Pelosi is finally following Mueller's advice......

If the standard for impeachment is some guy working inside the WH, anonymously telling some other guy to spread information about extortion and a cover up. The transcript being shown against all International norms to prove it didn't happen, and then, without a crime, using this as some justification for impeachment. You will NEVER have an independently elected president again.

Certainly not one who isn't a compromised, global socialist.
And that is their goal. Time for some hangings...
Democrats trying to impeach Trump but can't say what crime he committed.

Yup, truly libtarded.

Well, it depends on just how BIASED you are, Tardo

If your really want to look at Trump's crimes, then look at what Mueller states in his report and what has come up since:

  • Obstruction of justice by trying to fire, Comey, Mueller and Sessions
  • Asking Russia to help him get elected
  • Profiting from his oval office (Emolument clauses.
  • Violating Campaign finance laws
  • Violation of the laws regarding immigrants
  • Trying to persecute political opponents....Hillary and now Biden
  • Advocating Violence at his rallies
  • Attacking the free press

Should I go on, nitwit??

If any of that horseshit were true you'd already voted on impeachment.

Oh, by the way, I'd like to personally thank you idiots for getting Trump another $15 Million in campaign contributions since Pelosi announced the impeachment.
Mic drop
Only democrat media is outraged at trump no citizens.. sorry lefties lol

Is THAT why Trump has "approval" ratings in the low 40s.....moron???...........Trump LOVES the poorly educated...he said it himself.....LMAO
Trump acolytes "forget" that Mueller clearly stated that his job......under the moronic memo from the DOJ that a sitting president is ABOVE the law while in office.......made him incapable of prosecuting the orange clown.......HOWEVER, Mueller did state that the job of Congress, based on our Constitution, is to remove a rouge president who may be acting either as an agent of a foreign power or simply a charlatan looking to help his own selfish needs.

Finally, with this latest revelation of a Trump fuck-up, Pelosi is following the Constitution even if politically the action may be damaging to her own party.

Ultimately, it is up to sane independent voters to hear what the evidence reveals about Trump's many lies and breaches of ethics, and either chastise those elected republicans who are too scared of Trump, or vote this scourge out of office and have him face the courts for his many acts of misbehavior.

Oh look, the OP misquoted Mueller to fit into his agenda.
Trump acolytes "forget" that Mueller clearly stated that his job......under the moronic memo from the DOJ that a sitting president is ABOVE the law while in office.......made him incapable of prosecuting the orange clown.......HOWEVER, Mueller did state that the job of Congress, based on our Constitution, is to remove a rouge president who may be acting either as an agent of a foreign power or simply a charlatan looking to help his own selfish needs.

Finally, with this latest revelation of a Trump fuck-up, Pelosi is following the Constitution even if politically the action may be damaging to her own party.

Ultimately, it is up to sane independent voters to hear what the evidence reveals about Trump's many lies and breaches of ethics, and either chastise those elected republicans who are too scared of Trump, or vote this scourge out of office and have him face the courts for his many acts of misbehavior.
View attachment 281880

If you're going to type your stupidity on a meme, learn how to SPELL, you fucking moron....LOL
View attachment 281881
Truth hurts your little pansy ass. Lol

Don't take offense, but you really are a WASTE of space......But, thanks for the bump,
I'm not the one on here 24/7 crying about a duly elected president. I'm not the one that wasted 2 years of my life following a dead end road. Do you even have a life other than crying on here 24/7 about Trump? Pathetic
Maybe lefties were hoping for a miracle to reverse the results of the election but Mueller's multi million two year investigation was a bust. Mueller had no power to advise anything and he didn't advise anything. Democrats acknowledge that they can't win an election so they are engaging in Banana Republic politics and it's going to backfire like all their other schemes.
Democrats trying to impeach Trump but can't say what crime he committed.

Yup, truly libtarded.

Well, it depends on just how BIASED you are, Tardo

If your really want to look at Trump's crimes, then look at what Mueller states in his report and what has come up since:

  • Obstruction of justice by trying to fire, Comey, Mueller and Sessions
  • Asking Russia to help him get elected
  • Profiting from his oval office (Emolument clauses.
  • Violating Campaign finance laws
  • Violation of the laws regarding immigrants
  • Trying to persecute political opponents....Hillary and now Biden
  • Advocating Violence at his rallies
  • Attacking the free press

Should I go on, nitwit??
You know damn good and well he has not and never will read that report.
Democrats trying to impeach Trump but can't say what crime he committed.

Yup, truly libtarded.

Well, it depends on just how BIASED you are, Tardo

If your really want to look at Trump's crimes, then look at what Mueller states in his report and what has come up since:

  • Obstruction of justice by trying to fire, Comey, Mueller and Sessions
  • Asking Russia to help him get elected
  • Profiting from his oval office (Emolument clauses.
  • Violating Campaign finance laws
  • Violation of the laws regarding immigrants
  • Trying to persecute political opponents....Hillary and now Biden
  • Advocating Violence at his rallies
  • Attacking the free press

Should I go on, nitwit??

