Pelosi Throws Tantrum Because President Successfully Acts When House DNC Refuses To

/——-/ “carry lots of charges with them?” You know how idiotic you sound? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
You laugh while rome burns ? Again WHY does trump not want people honoring subpoenas? Same reason for not showing taxes ,,bank records?? Face it cell ,it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see trump is guilty on many fronts and he's being supported by his scum in the Senate and folks like you

Trump already underwent a 4 year anal exam by the libs. And passed with flying colors.

No, the libs don't get a do-over for Mueller.
Forgive me pole but I can't post to a dullard that likes teachers cream and trump
/——/ Please stop posting while drunk.
You can't get drunk on coffee BUT what's trumps excuse with the maniac tweets?
/——/ His excuse is bypassing the Lame Stream Media to speak directly to the American people. No CNN filters. Even you know what he says directly from his twitter feed. How awesome is that?
Your posts are becoming more and more inane, my friend.

Throw him in jail for what, specifically?

List the USC he violated.
If trump wanted to throw hillary in jail and helped his audience shout it out ,,why not put him in jail for all his collusion that Mueller wrote about? Meanwhile if you're satisfied with the blustering lying bully ,,so be it

I'm satisfied.
So be it.....mush mouth!
Sure you are , schmucks like you and your ilk have no idea how a president should act Use Obama as your example dummy I'm just trying to help
Obama did nothing for 8 yrs except screw the people (Blacks) he said he was going to raise out of poverty. Obama care raised the cost of insurance to the point nobody could afford it. Why? Dems need victims to make themselves relevant!


I remember 20 January 2009, the date that B. Hussein O was immaculated into office.

The black people of Ohio- and around the country- all thought their ship had come in. They had won the lottery, and Obama was going to share the bounty out of his stash and they would be on Easy Fucking Street.

His stock has certainly fallen since then for sure
I remember 20 January 2009, the date that B. Hussein O was immaculated into office.

You laugh while rome burns ? Again WHY does trump not want people honoring subpoenas? Same reason for not showing taxes ,,bank records?? Face it cell ,it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see trump is guilty on many fronts and he's being supported by his scum in the Senate and folks like you

Trump already underwent a 4 year anal exam by the libs. And passed with flying colors.

No, the libs don't get a do-over for Mueller.
Forgive me pole but I can't post to a dullard that likes teachers cream and trump
/——/ Please stop posting while drunk.
You can't get drunk on coffee BUT what's trumps excuse with the maniac tweets?
/——/ His excuse is bypassing the Lame Stream Media to speak directly to the American people. No CNN filters. Even you know what he says directly from his twitter feed. How awesome is that?

That indeed is the great thing about Twitter. Allows the President to communicate directly with the people.

The media hates it, as they are left out of the loop entirely and find out the same time as the rest of us. They are unable to give an advance spin on the President's points.
You laugh while rome burns ? Again WHY does trump not want people honoring subpoenas? Same reason for not showing taxes ,,bank records?? Face it cell ,it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see trump is guilty on many fronts and he's being supported by his scum in the Senate and folks like you

Trump already underwent a 4 year anal exam by the libs. And passed with flying colors.

No, the libs don't get a do-over for Mueller.
Forgive me pole but I can't post to a dullard that likes teachers cream and trump
/——/ Please stop posting while drunk.
You can't get drunk on coffee BUT what's trumps excuse with the maniac tweets?
/——/ His excuse is bypassing the Lame Stream Media to speak directly to the American people. No CNN filters. Even you know what he says directly from his twitter feed. How awesome is that?
True, tweeting is his main source of promoting misinformation and lies.
Trump already underwent a 4 year anal exam by the libs. And passed with flying colors.

No, the libs don't get a do-over for Mueller.
Forgive me pole but I can't post to a dullard that likes teachers cream and trump
/——/ Please stop posting while drunk.
You can't get drunk on coffee BUT what's trumps excuse with the maniac tweets?
/——/ His excuse is bypassing the Lame Stream Media to speak directly to the American people. No CNN filters. Even you know what he says directly from his twitter feed. How awesome is that?
True, tweeting is his main source of promoting misinformation and lies.

You can label the Presidential Tweets in whatever way you want- but Mr. Trump still has freedom of speech.

"Freedom of the Press" doesn't give the media the right to filter anything.
Forgive me pole but I can't post to a dullard that likes teachers cream and trump
/——/ Please stop posting while drunk.
You can't get drunk on coffee BUT what's trumps excuse with the maniac tweets?
/——/ His excuse is bypassing the Lame Stream Media to speak directly to the American people. No CNN filters. Even you know what he says directly from his twitter feed How awesome is that?
True, tweeting is his main source of promoting misinformation and lies.

