Pelosi: Drunk with power or just drunk?

Is Iran Nan drunk with power or just plain fucking drunk?

  • Cheers!

    Votes: 13 92.9%
  • She's a respected political leader. How dare you!

    Votes: 1 7.1%

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I have. In case you missed it, I’ll restate. The drives were wiped of malware and reused. They’re of no value anymore.

Translation: Malware = evidence of multiple crimes committed by the Hillary campaign, as well as the DNC.

How would you “maintain” a spotless chain of custody with a drive that was originally in the possession of people you claim are already lying? If you can accuse Crowdstrike of altering the forensic copies, what is to stop you from accusing Crowdstrike of altering the hard drives you demand they turn over to the FBI?

That's why it should have been turned over when the FBI requested the servers...Anyone involved in letting the Clinton employees destroy evidence should be prosecuted...And, oh, BTW, doing what they did, is evidence of guilt.

This is nothing but a distraction by people who have no idea what they’re talking about. All for what? To help cover for the actual culprit?

When the truth of this finally comes out, it will make 'Tea Pot Dome' look like childs play.

So tell me what actually did happen then if Russia didn’t hack the DNC.
How do I know? You pretend this is established beyond a reasonable doubt when it has never been tested in Court to that standard. Without that, the claim is not compelling.

Not that there was not opportunity. If the FBI had wanted those hard drives so they could make the case, they could have worked with a US attorney to obtain them.

If they wanted to test their claim that the Russians provided the documents to Assange, they could have indicted him, and taken the opportunity to prove their claims in court.

Why hasn’t Assange been indicted for criminal collusion with the Kremlin — the same hacking conspiracy for which Mueller indicted the Russian operatives with whom Mueller says Assange collaborated? The same conspiracy for which the president of the United States, though not guilty, was under the FBI’s microscope for nearly three years?

Mueller brought a dozen felony charges against the Russian operatives with whom, we’ve been told for over two years, Assange conspired. So why isn’t Assange charged with at least some of these felonies?

If I were a cynic (perish the thought!), I’d suspect that the government does not want Special Counsel Mueller’s Russian-hacking indictment to be challenged.

The legal case Mueller would have to prove to a jury has problems. To state the most obvious: The Justice Department and FBI did not perform elementary investigative steps, such as taking possession of, and performing their own forensic analysis on, the servers that were hacked. Instead, they relied on CrowdStrike, a contractor of the DNC, which has a strong motive to blame Russia.

Mueller’s team knew that no Russian defendant would ever actually be tried in a U.S. court on the hacking allegations. The indictment was more like a press release than a charging instrument. It was meant to be the last word on hacking: An authoritative version of events pronounced by a respected U.S. prosecutor that would never be challenged by skilled defense lawyers. The point was to put to rest the nettlesome “How do we really know Russia did it?” question raised by some former intelligence agents.

If Assange were charged with the Russian-hacking conspiracy that Mueller has alleged, and if he were ever brought to the U.S. to face trial, he would maintain that he did not get the Democratic emails from Russian intelligence. Remember, a defendant does not have to prove anything: It would not be Assange’s burden to establish Russia’s innocence; the Justice Department would have to prove Russia’s culpability.

If the Justice Department had indicted Assange for collusion, Mueller’s Russian-hacking indictment would no longer stand unchallenged. Assange would deny that Russia is behind the hacking, and prosecutors would have to try to prove it, using hard, admissible courtroom proof.

Adversary countries don’t have to surrender their officials for an American trial, an indictment is a pointless gesture. But now, having with great fanfare filed charges against Russia that implicate Assange, the government shrinks from lodging these same charges against Assange — who, unlike the indicted Russian officials, may be in a position to put the government to its burden of proof. This just makes Mueller’s indictment of Russians look more like a publicity stunt than a serious allegation. If the government is afraid to try the allegations against Russia in court, people will naturally suspect the allegations are hype.

