Pelosi: Drunk with power or just drunk?

Is Iran Nan drunk with power or just plain fucking drunk?

  • Cheers!

    Votes: 13 92.9%
  • She's a respected political leader. How dare you!

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
She's calling Mitch McConnell a Russian asset, she crafted an "impeachment" that listed no crimes. Is she drunk with power or just plain drunk?
She's calling Mitch McConnell a Russian asset, she crafted an "impeachment" that listed no crimes. Is she drunk with power or just plain drunk?

She didn't say that or even implied it. She's got him by the short hairs and he knows it. All he can do is play to the base and hope it's enough. She's having a double scotch and Mitch is sipping a nail cocktail.
She's calling Mitch McConnell a Russian asset, she crafted an "impeachment" that listed no crimes. Is she drunk with power or just plain drunk?

She didn't say that or even implied it. She's got him by the short hairs and he knows it. All he can do is play to the base and hope it's enough. She's having a double scotch and Mitch is sipping a nail cocktail.

She hasn't got squat, on anybody. She is just old and getting senile.

Dan Bongino concisely disposes of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s unhinged take on the ongoing impeachment saga (embedded video). Those of us who avoid the Sunday morning gabfests missed this revealing glimpse into the mind of the Dems’ strategic genius and legislative mastermind. The video clip puts me in mind of a variation of George Wallaces’s infamous vow of “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” In Pelosi’s case, it would be “impeachment now, impeachment tomorrow, impeachment forever.”

This is must viewing. You really have to see it.

Reminder: This woman is second in the line of presidential succession.

Quotable quote:

“The President of the United States is in complete denial about Russia’s role. As I have said, in terms of this president, all roads lead to Putin. He said he’s not going to accept the assessment of our own intelligence agencies that they were very much involved in 2016 election, that 24/7, they are still engaged. He’s trying to blame on Ukraine and this silliness that has been debunked again and again — but he and his folks still keep advancing it. Everything that he has done, whether it’s in Syria vis a vis the Turks, whether it’s in Ukraine in terms of withholding assistance as they try to fight the Russians, his denial about their role in our election then and now, all roads lead to Putin. And sometimes I wonder about Mitch McConnell too. What’s he — why is he an accomplice to all of that?”​

Pam Key/Breitbart.

This is a deeply troubled woman who has been relegated to trafficking in discredited conspiracy theories in order to try and save her tattered reputation.

— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) January 13, 2020
If "impeachment is forever," how will she react when an IMPEACHED and DISGRACED Donald Trump wins re-election?

Perhaps the same as when she confidently predicted four years ago that Mr. Trump "...would never be President!" (exclamation point hers)...and then he won.

Dan Bongino concisely disposes of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s unhinged take on the ongoing impeachment saga (embedded video). Those of us who avoid the Sunday morning gabfests missed this revealing glimpse into the mind of the Dems’ strategic genius and legislative mastermind. The video clip puts me in mind of a variation of George Wallaces’s infamous vow of “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” In Pelosi’s case, it would be “impeachment now, impeachment tomorrow, impeachment forever.”

This is must viewing. You really have to see it.

Reminder: This woman is second in the line of presidential succession.

Quotable quote:

“The President of the United States is in complete denial about Russia’s role. As I have said, in terms of this president, all roads lead to Putin. He said he’s not going to accept the assessment of our own intelligence agencies that they were very much involved in 2016 election, that 24/7, they are still engaged. He’s trying to blame on Ukraine and this silliness that has been debunked again and again — but he and his folks still keep advancing it. Everything that he has done, whether it’s in Syria vis a vis the Turks, whether it’s in Ukraine in terms of withholding assistance as they try to fight the Russians, his denial about their role in our election then and now, all roads lead to Putin. And sometimes I wonder about Mitch McConnell too. What’s he — why is he an accomplice to all of that?”​

Pam Key/Breitbart.

This is a deeply troubled woman who has been relegated to trafficking in discredited conspiracy theories in order to try and save her tattered reputation.

— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) January 13, 2020

Sigh....stop reading Breibart. rots your brain. Not what Nancy said.
Oh yeah...she's 3rd in line....President...Vice President...Speaker of the House.

Dan Bongino concisely disposes of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s unhinged take on the ongoing impeachment saga (embedded video). Those of us who avoid the Sunday morning gabfests missed this revealing glimpse into the mind of the Dems’ strategic genius and legislative mastermind. The video clip puts me in mind of a variation of George Wallaces’s infamous vow of “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” In Pelosi’s case, it would be “impeachment now, impeachment tomorrow, impeachment forever.”

This is must viewing. You really have to see it.

Reminder: This woman is second in the line of presidential succession.

