Pelosi Throws Tantrum Because President Successfully Acts When House DNC Refuses To

So, Mexico gives Trump what he wanted, and there are no increased tariffs to hurt the working class.

Remind me -- how is this a Trump failure?
No failure but most all of deal was already made And I'm sick and tired of this maniac this bully and pray he's gone in 2020 or sooner
You're sick and tired of him?

So what?
So, Mexico gives Trump what he wanted, and there are no increased tariffs to hurt the working class.

Remind me -- how is this a Trump failure?
No failure but most all of deal was already made And I'm sick and tired of this maniac this bully and pray he's gone in 2020 or sooner
You're sick and tired of him?

So what?
You dotards are the only ones in the world that aren't
So, Mexico gives Trump what he wanted, and there are no increased tariffs to hurt the working class.

Remind me -- how is this a Trump failure?

So, you don't care that Trump threatened the tariffs & then declared victory when the agreements were already done?

You like being a dupe?
There the Democrats go accusing others of doing what they have / continue to do...

Speaker of The House (In NAME Only) Pelosi threw another tantrum and verbally attacked the President for successfully acting to do what she and fellow house Democrats refuse to do - STOP THE ON-GOING MASSIVE INVASION OF ILLEGALS ACROSS OUR SOTHERN. ORDER!

""House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on Saturday hit parts of President Trump’s deal with Mexico on stopping migrant flows after he threatened to slap tariffs on the country -- saying that Trump was engaged in “threats and temper tantrums.”

“Threats and temper tantrums are no way to negotiate foreign policy,” she said."

REALLY, Nancy?! WTF would YOU know about LAW or FOREIGN POLICY?

YOU are the one who just voted to hold the US AG - the top law ENFORCER in the United States - in ' (the Congress currently being run by Rogue TDS-suffering liberal children) in 'Contempt of Congress' for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW'!

As far as 'Foreign Policy':

"Trump announced Friday that the U.S. and Mexico had reached a deal, after he had previously threatened to slap 5 percent tariffs on all incoming goods from Mexico"

In response to the President's warning Mexico that if it did not stop facilitating illegal immigration into the US through their country he would impose a tariff on Mexico to collect money which would be used to pay for the costly financial burden all of those illegals coming into the US, MEXICO MOBILIZED PART OF ITS MILITARY TO IMMEDIATELY TAKE 'UNPRECEDENTED STEPS TO STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION COMING FROM / THROUGH ITS SOUTHERN BORDER!

"According to a joint declaration issued by the State Department and Mexico late Friday, Mexico will take “unprecedented steps to increase enforcement to curb irregular migration, to include the deployment of its National Guard throughout Mexico, giving priority to its southern border.”


If Pelosi and Congress continue to refuse to act for the good and security of this nation, The President had / has to.

Pelosi hits Trump’s deal with Mexico, accuses him of ‘threats and temper tantrums’
You know none lf that's true, right?
Misinformation and made up stuff is all rhey have.
Give the repub nitwits some truth
Mexico Agreed to Border Actions Months Before Trump Announced Tariff Deal
The terms were agreed upon months ago?

Who was President then?
So why the tariff theatrics?
If trump wanted to throw hillary in jail and helped his audience shout it out ,,why not put him in jail for all his collusion that Mueller wrote about? Meanwhile if you're satisfied with the blustering lying bully ,,so be it

I'm satisfied.
So be it.....mush mouth!
Sure you are , schmucks like you and your ilk have no idea how a president should act Use Obama as your example dummy I'm just trying to help
Obama did nothing for 8 yrs except screw the people (Blacks) he said he was going to raise out of poverty. Obama care raised the cost of insurance to the point nobody could afford it. Why? Dems need victims to make themselves relevant!


I remember 20 January 2009, the date that B. Hussein O was immaculated into office.

The black people of Ohio- and around the country- all thought their ship had come in. They had won the lottery, and Obama was going to share the bounty out of his stash and they would be on Easy Fucking Street.