Meanwhile, let us remember: Despite a dearth of evidence that he was complicit in Moscow’s hacking, President Trump was forced by the Justice Department and the FBI, urged on by congressional Democrats, to endure a two-year investigation and to govern under a cloud of suspicion that he was an agent of the Kremlin. Now we have Assange, as to whom there is indisputable evidence of complicity in the hacking conspiracy, but the Justice Department declines to charge him with it.

What is going on here?

Julian Assange & Russia Collusion: Why Not Charge Him? | National Review
She's calling Mitch McConnell a Russian asset, she crafted an "impeachment" that listed no crimes. Is she drunk with power or just plain drunk?

I'm pretty sure you're wrong about the subpeona's

Great. Then prove it. You're accusing people at the DNC of defying a subpoena from law enforcement. That's a pretty explosive accusation.

Is there anything to actually back it up?

Maybe you missed it....

"Contrary to widespread reports, federal prosecutors issued grand jury subpoenas in connection with an investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server, an FBI official indicated in a court filing this week.


However, a top FBI official revealed in a civil lawsuit this week that investigators used grand jury subpoenas in an unsuccessful attempt to obtain archived copies of some of Clinton's old email messages."

FBI confirms grand jury subpoenas used in Clinton email probe
I'm pretty sure you're wrong about the subpeona's

Great. Then prove it. You're accusing people at the DNC of defying a subpoena from law enforcement. That's a pretty explosive accusation.

Is there anything to actually back it up?

Maybe you missed it....

"Contrary to widespread reports, federal prosecutors issued grand jury subpoenas in connection with an investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server, an FBI official indicated in a court filing this week.


However, a top FBI official revealed in a civil lawsuit this week that investigators used grand jury subpoenas in an unsuccessful attempt to obtain archived copies of some of Clinton's old email messages."

FBI confirms grand jury subpoenas used in Clinton email probe

The Clinton email probe and the DNC hack are different cases, different servers, different organizations, different investigators.

You’re wrong and it should have been obvious but you’re seem to be a bit confused about the topic.
I'm pretty sure you're wrong about the subpeona's

Great. Then prove it. You're accusing people at the DNC of defying a subpoena from law enforcement. That's a pretty explosive accusation.

Is there anything to actually back it up?

Maybe you missed it....

"Contrary to widespread reports, federal prosecutors issued grand jury subpoenas in connection with an investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server, an FBI official indicated in a court filing this week.


However, a top FBI official revealed in a civil lawsuit this week that investigators used grand jury subpoenas in an unsuccessful attempt to obtain archived copies of some of Clinton's old email messages."

FBI confirms grand jury subpoenas used in Clinton email probe

The Clinton email probe and the DNC hack are different cases, different servers, different organizations, different investigators.

You’re wrong and it should have been obvious but you’re seem to be a bit confused about the topic.

Well, you people seem to have a problem with servers, and tech....Here's a little about the DNC servers...

"The FBI requested direct access to the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) hacked computer servers but was denied, Director James Comey told lawmakers on Tuesday.

The bureau made “multiple requests at different levels,” according to Comey, but ultimately struck an agreement with the DNC that a “highly respected private company” would get access and share what it found with investigators.

“We’d always prefer to have access hands-on ourselves if that’s possible,” Comey said, noting that he didn’t know why the DNC rebuffed the FBI’s request."

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

The question that you should be asking yourself is why? What were they hiding? And for Comey, possibly the most corrupt director we've had, refuses to obtain those servers, rather let's the criminals provide what they want him to see, is outrageous!

You or I couldn't do that....
I'm pretty sure you're wrong about the subpeona's

Great. Then prove it. You're accusing people at the DNC of defying a subpoena from law enforcement. That's a pretty explosive accusation.

Is there anything to actually back it up?

Maybe you missed it....

"Contrary to widespread reports, federal prosecutors issued grand jury subpoenas in connection with an investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server, an FBI official indicated in a court filing this week.


