it was NOT a minor event but earlier you said Islamists only pose a minor threat to America. Which is it? See you have zero credibility and are the laughing stock of this board. You, JoeB, Penelope and caddo kid. All antisemites here as as dumb as a bag of rocks and you wonder why no one can take you seriously. You and your stupid conspiracy theories.

Islamists have maybe killed 4,000 people in the USA since 2000, Blacks have killed maybe 80,000 people in the USA since 2000.
our foreign policy is about the general warfare not the general welfare. the right wing complains about refugees.
What Polish Nazi sympathizers?

Jews butchered Poles with Salomon Morel, and Jakub Berman.

When Poland asked Israel to apprehend Salomon Morel, they refused, even insulting all the eye witnesses, by Israel calling it an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.

You should read the book The Pianist. But you Nazis burn books instead of reading them.

What about Jewish Nazi collaborators?

Your fcktards helped built the Concentration Camps, and Gas Chambers too.

Filip Müller - Wikipedia

Filip Müller (3 January 1922 – 9 November 2013) was a Jewish Slovak Holocaust survivor and Sonderkommando at Auschwitz.

Müller was assigned to the Sonderkommando that worked on the construction of crematoriaand the installation of the gas chambers.

March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

. Auschwitz I, the original camp, became the administrative center for the whole complex.

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations.

There were a handful as opposed to millions of Poles. Face it, your country was traitorous.

1,000,000 Poles fought the Nazis.
opposed to 17,000 Polish Nazi collaborators, and 15,000 Jewish Nazi collaborators.

Collaboration with the Axis Powers - Wikipedia

The thing is Poles outnumbered Jews.

Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators, were described as worse Nazis than Polish Blue Police Nazi collaborators, by the famed Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi German controlled Warsaw Ghetto.

Again. Read The Pianist. You have plenty of free time.

That's not a historical source.
In comparison to Jewish Liberal institutions, who indoctrinate many millions into Liberalism, absolutely.

Don’t dodge the question. Yes or no. Be a man and give a one word answer. Was 9/11 in your opinion a minor event?

No, but nothing like Jewish Liberal institutions indoctrinating much of the nation.

1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews, for goodness sake.

Thank you for proving you’re not a man. I said Give a one word answer. So now you’re back tracking and you admit it was NOT a minor event but earlier you said Islamists only pose a minor threat to America. Which is it? See you have zero credibility and are the laughing stock of this board. You, JoeB, Penelope and caddo kid. All antisemites here as as dumb as a bag of rocks and you wonder why no one can take you seriously. You and your stupid conspiracy theories.

Islamists have maybe killed 4,000 people in the USA since 2000, Blacks have killed maybe 80,000 people in the USA since 2000.
our foreign policy is about the general warfare not the general welfare. the right wing complains about refugees.

Bringing in non-Union foreigners who work cheaper, don't help the general welfare.
Last edited:
You should read the book The Pianist. But you Nazis burn books instead of reading them.

What about Jewish Nazi collaborators?

Your fcktards helped built the Concentration Camps, and Gas Chambers too.

Filip Müller - Wikipedia

Filip Müller (3 January 1922 – 9 November 2013) was a Jewish Slovak Holocaust survivor and Sonderkommando at Auschwitz.

Müller was assigned to the Sonderkommando that worked on the construction of crematoriaand the installation of the gas chambers.

March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

. Auschwitz I, the original camp, became the administrative center for the whole complex.

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations.

There were a handful as opposed to millions of Poles. Face it, your country was traitorous.

1,000,000 Poles fought the Nazis.
opposed to 17,000 Polish Nazi collaborators, and 15,000 Jewish Nazi collaborators.

Collaboration with the Axis Powers - Wikipedia

The thing is Poles outnumbered Jews.

Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators, were described as worse Nazis than Polish Blue Police Nazi collaborators, by the famed Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi German controlled Warsaw Ghetto.

