Pelosi Throws Tantrum Because President Successfully Acts When House DNC Refuses To

Remember the woman who said Obama was going to pay all her bills because she voted for him?

Jesus Christ
There are fruit cakes on both sides I even know one nut that says he wouldn't vote for either party

That’s the best thing you have posted in a long time.

You must have had your warm milk before bed.
4 pm Glen Livit scotch

You'd save money , ed, if you started drinking the finest scotch whiskey made, Teachers Highland Cream.
Remember the woman who said Obama was going to pay all her bills because she voted for him?

Jesus Christ
There are fruit cakes on both sides I even know one nut that says he wouldn't vote for either party

That’s the best thing you have posted in a long time.

You must have had your warm milk before bed.
4 pm Glen Livit scotch

You'd save money , ed, if you started drinking the finest scotch whiskey made, Teachers Highland Cream.
Sorry I only drink single malt and I never try to save money on my scotch or steaks
Damn right.
There are fruit cakes on both sides I even know one nut that says he wouldn't vote for either party

That’s the best thing you have posted in a long time.

You must have had your warm milk before bed.
4 pm Glen Livit scotch

You'd save money , ed, if you started drinking the finest scotch whiskey made, Teachers Highland Cream.
There are fruit cakes on both sides I even know one nut that says he wouldn't vote for either party

That’s the best thing you have posted in a long time.

You must have had your warm milk before bed.
4 pm Glen Livit scotch

You'd save money , ed, if you started drinking the finest scotch whiskey made, Teachers Highland Cream.
Sorry I only drink single malt and I never try to save money on my scotch or steaks

Shut the fuck up....I might start to like you.
We could get along Agreeing to disagree on some points Now the polish guy here never and I know of him for 18,19 years
Successful ????
Video by Reuters

WASHINGTON — The deal to avert tariffs that President Trump announced with great fanfare on Friday night consists largely of actions that Mexico had already promised to take in prior discussions with the United States over the past several months, according to officials from both countries who are familiar with the negotiations.

Friday’s joint declaration says Mexico agreed to the “deployment of its National Guard throughout Mexico, giving priority to its southern border.” But the Mexican government had already pledged to do that in March during secret talks in Miami between Kirstjen Nielsen, then the secretary of homeland security, and Olga Sanchez, the Mexican secretary of the interior, the officials said.

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The centerpiece of Mr. Trump’s deal was an expansion of a program to allow asylum-seekers to remain in Mexico while their legal cases proceed. But that arrangement was first reached in December in a pair of painstakingly negotiated diplomatic notes that the two countries exchanged. Ms. Nielsen announced the Migrant Protection Protocols during a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee five days before Christmas.

And over the past week, negotiators failed to persuade Mexico to accept a “safe third country” treaty that would have given the United States the legal ability to reject asylum seekers if they had not sought refuge in Mexico first.

Mr. Trump hailed the agreement anyway on Saturday, writing on Twitter: “Everyone very excited about the new deal with Mexico!” He thanked the president of Mexico for “working so long and hard” on a plan to reduce the surge of migration into the United States.

It was unclear whether Mr. Trump believed that the agreement truly represented new and broader concessions, or whether the president understood the limits of the deal but accepted it as a face-saving way to escape from the political and economic consequences of imposing tariffs on Mexico, which he began threatening less than two weeks ago.

Having threatened Mexico with an escalating series of tariffs — starting at 5 percent and growing to 25 percent — the president faced enormous criticism from global leaders, business executives, Republican and Democratic lawmakers, and members of his own staff that he risked disrupting a critical marketplace.

After nine days of uncertainty, Mr. Trump backed down and accepted Mexico’s promises.

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Throw the moron trump in jail Pelosi was right

Your posts are becoming more and more inane, my friend.

Throw him in jail for what, specifically?

List the USC he violated.
If trump wanted to throw hillary in jail and helped his audience shout it out ,,why not put him in jail for all his collusion that Mueller wrote about? Meanwhile if you're satisfied with the blustering lying bully ,,so be it
/——-/ Throw a sitting president in jail because of what someone wrote about him?
You mean those 10 charges of obstruction Mueller discovered? And why does a smart guy like you might be not know why trump's afraid for all those subpoenas to be answered ?
You mean those 10 charges of obstruction Mueller discovered? And why does a smart guy like you might be not know why trump's afraid for all those subpoenas to be answered ?
/——-/ You mean those made up bullshyt process crimes?
You mean those 10 charges of obstruction Mueller discovered? And why does a smart guy like you might be not know why trump's afraid for all those subpoenas to be answered ?