His stock has certainly fallen since then for sure

Yeah he gave them "Hope and Change" remember. He gave them hope then changed his mind and then hoped they were stupid enough to believe him twice. They were. His Policies are why Hillary lost! :thankusmile:
The Obama policies were quite successful.
LOL will trump flee with us?? He has a history of punking out

Your side should begin learning foreign languages, trust me on this.
Blues trust you ?? lol lol How can anyone trust a trump lover??

You had to lie and pretend to support Trump's border security policy to win those House seats. :itsok:
Oh we were for his wall ?? I didn't know that

Yes in many of those districts with retiring GOP reps that's exactly what you Dem's did. No different than 2008 when dozens of Dem's ran as conservatives in GOP districts. Then in 2010 when it became clear Dem's had lied they were obliterated in the biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years. Ouch! :auiqs.jpg:

I read this whole thread, and it didn't tell me anything, so I am going to tell Ed, and any other Leftist a fact--------->

Congress has NO OVERSIGHT POWERS OVER THE PRESIDENT except LEGISLATIVE! It doesn't, period! One branch does not have oversight over the other, or the Executive Branch, could stick their nose up congress a** anytime it so desired.

Congress has only 2...…….let me spell that for you TWO powers over the President---------->

1. Over ride his veto, and

2. Power of impeachment.

That's it, nothing else, look it up if you doubt me.

On another note----------> congress has no INDICTMENT power, only the DOJ does. Congress can NOT do anything, to anyone, without a Special Prosecutor on their side, and there isn't one now! They can't even get a judge to enforce their DEMPEENIES!

So, either IMPEACH already, or go pound sand! And they won't. Know why they won't? Because as soon as it goes to trial in the senate, the chief justice would throw it out, because he didn't do anything, lol...…...leaving a big middle finger to the Left.

Let me spell this out for you plainly--------->HIGH CRIMES and MISDEMEANORS can throw out a President from office, but he has to commit them while he is IN OFFICE, not before. That is exactly why all this wanting his tax returns etc, is ridiculous. It is just opposition research for the Democrats. He could have cheated his whole life on his taxes until he took office, and they could NOT impeach him for it.

Are we all supposed to believe that the IRS is not doing its' job? It wasn't doing its' job under Obama?

Of course not! They just want his tax returns so they can use it as a political weapon, and it is very unlikely that case will ever get to the Supreme Court before Nov of 2020. It is just a political football, and the rank and file Left, fall for it, hook, line, and sinker.
Interesting BUT what can happen to the slime when he steps down ? and yes his tax returns Lets find out how he's laundering money

President Trump gets audited every year, ed.

No, you won't get to see it, but the experts at the IRS will go over it with a fine toothed comb.

People don't want to see Trump's returns for legality you stupid shit.

The State of NY will deal with Trump's legality.
I'm satisfied.
So be it.....mush mouth!
Sure you are , schmucks like you and your ilk have no idea how a president should act Use Obama as your example dummy I'm just trying to help
Obama did nothing for 8 yrs except screw the people (Blacks) he said he was going to raise out of poverty. Obama care raised the cost of insurance to the point nobody could afford it. Why? Dems need victims to make themselves relevant!


I remember 20 January 2009, the date that B. Hussein O was immaculated into office.

The black people of Ohio- and around the country- all thought their ship had come in. They had won the lottery, and Obama was going to share the bounty out of his stash and they would be on Easy Fucking Street.

His stock has certainly fallen since then for sure

Yeah he gave them "Hope and Change" remember. He gave them hope then changed his mind and then hoped they were stupid enough to believe him twice. They were. His Policies are why Hillary lost! :thankusmile:
The Obama policies were quite successful.

Quite successful in what ways? Obamacare is a Failure , although we should call it McCaincare and it was his vote that preserved it.

Trump's unemployment rate is lower, and his stock markets higher than anything Obama did.
So, Mexico gives Trump what he wanted, and there are no increased tariffs to hurt the working class.

Remind me -- how is this a Trump failure?

So, you don't care that Trump threatened the tariffs & then declared victory when the agreements were already done?

You like being a dupe?
And his secret deal with Mexico is Bull Shit
So, Mexico gives Trump what he wanted, and there are no increased tariffs to hurt the working class.

Remind me -- how is this a Trump failure?

So, you don't care that Trump threatened the tariffs & then declared victory when the agreements were already done?

