Pelosi Says She Will Impeach President Trump If He Doesn’t Resign “Immediately”

Pelosi didn't want to impeach trump the first time, but public pressure was too great. So, she made softball charges to enable Moscow Mitch to make an acquittal a cinch.

The corruption in our nation's capital is rampant, so any impeachment proceeding must be handled carefully to avoid too much exposure for too many participants.

Pelosi is one of many who wants no part of another impeachment, regardless of the level of trump's criminality.

Agreed, of course she didn't want to the first time! She was very clear about that, but the power struggle forced her into it --- the Squad and all that. It was stupid and devalued a lot of credibility they need now.

I can't tell what is going on now. You HAVE to move fast with this sort of big thing (look how fast the Battle of Capitol Hill moved!) or people will stop it. But she isn't moving fast: she's talking about next week. I suspect since she is also talking with the military -- and I think that's good -- that she may be lining up ducks in case she does want to do it suddenly, in case of a wild move by Trump. Just my speculation.
Maintaining order, and nuclear peace is a better route to stop the impeached president trump from doing something really stupid, rather than risk exposing the corruption a serious impeachment could reveal.

That's why Bill Clinton was impeached for lying to Congress about the Lewinsky-delivered hummer he received in the Oval Office. It placated the RWNJs of that era, but protected everyone involved in Washington's crooked politics.

Nuclear peace? Then why did you elect a demented old war monger fool like Sleepy?
And again it is clear that the democrats apparently believe that Biden winning the election means that everyone agrees with them and everyone hates TRUMP! like they do. Truth is, they don't, and if she persists with this madness, the mid-term shellacking they'll take will make Obama's look like a hiccup.

Absolutely. They won't have the virus on their side next election, so they won't be able to push mail-in voting that got them power this time. In the meantime pissing off over half the country in the process.

Got a news flash for you. Mail in voting is here to stay whether you like it or not. That momentum won't be stopped. It was shown to be secure and convenient. You're just upset because it bypasses the traditional Republican implementing of voter suppression. No worries, you still have gerrymandering..for now.
You are a stupid fuck--watch the gerrymandering that goes on now. The democrats are experts at it--take a look at CA's map--they have numerous democrat enclaves where they have drawn a 2 mile wide finger 30 miles long in order to control a small republican neighborhood. Fucking moron. Run along now--no time for your shit.
And again it is clear that the democrats apparently believe that Biden winning the election means that everyone agrees with them and everyone hates TRUMP! like they do. Truth is, they don't, and if she persists with this madness, the mid-term shellacking they'll take will make Obama's look like a hiccup.

Absolutely. They won't have the virus on their side next election, so they won't be able to push mail-in voting that got them power this time. In the meantime pissing off over half the country in the process.

Got a news flash for you. Mail in voting is here to stay whether you like it or not. That momentum won't be stopped. It was shown to be secure and convenient. You're just upset because it bypasses the traditional Republican implementing of voter suppression. No worries, you still have gerrymandering..for now.
You are a stupid fuck--watch the gerrymandering that goes on now. The democrats are experts at it--take a look at CA's map--they have numerous democrat enclaves where they have drawn a 2 mile wide finger 30 miles long in order to control a small republican neighborhood. Fucking moron. Run along now--no time for your shit.

While Democrats are guilty of it too, Republicans have made it an art form.
You are a stupid fuck--watch the gerrymandering that goes on now. The democrats are experts at it--take a look at CA's map--they have numerous democrat enclaves where they have drawn a 2 mile wide finger 30 miles long in order to control a small republican neighborhood. Fucking moron. Run along now--no time for your shit.
You are a stupid fuck--watch the gerrymandering that goes on now. The democrats are experts at it--take a look at CA's map--they have numerous democrat enclaves where they have drawn a 2 mile wide finger 30 miles long in order to control a small republican neighborhood. Fucking moron. Run along now--no time for your shit.
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Yep, that's the new, improved, LOL, 2012 map. Now study it moron. Pay particular attention to the 3rd, 21st, 23rd, 47th and 51st districts. If you're not familiar with CA, I will point out gerrymandering. The third district is very interesting--goes from red Lake county all the way to blue Yolo county over half a state away through solidly blue central valley. The 47th is another good example runs from solidly red Orange county to South LA? You gotta be kidding me. You're a moron and not worth my time to educate.
Proving that she is the one who is mentally unfit to remain in office, Pelosi makes this absurd, insane, and knowingly inflammatory declaration knowing (or not) President Trump will be out of office well before she could EVER get her latest coup attempt out of the House and to the Senate.

For all of the Democrats' talk of wanting to UNITE the country, this comment was made with the intent to piss off millions of Americans and further divide the nation....

