Pelosi Says She Will Impeach President Trump If He Doesn’t Resign “Immediately”

Dems trying to take advantage of a crisis.

Where are the riots for the unarmed woman killed by police?

We told the left they were fake thry swore they wer thry prove it. Phony pieces of trash.

Republicans ignored the warnings and now they have American blood on their hands.

Thank the creator that the Founders entrusted the elections to the States.
Pelosi didn't want to impeach trump the first time, but public pressure was too great. So, she made softball charges to enable Moscow Mitch to make an acquittal a cinch.

The corruption in our nation's capital is rampant, so any impeachment proceeding must be handled carefully to avoid too much exposure for too many participants.

Pelosi is one of many who wants no part of another impeachment, regardless of the level of trump's criminality.

Agreed, of course she didn't want to the first time! She was very clear about that, but the power struggle forced her into it --- the Squad and all that. It was stupid and devalued a lot of credibility they need now.

I can't tell what is going on now. You HAVE to move fast with this sort of big thing (look how fast the Battle of Capitol Hill moved!) or people will stop it. But she isn't moving fast: she's talking about next week. I suspect since she is also talking with the military -- and I think that's good -- that she may be lining up ducks in case she does want to do it suddenly, in case of a wild move by Trump. Just my speculation.
Great. Get Trump out of office ASAP. He's unfit for the job and is a danger to America.

Problem is, that's gonna happen unless he resigns. I am completely against this. It's a waste of time. The House will vote along party lines. You may get a few Republicans to vote with you but it won't be many. You need 2/3rds of the Senate to convict and remove. Unlike the House whose procedures can be sped along, there is due process in the Senate, where there is NO Republican that will to go down this road again. I really wish progressives could see the bigger picture here. You won. Trump handed you the victory. You have the House Republicans cucked for the moment running for cover. You have Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley who have just had their NUTS handed to them! You take back control of the Senate shortly. Trump is gone in 12 days. The Republicans just got done pissing away every gift they got on November 3rd. You have your boot on their throat. And you're poised to not only let them up, but give them new life in the process.

Trump is gone in 12 days. He's done. He ain't coming back. Wednesday was a sickening day. But the end result is that you just had a bunch of MAGA inbreds not only blow up Trump's future, but kneecap the Republican party. Stupid to risk giving that all back to make a point when it has NO chance of removing him from office. Pence and what's left of the cabinet will NOT invoke the 25th. Let it go. Focus on your upcoming agenda. Let the Republicans eat each other and run from Trump screaming like scalded dogs.
Don't be surprised about anything Trump may do. He can't be trusted and he isn't gone yet.

About the only thing I see he can possibly do is pardon. While that may be distasteful, I think there are other checks in place now that will prevent him from any real wrongdoing. I could be wrong but I sense he's run out the last of his already short leash.
There is some chatter from WH aides that he plans on self-pardoning himself on the 19th. I wouldn't put that past him.

There's always that chance. But I have seen several Constitutional scholars say that wouldn't hold up. But he will not be removed by impeachment or the 25th. So either way, it's moot.
There is some chatter from WH aides that he plans on self-pardoning himself on the 19th. I wouldn't put that past him.
Well, I'll tell you what: he's going to have a hard time getting a pardon out of Pence! If he resigns on terms, or is....replaced. Apparently Pence is pretty angry.
There is some chatter from WH aides that he plans on self-pardoning himself on the 19th. I wouldn't put that past him.
Most legal scholars say that it's illegal for a president to pardon himself. That's also from the DOJ office of legal counsel that says that a sitting president can't be indicted.

But what the scholars haven't considered in a president pardoning himself, is the class of blanket pardons. Such as a pardon of everyone who participated (insurrection) , or incited (sedition) the events against the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021.
And again it is clear that the democrats apparently believe that Biden winning the election means that everyone agrees with them and everyone hates TRUMP! like they do. Truth is, they don't, and if she persists with this madness, the mid-term shellacking they'll take will make Obama's look like a hiccup.

Absolutely. They won't have the virus on their side next election, so they won't be able to push mail-in voting that got them power this time. In the meantime pissing off over half the country in the process.
Proving that she is the one who is mentally unfit to remain in office, Pelosi makes this absurd, insane, and knowingly inflammatory declaration knowing (or not) President Trump will be out of office well before she could EVER get her latest coup attempt out of the House and to the Senate.

For all of the Democrats' talk of wanting to UNITE the country, this comment was made with the intent to piss off millions of Americans and further divide the nation....

....either that or she's just BATSHIT CRAZY!

America is learning. This is what Democrats consider a peaceful transition of power.
Proving that she is the one who is mentally unfit to remain in office, Pelosi makes this absurd, insane, and knowingly inflammatory declaration knowing (or not) President Trump will be out of office well before she could EVER get her latest coup attempt out of the House and to the Senate.

For all of the Democrats' talk of wanting to UNITE the country, this comment was made with the intent to piss off millions of Americans and further divide the nation....

....either that or she's just BATSHIT CRAZY!

And again it is clear that the democrats apparently believe that Biden winning the election means that everyone agrees with them and everyone hates TRUMP! like they do. Truth is, they don't, and if she persists with this madness, the mid-term shellacking they'll take will make Obama's look like a hiccup.

This crazy bitch has already said the stolen election proves they have a 'mandate'.
Democrats tend to overreach spectacularly when they have power and get punished in the next cycle. They also never seem to learn.

