Pelosi says enforcement of immigration laws is "un-american".

You have to wonder if Queen nan is actually from Earth.

Not even a question in MY mind. The fact people continue to vote for her just shows how out of touch her constituents are. When you look up "lefttard," there should be a picture of Nan and Harry ....

Gunny, if you have ever been over to the "Gay Bay", I mean San Francisco, they fit right in with that crowd. It didn't used to be like that, but after the 1960's it all went to hell. They took down the whole state with them.

Went there as a kid in the 60s. Otherwise, except to be stationed in SoCal, I've done my best to not go to CA.
You are right on there, the immigration problem will be Americans trying to escape the out of control and corrupt Government we have here. It will be a reverse immigration problem.
CA land of the fruits and nuts... Nan appears to be the latter.

i dont really appreciate the slander if this very wonderful women....she is everything anyone should want in a politician.......we should feel fortunate to have her....
So, kicking in doors in the middle of the night and dragging parents away from their children is an American value?

I guess it is if you're a conservative.
So, kicking in doors in the middle of the night and dragging parents away from their children is an American value?

I guess it is if you're a conservative.

So now you are claiming Bill Clinton is a conservative?

So, kicking in doors in the middle of the night and dragging parents away from their children is an American value?

I guess it is if you're a conservative.

So now you are claiming Bill Clinton is a conservative?

Actually, he is more of a conservative than most Republicans. And Elian was being dragged back to his parents, not away from them. Nice try.
Actually, he is more of a conservative than most Republicans.
We wern't discusing Republicans, YOU said 'conservatives.'

And Elian was being dragged back to his parents, not away from them.
No, his MOTHER died bringing him to America, they dragged him back to his estranged father against the dying wish of his mother.

So I can't give you a return nice try.
Actually, he is more of a conservative than most Republicans.
We wern't discusing Republicans, YOU said 'conservatives.'

And Elian was being dragged back to his parents, not away from them.
No, his MOTHER died bringing him to America, they dragged him back to his estranged father against the dying wish of his mother.

So I can't give you a return nice try.

The kid was being taken back to his father...not away from his parents.

The nice try was for your effort to distract from the topic.

Pelosi did not say what the thread title claims. She said kicking in doors in the middle of the night and dragging parents away from their children was un-American. I agree. Obviously, everyone else on this thread believes these kind of tactics are an American value...including you.
Pelosi did not say what the thread title claims. She said kicking in doors in the middle of the night and dragging parents away from their children was un-American. I agree. Obviously, everyone else on this thread believes these kind of tactics are an American value...including you.
I guess you didn't read my post in this thread.
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I guess you didn't read my post in this thread.
The one where you claimed her comment looked impeachable? :eusa_whistle:
That's right. Because it does. She is essentially saying that her own Justice Department is "un-American" for doing these "raids" she herself could easily put a stop to. By making LAWS that she took an OATH to uphold.

SHE could put a stop to it. She hasn't. No one's called her on that because they're just willing Marks for the current con.

THAT is the real issue here, the pandering when she could have stopped this long ago.
Actually, he is more of a conservative than most Republicans.
We wern't discusing Republicans, YOU said 'conservatives.'

And Elian was being dragged back to his parents, not away from them.
No, his MOTHER died bringing him to America, they dragged him back to his estranged father against the dying wish of his mother.

So I can't give you a return nice try.

The kid was being taken back to his father...not away from his parents.

The nice try was for your effort to distract from the topic.

Pelosi did not say what the thread title claims. She said kicking in doors in the middle of the night and dragging parents away from their children was un-American. I agree. Obviously, everyone else on this thread believes these kind of tactics are an American value...including you.

Maybe there is no need to "kick down doors," I mean they could just wait until they walk outside. But to stand in front of a group of people that are here in this country illegally, and they represent MILLIONS of others that are here illegally, and practically the whole country is in favor of arresting and deporting them, for pelosi to stand there and say that to enforce our laws, however the execution is undertaken, is un-American, that fucking bitch ought to be impeached.
Are you too stupid to realize Pelosi herself could have STOPPED this practice long ago, but instead chooses to pander to crowds about it when she thinks no one's taping? Too PARTISAN to understand she's attacking Obama's Justice Department? Too IGNORANT to know she swore an oath to uphold the laws of the United States? She is the Speaker of the House of Representatives. THIRD in line for the Presidency, and she's calling the enforcement of a federal law "un-American?"

Especially when SHE herself could have changed it and still can?

Are you too BRAINDEAD to realize that you and all of the other idiots who were cheering her when she said all of this are Marks?

Or, do you simply not care, because it was a Dem who said it? No doubt, had it been a repub you would be foaming at the mouth, calling for his/her head! Partisan hack idiot.
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Are you too stupid to realize Pelosi herself could have STOPPED this practice long ago, but instead chooses to pander to crowds about it when she thinks no one's taping? Too PARTISAN to understand she's attacking Obama's Justice Department? Too IGNORANT to know she swore an oath to uphold the laws of the United States? She is the Speaker of the House of Representatives. THIRD in line for the Presidency, and she's calling the enforcement of a federal law "un-American?"

Especially when SHE herself could have changed it and still can?

Are you too BRAINDEAD to realize that you and all of the other idiots who were cheering her when she said all of this are Marks?
You guys crack me up...the echo chamber of WND must keep you awake at night. According to the article she is working on changing the law. Last time I checked, she isn't the Queen of America and therefore isn't capable of waving a magic wand to change things at whim.

Calling law enforcement practices un-American isn't an impeachable offense, btw. What country do you live in?

What are Marks, btw?
Are you too stupid to realize Pelosi herself could have STOPPED this practice long ago, but instead chooses to pander to crowds about it when she thinks no one's taping? Too PARTISAN to understand she's attacking Obama's Justice Department? Too IGNORANT to know she swore an oath to uphold the laws of the United States? She is the Speaker of the House of Representatives. THIRD in line for the Presidency, and she's calling the enforcement of a federal law "un-American?"

Especially when SHE herself could have changed it and still can?

Are you too BRAINDEAD to realize that you and all of the other idiots who were cheering her when she said all of this are Marks?
You guys crack me up...the echo chamber of WND must keep you awake at night. According to the article she is working on changing the law. Last time I checked, she isn't the Queen of America and therefore isn't capable of waving a magic wand to change things at whim.

Calling law enforcement practices un-American isn't an impeachable offense, btw. What country do you live in?

What are Marks, btw?

Simply put, pelosi is the only thing un-American in this whole story. She's an illegal alien pandering SKANK!

A "mark" is a person that can easily be swindled or conned.

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