Pelosi, Messina celebrate Wasserman Schultz's new book


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
thank gawd it wasn't Palin...Democrats getting rich while in office is a time to Celebrate...and you worship these people...while they live it up and you're in 7% unemployment and trying to get on their wonderful, Obamafailnocare....cracks me up, really it does....cute picture of your masters at the site


WASHINGTON - Top Democrats turned out tonight to celebrate Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz on the publication of her new book, For the Next Generation: A Wake-Up Call to Solving Our Nation's Problems.

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi gave a toast of "gratitude for her great leadership, her imagination, her integrity, her idealism" as a crowd looked on from the Capitol Hill home of Sen. Mary Landrieu.

Earlier Jim Messina praised the Floridian for her work on behalf of President Obama's re-election and as chairwoman of the DNC.

Among the lawmakers in attendance: Reps. Steny Hoyer, Ted Deutch, Joe Garcia, Rosa DeLauro.

Wasserman Schultz invoked the Hebrew phrase tikkun olam, which means repairing the world, and said she had made that a career choice.

"We grew up, us 40-something-year-olds, in the 80s, a very consumption orientated me-generation in which most of our friends chose the path of rising up the corporate ladder, making as much money as humanly possible. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It was really important for me that I wake up every day and be able to help with other people's lives."
whoa, DEEP^^^^

all of it here
Pelosi, Messina celebrate Wasserman Schultz's new book | Tampa Bay Times
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