Quotable quote:

“The President of the United States is in complete denial about Russia’s role. As I have said, in terms of this president, all roads lead to Putin. He said he’s not going to accept the assessment of our own intelligence agencies that they were very much involved in 2016 election, that 24/7, they are still engaged. He’s trying to blame on Ukraine and this silliness that has been debunked again and again — but he and his folks still keep advancing it. Everything that he has done, whether it’s in Syria vis a vis the Turks, whether it’s in Ukraine in terms of withholding assistance as they try to fight the Russians, his denial about their role in our election then and now, all roads lead to Putin. And sometimes I wonder about Mitch McConnell too. What’s he — why is he an accomplice to all of that?”​

Pam Key/Breitbart.

This is a deeply troubled woman who has been relegated to trafficking in discredited conspiracy theories in order to try and save her tattered reputation.

— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) January 13, 2020

Sigh....stop reading Breibart. rots your brain. Not what Nancy said.
Oh yeah...she's 3rd in line....President...Vice President...Speaker of the House.
Learn to read: Reminder: This woman is second in the line of presidential succession.

Pence is FIRST in the line of succession.
Quick, who is second?

Stop with the anti-Trump crap, it rots your brain.
She claims she's protecting the Constitution.


Dan Bongino concisely disposes of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s unhinged take on the ongoing impeachment saga (embedded video). Those of us who avoid the Sunday morning gabfests missed this revealing glimpse into the mind of the Dems’ strategic genius and legislative mastermind. The video clip puts me in mind of a variation of George Wallaces’s infamous vow of “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” In Pelosi’s case, it would be “impeachment now, impeachment tomorrow, impeachment forever.”

This is must viewing. You really have to see it.

Reminder: This woman is second in the line of presidential succession.

Quotable quote:

“The President of the United States is in complete denial about Russia’s role. As I have said, in terms of this president, all roads lead to Putin. He said he’s not going to accept the assessment of our own intelligence agencies that they were very much involved in 2016 election, that 24/7, they are still engaged. He’s trying to blame on Ukraine and this silliness that has been debunked again and again — but he and his folks still keep advancing it. Everything that he has done, whether it’s in Syria vis a vis the Turks, whether it’s in Ukraine in terms of withholding assistance as they try to fight the Russians, his denial about their role in our election then and now, all roads lead to Putin. And sometimes I wonder about Mitch McConnell too. What’s he — why is he an accomplice to all of that?”​

Pam Key/Breitbart.

This is a deeply troubled woman who has been relegated to trafficking in discredited conspiracy theories in order to try and save her tattered reputation.

— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) January 13, 2020
Dan Bongino.....

Could you get a blowhard partisan more than him?

You all, and DJT traffic in nothing but conspiracy. If Jesus Christ were standing in front of you, and told you something, and then Trump came and told you what Christ said was fake news, y'all would side with Trump, and immediately call what Jesus told you, fake news.

You could not convince me, that this is not precisely what y'all would do. Seriously.


Dan Bongino concisely disposes of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s unhinged take on the ongoing impeachment saga (embedded video). Those of us who avoid the Sunday morning gabfests missed this revealing glimpse into the mind of the Dems’ strategic genius and legislative mastermind. The video clip puts me in mind of a variation of George Wallaces’s infamous vow of “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” In Pelosi’s case, it would be “impeachment now, impeachment tomorrow, impeachment forever.”

This is must viewing. You really have to see it.

Reminder: This woman is second in the line of presidential succession.

Quotable quote:

“The President of the United States is in complete denial about Russia’s role. As I have said, in terms of this president, all roads lead to Putin. He said he’s not going to accept the assessment of our own intelligence agencies that they were very much involved in 2016 election, that 24/7, they are still engaged. He’s trying to blame on Ukraine and this silliness that has been debunked again and again — but he and his folks still keep advancing it. Everything that he has done, whether it’s in Syria vis a vis the Turks, whether it’s in Ukraine in terms of withholding assistance as they try to fight the Russians, his denial about their role in our election then and now, all roads lead to Putin. And sometimes I wonder about Mitch McConnell too. What’s he — why is he an accomplice to all of that?”​

Pam Key/Breitbart.

This is a deeply troubled woman who has been relegated to trafficking in discredited conspiracy theories in order to try and save her tattered reputation.

— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) January 13, 2020
Dan Bongino.....

Could you get a blowhard partisan more than him?

You all, and DJT traffic in nothing but conspiracy. If Jesus Christ were standing in front of you, and told you something, and then Trump came and told you what Christ said was fake news, y'all would side with Trump, and immediately call what Jesus told you, fake news.

You could not convince me, that this is not precisely what y'all would do. Seriously.


Only people on the right are blowhard partisan, leftists are always moderate, right?


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