Pelosi Joins Holder, Hillary In Call For Escalation In Violent Intolerance & Lack of Civility


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats

Wonder if Nancy still feels that way after getting shouted out of a restaurant in Miami by those who "disagree" with her views? I'm guessing that brought the problem home to Pelosi. She looked like she was about to soil her Depends when she and her party made a run for it. Not so much fun when it's YOU on the receiving end of the "collateral damage" it, Nancy?
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats

I'm sorry, is this supposed to be a big deal? Am I supposed to be upset and frothing at the mouth about it like you are? Is creating worthless partisan threads kind of like your personal therapy or something?
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats

I'm sorry, is this supposed to be a big deal? Am I supposed to be upset and frothing at the mouth about it like you are? Is creating worthless partisan threads kind of like your personal therapy or something?
Yes it should be a big deal but you are too stupid to grasp why.
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats

What fucking tripe.
Stop twisting shit.

The whole quote without your bi-asssed editing job:

"""Speaking to economist Paul Krugman on Sunday, Pelosi said, ā€œI think that we owe the American people to be there for them, for their financial security, respecting the dignity and worth of every person in our country.

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

It was unclear what she meant by ā€œcollateral damage,ā€ but many took that to refer to attacks and harassment that Republicans and their supporters had faced at the hands of left-wing protesters in recent weeks.""

Her comments were in reference to financial insecurity, not violence, you POS.
The Blaze is asshole Glenn Beck's BLOG.
Fake news.

What did Trump say last night in Montana about some fuck body-slamming a reporter?
Just answer the question.
He's a mobster trying to incite a mob.

Trump praises Gianforte for body slamming reporter

Fucking hypocrites. You're one of the biggest here.
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats
Do you have comprehension problems or are you just trying to fool the low IQ puppets into thinking these people were talking about actual violence??

Come on, anybody with a brain who listened to Holder or Pelosiā€™s full statements knows they werenā€™t talking about violence... Iā€™m curious, if you are playing a game and somebody on your team says ā€œLetā€™s go kick their ass!ā€ Do you run out there and literally kick your opponents in the ass?

Grow up. Do better
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats
Do you have comprehension problems or are you just trying to fool the low IQ puppets into thinking these people were talking about actual violence??

Come on, anybody with a brain who listened to Holder or Pelosiā€™s full statements knows they werenā€™t talking about violence... Iā€™m curious, if you are playing a game and somebody on your team says ā€œLetā€™s go kick their ass!ā€ Do you run out there and literally kick your opponents in the ass?

Grow up. Do better
All progressives are fucked in the head
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats
Do you have comprehension problems or are you just trying to fool the low IQ puppets into thinking these people were talking about actual violence??

Come on, anybody with a brain who listened to Holder or Pelosiā€™s full statements knows they werenā€™t talking about violence... Iā€™m curious, if you are playing a game and somebody on your team says ā€œLetā€™s go kick their ass!ā€ Do you run out there and literally kick your opponents in the ass?

Grow up. Do better
All progressives are fucked in the head

And all regressives are empty-headed.
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats

I'm sorry, is this supposed to be a big deal? Am I supposed to be upset and frothing at the mouth about it like you are? Is creating worthless partisan threads kind of like your personal therapy or something?
Hey TT, no one is 'frothing at the mouth' at the fact that the Democratic Party's top leaders are attempting to incite violence by calling for an escalation of violent intolerance and an abandonment of civility.

This is not a surprise to anyone.

I guess the only ones it really bothers is snowflakes. They are the ones screaming an crying about it being reported....then again, cockroaches hate when the light comes on.... :p
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats
Do you have comprehension problems or are you just trying to fool the low IQ puppets into thinking these people were talking about actual violence??

Come on, anybody with a brain who listened to Holder or Pelosiā€™s full statements knows they werenā€™t talking about violence... Iā€™m curious, if you are playing a game and somebody on your team says ā€œLetā€™s go kick their ass!ā€ Do you run out there and literally kick your opponents in the ass?

Grow up. Do better
Whatever you say, snowflake.

That must mean snowflakes have no common sense because since the 3 violent Amigos began calling for an escalation in violence intolerant violent snowflakes have been responding by increasing the violence.

Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats

What fucking tripe.
Stop twisting shit.

The whole quote without your bi-asssed editing job:

"""Speaking to economist Paul Krugman on Sunday, Pelosi said, ā€œI think that we owe the American people to be there for them, for their financial security, respecting the dignity and worth of every person in our country.

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

It was unclear what she meant by ā€œcollateral damage,ā€ but many took that to refer to attacks and harassment that Republicans and their supporters had faced at the hands of left-wing protesters in recent weeks.""

Her comments were in reference to financial insecurity, not violence, you POS.
The Blaze is asshole Glenn Beck's BLOG.
Fake news.

What did Trump say last night in Montana about some fuck body-slamming a reporter?
Just answer the question.
He's a mobster trying to incite a mob.

Trump praises Gianforte for body slamming reporter

Fucking hypocrites. You're one of the biggest here.
All depends on WHY/HOW the body slamming occurred.

