Pelosi Faces Ethics Complaints of 40 Conservative Groups

Did Pelosi Overstep her Authority as House Speaker?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 73.9%
  • No

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None of the above. My response below

    Votes: 1 4.3%

  • Total voters
Your desperation is sad.
I'm not desperate, RDD. I'm fed up with Nancy's shennannigans. It's unbecoming the office of Speaker of the House, which she is setting dangerous precedents for. And I'm sick of her hatefulness toward the President. She's using claws to get what she wants, and there's just no place for Meow Mix in the office of Speaker of the House. I'm not Tea Party, but they have it right. Pelosi needs to be put on a leash if she is going to remain Speaker of the House. If she can't respect her space nor use it for the American people's benefits, but instead to run a clown show against the Executive Branch, by golly she needs to be fired by the American people.

Nancy's shennanigans??!?? They don't hold a candle to the bullshit and shennanigans by President Trump.

1. His refusal to allow Constitutionally mandated oversight once the Democrats took power. He refuses to provide documentation or witnesses to things like - ordering security clearances for people the FBI say are unqualified; Conditions in the migrant detainment facilities;

2. His blanket claims of "executive privlilege" for all staffers, which does not exist. Only the President can claim executive privilege;

3. His attempts to threaten and intimidate witnesses via Twitter. This is obstruction of Congress in plain sight and it's illegal. If not for the Memorandum saying a sitting President cannot be indicted, Trump would be arrested, tried and convicted of obstruction of justice;

4. His claims of "absolute power". The Presidency is one of three co-equal branches of government, which must work in concert for the country to function well;

5. Trump's desire to use the power of the Presidency to attack his political rivals. The last President to try this bullshit was Richard Nixon and we all know how that turned out;

6. Separating children from their parents at the border, despite numerous court orders saying such actions are in violation of the Constitution;

7. Attempting to bilk the American taxpayers out of tens of millions of dollars to host the G7 conference at his Doral property. The facility has had numerous health department problems in recent years, and would require major upgrades in communications facilities, guest security systems, kitchen facilites. Trump's offer to host the G7 at "cost" means that the taxpayers would fund tens of millions of dollars in upgrades and improvements to Trump's property, as well as give his resort a worldwide media showcase for a facility that is in rough shape financially and losing business rapidly.

And that's just his shennanigans of the past two weeks.

Those are just a few of Trump's "shennanigans"
Here are the Republican Congressmen expressing their objections to the phony impeachment 'inquiry'

Only 2 voted no on the Democrat side. That is less than 1% of Democrats interested in a fair hearing.​
Here are the Republican Congressmen expressing their objections to the phony impeachment 'inquiry'

Only 2 voted no on the Democrat side. That is less than 1% of Democrats interested in a fair hearing.​

No Republicans voted yes. That is 100% of Republicans in favor of covering up the Presidents crimes.
Trump first.

Really, so we investigate the request for an investigation into Hunter Biden's kickback before we actually investigate Hunter Biden's kickback....


I have no idea what you're talking about, but your bald attempt at deflection away from the President's no-no is pathetic. Trump's first. Then investigate however many times you must. Of course, Burisma has already been investigated and the issues happened before Hunter was even hired to their board. But I'm guessing that 's not what you've heard in the conspiracy theory news.
Here are the Republican Congressmen expressing their objections to the phony impeachment 'inquiry'

Only 2 voted no on the Democrat side. That is less than 1% of Democrats interested in a fair hearing.​

Here are the Republican Congressmen expressing their objections to the phony impeachment 'inquiry'

Only 2 voted no on the Democrat side. That is less than 1% of Democrats interested in a fair hearing.​


Thank you for acknowledging that this secretive process COUP is not a hearing. I definitely stand corrected that it is not a hearing!!!!! Whatever was I thinkin'??? :rolleyes:

Judicial Watch spokesman Tom Fitton weighs in:

Here are the Republican Congressmen expressing their objections to the phony impeachment 'inquiry'

Only 2 voted no on the Democrat side. That is less than 1% of Democrats interested in a fair hearing.​

No Republicans voted yes. That is 100% of Republicans in favor of covering up the Presidents crimes.

Project much, Syriusly deariusly? :abgg2q.jpg:
“Consequently, all 'evidence' gleaned during this portion of the 'investigation' must be discarded for the sake of fairness.”
LOL Nice try.
That "try" is a credit to the Tea Party person who made the statement. I am not a Tea Party member and never was.
I didn't mean you personally, B. Nice try to them. Doesn't surprise me it's a Tea Party nut.
I know you're loyal opposition and all, dear, but they're not nuts. They're grass roots, and they're fed up with the desperate shenannigans of an ambitious party system that has criticized other houses when it hasn't cleaned its own since prior to the antebellum years.
The President did a bad thing, Bea, and all the "loyal opposition" to holding him accountable is pretty disgusting, too.
If the President did a bad thing, ma'am, why did the Democrats make claims that he colluded with the Russians? The five hearings that responded to these claims found President Trump innocent of the Democrats' accusations. He's still innocent of what they claimed the first time and Schiff is trying to reinvigorate the lie.

It's a crock.
I thought we were talking about the Ukranian thing, not the Russian collusion thing.
The fact that Trump was willing to take the Russian government's help (see Trump Tower meeting) is enough for me. It should have been enough for any patriotic American, so I am finding it very hard to understand all the blah blah blah about the Dems being treasonous....almost as bad as calling us all Nazi's and it's treasonous?
Honestly. Playground name calling isn't going to win this one.
That is 100% of Republicans in favor of covering up the Presidents crimes

New Democrat definitions:


"not a crime" = when Democrats STEAL from the US taxpayer
No Republicans voted yes. That is 100% of Republicans in favor of covering up the Presidents crimes.