You like being a dupe?
And his secret deal with Mexico is Bull Shit

The fact that Obama couldn't get deals like the Trumpster seems to really have got your goat.
Sure you are , schmucks like you and your ilk have no idea how a president should act Use Obama as your example dummy I'm just trying to help
Obama did nothing for 8 yrs except screw the people (Blacks) he said he was going to raise out of poverty. Obama care raised the cost of insurance to the point nobody could afford it. Why? Dems need victims to make themselves relevant!


I remember 20 January 2009, the date that B. Hussein O was immaculated into office.

The black people of Ohio- and around the country- all thought their ship had come in. They had won the lottery, and Obama was going to share the bounty out of his stash and they would be on Easy Fucking Street.

His stock has certainly fallen since then for sure

Yeah he gave them "Hope and Change" remember. He gave them hope then changed his mind and then hoped they were stupid enough to believe him twice. They were. His Policies are why Hillary lost! :thankusmile:
The Obama policies were quite successful.

Quite successful in what ways? Obamacare is a Failure , although we should call it McCaincare and it was his vote that preserved it.

Trump's unemployment rate is lower, and his stock markets higher than anything Obama did.
Trumps success came on Obamas back
The terms were agreed upon months ago?

Who was President then?
The same guy who struts around now thinking like a rooster, his squalks makes the sun come up in the morning
So, Mexico gives Trump what he wanted, and there are no increased tariffs to hurt the working class.

Remind me -- how is this a Trump failure?

So, you don't care that Trump threatened the tariffs & then declared victory when the agreements were already done?

You like being a dupe?
And his secret deal with Mexico is Bull Shit

The fact that Obama couldn't get deals like the Trumpster seems to really have got your goat.
What deals ? The BS with NK ?? Still the same The BS with Mexico ? nothing new just that dumb f-er in our wh prancing around like he actually did something
Obama did nothing for 8 yrs except screw the people (Blacks) he said he was going to raise out of poverty. Obama care raised the cost of insurance to the point nobody could afford it. Why? Dems need victims to make themselves relevant!


I remember 20 January 2009, the date that B. Hussein O was immaculated into office.

The black people of Ohio- and around the country- all thought their ship had come in. They had won the lottery, and Obama was going to share the bounty out of his stash and they would be on Easy Fucking Street.

His stock has certainly fallen since then for sure

Yeah he gave them "Hope and Change" remember. He gave them hope then changed his mind and then hoped they were stupid enough to believe him twice. They were. His Policies are why Hillary lost! :thankusmile:
The Obama policies were quite successful.

Quite successful in what ways? Obamacare is a Failure , although we should call it McCaincare and it was his vote that preserved it.

Trump's unemployment rate is lower, and his stock markets higher than anything Obama did.
Trumps success came on Obamas back

Au contraire, ed.

Liberal Economists, nobel prize winning libs, predicted Economic Collapse with the incoming Trump Administration on Election Night. No, it wasn't on "obama's back" at all, In fact it was the big change, the idea of America winning again that led to the Trumponomics boom
The same guy who struts around now thinking like a rooster, his squalks makes the sun come up in the morning
So, Mexico gives Trump what he wanted, and there are no increased tariffs to hurt the working class.

Remind me -- how is this a Trump failure?

So, you don't care that Trump threatened the tariffs & then declared victory when the agreements were already done?

You like being a dupe?
And his secret deal with Mexico is Bull Shit

The fact that Obama couldn't get deals like the Trumpster seems to really have got your goat.
What deals ? The BS with NK ?? Still the same The BS with Mexico ? nothing new just that dumb f-er in our wh prancing around like he actually did something

North Korea's President is in a tricky position, ed. He has eliminated the anti-americanism spewing out of Pyongyang, and would definitely like to see NK become capitalist. But there is resistance in the NK leadership, and he is working to break it. A number of diplomats have already been shot after the failure in Hanoi. They are going to be trying again, this isn't over.
Top Democrats ‘Disappointed’ Mexico Tariff Threat Worked, Accuse Trump of Caving to Pressure

