Pelosi Appoints Anti-Jew Rep. Ilhan Omar To House Foreign Affairs Committee

Texas will always be part of the United States regardless of who lives there. The best hope for the Palestinians is to live in Israel. You still don't get it. You antisemitic hate has blinded you.

Scum is attracted to scum.

Whether Islamo-Nazi scum, Euro-Nazi scum, or democrats. They are all scum and all have the same hatred of individualism and freedom.

Republicans won't even hardly exist in the near future, because they believe in individual freedoms for Capitalists to hire Illegal Mexican Democrats, and it's the individual freedoms for Facebook, Hollywood, and media to indoctrinate a nation of White youths into the Democrats.

But, that must be the Muslims fault, except the last 3 I listed are Jewish owned.

Is that what they tell you in Poland (which is probably really Iran)? :lmao:
Texas will always be part of the United States regardless of who lives there. The best hope for the Palestinians is to live in Israel. You still don't get it. You antisemitic hate has blinded you.

Scum is attracted to scum.

Whether Islamo-Nazi scum, Euro-Nazi scum, or democrats. They are all scum and all have the same hatred of individualism and freedom.

Republicans won't even hardly exist in the near future, because they believe in individual freedoms for Capitalists to hire Illegal Mexican Democrats, and it's the individual freedoms for Facebook, Hollywood, and media to indoctrinate a nation of White youths into the Democrats.

But, that must be the Muslims fault, except the last 3 I listed are Jewish owned.

Is that what they tell you in Poland (which is probably really Iran)? :lmao:

Who doesn't know that Facebook, Hollywood, and the media are Jewish owned?

Why should Poles prefer Israelis over Iranians?

It's Iranians who took in Polish refugees, NOT Israel.

It's Israel who kicks, and screams blaming Poland for the Holocaust, NOT Iran.
Sure there Palestinians, they speak the Palestinian dialect of Arabic.

How dare Muslims object to Israel's brutal occupation of Palestine.


You pathetic fucking liar.

The Gaza inhabitants are Arabs who overwhelmingly immigrated to Israel AFTER 1949. Since you are so concerned, why are you not demanding Jordan be called Palestine? It's the largest part of Ottoman Palestine? Why are you not demanding Southern Syria be Palestine for the Gaza and Hamas groups?

Oh, I know, because they are already Muslim and this is about purifying Muslim lands.

I smell Iranian pig - STRONGLY.
Who doesn't know that Facebook, Hollywood, and the media are Jewish owned?

Why should Poles prefer Israelis over Iranians?

It's Iranians who took in Polish refugees, NOT Israel.

It's Israel who kicks, and screams blaming Poland for the Holocaust, NOT Iran.

Does Poland have a problem with Jewish "refugees" overwhelming the country?

Poland Rejects Muslim Immigrants: ‘General Consensus’ That Muslims Don’t Assimilate

You're not Polish - you're a fucking Iranian, a Muzzie Beast.
Sure there Palestinians, they speak the Palestinian dialect of Arabic.

How dare Muslims object to Israel's brutal occupation of Palestine.


You pathetic fucking liar.

The Gaza inhabitants are Arabs who overwhelmingly immigrated to Israel AFTER 1949. Since you are so concerned, why are you not demanding Jordan be called Palestine? It's the largest part of Ottoman Palestine? Why are you not demanding Southern Syria be Palestine for the Gaza and Hamas groups?

Oh, I know, because they are already Muslim and this is about purifying Muslim lands.

I smell Iranian pig - STRONGLY.

Do you ever get tired of being a dumb Zionist?

Palestinian Arabic - Wikipedia
Who doesn't know that Facebook, Hollywood, and the media are Jewish owned?

Why should Poles prefer Israelis over Iranians?

It's Iranians who took in Polish refugees, NOT Israel.

It's Israel who kicks, and screams blaming Poland for the Holocaust, NOT Iran.

Does Poland have a problem with Jewish "refugees" overwhelming the country?

Poland Rejects Muslim Immigrants: ‘General Consensus’ That Muslims Don’t Assimilate

You're not Polish - you're a fucking Iranian, a Muzzie Beast.

I support Poland's decision to reject Islamic Refugees.

I also support Poland's decision to reject Jewish compensation claims.
Again. Read The Pianist. You have plenty of free time.

That's not a historical source.

As historical as your sources

Let's blame Poland for the Holocaust for 17 thousand Nazi collaborators out of 25 million Poles.

But, let's not blame Jews for the Holocaust for 15 thousand Nazi collaborators out of 15 million Jews.

Maybe you're the problem, maybe Jews have always been the problem.

Just look at how dumb, your prehistoric tribe is, who can't figure out that Germans did the Holocaust.

Yet we rent a lot of space in your empty head. Poland was on the side of the bad guys in the war and had to be rescued by my ancestors. Sadly.

Bullsh(t, Poland was the first to fight the Nazis, you dumb Jewish savage.

Fight, fold and join the bad guys. And don’t say stuff on this board that you would not say to my face.
That's not a historical source.

As historical as your sources

Let's blame Poland for the Holocaust for 17 thousand Nazi collaborators out of 25 million Poles.