Having whined for weeks over the absence of an authorizing vote, having lied about that vote's necessity, they got a vote, and voted to shut down the inquiry. At the very least, they voted to shut down an inquiry into Trump's corrupt conduct they do not control.

Of course, they smeared the investigators over "process". Now that a proper process is approved, they... continue to smear the investigators over process (which they still don't control). And, of course, most of all they smear Pelosi over "ethics violations" for starting a constitutionally mandated process, namely Impeachment, in an effort to protect vulnerable GOP senators against the possible fall-out stemming from their expected vote to acquit - for all intents and purposes an effort to facilitate their looking the other way in the face of a Republican president's brazen criminality and abuse of power. Because, or so we hear, checks and balances, holding the executive to account as the Constitution mandates, thus preserving the proper workings of the Republic, is a crime against the executive branch. A crime, no less.

They think this is anything other than perfectly transparent. Of course they do.
The fact that Trump was willing to take the Russian government's help (see Trump Tower meeting) is enough for me

Hypocrisy, Democrat style...





Here are the Republican Congressmen expressing their objections to the phony impeachment 'inquiry'

Only 2 voted no on the Democrat side. That is less than 1% of Democrats interested in a fair hearing.​

No Republicans voted yes. That is 100% of Republicans in favor of covering up the Presidents crimes.

You didn't pay attention to what the Republican congressmen spokespersons said on the provided video. It doesn't surprise me that you came up with a preanswer directly from DNC headquarters to defend the liars behind the Presidential inquiry coup that is not an impeachment inquiry according to other DNC spewers, but it is a vicious coup attempt against the President of the United States, and it is treasonous. I hope those behind this coup swing from a rope when their treason is dealt with by the courts.

And you need to know this: one coup attempt could be met by another.
Your desperation is sad.
I'm not desperate, RDD. I'm fed up with Nancy's shennannigans. It's unbecoming the office of Speaker of the House, which she is setting dangerous precedents for. And I'm sick of her hatefulness toward the President. She's using claws to get what she wants, and there's just no place for Meow Mix in the office of Speaker of the House. I'm not Tea Party, but they have it right. Pelosi needs to be put on a leash if she is going to remain Speaker of the House. If she can't respect her space nor use it for the American people's benefits, but instead to run a clown show against the Executive Branch, by golly she needs to be fired by the American people.

Worry not. The Dims think they have won something. They think they already impeached Trump and have him in the street. They are so caught up in their fervor, they cannot stop to realize this will simply play into Trump's and the GOP's hands by allowing them to present all their evidence the Dims have so long tried to hide about Obama, the FBI, Biden, Hillary and others in 2016. Trump will not be removed from office and after all this serves to only blow up in their faces, it will likely just propel Trump to another historic victory over them in 2016. Watch for it. They literally cannot believe it possible or see it coming anymore than they did 2016. hehheh
The depleted remains of what once was an honorable and viable political party will stop at nothing. Sorry, the power of impeachment belongs to the legislative branch. Speaker Pelosi is properly exercising her authority.
The depleted remains of what once was an honorable and viable political party will stop at nothing. Sorry, the power of impeachment belongs to the legislative branch. Speaker Pelosi is properly exercising her authority.
It's never proper to commit character assassination of an innocent man, O dearly acerbic Lysistrata.
Your desperation is sad.
I'm not desperate, RDD. I'm fed up with Nancy's shennannigans. It's unbecoming the office of Speaker of the House, which she is setting dangerous precedents for. And I'm sick of her hatefulness toward the President. She's using claws to get what she wants, and there's just no place for Meow Mix in the office of Speaker of the House. I'm not Tea Party, but they have it right. Pelosi needs to be put on a leash if she is going to remain Speaker of the House. If she can't respect her space nor use it for the American people's benefits, but instead to run a clown show against the Executive Branch, by golly she needs to be fired by the American people.

Worry not. The Dims think they have won something. They think they already impeached Trump and have him in the street. They are so caught up in their fervor, they cannot stop to realize this will simply play into Trump's and the GOP's hands by allowing them to present all their evidence the Dims have so long tried to hide about Obama, the FBI, Biden, Hillary and others in 2016. Trump will not be removed from office and after all this serves to only blow up in their faces, it will likely just propel Trump to another historic victory over them in 2016. Watch for it. They literally cannot believe it possible or see it coming anymore than they did 2016. hehheh
That's what I used to think, too, before Clinton's precinct chairwomen across the nation handed him his second presidential win. I no longer think of the Democrats as people who can be trusted to use the honor system, for they only have one thing they honor: the dishonest false narrative that prevents immediate criticism on their leadership.
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Clinton's precinct chairmen across the nation handed him his second presidential win

Bob Dole was a terrible candidate. People call W dumb, and W was dumb, but Dole was dumber, too dumb to string together two sentences without pausing for 30 seconds in between.

But Dole did THUMP and was 100% for US war in the Middle East to help Israel...
The depleted remains of what once was an honorable and viable political party will stop at nothing. Sorry, the power of impeachment belongs to the legislative branch. Speaker Pelosi is properly exercising her authority.
It's never proper to commit character assassination of an innocent man, O dearly acerbic Lysistrata.

What "character assassination"? Who is the "innocent man"?
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