Pelosi rejects Jordan and Banks from Select Committee for 1/6/2021

No, it was a massive tantrum, carried out by idiots that thought if they could disprupt the certification, then they had a chance...It was stupid....

In your mind much like liberal progressives, you want it to be much more, you NEED it to be much more than that, so you can continue to marginalize your political opponents, and divide the country...
It was a FAILED would be all in for it if it had succeeded.
One. But I would increase the House term to four years and the Senates to eight. Turn half the House over after two years and a quarter of the Senate every two years as well.
Well, I am kind of for limits myself....But, You're kind of saying that you want pretty much freshman politicians only in Congress...I don't think that would work out the way you think it would...
No, it was a massive tantrum, carried out by idiots that thought if they could disprupt the certification, then they had a chance...It was stupid....

In your mind much like liberal progressives, you want it to be much more, you NEED it to be much more than that, so you can continue to marginalize your political opponents, and divide the country...
You mean like how you far rightwing dunces keep squawking about "burning down cities all summer?"
No, it was a massive tantrum, carried out by idiots that

Massive tantrum is correct, but it was the Trumpybear's massive 2 month long tantrum that your idiots were acting on. He was the one most responsible for the mobs actions that day.
So being in opposition to the Democrat filth stealing the 2020 election from the American people makes him a traitor? LOL!

You are confused about this Moon Bat. The Democrat scumbags that stole the election are the traitors.
You're a fool led by the nose by Trump & his right wing goons. The election wasen't stolen, idiot. Got it?

Jordan is a jerkoff with a big mouth who if allowed on that committee would have turned it into a sideshow. That's why McCarthy appointed him. And yea, Jordan is a fucking traitor for voting to overturn a lawfull election. His ass should have been booted out of Congress with the test of those shitbags who voted the same way. They're no fucking good. Period.
As predictably, Nancy is trying to shape HER committee to be what SHE wants it to be to get HER desired outcome!

Screw them. The last thing Pelosi is interested in is getting to the TRUTH about 1/6.

Pelosi the pighead is fishing for anti-Repub propaganda leading into the mid-terms.
Maybe she needs another hog-head delivered to her.
Pelosi has said if he does that she will appoint the republicans to the committee.

So let him pull all of his choices. All he is doing is giving Pelosi the opportunity to appoint the republicans.

Which isn't very smart but I don't expect anything close to intelligence from republicans.

Lame spin.
Your thread didn't go the way you expected it to. Hee-Haw!!
You're a fool led by the nose by Trump & his right wing goons. The election wasen't stolen, idiot. Got it?

Jordan is a jerkoff with a big mouth who if allowed on that committee would have turned it into a sideshow. That's why McCarthy appointed him. And yea, Jordan is a fucking traitor for voting to overturn a lawfull election. His ass should have been booted out of Congress with the test of those shitbags who voted the same way. They're no fucking good. Period.

Forgot to take your TDS medication again, Moon Bat?

The Democrats stole the 2020 Presidential election and the Senatorial election in Georgia. That is a fact.

That bitch Pelosi doesn't want Jordan on the committe because he will expose their thievery.

This shit about 1/6 is nothing more than the Democrat filth distracting from the stolen election and uneducated low information Moon Bats like you are too full of hate and greed to care that the Democrats have stolen our country.

When the history of this country is written about it turning into a Socialist shithole it will be assholes like you that allowed it to happen. You are the villains.
Agreed, Nancy didn't tell them to stand down.
But with a million pissed-off Trumpers at a DC rally she didn't tell them to staff up, that's the problem.
Didn't the FBI warn them of possible violence?
No. The problem is you blaming Pelosi for the behavior of the Trumptards who were riled by the president himself and his lackeys.
She offered a nonpartisan option up front.
Yes, the capitol police knew violence was coming, so said the FBI...
Makes you wonder why the president whipped them up further. Almost like lighting a fuse.
And you know this how? I am telling you I wouldn't...Yet, you're trying to tell me what I would or would'nt support? What a joke...
Oh hun, we all know you (orange cultists) would have all jumped on board if the FAILED Jan 6th insurrection had succeeded. You would have all been on board for the end of our Republic.

The House represents the will of the people.

The people want an investigation conducted into the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy.

The likes of McCarthy and Jordan have nothing but contempt for the will of the American people; their unwarranted opposition to the investigation is what’s partisan.
The will of the American people?
You mean the ones who voted for Republicans in the House where not one Republican lost in 2020?
Where the House has a teeny tiny democrat majority and where Nancy is totally ignoring Republicans?
McCarthy and Jordan represent about half of the US, and will impose their half's will on Nancy Pelosi, like it or not.
No one is saying that these people are upstanding people. Hell, I call them idiots. And I have called for their prosecution...But, Democrats have blown their tantrum into absurd proportion...
The only reason you can say that is that thankfully the mob was not able to get their hands on any members. They were held off just long enough to evacuate them all. The mob was certainly equipped to take and restrain hostages. Certainly that speaks to their intent.
Why is Pelosi responsible?

Why not the then President?
The Speaker of the House is responsible for the security of the Capitol and grounds.
The Capitol Police report to the Sgt. at Arms who reports to Nancy Pelosi.
They should have staffed up when about 1,000,000 pissed-off Trump supporters are in DC.

President Trump is not responsible for the Capitol Police.
The FBI even warned the capitol police of potential violence.

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