As for Pelosi, obviously, she was referring to attacks against conservatives - and that would have to include ALL of them (ex. the shooting of Steve Scalise)

As for mobsters trying to incite a mob > Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, Antifa, Cory "Spartacus" Booker, Nancy Pelosi, Erratic Eric Holder :rolleyes: AKA the Meltdown Gang
Last edited:
Do you have comprehension problems or are you just trying to fool the low IQ puppets into thinking these people were talking about actual violence??

Come on, anybody with a brain who listened to Holder or Pelosiā€™s full statements knows they werenā€™t talking about violence... Iā€™m curious, if you are playing a game and somebody on your team says ā€œLetā€™s go kick their ass!ā€ Do you run out there and literally kick your opponents in the ass?

Grow up. Do better
James T. Hodgkinson did. With a rifle. And the leftist Charlottesville counterprotesters did. With their fists. And the Ferguson and Baltimore rioters did - with rocks, bottles, and lighter fluid. More examples available on request.

At least 20 arrested in Berkeley political protests
Can you imagine the historic level of rage, screaming, calls for Censures, ousting from Congress, judicial punishment, the call for repeal of the 2nd Amendment, the national propaganda, etc ... against Republicans if the GOP had done what the Democrats had done - escalate violent rhetoric until a Conservative attempted to assassinate Democrat politicians?

Can you imagine how the GOP would have been / would be attacked if they encouraged Conservatives to - and if Conservatives were as uncivil and violently intolerant as snowflakes - publicly stalk, harass, attack, and threaten Liberals, Democrats, and Democrat Politicians?

Although Democrats and snowflakes are desperately trying to pain what they are doing as 'the new norm' and NOT excessively violently intolerant at all, they would pain the GOP as rabid, terrorists / butchers were the tables turned.

The hypocrisy of overwhelming / mind-numbing.

Take for instance this case: Democrats continue to try to scream without proof that Trump tried to cheat in the 2016 election...while irrefutable evidence and DNC admission by their Chairwoman (Donna Brazile) shows Hillary rigged primaries, cheated in debates, broke laws, etc....

Did Trump run over and start screaming SHAME in the journalist's face? Or did he kick the guy while he was down?
Which Leftie instruction did Trump follow??
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats
Do you have comprehension problems or are you just trying to fool the low IQ puppets into thinking these people were talking about actual violence??

Come on, anybody with a brain who listened to Holder or Pelosiā€™s full statements knows they werenā€™t talking about violence... Iā€™m curious, if you are playing a game and somebody on your team says ā€œLetā€™s go kick their ass!ā€ Do you run out there and literally kick your opponents in the ass?

Grow up. Do better
All progressives are fucked in the head
Oh good. Thanks for sharing
And all regressives are empty-headed.

Patently untrue.

There are still many regressives suffering in tthat way but that's why their colleagues are campaigning to "Save The Wales".

You see, dead whales don't shit.

Progressives NEED all the whale shit they can get because it's the only thing they find satisfies their burning desire to fill the empty space 'twixt the ears of their suffering brethren (or "xisteren").
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats
Do you have comprehension problems or are you just trying to fool the low IQ puppets into thinking these people were talking about actual violence??

Come on, anybody with a brain who listened to Holder or Pelosiā€™s full statements knows they werenā€™t talking about violence... Iā€™m curious, if you are playing a game and somebody on your team says ā€œLetā€™s go kick their ass!ā€ Do you run out there and literally kick your opponents in the ass?

Grow up. Do better
they were. and you trying to spin it won't work.

BTW, it isn't up to us, but to those doing the violence. It seems they believe it means actual violence. Leftist only do what the elite leaders tell them. there is no deviation from a plan. evah in leftist looney land cult!!
Pelosi officially joins Eric holder and Hillary Clinton in calling for an intolerant escalation in violence and the abandonment of civility.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appeared to endorse the harassment and threats made against supporters of the president and his policies during an interview in New York City.

ā€œSo be itā€

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

kicking, bullying, driving conservatives out of restaurants......

Nancy Pelosi supports ā€˜collateral damageā€™ against those who disagree with Democrats

What fucking tripe.
Stop twisting shit.

The whole quote without your bi-asssed editing job:

"""Speaking to economist Paul Krugman on Sunday, Pelosi said, ā€œI think that we owe the American people to be there for them, for their financial security, respecting the dignity and worth of every person in our country.

ā€œAnd if thereā€™s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it,ā€ Pelosi continued, ā€œbut it should not be our original purpose.ā€

It was unclear what she meant by ā€œcollateral damage,ā€ but many took that to refer to attacks and harassment that Republicans and their supporters had faced at the hands of left-wing protesters in recent weeks.""

Her comments were in reference to financial insecurity, not violence, you POS.
The Blaze is asshole Glenn Beck's BLOG.
Fake news.

What did Trump say last night in Montana about some fuck body-slamming a reporter?
Just answer the question.
He's a mobster trying to incite a mob.

Trump praises Gianforte for body slamming reporter

Fucking hypocrites. You're one of the biggest here.

You do a good paste and copy for a Troll.
I don't see much future for the Americans ... it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities ... my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance ... everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?
Adolf Hitler
Kind of echo the feelings of the Soros Group and the Liberals.

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