Again. Read The Pianist. You have plenty of free time.

That's not a historical source.

As historical as your sources
What about Jewish Nazi collaborators?

Your fcktards helped built the Concentration Camps, and Gas Chambers too.

Filip Müller - Wikipedia

Filip Müller (3 January 1922 – 9 November 2013) was a Jewish Slovak Holocaust survivor and Sonderkommando at Auschwitz.

Müller was assigned to the Sonderkommando that worked on the construction of crematoriaand the installation of the gas chambers.

March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

. Auschwitz I, the original camp, became the administrative center for the whole complex.

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations.

There were a handful as opposed to millions of Poles. Face it, your country was traitorous.

1,000,000 Poles fought the Nazis.
opposed to 17,000 Polish Nazi collaborators, and 15,000 Jewish Nazi collaborators.

Collaboration with the Axis Powers - Wikipedia

The thing is Poles outnumbered Jews.

Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators, were described as worse Nazis than Polish Blue Police Nazi collaborators, by the famed Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi German controlled Warsaw Ghetto.

Again. Read The Pianist. You have plenty of free time.

That's not a historical source.

As historical as your sources

Let's blame Poland for the Holocaust for 17 thousand Nazi collaborators out of 25 million Poles.

But, let's not blame Jews for the Holocaust for 15 thousand Nazi collaborators out of 15 million Jews.

Maybe you're the problem, maybe Jews have always been the problem.

Just look at how dumb, your prehistoric tribe is, who can't figure out that Germans did the Holocaust.
Why do you believe anyone who points out the racist nature of Israeli law is anti-Semitic?

"The head of the Arab Joint List Alliance at the Israeli Knesset (Parliament), Aymen Odeh, described the passing of the racist Jewish Nation-state Law as 'the death of our democracy.'

"Did Odeh truly believe that, prior to this law, he had lived in a true democracy?

"70 years of Israeli Jewish supremacy, genocide, ethnic cleansing, wars, sieges, mass incarceration, numerous discriminatory laws, all aimed at the very destruction of the Palestinian people should have given enough clues that Israel was never a democracy, to begin with.

"The Jewish Nation-state Law is merely the icing on the cake. It simply gave those who argued, all along, that Israel’s attempt at combining democracy with ethnic supremacy was racism masquerading as democracy, the munition they needed to further illustrate the point."
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?
Why don't you pick one and ask?

Statistics on Settlements and Settler Population

"There are an estimated 622,670 settlers in the West Bank.

"This figure is derived from two sources: According to data provided by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), at the end of 2017, 413,400 people were living in the settlements of the West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem.

"According to data provided by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, the population of the Israeli neighborhoods in East Jerusalem numbered 209,270 people at the end of 2016."
You don’t even know what the West Bank is.

Your ignorance is what drives your hate.

I’ll ask again.

1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military. They live in peace without fear.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank? Let alone be in the Pal Government or military.
There were a handful as opposed to millions of Poles. Face it, your country was traitorous.

1,000,000 Poles fought the Nazis.
opposed to 17,000 Polish Nazi collaborators, and 15,000 Jewish Nazi collaborators.

Collaboration with the Axis Powers - Wikipedia

The thing is Poles outnumbered Jews.

Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators, were described as worse Nazis than Polish Blue Police Nazi collaborators, by the famed Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi German controlled Warsaw Ghetto.

Again. Read The Pianist. You have plenty of free time.

That's not a historical source.

As historical as your sources

Let's blame Poland for the Holocaust for 17 thousand Nazi collaborators out of 25 million Poles.

But, let's not blame Jews for the Holocaust for 15 thousand Nazi collaborators out of 15 million Jews.

Maybe you're the problem, maybe Jews have always been the problem.

Just look at how dumb, your prehistoric tribe is, who can't figure out that Germans did the Holocaust.

Yet we rent a lot of space in your empty head. Poland was on the side of the bad guys in the war and had to be rescued by my ancestors. Sadly.
You’re moving the goal posts. Was 9/11 a “minor” event? Yes or No?

