Pelosi Drunk On Her Ass Again

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Over the last few months, SanFranNan seems to having trouble holding her liquor. She's been slurring her words, having laughing fits, and acting like a woman a bartender would cut off and ask for her car keys. Watch the former Speaker, who's made over $200M at the public trough, try to pronounce "Lin-Manuel Miranda"

Over the last few months, SanFranNan seems to having trouble holding her liquor. She's been slurring her words, having laughing fits, and acting like a woman a bartender would cut off and ask for her car keys. Watch the former Speaker, who's made over $200M at the public trough, try to pronounce "Lin-Manuel Miranda"

In the US of A, it is all about equality, why not San Fran Nan just acting like a man.

I bet if you drug tested congress, over 1/2 would fail.

They already have. Half of them are drunks, bums and druggies, the other half are tax cheats and flirties with young girls and sex parties behind their wive's backs! Washington is nothing but one big party for the rich on the backs of the US taxpayer merely going through the motions of running the country, except one hard-working man whom they are all against because he threatens to bust their bubble!
Over the last few months, SanFranNan seems to having trouble holding her liquor. She's been slurring her words, having laughing fits, and acting like a woman a bartender would cut off and ask for her car keys. Watch the former Speaker, who's made over $200M at the public trough, try to pronounce "Lin-Manuel Miranda"

I'm surprised anyone would notice a difference.
Over the last few months, SanFranNan seems to having trouble holding her liquor. She's been slurring her words, having laughing fits, and acting like a woman a bartender would cut off and ask for her car keys. Watch the former Speaker, who's made over $200M at the public trough, try to pronounce "Lin-Manuel Miranda"

Someone must be drugging her Diet Coke.

Alex Jones Claims President is Being Covertly Drugged
I bet if you drug tested congress, over 1/2 would fail.

The democrat half for sure....Hank Johnson comes to mind.

Oh shit, isn't he the Guam guy?

Yep....this never gets old.

Good Lord, who votes for these people?

Well it ain't the Mensa crowd.

Shit, Crazy Maxine has been in off for what, 30+ years?

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