....either that or she's just BATSHIT CRAZY!

The one who agitated that mob is the one who is batshit crazy..
ot a news flash for you. Mail in voting is here to stay whether you like it or not. That momentum won't be stopped. It was shown to be secure and convenient. You're just upset because it bypasses the traditional Republican implementing of voter suppression. No worries, you still have gerrymandering..for now.

Not really. Mail-in voting only attracts the welfare and politically ignorant crowd; the Obama phone and Obama money kind of people. Because they have no knowledge of our politics, policies yet alone our country, they have no real interest in voting. So what the Democrats are doing (and have wanted to do for a long time) is get the welfare/ ignorant vote. They normally won't come out to vote, so plop a ballot on their kitchen table to get them to vote.

Democrats have no chance at winning elections if only intelligent voters voted.
ot a news flash for you. Mail in voting is here to stay whether you like it or not. That momentum won't be stopped. It was shown to be secure and convenient. You're just upset because it bypasses the traditional Republican implementing of voter suppression. No worries, you still have gerrymandering..for now.

Not really. Mail-in voting only attracts the welfare and politically ignorant crowd; the Obama phone and Obama money kind of people. Because they have no knowledge of our politics, policies yet alone our country, they have no real interest in voting. So what the Democrats are doing (and have wanted to do for a long time) is get the welfare/ ignorant vote. They normally won't come out to vote, so plop a ballot on their kitchen table to get them to vote.

Democrats have no chance at winning elections if only intelligent voters voted.
Or get a bunch of blank ones and fill them out since nobody quality checks them.
ot a news flash for you. Mail in voting is here to stay whether you like it or not. That momentum won't be stopped. It was shown to be secure and convenient. You're just upset because it bypasses the traditional Republican implementing of voter suppression. No worries, you still have gerrymandering..for now.

Not really. Mail-in voting only attracts the welfare and politically ignorant crowd; the Obama phone and Obama money kind of people. Because they have no knowledge of our politics, policies yet alone our country, they have no real interest in voting. So what the Democrats are doing (and have wanted to do for a long time) is get the welfare/ ignorant vote. They normally won't come out to vote, so plop a ballot on their kitchen table to get them to vote.

Democrats have no chance at winning elections if only intelligent voters voted.

Oh really.

Like Rump himself?

Like the Military? Or anyone else not home during an election?

Like everyday citizens in Washington and Utah and AridZona who have been running their elections by mail REGULARLY?

And you somehow muddled through the last twelve months WITHOUT NOTICING there's an infectious pandemic going on, which spreads in places of densely-packed people, such as a polling place where people are known to have to stand in line for HOURS???

And ALL OF THIS sailed right over your head, did it?
Pelosi didn't want to impeach trump the first time, but public pressure was too great. So, she made softball charges to enable Moscow Mitch to make an acquittal a cinch.

The corruption in our nation's capital is rampant, so any impeachment proceeding must be handled carefully to avoid too much exposure for too many participants.

Pelosi is one of many who wants no part of another impeachment, regardless of the level of trump's criminality.

Agreed, of course she didn't want to the first time! She was very clear about that, but the power struggle forced her into it --- the Squad and all that. It was stupid and devalued a lot of credibility they need now.

I can't tell what is going on now. You HAVE to move fast with this sort of big thing (look how fast the Battle of Capitol Hill moved!) or people will stop it. But she isn't moving fast: she's talking about next week. I suspect since she is also talking with the military -- and I think that's good -- that she may be lining up ducks in case she does want to do it suddenly, in case of a wild move by Trump. Just my speculation.
Maintaining order, and nuclear peace is a better route to stop the impeached president trump from doing something really stupid, rather than risk exposing the corruption a serious impeachment could reveal.

That's why Bill Clinton was impeached for lying to Congress about the Lewinsky-delivered hummer he received in the Oval Office. It placated the RWNJs of that era, but protected everyone involved in Washington's crooked politics.

Nuclear peace? Then why did you elect a demented old war monger fool like Sleepy?

What was the alternative, Einstein??

Holy SHIT. :banghead:
Impeachment would be a political mistake which my Dems specialize in. Everyone is against Trump now. Impeach him and a spark of support kicks back up and the right is regalvanized . Keep them on the defensive.
Impeachment would be a political mistake which my Dems specialize in. Everyone is against Trump now. Impeach him and a spark of support kicks back up and the right is regalvanized . Keep them on the defensive.
Seems you have more sense than Pelosi.
Oh really.

Like Rump himself?

Like the Military? Or anyone else not home during an election?

Like everyday citizens in Washington and Utah and AridZona who have been running their elections by mail REGULARLY?

