Pelosi can’t even speak

At this very moment, a half million microscopic parasitic worms are eating holes through her cerebral cortex. Soon there will be nothing more left of her brain, than a skull filled with Jello Pudding. Mmmmm...pudding.

Simple, she doesn't want the articles sent over for a trial till she has her people contact enough Senators to make sure they got the votes to get Trump kicked out of office.

If that means till after the New Year, then after the New Year it will be.

Now that Epstein is dead, gone, w/e, they can still use all those black mail goodies that her hubby is in charge of. :FIREdevil::FIREdevil:

If those Senators still want to have their pizza delivered, they will know which way to cast their vote.


At this very moment, a half million microscopic parasitic worms are eating holes through her cerebral cortex. Soon there will be nothing more left of her brain, than a skull filled with Jello Pudding. Mmmmm...pudding.

she reminds me of that classic scene of that dude taking his face apart from "Poltergiest"
Here's the text...

"we are, we ah have, I have ah, when we bring the bill...for the pra
, for the impeachment (awkward silence, hand waving) and then the next step and the kah uh (bobs head left and right waiting for brain to stop freezing) whatever you want to call it the kah the trial...nada dona de say wee this is it."

Pelosi is a POS

Wait until the House Democrats figure out how badly she mismanaged the whole impeachment thingy. They might try to rock her world, except they'll be using real rocks. Then they'll try to fire her and yes, they'll use real fire.

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