You can label the Presidential Tweets in whatever way you want- but Mr. Trump still has freedom of speech.

"Freedom of the Press" doesn't give the media the right to filter anything.
Freedom of Press gives the media the right to filter anything they want. You really don't know about freedom or a free press.
should we insist on laws against, Perjury against the People?
/——/ I think you’re running your post through Google Translate. It would explain your odd choice of words. You can only commit perjury while under oath,
Trump already underwent a 4 year anal exam by the libs. And passed with flying colors.

No, the libs don't get a do-over for Mueller.
Forgive me pole but I can't post to a dullard that likes teachers cream and trump
/——/ Please stop posting while drunk.
You can't get drunk on coffee BUT what's trumps excuse with the maniac tweets?
/——/ His excuse is bypassing the Lame Stream Media to speak directly to the American people. No CNN filters. Even you know what he says directly from his twitter feed. How awesome is that?
True, tweeting is his main source of promoting misinformation and lies.
/—-/ Got any examples?
Forgive me pole but I can't post to a dullard that likes teachers cream and trump
/——/ Please stop posting while drunk.
You can't get drunk on coffee BUT what's trumps excuse with the maniac tweets?
/——/ His excuse is bypassing the Lame Stream Media to speak directly to the American people. No CNN filters. Even you know what he says directly from his twitter feed. How awesome is that?
True, tweeting is his main source of promoting misinformation and lies.
/—-/ Got any examples?
On Twitter, news outlets amplify Trump’s false statements: study
By Alexandria Neason, CJR[/paste:font]MAY 3, 2019
A new study from Media Matters for America found what many have long suspected anecdotally: news outlets too often fail to debunk Donald Trump’s false statements in the body of tweets about press conferences, speeches, or press gaggles headlined by the president.

Media Matters found that, in a three-week period, news outlets tweeted false or misleading statements by Trump without clearly correcting them in the body of the tweet 65 percent of the time. Authored by Matt Gertz and Rob Savillo, the study examined more than 2,000 tweets posted between January 26 and February 15 from the Twitter accounts of major American print, online, and broadcast news outlets.

RELATED: Do journalists pay too much attention to Twitter?

“There is a lot of discussion of how journalists are passing on the president’s misinformation in headlines and tweets and we wanted to put some data to the phenomenon,” says Gertz, a senior fellow at Media Matters. “I was not expecting to have results that were as extreme as what we got.”
/——/ Please stop posting while drunk.
You can't get drunk on coffee BUT what's trumps excuse with the maniac tweets?
/——/ His excuse is bypassing the Lame Stream Media to speak directly to the American people. No CNN filters. Even you know what he says directly from his twitter feed. How awesome is that?
True, tweeting is his main source of promoting misinformation and lies.
/—-/ Got any examples?
On Twitter, news outlets amplify Trump’s false statements: study
By Alexandria Neason, CJR[/paste:font]MAY 3, 2019
A new study from Media Matters for America found what many have long suspected anecdotally: news outlets too often fail to debunk Donald Trump’s false statements in the body of tweets about press conferences, speeches, or press gaggles headlined by the president.

Media Matters found that, in a three-week period, news outlets tweeted false or misleading statements by Trump without clearly correcting them in the body of the tweet 65 percent of the time. Authored by Matt Gertz and Rob Savillo, the study examined more than 2,000 tweets posted between January 26 and February 15 from the Twitter accounts of major American print, online, and broadcast news outlets.

RELATED: Do journalists pay too much attention to Twitter?

“There is a lot of discussion of how journalists are passing on the president’s misinformation in headlines and tweets and we wanted to put some data to the phenomenon,” says Gertz, a senior fellow at Media Matters. “I was not expecting to have results that were as extreme as what we got.”

That's sort of amusing. Soros d.b.a. "Media Matters" actually thinks the Lame Stream Media isn't doing enough to slander and libel their President.

Soros, BTW, is a convicted felon and is basically a persona non grata in his Hungarian Homeland. Prime Minister Orban has been pushing anti-Soros legislation.

The man who commissioned the study is a documented real piece of crap, documented by those who know him the best
You can't get drunk on coffee BUT what's trumps excuse with the maniac tweets?
/——/ His excuse is bypassing the Lame Stream Media to speak directly to the American people. No CNN filters. Even you know what he says directly from his twitter feed. How awesome is that?
True, tweeting is his main source of promoting misinformation and lies.
/—-/ Got any examples?
On Twitter, news outlets amplify Trump’s false statements: study
By Alexandria Neason, CJR[/paste:font]MAY 3, 2019
A new study from Media Matters for America found what many have long suspected anecdotally: news outlets too often fail to debunk Donald Trump’s false statements in the body of tweets about press conferences, speeches, or press gaggles headlined by the president.

