Pelosi Throws Tantrum Because President Successfully Acts When House DNC Refuses To

I'm part of my people and I don't think or want Cal to pick our President I just hope and pray that in the future republicans are more careful in who they choose to lead our country They've picked 2 big time losers in their last 2 presidents And I thought gwb was bad

In 2024, who should the Republicans pick to run that you would like? Trump will reach the end of his service because of the 22nd Amendment.

Vice President Pence? Jared Kushner? Donald Jr?
Hopefully the 3 you mentioned are 6ft under by then along with trump

^^^ there's that liberal tolerance again.
Sometimes I outdo myself I really have no tolerance for these crooks I look at trump, jr, and kushner I'd like to bash them with a baseball bat But enough of my dreaming ,,,,,you really like those scum ? You can't tell what they really are?

Pray there's not a civil war because the few of your kind who survive will flee for their lives to other countries.
LOL will trump flee with us?? He has a history of punking out
It wasn't libs that put this world class schmuck in the WH

We threw libs to the ground then kicked dirt in their faces while laughing the night we elected Trump president. They have yet to recover.

Donald Trump kept it classy when he won, IMHO.

If I were the billionaire victor, I would have contracted with a 100 midget musicians to march from the NY Hilton to the Javits Center to rub it in.

It wasn't libs that put this world class schmuck in the WH

We threw libs to the ground then kicked dirt in their faces while laughing the night we elected Trump president. They have yet to recover.
That's why we took the house Folks were sick of your republicans We laughed last

You had to lie and pretend to support Trump's border security policy to win those House seats. :itsok:
Oh we were for his wall ?? I didn't know that
In 2024, who should the Republicans pick to run that you would like? Trump will reach the end of his service because of the 22nd Amendment.

Vice President Pence? Jared Kushner? Donald Jr?
Hopefully the 3 you mentioned are 6ft under by then along with trump

^^^ there's that liberal tolerance again.
Sometimes I outdo myself I really have no tolerance for these crooks I look at trump, jr, and kushner I'd like to bash them with a baseball bat But enough of my dreaming ,,,,,you really like those scum ? You can't tell what they really are?

Pray there's not a civil war because the few of your kind who survive will flee for their lives to other countries.
LOL will trump flee with us?? He has a history of punking out

Your side should begin learning foreign languages, trust me on this.
Hopefully the 3 you mentioned are 6ft under by then along with trump

^^^ there's that liberal tolerance again.
Sometimes I outdo myself I really have no tolerance for these crooks I look at trump, jr, and kushner I'd like to bash them with a baseball bat But enough of my dreaming ,,,,,you really like those scum ? You can't tell what they really are?

Pray there's not a civil war because the few of your kind who survive will flee for their lives to other countries.
LOL will trump flee with us?? He has a history of punking out

Your side should begin learning foreign languages, trust me on this.
Blues trust you ?? lol lol How can anyone trust a trump lover??
It wasn't libs that put this world class schmuck in the WH

We threw libs to the ground then kicked dirt in their faces while laughing the night we elected Trump president. They have yet to recover.
That's why we took the house Folks were sick of your republicans We laughed last

You had to lie and pretend to support Trump's border security policy to win those House seats. :itsok:
Oh we were for his wall ?? I didn't know that

Yes in many of those districts with retiring GOP reps that's exactly what you Dem's did. No different than 2008 when dozens of Dem's ran as conservatives in GOP districts. Then in 2010 when it became clear Dem's had lied they were obliterated in the biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years. Ouch! :auiqs.jpg:
^^^ there's that liberal tolerance again.
Sometimes I outdo myself I really have no tolerance for these crooks I look at trump, jr, and kushner I'd like to bash them with a baseball bat But enough of my dreaming ,,,,,you really like those scum ? You can't tell what they really are?

Pray there's not a civil war because the few of your kind who survive will flee for their lives to other countries.
LOL will trump flee with us?? He has a history of punking out

Your side should begin learning foreign languages, trust me on this.
Blues trust you ?? lol lol How can anyone trust a trump lover??

On your knees when you dare even speak Trump's name!

There the Democrats go accusing others of doing what they have / continue to do...

