Pelosi rejects Jordan and Banks from Select Committee for 1/6/2021

No republicans in the House leadership wants to find out the truth of the what, where, when, who and how of the 1/6 attack....

They voted against a non partisan commission out side of congress to investigate, they also voted down this house select committee investigation.

They do not want an investigation to uncover the truth...period.

This appointing of Jordan to the team, was just a way to pull out of the investigation they never wanted to be a part of in the first place....they knew Nancy had the power to reject the circus barkers, and would.

You don't know your side, very well, imho.

I can't believe the lies you type, you do have courage. EVERYTHING Pelosi does is Partisan, e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.
These riots occurred under ol'Trumpybear's watch.
REALLY, Boo? You mean the Fed was supposed to go into blue cities and kick ass? The one time Trump actually sent a few federal officers to protect federal property last year, you people had a shit.
No one outside of crazed Leftists and inside the beltway types care about this little sideshow. Biden is demented (literally) gas prices and inflation are through the roof, the economy is not coming back, covid IS coming back and the vaccines are not working as promised.

But all the Dems wanna do is obsess over January 6th.

Hey that will work out great for the midterms, I'm sure of it
The economy would come back if weren't for the dumb unvaccinated, its about time its a workers market.

I know why republicans aren't concerned about Jan 6th, they are the one who done it including several congressman.
That is because the Czarina is trying to stack the deck. She wants no Republicans with any guts or brains on that phony committee.

I think the requirements includes Republicans with big enough Balls to question Trumpybears actions on the BIGLIE.
The economy would come back if weren't for the dumb unvaccinated, its about time its a workers market.

I know why republicans aren't concerned about Jan 6th, they are the one who done it including several congressman.
When the time comes. Pelosi and the Prog shrews will be Afghanistized.
No, read it again

Appointing Loudmouth Trump Fluffer Jordan to a committee tasked with getting to the bottom of Donnie’s violent insurrection is akin to appointing El Chapo to a committee investigating drugs and crime.
Repeating it doesn't make it any less ignorant..
Liz and I agree on about as much as her Pop and I did.
But she's got bigger gonads than any of her male R counterparts.
They stripped her of her committee assignments - We'll give her one back! :)
Me too! I do not agree with her on much of anything, when it comes to her and especially her daddy's politics! Yuk!!

But, she is one tough lady, not a yellow belly coward, and has definitely put the constitution and our Nation, before her own career.... How can anyone, not admire her for that...?
Usually I would support all voices on such a committee but these two men voted to not certify the vote for Biden. They also voted against the January 6th bipartisan commission.
So why should that exclude them from being represented? I don't agree with either of those things they did, but if you want a real commission and not a partisan puppet show you need to have all viewpoints represented, even the more extreme.
Repeating it doesn't make it any less ignorant..
Meh -- You just didn't understand it. Bet I could write something similar about myself - Let's see:

Hiring me to fix your car would be akin to appointing El Chapo to a committee investigating drugs and crime.

*I'm not what you would call a great auto mechanic. ;)

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