Media Matters found that, in a three-week period, news outlets tweeted false or misleading statements by Trump without clearly correcting them in the body of the tweet 65 percent of the time. Authored by Matt Gertz and Rob Savillo, the study examined more than 2,000 tweets posted between January 26 and February 15 from the Twitter accounts of major American print, online, and broadcast news outlets.

RELATED: Do journalists pay too much attention to Twitter?

“There is a lot of discussion of how journalists are passing on the president’s misinformation in headlines and tweets and we wanted to put some data to the phenomenon,” says Gertz, a senior fellow at Media Matters. “I was not expecting to have results that were as extreme as what we got.”

That's sort of amusing. Soros d.b.a. "Media Matters" actually thinks the Lame Stream Media isn't doing enough to slander and libel their President.

Soros, BTW, is a convicted felon and is basically a persona non grata in his Hungarian Homeland. Prim,,,,e Minister Orban has been pushing anti-Soros legislation.

The man who commissioned the study is a documented real piece of crap, documented by those who know him the best
ANYTHING you have to say is taken with a large dose of salt ,,, you are republican garbage and have been so for the last 18 or so years And btw you did shut down our other board the work a tyrant child ,like trump
The only thing Trump has exposed is the treachery of the republican party ,their obvious like of party over country This isn't about dem vs repub ,this is about right or wrong

Eddie please, 27% of California residents were NOT born in the U.S. and you people think California should choose our presidents.
The only thing Trump has exposed is the treachery of the republican party ,their obvious like of party over country This isn't about dem vs repub ,this is about right or wrong

Eddie please, 27% of California residents were NOT born in the U.S. and you people think California should choose our presidents.
I'm part of my people and I don't think or want Cal to pick our President I just hope and pray that in the future republicans are more careful in who they choose to lead our country They've picked 2 big time losers in their last 2 presidents And I thought gwb was bad
The only thing Trump has exposed is the treachery of the republican party ,their obvious like of party over country This isn't about dem vs repub ,this is about right or wrong

Eddie please, 27% of California residents were NOT born in the U.S. and you people think California should choose our presidents.
I'm part of my people and I don't think or want Cal to pick our President I just hope and pray that in the future republicans are more careful in who they choose to lead our country They've picked 2 big time losers in their last 2 presidents And I thought gwb was bad

In 2024, who should the Republicans pick to run that you would like? Trump will reach the end of his service because of the 22nd Amendment.

Vice President Pence? Jared Kushner? Donald Jr?
The only thing Trump has exposed is the treachery of the republican party ,their obvious like of party over country This isn't about dem vs repub ,this is about right or wrong

Eddie please, 27% of California residents were NOT born in the U.S. and you people think California should choose our presidents.
I'm part of my people and I don't think or want Cal to pick our President I just hope and pray that in the future republicans are more careful in who they choose to lead our country They've picked 2 big time losers in their last 2 presidents And I thought gwb was bad

In 2024, who should the Republicans pick to run that you would like? Trump will reach the end of his service because of the 22nd Amendment.

Vice President Pence? Jared Kushner? Donald Jr?
Hopefully the 3 you mentioned are 6ft under by then along with trump
The only thing Trump has exposed is the treachery of the republican party ,their obvious like of party over country This isn't about dem vs repub ,this is about right or wrong

Eddie please, 27% of California residents were NOT born in the U.S. and you people think California should choose our presidents.
I'm part of my people and I don't think or want Cal to pick our President I just hope and pray that in the future republicans are more careful in who they choose to lead our country They've picked 2 big time losers in their last 2 presidents And I thought gwb was bad

GWB allied with illegals just like Obama did I have no use for either of them. Thank God we elected Trump to deal with this mess.
The only thing Trump has exposed is the treachery of the republican party ,their obvious like of party over country This isn't about dem vs repub ,this is about right or wrong

Eddie please, 27% of California residents were NOT born in the U.S. and you people think California should choose our presidents.
I'm part of my people and I don't think or want Cal to pick our President I just hope and pray that in the future republicans are more careful in who they choose to lead our country They've picked 2 big time losers in their last 2 presidents And I thought gwb was bad

In 2024, who should the Republicans pick to run that you would like? Trump will reach the end of his service because of the 22nd Amendment.

Vice President Pence? Jared Kushner? Donald Jr?

Rush or Sean :muahaha:

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