Speaker of The House (In NAME Only) Pelosi threw another tantrum and verbally attacked the President for successfully acting to do what she and fellow house Democrats refuse to do - STOP THE ON-GOING MASSIVE INVASION OF ILLEGALS ACROSS OUR SOTHERN. ORDER!

""House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on Saturday hit parts of President Trump’s deal with Mexico on stopping migrant flows after he threatened to slap tariffs on the country -- saying that Trump was engaged in “threats and temper tantrums.”

“Threats and temper tantrums are no way to negotiate foreign policy,” she said."

REALLY, Nancy?! WTF would YOU know about LAW or FOREIGN POLICY?

YOU are the one who just voted to hold the US AG - the top law ENFORCER in the United States - in ' (the Congress currently being run by Rogue TDS-suffering liberal children) in 'Contempt of Congress' for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW'!

As far as 'Foreign Policy':

"Trump announced Friday that the U.S. and Mexico had reached a deal, after he had previously threatened to slap 5 percent tariffs on all incoming goods from Mexico"

In response to the President's warning Mexico that if it did not stop facilitating illegal immigration into the US through their country he would impose a tariff on Mexico to collect money which would be used to pay for the costly financial burden all of those illegals coming into the US, MEXICO MOBILIZED PART OF ITS MILITARY TO IMMEDIATELY TAKE 'UNPRECEDENTED STEPS TO STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION COMING FROM / THROUGH ITS SOUTHERN BORDER!

"According to a joint declaration issued by the State Department and Mexico late Friday, Mexico will take “unprecedented steps to increase enforcement to curb irregular migration, to include the deployment of its National Guard throughout Mexico, giving priority to its southern border.”


If Pelosi and Congress continue to refuse to act for the good and security of this nation, The President had / has to.

Pelosi hits Trump’s deal with Mexico, accuses him of ‘threats and temper tantrums’

What a crock of shit.

Pelosi has been running the House for 5 months.

Whose fault was it prior to that? For two years you had a Republican President & Republican House & Senate.

You assfucks did NOTHING. So shove you fake crying up your ass.
You have a sense of humor so you can't be all bad

In politics if you don't have a sense of humor you may be a liberal.
One of my favorites
A young woman in New York...

... was so depressed that she decided to end her life by throwing herself into the ocean. She went down to the docks and was about to leap into the frigid water when a handsome young sailor saw her tottering on the edge of the pier, crying. He took pity on her and said, "Look, you have so much to live for. I'm off to Europe in the morning, and if you like, I can stow you away on my ship. I'll take good care of you and bring you food every day." Moving closer, he slipped his arm around her shoulder and added, "I'll keep you happy, and you'll keep me happy."

The girl nodded yes. After all, what did she have to lose? Perhaps a fresh start in Europe would give her life new meaning.

That night, the sailor brought her aboard and hid her in a lifeboat. From then on, every night he brought her three sandwiches and a piece of fruit, and they made passionate love until dawn. Three weeks later, during a routine inspection, she was discovered by the captain.

"What are you doing here?" the captain asked.

"I have an arrangement with one of the sailors," she explained. "I get food and a trip to Europe, and he's screwing me."

"He certainly is," the captain said. "This is the Staten Island Ferry."
Throw the moron trump in jail Pelosi was right

Your posts are becoming more and more inane, my friend.

Throw him in jail for what, specifically?

List the USC he violated.
If trump wanted to throw hillary in jail and helped his audience shout it out ,,why not put him in jail for all his collusion that Mueller wrote about? Meanwhile if you're satisfied with the blustering lying bully ,,so be it

I'm satisfied.
So be it.....mush mouth!
Sure you are , schmucks like you and your ilk have no idea how a president should act Use Obama as your example dummy I'm just trying to help

Get your AG held in contempt of Congress for refusing to hand over documents to Congress on the fast and furious and weaponize spying apparatus to spy on your political opponents?

Spy on reporters
IRS targeting conservatives

What an example.

A reporter working with a person to steal government documents is a crime.

IRA targeted both Conservative & Liberal groups in that local office.

PRISM was a Bush program
You have a sense of humor so you can't be all bad

In politics if you don't have a sense of humor you may be a liberal.

