Pelosi is either running scared or she is just mentally ill

The left is running scared.
they have been claiming to believe the poll numbers. they have been claiming that mail in is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Of course that suddenly changed. Now they are just being crazy in hopes that they can somehow end up with enough power to swing the election their way.
Here's the worst protection and spin of her behavior I've ever seen-it's a clip of her revealing the Dem tactic of smear campaign, but ABC deflects it and claims it's her talking about Republicans to save face yet nowhere do they show that context and it's clear she's talking to her puppets in the MSM media who are willing and knowingly using that smear in media attacks.

I love how they try and spin this as false yet she uses the words "You" as in MSM she points to that reports the smear, which is her turf not Republicans and we know MSM bury anything harmful to Dems so how would Republicans do a smear job? She is speaking about the inner workings of a smear campaign that they Dems do otherwise Biased ABC doing the spin in this video would have shown the full context of her referring to Republicans and not used Dem media outlets for her example. Furthermore saying the smear on Kavanaugh done by the Dems is false based on the attempted spin in that report by ABC of that video is an illogical argument liken to saying Dahmer didn't dissect and eat humans because he's discussing dissecting frogs not humans on tape, it still happened and even the Lawyer for Ford said it was a smear campaign and we see time and time again Dems using this method as an ad hominem strategy to avoid answering to the horrible things they do to remain in power..

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