Pelosi: If The Senate Votes To Acquit Pres. Trump, He “Will Not Be Acquitted”

Continue impeaching until witnesses are called.
Just like Hitler did until he got himself installed as Fuhrer, right little DemNazi?

Germany was at one time, The Weimar Democratic Republic Of Germany, before The Democrat Socialists gained power, removed Germany's President Illegally, and then trampled Civil Rights, Appointed Hitler Fuhrer, and then Fundamentally Transformed The Republic of Germany in to Nazi Germany!

Then they murdered 20 Million People who disagreed with what they did!
Hitler wasn't calling for witnesses. He was expressing fear and hatred against immigrants, declaring the other branches of government should not hold him accountable, and spreading propaganda that without giving him ultimate power his country was doomed. Kind of like... well, you know.
Bernie Sanders Campaign made several comments about rounding up Conservatives and putting them in Work Camps, Re-Education Camps, and Concentration Camps, and Gulags, and suggested they would start building Gulags if they got enough power to do so. And then they talked about Arresting Billionaires, Confiscating their wealth and Property, putting them in Prison and forcing them to dig ditches, build roads and mass graves with nothing but a pick, shovel and rake. And last but not least, they talked about Beheading Christians, Jews, and Conservatives and building enough Guillotines to get the job done.

So Yes, you and your Party Truly are The DemNazi Party.
You're retarded and I feel badly about mocking you further
Continue impeaching until witnesses are called.
Just like Hitler did until he got himself installed as Fuhrer, right little DemNazi?

Germany was at one time, The Weimar Democratic Republic Of Germany, before The Democrat Socialists gained power, removed Germany's President Illegally, and then trampled Civil Rights, Appointed Hitler Fuhrer, and then Fundamentally Transformed The Republic of Germany in to Nazi Germany!

Then they murdered 20 Million People who disagreed with what they did!
Hitler wasn't calling for witnesses. He was expressing fear and hatred against immigrants, declaring the other branches of government should not hold him accountable, and spreading propaganda that without giving him ultimate power his country was doomed. Kind of like... well, you know.
Bernie Sanders Campaign made several comments about rounding up Conservatives and putting them in Work Camps, Re-Education Camps, and Concentration Camps, and Gulags, and suggested they would start building Gulags if they got enough power to do so. And then they talked about Arresting Billionaires, Confiscating their wealth and Property, putting them in Prison and forcing them to dig ditches, build roads and mass graves with nothing but a pick, shovel and rake. And last but not least, they talked about Beheading Christians, Jews, and Conservatives and building enough Guillotines to get the job done.

So Yes, you and your Party Truly are The DemNazi Party.
You're retarded and I feel badly about mocking you further
I'm not the one who has Hatred in your heart for Christians, Jews, Conservatives and anyone that dared disagree with Leftist Group think and voted for President Trump.

Are you hoping to get a job as Executioner, if Bernie gets elected?
Left are out of the closet and going full fascist gestapo now.


Yes he will be no matter what she believe... an acquittal is what it is and her wanting it to be ignored like she ignores her age will never happen...

acquittal huh -


Clinton acquitted ! NOT GUILTY !


Get a clue. Even the Senate didn't say he wasn't guilty. They just said they didn't want to remove him from office.
this is the stuff of movies and spy thrillers. there will be movies made about Trump impeachment in the future, i hope!
Left are out of the closet and going full fascist gestapo now.


She's so funny.

If they vote acquittal, he will be acquitted, and I'm sure he will let them know loudly at Tuesday's SOTU speech, along with a few other things.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to the SOTU. Maybe he can get them to walk out. :113:

pretend you know what acquittal means -

So dictated by dictionary -



1. a judgment that a person is not guilty of the crime with which the person has been charged:

you continue to yammer there was no crime so how is one acquitted from a crime if there was no crime ?

Oh. You really are not only illiterate, but thick, eh? People are often charged with crimes where no crime exists.

Which would be why one is acquitted of the charges.

In this case, I believe the Senate is going to find that the charges themselves are bullshit.
Continue impeaching until witnesses are called.
Just like Hitler did until he got himself installed as Fuhrer, right little DemNazi?

Germany was at one time, The Weimar Democratic Republic Of Germany, before The Democrat Socialists gained power, removed Germany's President Illegally, and then trampled Civil Rights, Appointed Hitler Fuhrer, and then Fundamentally Transformed The Republic of Germany in to Nazi Germany!