O did the same. You were silent.
Trump acolytes "forget" that Mueller clearly stated that his job......under the moronic memo from the DOJ that a sitting president is ABOVE the law while in office.......made him incapable of prosecuting the orange clown.......HOWEVER, Mueller did state that the job of Congress, based on our Constitution, is to remove a rouge president who may be acting either as an agent of a foreign power or simply a charlatan looking to help his own selfish needs.

Finally, with this latest revelation of a Trump fuck-up, Pelosi is following the Constitution even if politically the action may be damaging to her own party.

Ultimately, it is up to sane independent voters to hear what the evidence reveals about Trump's many lies and breaches of ethics, and either chastise those elected republicans who are too scared of Trump, or vote this scourge out of office and have him face the courts for his many acts of misbehavior.
View attachment 281880

If you're going to type your stupidity on a meme, learn how to SPELL, you fucking moron....LOL
View attachment 281881
Truth hurts your little pansy ass. Lol
That's not the truth.
Democrats trying to impeach Trump but can't say what crime he committed.

Yup, truly libtarded.

Well, it depends on just how BIASED you are, Tardo

If your really want to look at Trump's crimes, then look at what Mueller states in his report and what has come up since:

  • Obstruction of justice by trying to fire, Comey, Mueller and Sessions
  • Asking Russia to help him get elected
  • Profiting from his oval office (Emolument clauses.
  • Violating Campaign finance laws
  • Violation of the laws regarding immigrants
  • Trying to persecute political opponents....Hillary and now Biden
  • Advocating Violence at his rallies
  • Attacking the free press

Should I go on, nitwit??

Your stupidity is just pathetic now. Nice bunch of leftist lies you parrot there Polly. Not one thing in that list is remotely true. Enjoy the Trump landslide re-election.
Trump acolytes "forget" that Mueller clearly stated that his job......under the moronic memo from the DOJ that a sitting president is ABOVE the law while in office.......made him incapable of prosecuting the orange clown.......HOWEVER, Mueller did state that the job of Congress, based on our Constitution, is to remove a rouge president who may be acting either as an agent of a foreign power or simply a charlatan looking to help his own selfish needs.

Finally, with this latest revelation of a Trump fuck-up, Pelosi is following the Constitution even if politically the action may be damaging to her own party.

Ultimately, it is up to sane independent voters to hear what the evidence reveals about Trump's many lies and breaches of ethics, and either chastise those elected republicans who are too scared of Trump, or vote this scourge out of office and have him face the courts for his many acts of misbehavior.
View attachment 281880

If you're going to type your stupidity on a meme, learn how to SPELL, you fucking moron....LOL
View attachment 281881
Truth hurts your little pansy ass. Lol
That's not the truth.
Uh, yes it is. If Muller had anything, you loons wouldn't be yelling Ukraine.
Uh, yes it is. If Muller had anything, you loons wouldn't be yelling Ukraine.

MORON.......if you could read beyond your 3rd grade education, you too would a synopsis of Mueller report and NOT Bill-the-STOOGE-Barr's synopsis.

In Mueller's testimony he stated that it is up to Congress to follow-up on his findings since he cannot go beyond the DOJ "policy," and that his findings far from exonerated your orange turd.
Maybe Mueller's advice was to try to win a freaking election rather than take a shortcut by overthrowing the government. Democrats have gone off the charts and now they are dangerous and pathetic.
Uh, yes it is. If Muller had anything, you loons wouldn't be yelling Ukraine.

MORON.......if you could read beyond your 3rd grade education, you too would a synopsis of Mueller report and NOT Bill-the-STOOGE-Barr's synopsis.

In Mueller's testimony he stated that it is up to Congress to follow-up on his findings since he cannot go beyond the DOJ "policy," and that his findings far from exonerated your orange turd.
Oh bullshit, he illegally raided Trumps lawyers office. Had unlimited funds, unlimited resources and still couldn't find anything on hm. So he is the cleanest president in our history. Now it's time to do the same with Obama's presidency. Oh and Ukraine is going to blow up in your face. They have dirt on Hillary, they want to give us, but the DOJ won't accept it.
Democrats trying to impeach Trump but can't say what crime he committed.
What an idiotic post. Any child can look up the allegations. Obstruction, corruption, solicitation of bribes... Step outside the bubble,son....

Cite the law and the proven action, cupcake. That will keep you busy for at least another decade. After that you will know you wasted your life like most every other libtardo.
They have dirt on Hillary, they want to give us, but the DOJ won't accept it.

If you had the brains and logic of a 5 years too might realize what a fucking idiot you are.....Above you're asking for outside help from a foreign government..........just like your orange fuck head did and does..........LMAO

Please don't breed more morons like you into this planet.
They have dirt on Hillary, they want to give us, but the DOJ won't accept it.

If you had the brains and logic of a 5 years too might realize what a fucking idiot you are.....Above you're asking for outside help from a foreign government..........just like your orange fuck head did and does..........LMAO

Please don't breed more morons like you into this planet.
Your party made this whole thing up, dumbass. Now you're being exposed. Did I spell everything okay? Pussy?

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