Mr. Mueller's peeps denied all obstruction, ed. If there was even an inkling of evidence that President Trump obstructed a thing, the Mule would have made it clear.

In fact, Trump provide millions of pages of documents and allowed scores of staff to be subjected to the Mueller Inquisition.

No, its not obstruction at all

Robert Mueller spokesman denies claim in new Michael Wolff book that special counsel prepared obstruction of justice indictment against Trump
Throw the moron trump in jail Pelosi was right

Your posts are becoming more and more inane, my friend.

Throw him in jail for what, specifically?

List the USC he violated.
If trump wanted to throw hillary in jail and helped his audience shout it out ,,why not put him in jail for all his collusion that Mueller wrote about? Meanwhile if you're satisfied with the blustering lying bully ,,so be it

I'm satisfied.
So be it.....mush mouth!
Sure you are , schmucks like you and your ilk have no idea how a president should act Use Obama as your example dummy I'm just trying to help
Obama was a pussy and did nothing good for America. That's why he wanted to transform it.
Throw the moron trump in jail Pelosi was right

Yeah what a moron he has done things in21/2 yrs that our ELECTED congress hasn't been able to do in Decades. He must have been a really good father! Why? Because I'm sure his children learned very early there were consequences for bad behavior and failure to act appropriately. It only took Mexico About 12 seconds to put their diplomats on a plane to Washington when he announced his plan to impose tariffs, and they get a second chance to be Allies instead of enemies, good for Mexico good for America. Continuing to flex American Economic muscle is much easier and safer for the American people and the Immigrants the Dems wanted to Exploit for Political purposes. It's amazing what a strong president can accomplish when The opposition Party balks at doing anything.
Like the garbage republican congress did when Obama was President??
Obama got just about everything he wanted, so your point is?
Throw the moron trump in jail Pelosi was right

Your posts are becoming more and more inane, my friend.

Throw him in jail for what, specifically?

List the USC he violated.
If trump wanted to throw hillary in jail and helped his audience shout it out ,,why not put him in jail for all his collusion that Mueller wrote about? Meanwhile if you're satisfied with the blustering lying bully ,,so be it

I'm satisfied.
So be it.....mush mouth!
Sure you are , schmucks like you and your ilk have no idea how a president should act Use Obama as your example dummy I'm just trying to help
Obama was a pussy and did nothing good for America. That's why he wanted to transform it.

That's the difference between The Big O and The Donald.

Obama sought to transform America into something different, Trump only wants a return to American Greatness.

This last week, we commemorated the 75th Anniversary of the Normandy Invasion. This is what we were able to do back then, could we have done it if necessary under Obama? I don't think so, the gay and transexual army of Obama was more interested in not offending people than they were in defeating the enemy.
Throw the moron trump in jail Pelosi was right

Yeah what a moron he has done things in21/2 yrs that our ELECTED congress hasn't been able to do in Decades. He must have been a really good father! Why? Because I'm sure his children learned very early there were consequences for bad behavior and failure to act appropriately. It only took Mexico About 12 seconds to put their diplomats on a plane to Washington when he announced his plan to impose tariffs, and they get a second chance to be Allies instead of enemies, good for Mexico good for America. Continuing to flex American Economic muscle is much easier and safer for the American people and the Immigrants the Dems wanted to Exploit for Political purposes. It's amazing what a strong president can accomplish when The opposition Party balks at doing anything.
Like the garbage republican congress did when Obama was President??
Obama got just about everything he wanted, so your point is?
How so?? The senate did nothing but sit on their hands
Throw the moron trump in jail Pelosi was right

Yeah what a moron he has done things in21/2 yrs that our ELECTED congress hasn't been able to do in Decades. He must have been a really good father! Why? Because I'm sure his children learned very early there were consequences for bad behavior and failure to act appropriately. It only took Mexico About 12 seconds to put their diplomats on a plane to Washington when he announced his plan to impose tariffs, and they get a second chance to be Allies instead of enemies, good for Mexico good for America. Continuing to flex American Economic muscle is much easier and safer for the American people and the Immigrants the Dems wanted to Exploit for Political purposes. It's amazing what a strong president can accomplish when The opposition Party balks at doing anything.
Like the garbage republican congress did when Obama was President??
Obama got just about everything he wanted, so your point is?
How so?? The senate did nothing but sit on their hands
Obama got about everything he wanted. While the democrats go against Trump even when it will benefit us.
Throw the moron trump in jail Pelosi was right

