Pelosi rejects Jordan and Banks from Select Committee for 1/6/2021

The republicans will just bend over and let her do whatever she wants I guess.....we need a new party....
For someone whose opinion matters not a bit to a single person here on this board as one of the great laughing stocks here, you sure do like to flatter yourself suggesting that I give a flaming rat's ass what you think about ME or anyone else. Jordon's pinky finger has more value and integrity as a uniquely dedicated American in an otherwise morass of political seaweed in Washington than you have in your whole body.
Appointing Loudmouth Trump Fluffer Jordan to a committee tasked with getting to the bottom of Donnie’s violent insurrection is akin to appointing El Chapo to a committee investigating drugs and crime.

  • Boehner described several fellow Republicans as "political terrorists," including Rep. Jim Jordan.
  • "I never saw a guy who spent more time tearing things apart ― never building anything," he said.
  • In his book, Boehner seemed relieved that he didn't have to interact with Trump while in office.
No one outside of crazed Leftists and inside the beltway types care about this little sideshow. Biden is demented (literally) gas prices and inflation are through the roof, the economy is not coming back, covid IS coming back and the vaccines are not working as promised.

But all the Dems wanna do is obsess over January 6th.

Hey that will work out great for the midterms, I'm sure of it
Will they bring golden pens

This is going to be more cringeworthy than the impeachment walk ...or a Joe Biden 4th of July youtube speech that gets 4000 dislikes out of 6000 views

Trump won Bigly
The whole world knows it
You get, what you deserve.....(not you personally but the general 'you')

Republicans in Congress, CHOSE this route.

They reneged on their independent, with equal power, outside of congress 9/11 type commission....where they investigated in silence for the most part with absolutely no dog and pony shows.... Your leaders messed up because Trump, a disgraced ex president, did not want one and FORCED republicans to cancel it....

Most of the Rs in congress are disgusting, weak, yellow belly slithering two headed forked tongue, snakes....they are creepy, zombies.
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  • Boehner described several fellow Republicans as "political terrorists," including Rep. Jim Jordan.
  • "I never saw a guy who spent more time tearing things apart ― never building anything," he said.
  • In his book, Boehner seemed relieved that he didn't have to interact with Trump while in office.
Its my party and I'll cry if I want to..
Will they bring golden pens

This is going to be more cringeworthy than the impeachment walk ...or a Joe Biden 4th of July youtube speech that gets 4000 dislikes out of 6000 views

Trump won Bigly
The whole world knows it
The whole world knows that Trumpers are under a delusion...a cult like delusion.

The whole world knows Trump lost BIGLY! And Trump doesn't have the balls or mental ability to tell the truth and face his loss. He's weak.

Appointing Loudmouth Trump Fluffer Jordan to a committee tasked with getting to the bottom of Donnie’s violent insurrection is akin to appointing El Chapo to a committee investigating drugs and crime.
Are you saying Jordan is a criminal?
Banks and Jordan Pelosi.... Will McCarthy replace them or kill participation?

McCarthy knew in advance that folks like Gym Jordan would be kicked off the commission....he already had a speech drawn up to complain about it before it happened....

This is all theater......and cults love theater....
Pelosi is to the Jan 6th investigation as the Arizona Senate president is to the Maricopa County election "audit". From the start it wasn't hard to figure out both are jokes.
McCarthy knew in advance that folks like Gym Jordan would be kicked off the commission....he already had a speech drawn up to complain about it before it happened....

This is all theater......and cults love theater....
Seriously, that's exactly what happened and I predicted such in posts here, at the time they voted down the independent commission...

Magas, simply don't care.... Protecting their weak, fragile, Trump.... seems to be more important, than our Nation and truth.... Very sad, and disappointing to see Americans being America's worst enemy ...through using their constitutional free speech protections to propagate nothing but lies....lies upon lies upon lies..... Sad indeed.
McCarthy knew in advance that folks like Gym Jordan would be kicked off the commission....he already had a speech drawn up to complain about it before it happened....
It remains essential that Congress confront the assault upon the democratic process despite the attempts to sabotage a fair and thorough investigation. Again, besides the police who were attacked by Trump goons, this is one essential witness that must be called to testify under oath before the committee:

Screen Shot 2021-07-21 at 7.34.32 PM.png

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters.
He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding.”
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R)​
and another:

Screen Shot 2021-07-21 at 7.43.33 PM.png

"The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by
the president and other powerful people."

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R)
Seriously, that's exactly what happened and I predicted such in posts here, at the time they voted down the independent commission...

Magas, simply don't care.... Protecting their weak, fragile, Trump.... seems to be more important, than our Nation and truth.... Very sad, and disappointing to see Americans being America's worst enemy ...through using their constitutional free speech protections to propagate nothing but lies....lies upon lies upon lies..... Sad indeed.
While it is true that the GOP lying to their supporters is much of the blame....but I also blame the mainstream media and their commitment to the both sides do it narrative...

Because every reporter knows Cheney’s on the committee, so it isn't partisan...they know that Republicans killed the bipartisan commission....they know that McCarthy's attacks on the committee’s findings are pre-packaged.

But they can’t make that the basis of their reporting because it’d mean placing GOP bad-faith dealing under scrutiny.
While it is true that the GOP lying to their supporters is much of the blame....but I also blame the mainstream media and their commitment to the both sides do it narrative...

Because every reporter knows Cheney’s on the committee, so it isn't partisan...they know that Republicans killed the bipartisan commission....they know that McCarthy's attacks on the committee’s findings are pre-packaged.

But they can’t make that the basis of their reporting because it’d mean placing GOP bad-faith dealing under scrutiny.
The Wrath of Don, has everyone on edge too...

But the main stream media with leanings on both sides of the aisle should address it by simply covering from all angles. "Democrats are saying this...." and ''Republicans are saying this....''....with no leaning or biased comments and let the listeners simply be more informed....and then the listeners can come to their own conclusions.... Yes, in my little utopia world! :)
The Wrath of Don, has everyone on edge too...

But the main stream media with leanings on both sides of the aisle should address it by simply covering from all angles. "Democrats are saying this...." and ''Republicans are saying this....''....with no leaning or biased comments and let the listeners simply be more informed....and then the listeners can come to their own conclusions....imo. Yes, in my little utopia world! :)
Well, there is a reason they say the truth has a liberal bias...

Because if the media said -- Republicans voted against a bipartisan committee only to complain that the committee isn't bipartisan.....

It would be an unbiased factual comment.....but it will expose Republicans for what they truly are..and I guess that would biased to do that

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