Pelosi rejects Jordan and Banks from Select Committee for 1/6/2021

Republicans have as much contempt for facts and the truth as they have contempt for the will of the American people.

McCarthy’s attempt to put partisan hacks on the commission in an effort to undermine and deflect from the facts and truth is proof of that.
LOL! So you know the commission findings already? Exactly right.
A partisan shit show is all it is, and Republicans won't be a part of it.
No. The problem is you blaming Pelosi for the behavior of the Trumptards who were riled by the president himself and his lackeys.
She offered a nonpartisan option up front.
We disagree. There should have been tons of riot police there to keep protesters from trashing the capitol building.
The Speaker of the House is responsible for the security of the Capitol and grounds.
The Capitol Police report to the Sgt. at Arms who reports to Nancy Pelosi.
They should have staffed up when about 1,000,000 pissed-off Trump supporters are in DC.

President Trump is not responsible for the Capitol Police.
The FBI even warned the capitol police of potential violence.
Then McConnell is culpable as well as the Senate sgt of arms reported to him. :uhoh3:
You're a fool led by the nose by Trump & his right wing goons. The election wasen't stolen, idiot. Got it?

Jordan is a jerkoff with a big mouth who if allowed on that committee would have turned it into a sideshow. That's why McCarthy appointed him. And yea, Jordan is a fucking traitor for voting to overturn a lawfull election. His ass should have been booted out of Congress with the test of those shitbags who voted the same way. They're no fucking good. Period.
That election was stolen. There is no allegiance to this nation by many with them in power. It is more local now. We are in danger of seeing real Republican radicals like Progs have being elected. And then finally a race to get our Hitler's in place.
We disagree. There should have been tons of riot police there to keep protesters from trashing the capitol building.
No. I agree completely with that. Hence my support for a comprehensive investigation. I would have much rather had a nonpartisan commission and avoided any partisan cuntery at all.
Unfortunately the Republicans know they shit the bed and running as much interference as possible is the only way for them to mitigate the inevitable political fallout.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: In other words, you want to hide behind someone being required to re-post ALL your posts?
Are you saying "All" of my postings are supporting the idiots from 1/6? All I am asking for is one, so it should be easy for you...
Oh hun, we all know you (orange cultists) would have all jumped on board if the FAILED Jan 6th insurrection had succeeded. You would have all been on board for the end of our Republic.
Not true...But, what you are doing here lying about your fellow posters, and bating the thread by using terms of endeerment to insult the intelligence of the person you are addressing is a very worn out tactic...You should really get some new tricks...
If Trump did ANYTHING that could be considered "incitement" the DOJ would have indicted him, he didn't.
To suggest that crowd was not riled up by Trump is just simply stupid. It’s not called a rally for no reason.
Well, I am kind of for limits myself....But, You're kind of saying that you want pretty much freshman politicians only in Congress...I don't think that would work out the way you think it would...

They wouldn't need to worry about re-election, and their terms would still be long enough to, learn the ropes from the other half, and to get some things done.

The only reason you can say that is that thankfully the mob was not able to get their hands on any members. They were held off just long enough to evacuate them all. The mob was certainly equipped to take and restrain hostages. Certainly that speaks to their intent.
You are speculating...That's usually done when you don't have facts..
To suggest that crowd was not riled up by Trump is just simply stupid. It’s not called a rally for no reason.
The Trump goons were following the Loser's instructions.

One essential witness that must be called to testify under oath before the committee:

Screen Shot 2021-07-21 at 7.34.32 PM.png

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters.
He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding.”
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R)
and another:
Screen Shot 2021-07-21 at 7.43.33 PM.png

"The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by
the president and other powerful people."

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R)
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Then McConnell is culpable as well as the Senate sgt of arms reported to him. :uhoh3:
The senate SAA polices the senate buildings, not the House and capitol building, good try though.
They wouldn't need to worry about re-election, and their terms would still be long enough to, learn the ropes from the other half, and to get some things done.

I think it would turn into a worse shit show than we have now...
To suggest that crowd was not riled up by Trump is just simply stupid. It’s not called a rally for no reason.
I'm discussing "criminal" and "indictable" speech, aka "incitement". The DOJ reviewed Trump's speech and said it was NOT incitement, as much as you hate to hear that.
The Speaker of the House is responsible for the security of the Capitol and grounds.
The Capitol Police report to the Sgt. at Arms who reports to Nancy Pelosi.
They should have staffed up when about 1,000,000 pissed-off Trump supporters are in DC.

President Trump is not responsible for the Capitol Police.
The FBI even warned the capitol police of potential violence.
It's shared responsibility of the sergeant of arms for the house and the sargeant of arms for the Senate to protect both those chambers, members, and staff....jointly with Capitol Police.

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