However, a top FBI official revealed in a civil lawsuit this week that investigators used grand jury subpoenas in an unsuccessful attempt to obtain archived copies of some of Clinton's old email messages."

FBI confirms grand jury subpoenas used in Clinton email probe

The Clinton email probe and the DNC hack are different cases, different servers, different organizations, different investigators.

You’re wrong and it should have been obvious but you’re seem to be a bit confused about the topic.

Well, you people seem to have a problem with servers, and tech....Here's a little about the DNC servers...

"The FBI requested direct access to the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) hacked computer servers but was denied, Director James Comey told lawmakers on Tuesday.

The bureau made “multiple requests at different levels,” according to Comey, but ultimately struck an agreement with the DNC that a “highly respected private company” would get access and share what it found with investigators.

“We’d always prefer to have access hands-on ourselves if that’s possible,” Comey said, noting that he didn’t know why the DNC rebuffed the FBI’s request."

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

The question that you should be asking yourself is why? What were they hiding? And for Comey, possibly the most corrupt director we've had, refuses to obtain those servers, rather let's the criminals provide what they want him to see, is outrageous!

You or I couldn't do that....

Sure we could. In fact, that’s fairly typical for businesses affected by hacks to not hand over physical hardware.

Did you see where you were making stuff up about a subpoena for the DNC?
I'm pretty sure you're wrong about the subpeona's

Great. Then prove it. You're accusing people at the DNC of defying a subpoena from law enforcement. That's a pretty explosive accusation.

Is there anything to actually back it up?

Maybe you missed it....

"Contrary to widespread reports, federal prosecutors issued grand jury subpoenas in connection with an investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server, an FBI official indicated in a court filing this week.


However, a top FBI official revealed in a civil lawsuit this week that investigators used grand jury subpoenas in an unsuccessful attempt to obtain archived copies of some of Clinton's old email messages."

FBI confirms grand jury subpoenas used in Clinton email probe

The Clinton email probe and the DNC hack are different cases, different servers, different organizations, different investigators.

You’re wrong and it should have been obvious but you’re seem to be a bit confused about the topic.

Well, you people seem to have a problem with servers, and tech....Here's a little about the DNC servers...

"The FBI requested direct access to the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) hacked computer servers but was denied, Director James Comey told lawmakers on Tuesday.

The bureau made “multiple requests at different levels,” according to Comey, but ultimately struck an agreement with the DNC that a “highly respected private company” would get access and share what it found with investigators.

“We’d always prefer to have access hands-on ourselves if that’s possible,” Comey said, noting that he didn’t know why the DNC rebuffed the FBI’s request."

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

The question that you should be asking yourself is why? What were they hiding? And for Comey, possibly the most corrupt director we've had, refuses to obtain those servers, rather let's the criminals provide what they want him to see, is outrageous!

You or I couldn't do that....

Sure we could. In fact, that’s fairly typical for businesses affected by hacks to not hand over physical hardware.

Did you see where you were making stuff up about a subpoena for the DNC?

I don't care what business does, this was the campaign for POTUS for Christ sake....that you had a corrupted director of the FBI, doesn't help you...
Great. Then prove it. You're accusing people at the DNC of defying a subpoena from law enforcement. That's a pretty explosive accusation.

Is there anything to actually back it up?

Maybe you missed it....

"Contrary to widespread reports, federal prosecutors issued grand jury subpoenas in connection with an investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server, an FBI official indicated in a court filing this week.


However, a top FBI official revealed in a civil lawsuit this week that investigators used grand jury subpoenas in an unsuccessful attempt to obtain archived copies of some of Clinton's old email messages."

FBI confirms grand jury subpoenas used in Clinton email probe

The Clinton email probe and the DNC hack are different cases, different servers, different organizations, different investigators.

You’re wrong and it should have been obvious but you’re seem to be a bit confused about the topic.