Then they murdered 20 Million People who disagreed with what they did!
Hitler wasn't calling for witnesses. He was expressing fear and hatred against immigrants, declaring the other branches of government should not hold him accountable, and spreading propaganda that without giving him ultimate power his country was doomed. Kind of like... well, you know.
Bernie Sanders Campaign made several comments about rounding up Conservatives and putting them in Work Camps, Re-Education Camps, and Concentration Camps, and Gulags, and suggested they would start building Gulags if they got enough power to do so. And then they talked about Arresting Billionaires, Confiscating their wealth and Property, putting them in Prison and forcing them to dig ditches, build roads and mass graves with nothing but a pick, shovel and rake. And last but not least, they talked about Beheading Christians, Jews, and Conservatives and building enough Guillotines to get the job done.

So Yes, you and your Party Truly are The DemNazi Party.
You're retarded and I feel badly about mocking you further

well dont - please continue.

Left are out of the closet and going full fascist gestapo now.


She's so funny.

If they vote acquittal, he will be acquitted, and I'm sure he will let them know loudly at Tuesday's SOTU speech, along with a few other things.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to the SOTU. Maybe he can get them to walk out. :113:

pretend you know what acquittal means -

So dictated by dictionary -



1. a judgment that a person is not guilty of the crime with which the person has been charged:

you continue to yammer there was no crime so how is one acquitted from a crime if there was no crime ?
/——/ He will be acquired from the bogus impeachment charges.
Continue impeaching until witnesses are called.
They've already called all the witnesses they need before they sent the Trumped-up articles to the Senate. <-- Phrase intentionally used for head explosion purposes.
Left are out of the closet and going full fascist gestapo now.


She's so funny.

If they vote acquittal, he will be acquitted, and I'm sure he will let them know loudly at Tuesday's SOTU speech, along with a few other things.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to the SOTU. Maybe he can get them to walk out. :113:

pretend you know what acquittal means -

So dictated by dictionary -



1. a judgment that a person is not guilty of the crime with which the person has been charged:

you continue to yammer there was no crime so how is one acquitted from a crime if there was no crime ?
He will be 'acquitted of the Articles of Impeachment. Nullification of the democrats, if the Senate votes to acquit.
Left are out of the closet and going full fascist gestapo now.


She's so funny.

If they vote acquittal, he will be acquitted, and I'm sure he will let them know loudly at Tuesday's SOTU speech, along with a few other things.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to the SOTU. Maybe he can get them to walk out. :113:

pretend you know what acquittal means -

So dictated by dictionary -



1. a judgment that a person is not guilty of the crime with which the person has been charged:

you continue to yammer there was no crime so how is one acquitted from a crime if there was no crime ?
/——/ He will be acquired from the bogus impeachment charges.

nope - the fat bastard is in the history book as IMPEACHED.

Continue impeaching until witnesses are called.

Ignorant stupidity. You're a Fascist.

Does anyone grasp what this boob is saying? Think of Law and Order for a moment. DA McCoy is losing the case, and at the last minute he tells the jury to go find some more evidence and witnesses for him. Is that insane? The Senate is the jury here!!

Then McCoy loses the case so he keeps charging the same guy over and over with whatever he can pull out of his ass, no facts, no evidence.

That's what this assfuck Augustine is saying to do. Good Lord! Loser like you are the enemy of justice and a free society.
Favorite MSNBC pundit Wacky Dr Jason Johnson wails: If Trump's acquitted, he'll "shut down voting" in California!
LOL Not that he ever could but not that it isnt an excellent idea either but NY and a few other lunatic states should be included.
She's so funny.

If they vote acquittal, he will be acquitted, and I'm sure he will let them know loudly at Tuesday's SOTU speech, along with a few other things.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to the SOTU. Maybe he can get them to walk out. :113:

pretend you know what acquittal means -

So dictated by dictionary -



1. a judgment that a person is not guilty of the crime with which the person has been charged:

you continue to yammer there was no crime so how is one acquitted from a crime if there was no crime ?
/——/ He will be acquired from the bogus impeachment charges.

nope - the fat bastard is in the history book as IMPEACHED.


pretend you know what acquittal means -

So dictated by dictionary -



1. a judgment that a person is not guilty of the crime with which the person has been charged:

you continue to yammer there was no crime so how is one acquitted from a crime if there was no crime ?
/——/ He will be acquired from the bogus impeachment charges.

nope - the fat bastard is in the history book as IMPEACHED.


Left are out of the closet and going full fascist gestapo now.


She's so funny.

If they vote acquittal, he will be acquitted, and I'm sure he will let them know loudly at Tuesday's SOTU speech, along with a few other things.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to the SOTU. Maybe he can get them to walk out. :113:

pretend you know what acquittal means -

So dictated by dictionary -



1. a judgment that a person is not guilty of the crime with which the person has been charged:

you continue to yammer there was no crime so how is one acquitted from a crime if there was no crime ?
Watch and see, Simpleton.

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