Pelosi rejects Jordan and Banks from Select Committee for 1/6/2021

Well, the Democrats are gonna take their responsibility seriously.

Why do you call it a joke?
The Democrats are a joke. Now everyone knows how the commission they wanted Republicans to support would have worked.
It never had to exist at all. The Republicans chose this route. As predicted they will cry that it is partisan in hopes of diminishing the damaging truths that will come out regarding their complicity and even assistance from their members.
Dim talking points.

IOW…. Reality.

They are of the three accepted was on the same page as the two rejected...who supported not certifying the election.

Jordan is a possible material witness.... He strategized with Trump ahead of 1/6, on the plans for 1/6. An investigator being a witness is not acceptable in any investigation.

And Banks went on right wing tv rounds after the announcement of him being a pick, but before Nancy approved, disparaging the investigation and telling the viewers his plans of sabotaging it with side shows.

Well duh Don't Taz was a planned move buy McCarthy to have Nancy exercise her power to ban them, so McCarthy could have an excuse for pulling out of the investigation and then blame it on Pelosi. I predicted this a month ago.... It's all being laid out, just as they planned from the beginning.... From turning down the independent commission....

Don't be fooled in to thinking g McCarthy and repubs ever wanted or planned to, investigate, or do it honestly.
How about if Jim Jordan chooses the Democrats assigned to represent their party?

Nazi Piglosi should also be a material witness, since her failure to accept additional security is one of the primary reasons the protest got out of control.

You just admitted that the Dims planned this to be a partisan farce right from the get-go.

Face it: your just a prog douchebag.
i hope she asks adam kinzinger & he accepts. that will be 2 (R) reps.

poor kevin - he had a sweet deal with full equal say but alas - donny ate his spine for lunch.
Kinzinger has already sealed his fate in the Republican party.

That's the Dim conception of "bi-partisan:" a commission infested with partisan Democrats and RINO Republicans.
The Hill: House erupts in anger over Jan. 6 and Trump's role

The Hill ^

Smoldering tensions over the Jan. 6 Capitol attack exploded Wednesday in a partisan battle over who should sit on the special committee investigating the deadly siege — a clash of wills that spurred Republicans to end their participation in the investigation before it began.

The fight started just after noon when Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said she would reject two of the five Republican nominees to the panel, Reps. Jim Banks (Ind.) and Jim Jordan (Ohio). Both are among the most staunch defenders of former President Trump and deny his role in instigating the attack, and Pelosi — fueled by objections from within her caucus — accused the pair of threatening “the integrity” of the coming investigation.

Republicans quickly responded in kind.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) called a private meeting with all five of his nominees for the select committee, emerging shortly after with an ultimatum to Pelosi: Keep Banks and Jordan on board, or all of the Republican picks would walk away.

Pelosi didn’t budge, prompting McCarthy to yank the other three Republicans from the panel.

“Pelosi has broken this institution,” McCarthy later told reporters while flanked by his GOP picks.

The dramatic back-and-forth — extraordinary even by current measures of national partisan hostility — highlighted the levels of resentment and distrust that persist on Capitol Hill more than six months after the deadly events of Jan. 6.

The siege was orchestrated by Trump supporters who, emboldened by the former president, were attempting to stop Congress from formalizing President Biden's electoral victory. And Democrats have been furious with those Trump allies who not only promoted Trump’s lies about a stolen election, but voted to overturn the presidential results just hours after the rampage.

Jordan and Banks have been among the most vocal Trump defenders following the Capitol riot, and rank-and-file Democrats raced to defend Pelosi’s decision to deny the pair a seat on the investigative panel.

“You have two people who are just so disconnected from reality, and seem so willing to throw bombs,” said Rep. Dan Kildee (D-Mich.). “I think as tough as the decision is — and I'm sure she'll face a lot of criticism for it — I'd rather take that now than subject what should be an honest analysis of what took place to becoming a 'Gong Show.' And that's what it would be.”

McCarthy and his team of nominees shared a decidedly different view. Although the resolution creating the select committee granted Pelosi ultimate powers to decide the panel’s membership, they accused the Speaker of encroaching on the rights of the minority party to decide its own roster — a dangerous precedent, they warned, for similar panels in the future.

“It's an egregious use of power,” McCarthy said. “It is undeniable that this panel has lost all legitimacy and credibility.”

