Pelosi Says She Will Impeach President Trump If He Doesn’t Resign “Immediately”

Oddly enough, the places you want to change these voting laws are led by Republican legislatures. Everyone has the right to vote, and if they want to do it via mail-in, so be it. Just because you didn't like the outcomes doesn't make your argument right. Put down that cup of voter suppression, it's reveling who you really are.... pssst "Anti-American."

All I am saying is you don't want the decisions of our leaders to be in the hands of people like this:

If only politically informed people were allowed to vote, we would have much better leaders in this country. And to be honest, if it were up to me, everybody would have to take a short and simple test of their political knowledge before getting a ballot.
Oh really.

Like Rump himself?

Like the Military? Or anyone else not home during an election?

Like everyday citizens in Washington and Utah and AridZona who have been running their elections by mail REGULARLY?

And you somehow muddled through the last twelve months WITHOUT NOTICING there's an infectious pandemic going on, which spreads in places of densely-packed people, such as a polling place where people are known to have to stand in line for HOURS???

And ALL OF THIS sailed right over your head, did it?

Like I said, Democrats have been pushing mail-in for years long before the virus for the reasons I stated. The virus was just an excuse. People go shopping all the time: grocery shopping, drug store, Walmart, fast food. Voting is no different. I have comorbidity and 60 years old, and I went out and voted in person. They were actually much stricter than bars and Walmart.

Mail in is fine for people who simply cannot get to the polls, but it should be restricted to those people only. If you're in the military, going to be out of town, live in a nursing home and can't get to the polls, physically impaired, that's understandable. You should have to request a ballot, when returned, the signature must match, and I have no problem with that. But that didn't happen in some places this election.
Oddly enough, the places you want to change these voting laws are led by Republican legislatures. Everyone has the right to vote, and if they want to do it via mail-in, so be it. Just because you didn't like the outcomes doesn't make your argument right. Put down that cup of voter suppression, it's reveling who you really are.... pssst "Anti-American."
Baloney. True voting is done in person with the exceptions Ray stated. He is exactly right and its the only to ensure quality control of the votes. No wonder you are against it.

Since when?
Not really. Mail-in voting only attracts the welfare and politically ignorant crowd; the Obama phone and Obama money kind of people. Because they have no knowledge of our politics, policies yet alone our country, they have no real interest in voting. So what the Democrats are doing (and have wanted to do for a long time) is get the welfare/ ignorant vote. They normally won't come out to vote, so plop a ballot on their kitchen table to get them to vote.

Democrats have no chance at winning elections if only intelligent voters voted.
Look at the demographics. The highly educated voted for Biden. Trump summed it up, saying he loves the poorly educated, which represent his base.

You look backward in the constitution, before 18 year olds got the vote, women got the vote, blacks got the vote. If your idea of a fair vote is to put a form of poll tax by the amount of effort needed to vote, you're again going backwards.
Oh really.

Like Rump himself?

Like the Military? Or anyone else not home during an election?

Like everyday citizens in Washington and Utah and AridZona who have been running their elections by mail REGULARLY?

And you somehow muddled through the last twelve months WITHOUT NOTICING there's an infectious pandemic going on, which spreads in places of densely-packed people, such as a polling place where people are known to have to stand in line for HOURS???

And ALL OF THIS sailed right over your head, did it?

Like I said, Democrats have been pushing mail-in for years long before the virus for the reasons I stated. The virus was just an excuse. People go shopping all the time: grocery shopping, drug store, Walmart, fast food. Voting is no different. I have comorbidity and 60 years old, and I went out and voted in person. They were actually much stricter than bars and Walmart.

Mail in is fine for people who simply cannot get to the polls, but it should be restricted to those people only. If you're in the military, going to be out of town, live in a nursing home and can't get to the polls, physically impaired, that's understandable. You should have to request a ballot, when returned, the signature must match, and I have no problem with that. But that didn't happen in some places this election.
Oddly enough, the places you want to change these voting laws are led by Republican legislatures. Everyone has the right to vote, and if they want to do it via mail-in, so be it. Just because you didn't like the outcomes doesn't make your argument right. Put down that cup of voter suppression, it's reveling who you really are.... pssst "Anti-American."
Baloney. True voting is done in person with the exceptions Ray stated. He is exactly right and its the only to ensure quality control of the votes. No wonder you are against it.

