Pelosi says illegal aliens are the REAL AMERICANS

To those who voted for Biden; ANY REGRETS???? :yes_text12::bigbed:
Voting for Biden had no effect of Pelosi being a speaker.

The hell it didn't. Voting for Biden made Pelosi/Soros president...
I wonder if all those dead people who voted for sad old senile Joe arent turning over in their graves

To those who voted for Biden; ANY REGRETS???? :yes_text12::bigbed:
Voting for Biden had no effect of Pelosi being a speaker.

The hell it didn't. Voting for Biden made Pelosi/Soros president...
I wonder if all those dead people who voted for sad old senile Joe arent turning over in their graves
Moron, Dead people cannot vote. There is a system that will not allow it. It is called identification. No dead people voted for Trump. Brain dead maybe.
Pelosi and the Corrupt Democrat Party are not compassionate.
They are greedy for power and your money.
They do not care if American Citizens suffer.
What a fucking c*nt.

She's outlived her usefulness (what little there ever was).

The upside is that I know very few libs who would agree with her on this point, and don't think this won't come back to haunt the left in 2024. Anyone who doesn't voice their opposition now will be in tacit agreement with, and that's gonna' be bad for the left. Conservatives have often been blasted anytime they say that libs aren't good Americans. Now they're got their Speaker saying it, too...
They keep spilling the beans.
These idiots don't know that their border crisis is beginning to become a serious issue.
Making ridiculous statements like this only puts the spotlight on her complicity in this man-made humanitarian disaster.
They have 15K kids they do not know WTF to do with them. Saying they cannot release them back across the border. They did not walk across two countries to get here and they will get back home the same way. Taxpayers will end up footing the bill for their care until they are of age and then they will be given green cards to take jobs from Americans. Oh, Fuck, there are no jobs. Biden and Pelosi do not know their ass from a hole in the ground.
None of the fat motherfuckers walked from Central America.
They got a ride in Mexico and the drug cartels took em to the border.

To those who voted for Biden; ANY REGRETS???? :yes_text12::bigbed:
I am a diehard liberal all my life and I will never vote for another brain-dead democrat.

To those who voted for Biden; ANY REGRETS???? :yes_text12::bigbed:
Voting for Biden had no effect of Pelosi being a speaker.

The hell it didn't. Voting for Biden made Pelosi/Soros president...
I wonder if all those dead people who voted for sad old senile Joe arent turning over in their graves
Moron, Dead people cannot vote. There is a system that will not allow it. It is called identification. No dead people voted for Trump. Braindead maybe.

To those who voted for Biden; ANY REGRETS???? :yes_text12::bigbed:
Voting for Biden had no effect of Pelosi being a speaker.
I’m referring to the Policy of the Democratic Party when it comes to illegals
Is it much different than Reagan's?
Reagan made a deal with the democrats for a ONE TIME amnesty in return for a secure border. When the democrats got their amnesty, they immediately reneged on the secure border.

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