Pelosi - Dain Bramaged, Needs to Go!

Maxine Waters thinks Putin is advancing on KOREA, Pelosi doesn't know who's President...

Liberals have finally gone bat-shit crazy!
Has Pelosi's Alzheimer's set in so deeply that she has said she is going to make it the mission of the Republicans Democrats to make Obama Trump a one term president?

"It's okay when Republicans do it!"
It is probably time to hold our noses and purge our political system. I am not talking about actual violence, mind you, just some good old fashioned fascism. We need to outlaw the Dems and banish them from our shores. Put their leaders on leaky boats and set them adrift in the direction of Russia. If the leaders go then them lemmings will follow, literally or figuratively.

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Has Pelosi's Alzheimer's set in so deeply that she has said she is going to make it the mission of the Republicans Democrats to make Obama Trump a one term president?

"It's okay when Republicans do it!"

What does this have to do with anything? When Republicans do it? Do what?

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