Since when?
Since when what?
A. As I've told you before, gateway pundit is not a source. It's for entertainment purposes only.

B. The orange shit-stain must be silenced and removed before he attempts another coup.

C. It could be done in a day if everyone is in agreement.

He'll never be removed. That would take 2/3 of the Senate which they have no chance at.
Wouldn't be so sure about that at this point. He really crossed a line with his coup attempt.
Oddly enough, the places you want to change these voting laws are led by Republican legislatures. Everyone has the right to vote, and if they want to do it via mail-in, so be it. Just because you didn't like the outcomes doesn't make your argument right. Put down that cup of voter suppression, it's reveling who you really are.... pssst "Anti-American."

All I am saying is you don't want the decisions of our leaders to be in the hands of people like this:

If only politically informed people were allowed to vote, we would have much better leaders in this country. And to be honest, if it were up to me, everybody would have to take a short and simple test of their political knowledge before getting a ballot.

Who gets to determine who is “politically informed” and how do you determine what constitutes “political knowledge”?
Oh really.

Like Rump himself?

Like the Military? Or anyone else not home during an election?

Like everyday citizens in Washington and Utah and AridZona who have been running their elections by mail REGULARLY?

And you somehow muddled through the last twelve months WITHOUT NOTICING there's an infectious pandemic going on, which spreads in places of densely-packed people, such as a polling place where people are known to have to stand in line for HOURS???

And ALL OF THIS sailed right over your head, did it?

Like I said, Democrats have been pushing mail-in for years long before the virus for the reasons I stated. The virus was just an excuse. People go shopping all the time: grocery shopping, drug store, Walmart, fast food. Voting is no different. I have comorbidity and 60 years old, and I went out and voted in person. They were actually much stricter than bars and Walmart.

Mail in is fine for people who simply cannot get to the polls, but it should be restricted to those people only. If you're in the military, going to be out of town, live in a nursing home and can't get to the polls, physically impaired, that's understandable. You should have to request a ballot, when returned, the signature must match, and I have no problem with that. But that didn't happen in some places this election.
Oddly enough, the places you want to change these voting laws are led by Republican legislatures. Everyone has the right to vote, and if they want to do it via mail-in, so be it. Just because you didn't like the outcomes doesn't make your argument right. Put down that cup of voter suppression, it's reveling who you really are.... pssst "Anti-American."
Baloney. True voting is done in person with the exceptions Ray stated. He is exactly right and its the only to ensure quality control of the votes. No wonder you are against it.

Since when?
Since when what?
True voting is only by person?
Look at the demographics. The highly educated voted for Biden. Trump summed it up, saying he loves the poorly educated, which represent his base.

You look backward in the constitution, before 18 year olds got the vote, women got the vote, blacks got the vote. If your idea of a fair vote is to put a form of poll tax by the amount of effort needed to vote, you're again going backwards.

I'm not talking about highly educated people, I'm talking about politically ignorant voters which is what you have with lower income people. You can have a masters degree and be totally politically ignorant.

And who said anything about a poll tax?
Oh really.

Like Rump himself?

Like the Military? Or anyone else not home during an election?

Like everyday citizens in Washington and Utah and AridZona who have been running their elections by mail REGULARLY?

And you somehow muddled through the last twelve months WITHOUT NOTICING there's an infectious pandemic going on, which spreads in places of densely-packed people, such as a polling place where people are known to have to stand in line for HOURS???

And ALL OF THIS sailed right over your head, did it?

Like I said, Democrats have been pushing mail-in for years long before the virus for the reasons I stated. The virus was just an excuse. People go shopping all the time: grocery shopping, drug store, Walmart, fast food. Voting is no different. I have comorbidity and 60 years old, and I went out and voted in person. They were actually much stricter than bars and Walmart.