Most Republicans had opposed the creation of the select committee last month, criticizing Democrats for limiting the scope of the probe to the events of Jan. 6. Republicans had pushed to expand the scope to include other episodes of political violence, including the sporadic clashes that accompanied some of last summer’s Black Lives Matter protests and the April 2 killing of Capitol Police officer Billy Evans, who was struck by a car when a motorist rammed a police barricade.

They also want any investigation into Jan. 6 to include a thorough accounting of what Pelosi knew about the threat that day — an unsubtle suggestion that they think the Speaker was negligent in securing the Capitol.

“I don’t think they’re going to address the fundamental question … of why wasn’t there a proper security presence at the Capitol that day,” Jordan said. “And only one person can answer that question — only one.”

Yet the select committee was formed because Republicans had rejected the Democrats’ first choice of investigative strategies: the creation of a bipartisan independent committee, modeled on the 9/11 commission, to conduct the probe. Legislation forming that panel was negotiated by House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and GOP Rep. John Katko (N.Y.) and backed by 35 House Republicans, but was blocked by Republicans in the Senate.

Those dynamics have undermined the Republicans’ claims of a stacked process, while providing ammunition to lawmakers in both parties still fighting for a comprehensive dive into the causes and machinations surrounding the Capitol attack.

McCarthy’s actions are a “self-fulfilling prophecy,” Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.), a former CIA analyst and Pentagon official, told The Hill. "You don't accept the most clear, neutral bipartisan version that's on the table, then you criticize the second-best option."

“It is hard for me to believe the crocodile tears when Leader McCarthy has been against this vocally from the very beginning,” she added.

Democrats have a powerful ally in Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), a fierce Trump critic who accepted Pelosi’s invitation to sit on the select committee and is now bashing Republican leaders, saying they have sided with Trump over the Constitution. She has reserved some of her harshest language for McCarthy.

“There must be an investigation that is nonpartisan, that is sober, that is serious, that gets to the facts wherever they may lead. And at every opportunity, the minority leader has attempted to prevent the American people from understanding what happened,” she charged Wednesday, adding that McCarthy’s actions surrounding Jan. 6 should disqualify him from ever becoming Speaker.

Cheney was also quick to support Pelosi’s decision to reject Jordan and Banks. The former, she argued, “may well be a material witness to events that led to ... Jan. 6.” The latter “disqualified himself” in vowing to focus his energies on the panel on Pelosi, she said.

“He is not dealing with the facts of this investigation, but rather viewed it as a political platform,” Cheney added.

Another one of Pelosi’s picks on the panel also ripped into McCarthy, likening his actions to a child throwing a tantrum.

“What McCarthy is doing is petulant and typical of his desire to impede getting to the truth,” Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-Fla.) told reporters Wednesday. “Taking his ball and going home as opposed to appointing serious, apolitical members to participate on this committee is undemocratic of him and un-American.”

Katko, the leader of a bloc of moderate Republicans, said he’d be willing to participate in any GOP effort to investigate Jan. 6 as long as it’s “not political.” But he expressed disappointment that Senate GOP leaders blocked his Jan. 6 commission bill that had been passed in the House by 35 Republicans and all Democrats.

“I really wish our bill had gotten there,” Katko lamented.

McCarthy's decision to withdraw his GOP picks means that the panel — designed to seat 13 lawmakers — will instead feature only the eight members appointed by Pelosi earlier in the month, including Thompson, the chairman, and Reps. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.).

The panel's first hearing, set for July 27, will feature testimony from four police officers who were injured during the Capitol attack.

“This isn't a game,” Raskin said. “There was an attack on our country, there was an attack on the Congress, and there was an attempt to overthrow our election. So we're going to get to the bottom of it.”

But Ashli was murdered by police and NO OUTRAGE FROM LEFT OR WOMEAN GROUPS....HYPOCRITES!
The Hill: House erupts in anger over Jan. 6 and Trump's role

The Hill ^

Smoldering tensions over the Jan. 6 Capitol attack exploded Wednesday in a partisan battle over who should sit on the special committee investigating the deadly siege — a clash of wills that spurred Republicans to end their participation in the investigation before it began.

The fight started just after noon when Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said she would reject two of the five Republican nominees to the panel, Reps. Jim Banks (Ind.) and Jim Jordan (Ohio). Both are among the most staunch defenders of former President Trump and deny his role in instigating the attack, and Pelosi — fueled by objections from within her caucus — accused the pair of threatening “the integrity” of the coming investigation.