Top Democrats ‘Disappointed’ Mexico Tariff Threat Worked, Accuse Trump of Caving to Pressure | Trending
June 9, 2019 ~ By Matt Margolis
Trump’s success in getting Mexico to agree to do more to curb the flow of illegal immigrants through their country and into the United States should be receiving universal praise, but unfortunately, Democrats, who we all know want to see illegal immigration increase to help secure their party’s power in government, couldn’t concede that Trump’s plan worked....House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Trump’s tariff threat, which succeeded in its goal, a counterproductive exercise in “threats and temper tantrums.” “President Trump undermined America’s preeminent leadership role in the world by recklessly threatening to impose tariffs on our close friend and neighbor to the south,” Pelosi, a California Democrat, said Saturday morning. “Threats and temper tantrums are no way to negotiate foreign policy.” Pelosi said she was “deeply disappointed” by the asylum provisions of the deal, which she claimed “violates the rights of asylum seekers under U.S. law and fails to address the root causes of Central American migration.” But the most absurd comment came from Senator Chuck Schumer: ✔@SenSchumer ... Just as I predicted, President @realDonaldTrump backed off on his threat of tariffs against Mexico.
This is really what Trump Derangement Syndrome has come to. Democrats can’t even acknowledge when Trump succeeds in doing what he set out to do. This is why they can’t acknowledge that the economy has improved on his watch, or try to give the credit to Barack Obama. Trump’s success in getting Mexico to do more to stop illegal immigration before it reaches our border is something his base will not forget in 2020. Democrats know that if illegal immigration is in fact reduced because of these efforts by Mexico that Trump will be even more difficult to beat in 2020.

The blind hatred of President Trump by Chuckie and Nazny is making them look more and more like they belong in a care facility. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats got suckered by Trump again. The terms were publicly agreed to months ago. Trump retreated claiming victory and you fell for it. Also there could be insider trading issues.
The only suckers are PMS/DSA Lefty voters. Your hapless boy Bath House Barry O proved that. I thought he was going to slow the rise of the oceans and calm the sea and cure the climate? Meanwhile, Trump supporters continue to have their votes validated daily. You lost. Americans won. Now you're irrelevant.
When even the WAPO is forced to print the truth, it is another sign the MSM wall of lies is crumbling. Trump’s big win leaves critics sputtering
Anybody who thinks that PMS/DSA Democrats actually care about the plight of poor economic refugees from Central America is either delusional or a fool. This (illegal immigration) is, and always has been, about altering "skewing" the demographic balance in this country, and it's reprehensible.
Their next step is amnesty and voting rights and the trap closes. All this "Get Trump" nonsense is nothing but a smoke screen, and it always has been. The poisonous PMS/DSA Democrats will stop at nothing to take power and control over this country. Our grandkids are going to hate us for allowing this to happen.
We should be abolishing our drug war.
So, Mexico gives Trump what he wanted, and there are no increased tariffs to hurt the working class.

Remind me -- how is this a Trump failure?

So, you don't care that Trump threatened the tariffs & then declared victory when the agreements were already done?

You like being a dupe?
And his secret deal with Mexico is Bull Shit

The fact that Obama couldn't get deals like the Trumpster seems to really have got your goat.
What deals ? The BS with NK ?? Still the same The BS with Mexico ? nothing new just that dumb f-er in our wh prancing around like he actually did something

North Korea's President is in a tricky position, ed. He has eliminated the anti-americanism spewing out of Pyongyang, and would definitely like to see NK become capitalist. But there is resistance in the NK leadership, and he is working to break it. A number of diplomats have already been shot after the failure in Hanoi. They are going to be trying again, this isn't over.
How many did he throw to the flesh eating fish today ?? Wish it was Rump What a great dinner for the fish and plenty left for take home
Top Democrats ‘Disappointed’ Mexico Tariff Threat Worked, Accuse Trump of Caving to Pressure