In comparison to Jewish Liberal institutions, who indoctrinate many millions into Liberalism, absolutely.

Don’t dodge the question. Yes or no. Be a man and give a one word answer. Was 9/11 in your opinion a minor event?

No, but nothing like Jewish Liberal institutions indoctrinating much of the nation.

1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews, for goodness sake.

Thank you for proving you’re not a man. I said Give a one word answer. So now you’re back tracking and you admit it was NOT a minor event but earlier you said Islamists only pose a minor threat to America. Which is it? See you have zero credibility and are the laughing stock of this board. You, JoeB, Penelope and caddo kid. All antisemites here as as dumb as a bag of rocks and you wonder why no one can take you seriously. You and your stupid conspiracy theories.

Islamists have maybe killed 4,000 people in the USA since 2000, Blacks have killed maybe 80,000 people in the USA since 2000.
Do you agree with muslims killing homos?

Do you agree with muslims worshiping a pedophile?

Do you agree with elderly muslim men marrying little prepubescent girls?

Do you agree with muslims honor killing their own daughters because they were gang raped?

Do you agree with muslims burying women up to their shoulders in the ground and then stoning them to death publicly?

Do you agree with muslims not assimilating into the nations they infest and trying to take over and institute their sharia law where ever they go?
1,000,000 Poles fought the Nazis.
opposed to 17,000 Polish Nazi collaborators, and 15,000 Jewish Nazi collaborators.

Collaboration with the Axis Powers - Wikipedia

The thing is Poles outnumbered Jews.

Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators, were described as worse Nazis than Polish Blue Police Nazi collaborators, by the famed Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi German controlled Warsaw Ghetto.

Again. Read The Pianist. You have plenty of free time.

That's not a historical source.

As historical as your sources

Let's blame Poland for the Holocaust for 17 thousand Nazi collaborators out of 25 million Poles.

But, let's not blame Jews for the Holocaust for 15 thousand Nazi collaborators out of 15 million Jews.

Maybe you're the problem, maybe Jews have always been the problem.

Just look at how dumb, your prehistoric tribe is, who can't figure out that Germans did the Holocaust.

Yet we rent a lot of space in your empty head. Poland was on the side of the bad guys in the war and had to be rescued by my ancestors. Sadly.

Bullsh(t, Poland was the first to fight the Nazis, you dumb Jewish savage.
In comparison to Jewish Liberal institutions, who indoctrinate many millions into Liberalism, absolutely.

Don’t dodge the question. Yes or no. Be a man and give a one word answer. Was 9/11 in your opinion a minor event?

No, but nothing like Jewish Liberal institutions indoctrinating much of the nation.

1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews, for goodness sake.

Thank you for proving you’re not a man. I said Give a one word answer. So now you’re back tracking and you admit it was NOT a minor event but earlier you said Islamists only pose a minor threat to America. Which is it? See you have zero credibility and are the laughing stock of this board. You, JoeB, Penelope and caddo kid. All antisemites here as as dumb as a bag of rocks and you wonder why no one can take you seriously. You and your stupid conspiracy theories.

Islamists have maybe killed 4,000 people in the USA since 2000, Blacks have killed maybe 80,000 people in the USA since 2000.
Do you agree with muslims killing homos?

Do you agree with muslims worshiping a pedophile?

Do you agree with elderly muslim men marrying little prepubescent girls?

Do you agree with muslims honor killing their own daughters because they were gang raped?

Do you agree with muslims burying women up to their shoulders in the ground and then stoning them to death publicly?

Do you agree with muslims not assimilating into the nations they infest and trying to take over and institute their sharia law where ever they go?


Do you agree with Jewish Communist butchers?

Do you agree with Jewish Pedophile oral tradition of Metzitzah B'peh where a Mohel a type of Jewish Rabbi sucks the Jewish babies bloody genitalia after circumcision?