Republicans quickly responded in kind.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) called a private meeting with all five of his nominees for the select committee, emerging shortly after with an ultimatum to Pelosi: Keep Banks and Jordan on board, or all of the Republican picks would walk away.

Pelosi didn’t budge, prompting McCarthy to yank the other three Republicans from the panel.

“Pelosi has broken this institution,” McCarthy later told reporters while flanked by his GOP picks.

The dramatic back-and-forth — extraordinary even by current measures of national partisan hostility — highlighted the levels of resentment and distrust that persist on Capitol Hill more than six months after the deadly events of Jan. 6.

The siege was orchestrated by Trump supporters who, emboldened by the former president, were attempting to stop Congress from formalizing President Biden's electoral victory. And Democrats have been furious with those Trump allies who not only promoted Trump’s lies about a stolen election, but voted to overturn the presidential results just hours after the rampage.

Jordan and Banks have been among the most vocal Trump defenders following the Capitol riot, and rank-and-file Democrats raced to defend Pelosi’s decision to deny the pair a seat on the investigative panel.

“You have two people who are just so disconnected from reality, and seem so willing to throw bombs,” said Rep. Dan Kildee (D-Mich.). “I think as tough as the decision is — and I'm sure she'll face a lot of criticism for it — I'd rather take that now than subject what should be an honest analysis of what took place to becoming a 'Gong Show.' And that's what it would be.”

McCarthy and his team of nominees shared a decidedly different view. Although the resolution creating the select committee granted Pelosi ultimate powers to decide the panel’s membership, they accused the Speaker of encroaching on the rights of the minority party to decide its own roster — a dangerous precedent, they warned, for similar panels in the future.

“It's an egregious use of power,” McCarthy said. “It is undeniable that this panel has lost all legitimacy and credibility.”

Most Republicans had opposed the creation of the select committee last month, criticizing Democrats for limiting the scope of the probe to the events of Jan. 6. Republicans had pushed to expand the scope to include other episodes of political violence, including the sporadic clashes that accompanied some of last summer’s Black Lives Matter protests and the April 2 killing of Capitol Police officer Billy Evans, who was struck by a car when a motorist rammed a police barricade.

They also want any investigation into Jan. 6 to include a thorough accounting of what Pelosi knew about the threat that day — an unsubtle suggestion that they think the Speaker was negligent in securing the Capitol.

“I don’t think they’re going to address the fundamental question … of why wasn’t there a proper security presence at the Capitol that day,” Jordan said. “And only one person can answer that question — only one.”

Yet the select committee was formed because Republicans had rejected the Democrats’ first choice of investigative strategies: the creation of a bipartisan independent committee, modeled on the 9/11 commission, to conduct the probe. Legislation forming that panel was negotiated by House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and GOP Rep. John Katko (N.Y.) and backed by 35 House Republicans, but was blocked by Republicans in the Senate.

Those dynamics have undermined the Republicans’ claims of a stacked process, while providing ammunition to lawmakers in both parties still fighting for a comprehensive dive into the causes and machinations surrounding the Capitol attack.

McCarthy’s actions are a “self-fulfilling prophecy,” Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.), a former CIA analyst and Pentagon official, told The Hill. "You don't accept the most clear, neutral bipartisan version that's on the table, then you criticize the second-best option."

“It is hard for me to believe the crocodile tears when Leader McCarthy has been against this vocally from the very beginning,” she added.

Democrats have a powerful ally in Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), a fierce Trump critic who accepted Pelosi’s invitation to sit on the select committee and is now bashing Republican leaders, saying they have sided with Trump over the Constitution. She has reserved some of her harshest language for McCarthy.

“There must be an investigation that is nonpartisan, that is sober, that is serious, that gets to the facts wherever they may lead. And at every opportunity, the minority leader has attempted to prevent the American people from understanding what happened,” she charged Wednesday, adding that McCarthy’s actions surrounding Jan. 6 should disqualify him from ever becoming Speaker.

Cheney was also quick to support Pelosi’s decision to reject Jordan and Banks. The former, she argued, “may well be a material witness to events that led to ... Jan. 6.” The latter “disqualified himself” in vowing to focus his energies on the panel on Pelosi, she said.

“He is not dealing with the facts of this investigation, but rather viewed it as a political platform,” Cheney added.

Another one of Pelosi’s picks on the panel also ripped into McCarthy, likening his actions to a child throwing a tantrum.

“What McCarthy is doing is petulant and typical of his desire to impede getting to the truth,” Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-Fla.) told reporters Wednesday. “Taking his ball and going home as opposed to appointing serious, apolitical members to participate on this committee is undemocratic of him and un-American.”