Yup and after two years of the Biden/Harris shit show I'd say the Reps will take back the House and the Senate.
Do you think Reps could overcome the fraud machine when they couldn't now?
Proving that she is the one who is mentally unfit to remain in office, Pelosi makes this absurd, insane, and knowingly inflammatory declaration knowing (or not) President Trump will be out of office well before she could EVER get her latest coup attempt out of the House and to the Senate.

For all of the Democrats' talk of wanting to UNITE the country, this comment was made with the intent to piss off millions of Americans and further divide the nation....

....either that or she's just BATSHIT CRAZY!

They are terrified Trump will invoke the insurrection act. I hope he does.
There's always that chance. But I have seen several Constitutional scholars say that wouldn't hold up.
Any direct pardon would not hold up. But what those scholars did not consider, is what if Trump issues a blanket party, where the individuals aren't cited by name, but by action, or crime. Of which Trump may be but one of dozens, hundreds of thousands of people being pardoned.

In short, how can you invalidate a pardoning of 1,000 people, just because one of them happens to be the president.
Proving that she is the one who is mentally unfit to remain in office, Pelosi makes this absurd, insane, and knowingly inflammatory declaration knowing (or not) President Trump will be out of office well before she could EVER get her latest coup attempt out of the House and to the Senate.

For all of the Democrats' talk of wanting to UNITE the country, this comment was made with the intent to piss off millions of Americans and further divide the nation....

....either that or she's just BATSHIT CRAZY!

Or both. Fuck Piglosi and her minions.
And again it is clear that the democrats apparently believe that Biden winning the election means that everyone agrees with them and everyone hates TRUMP! like they do. Truth is, they don't, and if she persists with this madness, the mid-term shellacking they'll take will make Obama's look like a hiccup.

Absolutely. They won't have the virus on their side next election, so they won't be able to push mail-in voting that got them power this time. In the meantime pissing off over half the country in the process.

Got a news flash for you. Mail in voting is here to stay whether you like it or not. That momentum won't be stopped. It was shown to be secure and convenient. You're just upset because it bypasses the traditional Republican implementing of voter suppression. No worries, you still have gerrymandering..for now.
And again it is clear that the democrats apparently believe that Biden winning the election means that everyone agrees with them and everyone hates TRUMP! like they do. Truth is, they don't, and if she persists with this madness, the mid-term shellacking they'll take will make Obama's look like a hiccup.

Absolutely. They won't have the virus on their side next election, so they won't be able to push mail-in voting that got them power this time. In the meantime pissing off over half the country in the process.

Got a news flash for you. Mail in voting is here to stay whether you like it or not. That momentum won't be stopped. It was shown to be secure and convenient. You're just upset because it bypasses the traditional Republican implementing of voter suppression. No worries, you still have gerrymandering..for now.
Secure? Hahahahahahahahaha. Convenient, you bet! easy to fill out thousands by one person in record time.
And again it is clear that the democrats apparently believe that Biden winning the election means that everyone agrees with them and everyone hates TRUMP! like they do. Truth is, they don't, and if she persists with this madness, the mid-term shellacking they'll take will make Obama's look like a hiccup.

Absolutely. They won't have the virus on their side next election, so they won't be able to push mail-in voting that got them power this time. In the meantime pissing off over half the country in the process.

Got a news flash for you. Mail in voting is here to stay whether you like it or not. That momentum won't be stopped. It was shown to be secure and convenient. You're just upset because it bypasses the traditional Republican implementing of voter suppression. No worries, you still have gerrymandering..for now.
Secure? Hahahahahahahahaha. Convenient, you bet! easy to fill out thousands by one person in record time.

Sorry, we know that didn't happen. But, thanks for playing.
And again it is clear that the democrats apparently believe that Biden winning the election means that everyone agrees with them and everyone hates TRUMP! like they do. Truth is, they don't, and if she persists with this madness, the mid-term shellacking they'll take will make Obama's look like a hiccup.

Absolutely. They won't have the virus on their side next election, so they won't be able to push mail-in voting that got them power this time. In the meantime pissing off over half the country in the process.

Got a news flash for you. Mail in voting is here to stay whether you like it or not. That momentum won't be stopped. It was shown to be secure and convenient. You're just upset because it bypasses the traditional Republican implementing of voter suppression. No worries, you still have gerrymandering..for now.
Secure? Hahahahahahahahaha. Convenient, you bet! easy to fill out thousands by one person in record time.

Sorry, we know that didn't happen. But, thanks for playing.
Wow no brain cells left at all huh? Can you manufacture another virus hoax for midterm mailins you think??
Pelosi didn't want to impeach trump the first time, but public pressure was too great. So, she made softball charges to enable Moscow Mitch to make an acquittal a cinch.

The corruption in our nation's capital is rampant, so any impeachment proceeding must be handled carefully to avoid too much exposure for too many participants.

Pelosi is one of many who wants no part of another impeachment, regardless of the level of trump's criminality.

Agreed, of course she didn't want to the first time! She was very clear about that, but the power struggle forced her into it --- the Squad and all that. It was stupid and devalued a lot of credibility they need now.

I can't tell what is going on now. You HAVE to move fast with this sort of big thing (look how fast the Battle of Capitol Hill moved!) or people will stop it. But she isn't moving fast: she's talking about next week. I suspect since she is also talking with the military -- and I think that's good -- that she may be lining up ducks in case she does want to do it suddenly, in case of a wild move by Trump. Just my speculation.
Maintaining order, and nuclear peace is a better route to stop the impeached president trump from doing something really stupid, rather than risk exposing the corruption a serious impeachment could reveal.

That's why Bill Clinton was impeached for lying to Congress about the Lewinsky-delivered hummer he received in the Oval Office. It placated the RWNJs of that era, but protected everyone involved in Washington's crooked politics.


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