But, let's not blame Jews for the Holocaust for 15 thousand Nazi collaborators out of 15 million Jews.

Maybe you're the problem, maybe Jews have always been the problem.

Just look at how dumb, your prehistoric tribe is, who can't figure out that Germans did the Holocaust.

Yet we rent a lot of space in your empty head. Poland was on the side of the bad guys in the war and had to be rescued by my ancestors. Sadly.

Bullsh(t, Poland was the first to fight the Nazis, you dumb Jewish savage.

Fight, fold and join the bad guys. And don’t say stuff on this board that you would not say to my face.

Like Armia Krajowa?
Are you hallucinating again Heeb Jew?
As historical as your sources

Let's blame Poland for the Holocaust for 17 thousand Nazi collaborators out of 25 million Poles.

But, let's not blame Jews for the Holocaust for 15 thousand Nazi collaborators out of 15 million Jews.

Maybe you're the problem, maybe Jews have always been the problem.

Just look at how dumb, your prehistoric tribe is, who can't figure out that Germans did the Holocaust.

Yet we rent a lot of space in your empty head. Poland was on the side of the bad guys in the war and had to be rescued by my ancestors. Sadly.

Bullsh(t, Poland was the first to fight the Nazis, you dumb Jewish savage.

Fight, fold and join the bad guys. And don’t say stuff on this board that you would not say to my face.

Like Armia Krajowa?
Are you hallucinating again Heeb Jew?

Again. Don’t say stuff on this board you would not say in real life.

"Polish death camp" controversy - Wikipedia
What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?

The Israeli Jews bulldoze houses of Palestinians expelling them, in settlements. Duh.
Those were the ones they used to launch missiles from.

Fuck them.

Terrorist Israel has killed far more Palestinians than vice versa.
When you attack Israel, be prepared to pay the price. So-called "Palestinians" are vicious animals who belong in cages.
When you attack Israel, be prepared to pay the price. So-called "Palestinians" are vicious animals who belong in cages.

Jail time for israeli sniper who bragged about shooting children
Israel put him in jail, so what's your point? If he was Palestinian, his comrades would pin a medal on him.
That bitch is disgusting...
Controversial freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) has been secretly fundraising for Islamic activist groups with ties to the support of terrorism
So much for #NeverForget. Didn’t take long after 9/11 for the anti-American Dumbocrats to elect an anti-American muslim to Congress.

Rep. Ilhan Omar secretly fundraising with Islamic groups tied to supporting terrorism, report says

Which bitch are you talking about ? Here's trump bowing and curtsying before the saudis. No telling what this republican bitch trump did to Putin behind closed doors.

Donald Trump appears to 'curtsey' to Saudi king
Sure there Palestinians, they speak the Palestinian dialect of Arabic.

How dare Muslims object to Israel's brutal occupation of Palestine.


You pathetic fucking liar.

The Gaza inhabitants are Arabs who overwhelmingly immigrated to Israel AFTER 1949. Since you are so concerned, why are you not demanding Jordan be called Palestine? It's the largest part of Ottoman Palestine? Why are you not demanding Southern Syria be Palestine for the Gaza and Hamas groups?

Oh, I know, because they are already Muslim and this is about purifying Muslim lands.

I smell Iranian pig - STRONGLY.

Do you ever get tired of being a dumb Zionist?

Palestinian Arabic - Wikipedia

Well then, I guess Southerners must be a different race...

Southern American English - Wikipedia
No he isn't. He's a good conservative American asking hard questions of people who take advantage of America because we fought their idol Hitler. And we beat him and discovered that the Mayor of Jerusalem promised to help Hitler murder all the Jews in Europe if he would in turn send the SS to their country and get rid of all of the Jews in the world who remained in their own homeland of thousands of years. They welcomed Jews who escaped the holocaust of Europe. In the meantime, the Jew killers who returned after Hitler killed himself and the war was over, they decided to end the Jews there all by themselves and made Jewish life so intolerable they rebelled and took the country back in 1948 in a very short but decisive war. The Palestinians made nuisances of themselves by killing as many Jews as they could in spite of the war's outcome, and continued both isolated murders of Jews and Kamakazi style bombings until Israel kicked them out. That didn't stop the idiocy. Israel then received unneighborly missiles fired into busy marketplaces, schools, churches, isolated Jews' homes. Other Arab countries didn't want the Palestinians either, and the Jew hatred became the onus of their attentions, in spite of the great wealth oil found in their countries made them very wealthy.

Hitler was a genocidal terrorist, Mr. SobieskiSE. BriPat is just a good American man who is interested in his nation being run right so its citizens can live in the peace we have earned. A very good American, too.

No he's not, I'm an actual Right-Wing Conservative, he's a Classical Liberal.

Why should Palestinians hand over their lands to Jewish Zionists?

When are you going to give up Tex@$$ to Mexico?
They aren't their lands. They are recent immigrants.

Palestinians have lived a lot longer in Palestine, than White Americans have in the USA.

When are you giving up your homeland to Natives?
Wrong. Most of them have immigrated since 1948.