Katko, the leader of a bloc of moderate Republicans, said he’d be willing to participate in any GOP effort to investigate Jan. 6 as long as it’s “not political.” But he expressed disappointment that Senate GOP leaders blocked his Jan. 6 commission bill that had been passed in the House by 35 Republicans and all Democrats.

“I really wish our bill had gotten there,” Katko lamented.

McCarthy's decision to withdraw his GOP picks means that the panel — designed to seat 13 lawmakers — will instead feature only the eight members appointed by Pelosi earlier in the month, including Thompson, the chairman, and Reps. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.).

The panel's first hearing, set for July 27, will feature testimony from four police officers who were injured during the Capitol attack.

“This isn't a game,” Raskin said. “There was an attack on our country, there was an attack on the Congress, and there was an attempt to overthrow our election. So we're going to get to the bottom of it.”

But Ashli was murdered by police and NO OUTRAGE FROM LEFT OR WOMEAN GROUPS....HYPOCRITES!
Dims are like the abusive husband who tells his wife "you made me beat you."
Recall the Democrats wanted a bipartisan panel split down the middle like the 9-11 commission.

The Neo-GOP wants to devolve any investigation into a shit show.
Bi-partisan, my ass. Piglosi would be in the witness chair, if that was the case. Who said she couldn't reject Republican selections for that committee? Why do only Democrats get to control the agenda?

Spare us the Dim talking points.
Bi-partisan, my ass. Piglosi would be in the witness chair, if that was the case. Who said she couldn't reject Republican selections for that committee? Why do only Democrats get to control the agenda?

Spare us the Dim talking points.

Please tell me you're pretending to be ignorant.

"The proposed commission was modeled on the one established to investigate the 9/11 terror attacks, with 10 commissioners — five Democrats and five Republicans — who would have subpoena powers."

Bipartisan legislation to establish an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol has failed in the Senate, as Republicans staged their first filibuster since President Biden took office to block the plan.

The final vote Friday was 54-35, but Republicans withheld the votes necessary to bring the bill up for debate. Just six GOP senators joined with the Democrats, leaving the measure short of the 60 votes needed to proceed.

The proposed commission was modeled on the one established to investigate the 9/11 terror attacks, with 10 commissioners — five Democrats and five Republicans — who would have subpoena powers. A Democratic chair and Republican vice chair would have had to approve all subpoenas with a final report due at the end of the year.

The House approved the measure 252-175 last week with 35 Republicans joining all Democrats in support of the plan.

Please tell me you're pretending to be ignorant.

"The proposed commission was modeled on the one established to investigate the 9/11 terror attacks, with 10 commissioners — five Democrats and five Republicans — who would have subpoena powers."

Bipartisan legislation to establish an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol has failed in the Senate, as Republicans staged their first filibuster since President Biden took office to block the plan.

The final vote Friday was 54-35, but Republicans withheld the votes necessary to bring the bill up for debate. Just six GOP senators joined with the Democrats, leaving the measure short of the 60 votes needed to proceed.

The proposed commission was modeled on the one established to investigate the 9/11 terror attacks, with 10 commissioners — five Democrats and five Republicans — who would have subpoena powers. A Democratic chair and Republican vice chair would have had to approve all subpoenas with a final report due at the end of the year.

The House approved the measure 252-175 last week with 35 Republicans joining all Democrats in support of the plan.

If the Dims can reject anyone the Republicans choose, then it's meaningless. Nothing I've heard says Piglosi couldn't do the same with that commission as she has just done with this committee. It also doesn't say that the Dims wouldn't have total control over the agenda.

It's a Kangaroo court.
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If the Dims can reject anyone the Republicans choose, then it's meaningless. Nothing I've heard says Piglosi could do the same with that commission as she has just done with this committee. It also doesn't say that the Dims wouldn't have total control over the agenda.

It's a Kangaroo court.

Stalin would be proud of Pelosi.
No doubt!
If the Dims can reject anyone the Republicans choose, then it's meaningless.
The Neo-GOP Senate already voted it down two months ago. Because they can't afford for the truth of their complicity in the event to be exposed. They know the base will jump like rats from the sinking ship if their treachery is exposed. The House passed the legislation for the Commission in a bipartisan vote. Speaker Pelosi, nor any other House Democrat would be in charge of the Independent Commission.

But the Neo-GOP scum ran from that idea.

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