Do you agree with Israel offering safe refuge to Rabbi pedophiles like Avrohom Mondrowitz who fled Brooklyn after raping 2 Italian boys?

Do you agree with Hasidim Jews throwing a fundraiser dinner for pedophile Rabbi Nechemya Weberman in Williamsburg, Brooklyn?

Do you agree with Israeli Jews Organ trafficking?

Do you agree with Russian Mafia Jews like Semion Mogilevich, or Ludwig Fainberg, or Marat Baragula?

Do you agree with Israel's terrorist massacres from the Deir Yassin Massacre in 1948 to the May 14th Massacre in 2018?

Do you agree with Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard?

Do you agree with Israel bombing a US Ship the USS Liberty?

Do you agree with ex Israeli Mossad agent Yair Klein funding, and training the Drug Cartel enemies of America?

Do you agree with Jews assimilating us, with circumcision, kosher foods, and Zionism?

The Muslims are an overt minor threat to our sovereignty, in comparison to the Jewish institutions like Facebook, Hollywood, and the media which are major threats to our sovereignty.
You are a MAJOR idiot, but kinda understandably, you look like a neanderthal cave man.

The whole Democrats are propped up by Jewish funds, Hollywood, media, and Facebook etc. etc.
They are 1,000 X more disastrous to America, than the 9/11 terrorists.
They are the type who've let in a ton of Islamic refugees, keep in mind just about every major American Jewish organization has stood for Islamic refugees, and against Trump.
Nope. I don't launch murderous attacks on innocent people. Of course, there's nothing innocent about the so-called "Palestinians." They are vicious blood-thirsty animals.

Blood thirsty Animals, but it's good when Israel butchers far more Palestinians, than vice versa.

You can't make this cr@p up.

Zionists are the pits.
If you get your ass kicked every time you punch someone, why do you keep punching them?

Israel is the bully here.
How dare Palestinians fight back.

What a fucking liar.

Israel has been ethnic cleansing Palestinians since the Nakba.

What a fucking liar.

There are no Palestinians. There are Arabs, the Muslims Supremacists, and their are the Jews. The Arabs have moved in three wars meant to annihilate the Jews and conduct a complete genocide.

And let's not forget - or let you lie - that the Arabs control the OVERWHELMING majority of Ottoman Palestine (Rome never established any borders). Syria and Jordan for the Muslims, Israel for the Jews, Lebanon for the Christians. But the Muzzie Beasts - these Muslim Supremacists - will not allow a single grain of sand to exist that is not under Muslim control. You have destroyed Lebanon to establish rule by Beast, and your attacks on Israel never cease.

One might get the impression that civilized people cannot live in peace with you Beasts.
Blood thirsty Animals, but it's good when Israel butchers far more Palestinians, than vice versa.

You can't make this cr@p up.

Zionists are the pits.
If you get your ass kicked every time you punch someone, why do you keep punching them?

Israel is the bully here.
How dare Palestinians fight back.

What a fucking liar.

Israel has been ethnic cleansing Palestinians since the Nakba.

What a fucking liar.

There are no Palestinians. There are Arabs, the Muslims Supremacists, and their are the Jews. The Arabs have moved in three wars meant to annihilate the Jews and conduct a complete genocide.

And let's not forget - or let you lie - that the Arabs control the OVERWHELMING majority of Ottoman Palestine (Rome never established any borders). Syria and Jordan for the Muslims, Israel for the Jews, Lebanon for the Christians. But the Muzzie Beasts - these Muslim Supremacists - will not allow a single grain of sand to exist that is not under Muslim control. You have destroyed Lebanon to establish rule by Beast, and your attacks on Israel never cease.

One might get the impression that civilized people cannot live in peace with you Beasts.

Sure there Palestinians, they speak the Palestinian dialect of Arabic.

How dare Muslims object to Israel's brutal occupation of Palestine.

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