From 1918 - 1946 the Jewish population jumped from 8.1% to 30.0% of Palestine.
Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Between 1920 - 1945
over 367,000 Jews
and just over 33,000 Arabs had migrated to Palestine.

I already told you the so-called "Palestinians" migrated after the Jews turned the place into a paradise, not before.
The Israeli Jews bulldoze houses of Palestinians expelling them, in settlements. Duh.
Those were the ones they used to launch missiles from.

Fuck them.

Terrorist Israel has killed far more Palestinians than vice versa.
When you attack Israel, be prepared to pay the price. So-called "Palestinians" are vicious animals who belong in cages.
When you attack Israel, be prepared to pay the price. So-called "Palestinians" are vicious animals who belong in cages.

Jail time for israeli sniper who bragged about shooting children
Israel put him in jail, so what's your point? If he was Palestinian, his comrades would pin a medal on him.

Why didn't Israel throw Zionist terrorist Menachem Begin in jail?
Instead they elected him to Prime Minister, and named a bunch of places after him in Israel.
No he's not, I'm an actual Right-Wing Conservative, he's a Classical Liberal.

Why should Palestinians hand over their lands to Jewish Zionists?

When are you going to give up Tex@$$ to Mexico?
They aren't their lands. They are recent immigrants.

Palestinians have lived a lot longer in Palestine, than White Americans have in the USA.

When are you giving up your homeland to Natives?
Wrong. Most of them have immigrated since 1948.

From 1918 - 1946 the Jewish population jumped from 8.1% to 30.0% of Palestine.
Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Between 1920 - 1945
over 367,000 Jews
and just over 33,000 Arabs had migrated to Palestine.

I already told you the so-called "Palestinians" migrated after the Jews turned the place into a paradise, not before.

No they didn't, and my chart proves it.
Sure there Palestinians, they speak the Palestinian dialect of Arabic.

How dare Muslims object to Israel's brutal occupation of Palestine.


You pathetic fucking liar.

The Gaza inhabitants are Arabs who overwhelmingly immigrated to Israel AFTER 1949. Since you are so concerned, why are you not demanding Jordan be called Palestine? It's the largest part of Ottoman Palestine? Why are you not demanding Southern Syria be Palestine for the Gaza and Hamas groups?

Oh, I know, because they are already Muslim and this is about purifying Muslim lands.

I smell Iranian pig - STRONGLY.

Do you ever get tired of being a dumb Zionist?

Palestinian Arabic - Wikipedia

Well then, I guess Southerners must be a different race...

Southern American English - Wikipedia

Might as well be.
They aren't their lands. They are recent immigrants.

Palestinians have lived a lot longer in Palestine, than White Americans have in the USA.

When are you giving up your homeland to Natives?
Wrong. Most of them have immigrated since 1948.

From 1918 - 1946 the Jewish population jumped from 8.1% to 30.0% of Palestine.
Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Between 1920 - 1945
over 367,000 Jews
and just over 33,000 Arabs had migrated to Palestine.

I already told you the so-called "Palestinians" migrated after the Jews turned the place into a paradise, not before.

No they didn't, and my chart proves it.
It does no such thing. In the chart below, notice the sharp increase in the Arab population after the Six Day War.

Last edited:
Palestinians have lived a lot longer in Palestine, than White Americans have in the USA.

When are you giving up your homeland to Natives?
Wrong. Most of them have immigrated since 1948.

From 1918 - 1946 the Jewish population jumped from 8.1% to 30.0% of Palestine.
Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Between 1920 - 1945
over 367,000 Jews
and just over 33,000 Arabs had migrated to Palestine.

I already told you the so-called "Palestinians" migrated after the Jews turned the place into a paradise, not before.

No they didn't, and my chart proves it.
It does no such thing.

Yes it does, it proves few Palestinians migrated in the Interwar period, but many Jews had migrated in the Interwar period to Palestine.
Wrong. Most of them have immigrated since 1948.

From 1918 - 1946 the Jewish population jumped from 8.1% to 30.0% of Palestine.
Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Between 1920 - 1945
over 367,000 Jews
and just over 33,000 Arabs had migrated to Palestine.

I already told you the so-called "Palestinians" migrated after the Jews turned the place into a paradise, not before.

No they didn't, and my chart proves it.
It does no such thing.

Yes it does, it proves few Palestinians migrated in the Interwar period, but many Jews had migrated in the Interwar period to Palestine.
The chart I posted shows most of the "Palestinians" immigrated after the Day War.
Palestinians have lived a lot longer in Palestine, than White Americans have in the USA.

When are you giving up your homeland to Natives?
Wrong. Most of them have immigrated since 1948.

From 1918 - 1946 the Jewish population jumped from 8.1% to 30.0% of Palestine.
Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Between 1920 - 1945
over 367,000 Jews
and just over 33,000 Arabs had migrated to Palestine.

I already told you the so-called "Palestinians" migrated after the Jews turned the place into a paradise, not before.

No they didn't, and my chart proves it.
It does no such thing. In the chart below, notice the sharp increase in the Arab population after the Six Day War.


It's called birth rates, never heard of that?

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