Pelosi rejects Jordan and Banks from Select Committee for 1/6/2021

That is who you admire, tell me a lot about you.
For someone whose opinion matters not a bit to a single person here on this board as one of the great laughing stocks here, you sure do like to flatter yourself suggesting that I give a flaming rat's ass what you think about ME or anyone else. Jordon's pinky finger has more value and integrity as a uniquely dedicated American in an otherwise morass of political seaweed in Washington than you have in your whole body.
Pelosi the pighead is fishing for anti-Repub propaganda leading into the mid-terms.
Maybe she needs another hog-head delivered to her.

If you think about it, like a hundred other things the Dims do, Nancy's "committee" is just another attempt at fixing the next election, election tampering worse than anything the Russians ever did, worse, really an effort at cementing her own political power by trying to avoid losing the Speaker seat next year, and SHE IS USING AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS TO FINANCE IT.

Nancy will have her bogus committee and it will point NOT A FINGER of blame at a single democrat while finding a hundred skeletons in the closet for Trump and the GOP.

I'd bet my life on it.

And we STILL won't even know the name of the murderous bastard who killed sweet Ashli Babbitt.
We don't know everything, and that's why we need an investigation.

It seems to be one big cover up from every angle you look at it, multitudes of Murphy's Law occurring all at once!!

My heart sank that day, I was sick to my stomach to see that attack on our Capitol by American citizens, filled with so much hatred and anger and fury towards the police, no-one coming to help, or stop it.... I will never forget it..... We were so under prepared and an embarrassment on the world stage as well....

I want to know exactly what happened, and why....and why were there so many security failures...?

We deserve these answers....

Yes, and apparently Nancy Pelosi isn't interested in answers she won't like.
We don't know everything, and that's why we need an investigation.

It seems to be one big cover up from every angle you look at it, multitudes of Murphy's Law occurring all at once!!

My heart sank that day, I was sick to my stomach to see that attack on our Capitol by American citizens, filled with so much hatred and anger and fury towards the police, no-one coming to help, or stop it.... I will never forget it..... We were so under prepared and an embarrassment on the world stage as well....

I want to know exactly what happened, and why....and why were there so many security failures...?

We deserve these answers....

You deserve what your sorry party voted for.

Now suck on it.
Usually I would support all voices on such a committee but these two men voted to not certify the vote for Biden. They also voted against the January 6th bipartisan commission.

Pelosi is right, they would put the integrity of the commission in jeopardy.

mccarthy needs to appoint people who want to get the truth of that day and who won't turn it into a three ring circus. There are other republicans more qualified to be on that committee.

Jordan is a material witness anyway.
Banks and Jordan Pelosi.... Will McCarthy replace them or kill participation?

That is because the Czarina is trying to stack the deck. She wants no Republicans with any guts or brains on that phony committee.
Usually I would support all voices on such a committee but these two men voted to not certify the vote for Biden. They also voted against the January 6th bipartisan commission.

Pelosi is right, they would put the integrity of the commission in jeopardy.

mccarthy needs to appoint people who want to get the truth of that day and who won't turn it into a three ring circus. There are other republicans more qualified to be on that committee.

Pelosi is right, they would put the integrity of the commission in jeopardy.

The integrity of this commission is already shot. Its a sham and a waste of money and time.

There is no chance that this committee will not find exactly what they are looking for and all the culprits they want to finger.

They could save several months of time, just write the report tomorrow...they already know exactly what they want it to say.
That is because the Czarina is trying to stack the deck. She wants no Republicans with any guts or brains on that phony committee.
You know, that is such bull crud, to the enth degree. You pieces of excrement are trying to blame Pelosi when she did nothing but break her back to accommodate Republicans and Kevin McCarthy?

McCarthy gave to his lead republican to negotiate on the 9/11 type commission to investigate, a list of things he wanted, in order for republicans to vote for such an investigation.

Every damn one of the republican requests were accommodated by Pelosi and the negotiating teams from both sides....

Repubs wanted equal representation on the commission instead of the majority party having more, she gave it to them, McCarthy/Repubs wanted equal subpoena power, Pelosi gave it to them, etc etc etc....

Every single demand McCarthy made was given to the Republicans, so the Republicans with McCarthy's approval, agreed to the commission outside of congress similar to the 9/11 commission. It was a sealed deal. All agreed.

McCarthy made a trip to kiss the ring down in Mara Lago to meet with Trump that night and the next day, HE CALLED THE DEAL OFF. Trump didn't want it done in a nonpartisan way, outside of Congress because the country, us citizens, might have actually gotten the truth, and believed it....and of course Trump couldn't have that.....

Then on this select committee investigation, he could manipulate if there was one, or he could try to call it off or call it a hoax, or call it fake news or a partisan witch hunt or any number of the perpetual lies he uses when he doesn't want his flock to believe it or know the gosh darn truth....

Y'all are soooooo blinded by his Trumpery.
That is because the Czarina is trying to stack the deck. She wants no Republicans with any guts or brains on that phony committee.
She wants Republicans that actually want to do their jobs, to get to the facts and truth on 1/6, not two Carnival Barkers with vocal announcements of their plans to sabotage the investigation before it began and, who could be called as a witness in the investigation.... The other three Repubs were accepted, even though at least one of the three accepted, voted to over throw the election.

Americans dont need a dog and pony show, we need answers and the truth.....
She wants no Republicans who voted against certifying the electoral college votes...because they are by definition...complicit
No. Actually one of the three she agreed to, voted against certifying the election.

Jordan could be called as a material witness...he spoke with trump insurrection day, (cant have an investigator be a witness and involved) and the other guy went on tv the previous 24 hours and told everyone he planned to sabotage the 1/6 investigation.
She wants no Republicans who voted against certifying the electoral college votes...because they are by definition...complicit
And every one on the democrat side are complicit as well. Just like the first impeachment, all dems were ready to impeach trump the day he was inaugurated.

This commission is no different. Every one of those dems on that commission are chomping at the bit to be able to lay charges and vote to refer trump to criminal proceedings, before the commission has even convened.

There is no possible way that this commission will ever be anything close to impartial, or wanting to find "the truth". They only truth they want to find is THEIR truth, that lands trump in legal trouble.
Banks and Jordan Pelosi.... Will McCarthy replace them or kill participation?

Will they bring golden pens

This is going to be more cringeworthy than the impeachment walk ...or a Joe Biden 4th of July youtube speech that gets 4000 dislikes out of 6000 views

Trump won Bigly
The whole world knows it
Usually I would support all voices on such a committee but these two men voted to not certify the vote for Biden. They also voted against the January 6th bipartisan commission.

Pelosi is right, they would put the integrity of the commission in jeopardy.

mccarthy needs to appoint people who want to get the truth of that day and who won't turn it into a three ring circus. There are other republicans more qualified to be on that committee.

So much for a credible commission.

A three ring circus is where both sides have an equal say?

Now you understand why Republicans wanted no part of this farce.

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