Mail in is fine for people who simply cannot get to the polls, but it should be restricted to those people only. If you're in the military, going to be out of town, live in a nursing home and can't get to the polls, physically impaired, that's understandable. You should have to request a ballot, when returned, the signature must match, and I have no problem with that. But that didn't happen in some places this election.
Oddly enough, the places you want to change these voting laws are led by Republican legislatures. Everyone has the right to vote, and if they want to do it via mail-in, so be it. Just because you didn't like the outcomes doesn't make your argument right. Put down that cup of voter suppression, it's reveling who you really are.... pssst "Anti-American."
Baloney. True voting is done in person with the exceptions Ray stated. He is exactly right and its the only to ensure quality control of the votes. No wonder you are against it.
It was never a problem before 2020 when polls started showing Trump might lose.
Trump fucked up-duh....He pulled a real-time Tony Montana...


Hey, Tony Montana didn't inherit his money, he earned it.
Look at the demographics. The highly educated voted for Biden. Trump summed it up, saying he loves the poorly educated, which represent his base.

You look backward in the constitution, before 18 year olds got the vote, women got the vote, blacks got the vote. If your idea of a fair vote is to put a form of poll tax by the amount of effort needed to vote, you're again going backwards.

I'm not talking about highly educated people, I'm talking about politically ignorant voters which is what you have with lower income people. You can have a masters degree and be totally politically ignorant.

And who said anything about a poll tax?
Lower income shouldn’t be allowed to vote?
Proving that she is the one who is mentally unfit to remain in office, Pelosi makes this absurd, insane, and knowingly inflammatory declaration knowing (or not) President Trump will be out of office well before she could EVER get her latest coup attempt out of the House and to the Senate.

For all of the Democrats' talk of wanting to UNITE the country, this comment was made with the intent to piss off millions of Americans and further divide the nation....

....either that or she's just BATSHIT CRAZY!

Lol you’re just butthurt he’ll be impeached twice and only managed one term. What a pathetic reputation to leave behind.
Look at the demographics. The highly educated voted for Biden. Trump summed it up, saying he loves the poorly educated, which represent his base.

Are you highly educated? If so, tell me what makes them great for the rest of us? What do they know about the purpose of life that poor folk are missing? After all, you are implying the highly educated vote left and that is great for America.
Who gets to determine who is “politically informed” and how do you determine what constitutes “political knowledge”?

They could make you take a simple test, even multiple choice on things you should know as a voter. For instance: what party does the current President belong to? What party does the VP belong to? What party is in leadership of the House; the Senate. Is our country in debt or no debt at all?

Like I said, relatively easy questions like those that anybody voting should know.
Look at the demographics. The highly educated voted for Biden. Trump summed it up, saying he loves the poorly educated, which represent his base.

Are you highly educated? If so, tell me what makes them great for the rest of us? What do they know about the purpose of life that poor folk are missing? After all, you are implying the highly educated vote left and that is great for America.

Plus a good percentage of "highly educated" people were indoctrinated by those liberal college professors, so that's not evidence of anything.

Baloney. True voting is done in person with the exceptions Ray stated. He is exactly right and its the only to ensure quality control of the votes. No wonder you are against it.
Is that like True Shopping, or True Banking. Or even True conversing.
Lol you’re just butthurt he’ll be impeached twice and only managed one term. What a pathetic reputation to leave behind.

Yeah but it's a waste of time. After Republicans take leadership of the House next election, we are going to have to impeach Biden twice instead of once. We could use our time for better things.
Who gets to determine who is “politically informed” and how do you determine what constitutes “political knowledge”?

They could make you take a simple test, even multiple choice on things you should know as a voter. For instance: what party does the current President belong to? What party does the VP belong to? What party is in leadership of the House; the Senate. Is our country in debt or no debt at all?

Like I said, relatively easy questions like those that anybody voting should know.

Most people are more concerned with local issues: education, crime levels, jobs. Tbey vote according to their local priorities. How exactly would your questions address that?

Even the question “is our country in debt” is not an easy yes/no question and reflects a partisan slant.
Proving that she is the one who is mentally unfit to remain in office, Pelosi makes this absurd, insane, and knowingly inflammatory declaration knowing (or not) President Trump will be out of office well before she could EVER get her latest coup attempt out of the House and to the Senate.

For all of the Democrats' talk of wanting to UNITE the country, this comment was made with the intent to piss off millions of Americans and further divide the nation....

....either that or she's just BATSHIT CRAZY!

fuck pelosi!

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