Well, you people seem to have a problem with servers, and tech....Here's a little about the DNC servers...

"The FBI requested direct access to the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) hacked computer servers but was denied, Director James Comey told lawmakers on Tuesday.

The bureau made “multiple requests at different levels,” according to Comey, but ultimately struck an agreement with the DNC that a “highly respected private company” would get access and share what it found with investigators.

“We’d always prefer to have access hands-on ourselves if that’s possible,” Comey said, noting that he didn’t know why the DNC rebuffed the FBI’s request."

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

The question that you should be asking yourself is why? What were they hiding? And for Comey, possibly the most corrupt director we've had, refuses to obtain those servers, rather let's the criminals provide what they want him to see, is outrageous!

You or I couldn't do that....

Sure we could. In fact, that’s fairly typical for businesses affected by hacks to not hand over physical hardware.

Did you see where you were making stuff up about a subpoena for the DNC?

I don't care what business does, this was the campaign for POTUS for Christ sake....that you had a corrupted director of the FBI, doesn't help you...

You claimed that “you or I couldn’t do that” and now you don’t care if you or I could do that.

How long are you going to make stuff up before you admit it?
Maybe you missed it....

"Contrary to widespread reports, federal prosecutors issued grand jury subpoenas in connection with an investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server, an FBI official indicated in a court filing this week.


However, a top FBI official revealed in a civil lawsuit this week that investigators used grand jury subpoenas in an unsuccessful attempt to obtain archived copies of some of Clinton's old email messages."

FBI confirms grand jury subpoenas used in Clinton email probe

The Clinton email probe and the DNC hack are different cases, different servers, different organizations, different investigators.

You’re wrong and it should have been obvious but you’re seem to be a bit confused about the topic.

Well, you people seem to have a problem with servers, and tech....Here's a little about the DNC servers...

"The FBI requested direct access to the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) hacked computer servers but was denied, Director James Comey told lawmakers on Tuesday.

The bureau made “multiple requests at different levels,” according to Comey, but ultimately struck an agreement with the DNC that a “highly respected private company” would get access and share what it found with investigators.

“We’d always prefer to have access hands-on ourselves if that’s possible,” Comey said, noting that he didn’t know why the DNC rebuffed the FBI’s request."

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

The question that you should be asking yourself is why? What were they hiding? And for Comey, possibly the most corrupt director we've had, refuses to obtain those servers, rather let's the criminals provide what they want him to see, is outrageous!

You or I couldn't do that....

Sure we could. In fact, that’s fairly typical for businesses affected by hacks to not hand over physical hardware.

Did you see where you were making stuff up about a subpoena for the DNC?

I don't care what business does, this was the campaign for POTUS for Christ sake....that you had a corrupted director of the FBI, doesn't help you...

You claimed that “you or I couldn’t do that” and now you don’t care if you or I could do that.

How long are you going to make stuff up before you admit it?

Is the thread now about me?
The Clinton email probe and the DNC hack are different cases, different servers, different organizations, different investigators.

You’re wrong and it should have been obvious but you’re seem to be a bit confused about the topic.

Well, you people seem to have a problem with servers, and tech....Here's a little about the DNC servers...

"The FBI requested direct access to the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) hacked computer servers but was denied, Director James Comey told lawmakers on Tuesday.

The bureau made “multiple requests at different levels,” according to Comey, but ultimately struck an agreement with the DNC that a “highly respected private company” would get access and share what it found with investigators.

“We’d always prefer to have access hands-on ourselves if that’s possible,” Comey said, noting that he didn’t know why the DNC rebuffed the FBI’s request."

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

The question that you should be asking yourself is why? What were they hiding? And for Comey, possibly the most corrupt director we've had, refuses to obtain those servers, rather let's the criminals provide what they want him to see, is outrageous!

You or I couldn't do that....

Sure we could. In fact, that’s fairly typical for businesses affected by hacks to not hand over physical hardware.