Libs really don't understand jokes. Trump deadpans to funnyman Howard Stern about how women were "his personal Vietnam" and libs refuse to accept the idea that the man was just entertaining the Howard Stern audience. They somehow think its a serious public policy position.

^^^ there's that liberal tolerance again.
Sometimes I outdo myself I really have no tolerance for these crooks I look at trump, jr, and kushner I'd like to bash them with a baseball bat But enough of my dreaming ,,,,,you really like those scum ? You can't tell what they really are?

Pray there's not a civil war because the few of your kind who survive will flee for their lives to other countries.
LOL will trump flee with us?? He has a history of punking out

Your side should begin learning foreign languages, trust me on this.
Blues trust you ?? lol lol How can anyone trust a trump lover??

It wasn't libs that put this world class schmuck in the WH

We threw libs to the ground then kicked dirt in their faces while laughing the night we elected Trump president. They have yet to recover.
That's why we took the house Folks were sick of your republicans We laughed last

You had to lie and pretend to support Trump's border security policy to win those House seats. :itsok:
Oh we were for his wall ?? I didn't know that

Yes in many of those districts with retiring GOP reps that's exactly what you Dem's did. No different than 2008 when dozens of Dem's ran as conservatives in GOP districts. Then in 2010 when it became clear Dem's had lied they were obliterated in the biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years. Ouch! :auiqs.jpg:

I read this whole thread, and it didn't tell me anything, so I am going to tell Ed, and any other Leftist a fact--------->

Congress has NO OVERSIGHT POWERS OVER THE PRESIDENT except LEGISLATIVE! It doesn't, period! One branch does not have oversight over the other, or the Executive Branch, could stick their nose up congress a** anytime it so desired.

Congress has only 2...…….let me spell that for you TWO powers over the President---------->

1. Over ride his veto, and

2. Power of impeachment.

That's it, nothing else, look it up if you doubt me.

On another note----------> congress has no INDICTMENT power, only the DOJ does. Congress can NOT do anything, to anyone, without a Special Prosecutor on their side, and there isn't one now! They can't even get a judge to enforce their DEMPEENIES!

So, either IMPEACH already, or go pound sand! And they won't. Know why they won't? Because as soon as it goes to trial in the senate, the chief justice would throw it out, because he didn't do anything, lol...…...leaving a big middle finger to the Left.

Let me spell this out for you plainly--------->HIGH CRIMES and MISDEMEANORS can throw out a President from office, but he has to commit them while he is IN OFFICE, not before. That is exactly why all this wanting his tax returns etc, is ridiculous. It is just opposition research for the Democrats. He could have cheated his whole life on his taxes until he took office, and they could NOT impeach him for it.

Are we all supposed to believe that the IRS is not doing its' job? It wasn't doing its' job under Obama?

Of course not! They just want his tax returns so they can use it as a political weapon, and it is very unlikely that case will ever get to the Supreme Court before Nov of 2020. It is just a political football, and the rank and file Left, fall for it, hook, line, and sinker.
You have a sense of humor so you can't be all bad

In politics if you don't have a sense of humor you may be a liberal.

Libs really don't understand jokes. Trump deadpans to funnyman Howard Stern about how women were "his personal Vietnam" and libs refuse to accept the idea that the man was just entertaining the Howard Stern audience. They somehow think its a serious public policy position.

Liberals are angry and bitter and nothing makes them happy. What a bunch of buzz kills, probably why they run around trying to ban everything.
you wanna attack Trump like Nervous Nancy does, you're gonna get a fight on your hands!
The Creature is a mean-spirited, amoral, low-class individual, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

For once, Drumpf got one right, and I, for one, have no trouble admitting it.

Whether the arrangements were made months ago, or more recently, they were still made on The Creature's watch.

And, those arrangements were activated and made "real" using brinksmanship, which, apparently, was what was needed in this case.

The Creature gets full credit and high marks on this one... he went toe-to-toe with Mexico, and Mexico blinked.

Gotta give credit where credit is due.

And, being a Centrist, and a hard-liner on the issue of Illegal Aliens, I have zero problem laughing at LibTard Teenage Angst over this. :21:

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