And you somehow muddled through the last twelve months WITHOUT NOTICING there's an infectious pandemic going on, which spreads in places of densely-packed people, such as a polling place where people are known to have to stand in line for HOURS???

And ALL OF THIS sailed right over your head, did it?

Like I said, Democrats have been pushing mail-in for years long before the virus for the reasons I stated. The virus was just an excuse. People go shopping all the time: grocery shopping, drug store, Walmart, fast food. Voting is no different. I have comorbidity and 60 years old, and I went out and voted in person. They were actually much stricter than bars and Walmart.

Mail in is fine for people who simply cannot get to the polls, but it should be restricted to those people only. If you're in the military, going to be out of town, live in a nursing home and can't get to the polls, physically impaired, that's understandable. You should have to request a ballot, when returned, the signature must match, and I have no problem with that. But that didn't happen in some places this election.
Oh really.

Like Rump himself?

Like the Military? Or anyone else not home during an election?

Like everyday citizens in Washington and Utah and AridZona who have been running their elections by mail REGULARLY?

And you somehow muddled through the last twelve months WITHOUT NOTICING there's an infectious pandemic going on, which spreads in places of densely-packed people, such as a polling place where people are known to have to stand in line for HOURS???

And ALL OF THIS sailed right over your head, did it?

Like I said, Democrats have been pushing mail-in for years long before the virus for the reasons I stated. The virus was just an excuse. People go shopping all the time: grocery shopping, drug store, Walmart, fast food. Voting is no different. I have comorbidity and 60 years old, and I went out and voted in person. They were actually much stricter than bars and Walmart.

Mail in is fine for people who simply cannot get to the polls, but it should be restricted to those people only. If you're in the military, going to be out of town, live in a nursing home and can't get to the polls, physically impaired, that's understandable. You should have to request a ballot, when returned, the signature must match, and I have no problem with that. But that didn't happen in some places this election.
Oddly enough, the places you want to change these voting laws are led by Republican legislatures. Everyone has the right to vote, and if they want to do it via mail-in, so be it. Just because you didn't like the outcomes doesn't make your argument right. Put down that cup of voter suppression, it's reveling who you really are.... pssst "Anti-American."
Oh really.

Like Rump himself?

Like the Military? Or anyone else not home during an election?

Like everyday citizens in Washington and Utah and AridZona who have been running their elections by mail REGULARLY?

And you somehow muddled through the last twelve months WITHOUT NOTICING there's an infectious pandemic going on, which spreads in places of densely-packed people, such as a polling place where people are known to have to stand in line for HOURS???

And ALL OF THIS sailed right over your head, did it?

Like I said, Democrats have been pushing mail-in for years long before the virus for the reasons I stated. The virus was just an excuse. People go shopping all the time: grocery shopping, drug store, Walmart, fast food. Voting is no different. I have comorbidity and 60 years old, and I went out and voted in person. They were actually much stricter than bars and Walmart.

Mail in is fine for people who simply cannot get to the polls, but it should be restricted to those people only. If you're in the military, going to be out of town, live in a nursing home and can't get to the polls, physically impaired, that's understandable. You should have to request a ballot, when returned, the signature must match, and I have no problem with that. But that didn't happen in some places this election.
Oddly enough, the places you want to change these voting laws are led by Republican legislatures. Everyone has the right to vote, and if they want to do it via mail-in, so be it. Just because you didn't like the outcomes doesn't make your argument right. Put down that cup of voter suppression, it's reveling who you really are.... pssst "Anti-American."
Baloney. True voting is done in person with the exceptions Ray stated. He is exactly right and its the only to ensure quality control of the votes. No wonder you are against it.
Proving that she is the one who is mentally unfit to remain in office, Pelosi makes this absurd, insane, and knowingly inflammatory declaration knowing (or not) President Trump will be out of office well before she could EVER get her latest coup attempt out of the House and to the Senate.

For all of the Democrats' talk of wanting to UNITE the country, this comment was made with the intent to piss off millions of Americans and further divide the nation....

....either that or she's just BATSHIT CRAZY!

It isn’t batshit crazy.

It ensures Trump can never run for office again.
Proving that she is the one who is mentally unfit to remain in office, Pelosi makes this absurd, insane, and knowingly inflammatory declaration knowing (or not) President Trump will be out of office well before she could EVER get her latest coup attempt out of the House and to the Senate.

For all of the Democrats' talk of wanting to UNITE the country, this comment was made with the intent to piss off millions of Americans and further divide the nation....

....either that or she's just BATSHIT CRAZY!

A. As I've told you before, gateway pundit is not a source. It's for entertainment purposes only.

B. The orange shit-stain must be silenced and removed before he attempts another coup.

C. It could be done in a day if everyone is in agreement.

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