Did you see where you were making stuff up about a subpoena for the DNC?

I don't care what business does, this was the campaign for POTUS for Christ sake....that you had a corrupted director of the FBI, doesn't help you...

You claimed that “you or I couldn’t do that” and now you don’t care if you or I could do that.

How long are you going to make stuff up before you admit it?

Is the thread now about me?
Nah. But I can’t help but notice you make up something, gets smacked down. Make up something else, get smacked down.

Like playing whack a mole. It’s not very satisfying.
Well, you people seem to have a problem with servers, and tech....Here's a little about the DNC servers...

"The FBI requested direct access to the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) hacked computer servers but was denied, Director James Comey told lawmakers on Tuesday.

The bureau made “multiple requests at different levels,” according to Comey, but ultimately struck an agreement with the DNC that a “highly respected private company” would get access and share what it found with investigators.

“We’d always prefer to have access hands-on ourselves if that’s possible,” Comey said, noting that he didn’t know why the DNC rebuffed the FBI’s request."

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

The question that you should be asking yourself is why? What were they hiding? And for Comey, possibly the most corrupt director we've had, refuses to obtain those servers, rather let's the criminals provide what they want him to see, is outrageous!

You or I couldn't do that....

Sure we could. In fact, that’s fairly typical for businesses affected by hacks to not hand over physical hardware.

Did you see where you were making stuff up about a subpoena for the DNC?

I don't care what business does, this was the campaign for POTUS for Christ sake....that you had a corrupted director of the FBI, doesn't help you...

You claimed that “you or I couldn’t do that” and now you don’t care if you or I could do that.

How long are you going to make stuff up before you admit it?

Is the thread now about me?
Nah. But I can’t help but notice you make up something, gets smacked down. Make up something else, get smacked down.

Like playing whack a mole. It’s not very satisfying.

I can't make you reply, nor am I here to satisfy your arguments...Maybe you need to re evaluate your own participation...
I didn't say that they did, or didn't...I am simply saying that for someone who says she's innocent of any wrongdoing (Hillary) she sure acts guilty...

Clinton is not the DNC. She had nothing to do with why decisions were made.

I explained why the DNC didn’t turn over the hardware. I explained that this is standard operating procedure.

Innocent people don't destroy stuff, and refuse to turn stuff over.

Should we apply that standard to Trump?

And your explanation was BS...If it were Trump withholding evidence, and destroying evidence like this, you'd be losing your mind...And you know it.

Oh, and you've already applied that standard to Trump, I am just applying it to you people....
What was BS about my explanation? You haven’t said.

Trump is withholding evidence. He has refused to respond to subpoena after subpoena. The DNC turned over their forensic copy. Trump hasn’t turned over anything. That’s not how innocent people act, is it?

If you can't see that destroying evidence under a subpeona, only to turn over what you have obviously scrubbed then say that should be sufficent is BS, then I can't help you...

Trump is only doing what all Presidents do in protecting Presidential perogatives in being able to speak freely with their advisors...

Obama did it, were you as upset then?

It's called Executive privilage....

There was no subpoena for the hard drives at the DNC. You are just making things up now.

This is pretty much standard practice in industry. The DNC is only doing what many other businesses do when they are hacked.

Trump is hiding evidence. According to you, that isn’t what innocent people do. Or do you just have double standards?
No, they were not under subpoena yet. One the FBI requested to look at them the DNC destroyed them.

Nothing nefarious there, huh?
I'm pretty sure you're wrong about the subpeona's

Great. Then prove it. You're accusing people at the DNC of defying a subpoena from law enforcement. That's a pretty explosive accusation.

Is there anything to actually back it up?
Maybe he is confusing them with when Hillary and her cronies destroyed evidence under subpoena.
Are dems having withdrawals because Trump cut off the flow of Mexican child traffickers? Fuck! It was so obvious!
She must prove herself non incapacitated. She is ill and dangerous to the USA at this time.

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