Top Democrats ‘Disappointed’ Mexico Tariff Threat Worked, Accuse Trump of Caving to Pressure | Trending
June 9, 2019 ~ By Matt Margolis
Trump’s success in getting Mexico to agree to do more to curb the flow of illegal immigrants through their country and into the United States should be receiving universal praise, but unfortunately, Democrats, who we all know want to see illegal immigration increase to help secure their party’s power in government, couldn’t concede that Trump’s plan worked....House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Trump’s tariff threat, which succeeded in its goal, a counterproductive exercise in “threats and temper tantrums.” “President Trump undermined America’s preeminent leadership role in the world by recklessly threatening to impose tariffs on our close friend and neighbor to the south,” Pelosi, a California Democrat, said Saturday morning. “Threats and temper tantrums are no way to negotiate foreign policy.” Pelosi said she was “deeply disappointed” by the asylum provisions of the deal, which she claimed “violates the rights of asylum seekers under U.S. law and fails to address the root causes of Central American migration.” But the most absurd comment came from Senator Chuck Schumer: ✔@SenSchumer ... Just as I predicted, President @realDonaldTrump backed off on his threat of tariffs against Mexico.
This is really what Trump Derangement Syndrome has come to. Democrats can’t even acknowledge when Trump succeeds in doing what he set out to do. This is why they can’t acknowledge that the economy has improved on his watch, or try to give the credit to Barack Obama. Trump’s success in getting Mexico to do more to stop illegal immigration before it reaches our border is something his base will not forget in 2020. Democrats know that if illegal immigration is in fact reduced because of these efforts by Mexico that Trump will be even more difficult to beat in 2020.

The blind hatred of President Trump by Chuckie and Nazny is making them look more and more like they belong in a care facility. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats got suckered by Trump again. The terms were publicly agreed to months ago. Trump retreated claiming victory and you fell for it. Also there could be insider trading issues.
The only suckers are PMS/DSA Lefty voters. Your hapless boy Bath House Barry O proved that. I thought he was going to slow the rise of the oceans and calm the sea and cure the climate? Meanwhile, Trump supporters continue to have their votes validated daily. You lost. Americans won. Now you're irrelevant.
When even the WAPO is forced to print the truth, it is another sign the MSM wall of lies is crumbling. Trump’s big win leaves critics sputtering
Anybody who thinks that PMS/DSA Democrats actually care about the plight of poor economic refugees from Central America is either delusional or a fool. This (illegal immigration) is, and always has been, about altering "skewing" the demographic balance in this country, and it's reprehensible.
Their next step is amnesty and voting rights and the trap closes. All this "Get Trump" nonsense is nothing but a smoke screen, and it always has been. The poisonous PMS/DSA Democrats will stop at nothing to take power and control over this country. Our grandkids are going to hate us for allowing this to happen.
We should be abolishing our drug war.

Do you think we should legalize drugs?
I'm satisfied.
So be it.....mush mouth!
Sure you are , schmucks like you and your ilk have no idea how a president should act Use Obama as your example dummy I'm just trying to help
Obama did nothing for 8 yrs except screw the people (Blacks) he said he was going to raise out of poverty. Obama care raised the cost of insurance to the point nobody could afford it. Why? Dems need victims to make themselves relevant!


I remember 20 January 2009, the date that B. Hussein O was immaculated into office.

The black people of Ohio- and around the country- all thought their ship had come in. They had won the lottery, and Obama was going to share the bounty out of his stash and they would be on Easy Fucking Street.

His stock has certainly fallen since then for sure

Yeah he gave them "Hope and Change" remember. He gave them hope then changed his mind and then hoped they were stupid enough to believe him twice. They were. His Policies are why Hillary lost! :thankusmile:

The Obama policies were quite successful.

Sure Bath House Barry was successful if you exclude the bail out of GM, the Stimulus, QE-1, QE2, Withdrawal from Iraq, Libya, Benghazi, ISIS, Syria, the invasion of the Ukraine and annexation of the Crimea to Putin's Russia...Just mentioning a couple of his successes. Not to mention his weaponization of the Federal agencies against Americans and his political opponents.
Last edited:
Any republican here know what it means when fed cuts rates 1,2 or 3 times? Trump is the worst president in our history
So, Mexico gives Trump what he wanted, and there are no increased tariffs to hurt the working class.

Remind me -- how is this a Trump failure?
No failure but most all of deal was already made And I'm sick and tired of this maniac this bully and pray he's gone in 2020 or sooner
We are going to re-elect him in 2020 and Jared or Ivanka in 2024 so you better damn well start getting used to it.

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