Pelosi is finally following Mueller's advice......

Trump acolytes "forget" that Mueller clearly stated that his job......under the moronic memo from the DOJ that a sitting president is ABOVE the law while in office.......made him incapable of prosecuting the orange clown.......HOWEVER, Mueller did state that the job of Congress, based on our Constitution, is to remove a rouge president who may be acting either as an agent of a foreign power or simply a charlatan looking to help his own selfish needs.

Finally, with this latest revelation of a Trump fuck-up, Pelosi is following the Constitution even if politically the action may be damaging to her own party.

Ultimately, it is up to sane independent voters to hear what the evidence reveals about Trump's many lies and breaches of ethics, and either chastise those elected republicans who are too scared of Trump, or vote this scourge out of office and have him face the courts for his many acts of misbehavior.

No,trump has broken no laws and pelosi could care less about the law. This is about how much they hate trump. Nothing else. You're a leftist hack so we would expect you to parrot such absurdity.

They have told him that they were going to try and impeach, since he took office. It’s just because they don’t like him, and have never gotten over their pitiful loss.

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Your party made this whole thing up, dumbass. Now you're being exposed. Did I spell everything okay? Pussy?

Come up with a new screen name by next year........"Moron" would fit you well.......LOL

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