Yeah what a moron he has done things in21/2 yrs that our ELECTED congress hasn't been able to do in Decades. He must have been a really good father! Why? Because I'm sure his children learned very early there were consequences for bad behavior and failure to act appropriately. It only took Mexico About 12 seconds to put their diplomats on a plane to Washington when he announced his plan to impose tariffs, and they get a second chance to be Allies instead of enemies, good for Mexico good for America. Continuing to flex American Economic muscle is much easier and safer for the American people and the Immigrants the Dems wanted to Exploit for Political purposes. It's amazing what a strong president can accomplish when The opposition Party balks at doing anything.
Like the garbage republican congress did when Obama was President??
Obama got just about everything he wanted, so your point is?
How so?? The senate did nothing but sit on their hands

The Senate passed both the Obamacare Atrocity, as well as the Porkulus- which was supposed to build the Infrastructure through Shovel Ready jobs. The ACA is a failure, even the libs want to shitcan the program in favor of a risky "medicare for all" scheme. And the infrastructure still hasn't been repaired and the shovel ready jobs promise turned out to be bullshit.
You mean those 10 charges of obstruction Mueller discovered? And why does a smart guy like you might be not know why trump's afraid for all those subpoenas to be answered ?
/——-/ You mean those made up bullshyt process crimes?
Cell if you were an honest broker you'd admit that those charges carry lots of truth behind them Now if you want to still support a man with those charges over his head that's your business I just don't get how anyone ,not just you ,can stand the stink trump emits
Throw the moron trump in jail Pelosi was right

Yeah what a moron he has done things in21/2 yrs that our ELECTED congress hasn't been able to do in Decades. He must have been a really good father! Why? Because I'm sure his children learned very early there were consequences for bad behavior and failure to act appropriately. It only took Mexico About 12 seconds to put their diplomats on a plane to Washington when he announced his plan to impose tariffs, and they get a second chance to be Allies instead of enemies, good for Mexico good for America. Continuing to flex American Economic muscle is much easier and safer for the American people and the Immigrants the Dems wanted to Exploit for Political purposes. It's amazing what a strong president can accomplish when The opposition Party balks at doing anything.
Like the garbage republican congress did when Obama was President??
Obama got just about everything he wanted, so your point is?
How so?? The senate did nothing but sit on their hands
Obama got about everything he wanted. While the democrats go against Trump even when it will benefit us.
How so? Dems didn't walk out of the room with infrastructure in the balance We want health care reform What do republicans want?
Yeah what a moron he has done things in21/2 yrs that our ELECTED congress hasn't been able to do in Decades. He must have been a really good father! Why? Because I'm sure his children learned very early there were consequences for bad behavior and failure to act appropriately. It only took Mexico About 12 seconds to put their diplomats on a plane to Washington when he announced his plan to impose tariffs, and they get a second chance to be Allies instead of enemies, good for Mexico good for America. Continuing to flex American Economic muscle is much easier and safer for the American people and the Immigrants the Dems wanted to Exploit for Political purposes. It's amazing what a strong president can accomplish when The opposition Party balks at doing anything.
Like the garbage republican congress did when Obama was President??
Obama got just about everything he wanted, so your point is?
How so?? The senate did nothing but sit on their hands
Obama got about everything he wanted. While the democrats go against Trump even when it will benefit us.
How so? Dems didn't walk out of the room with infrastructure in the balance We want health care reform What do republicans want?

Republicans want American greatness.

As far as Infrastructure, President Trump is more than willing to work on it with Chuck and Nancy once the investigation/impeachment issue is concluded.
You mean those 10 charges of obstruction Mueller discovered? And why does a smart guy like you might be not know why trump's afraid for all those subpoenas to be answered ?
/——-/ You mean those made up bullshyt process crimes?
Cell if you were an honest broker you'd admit that those charges carry lots of truth behind them Now if you want to still support a man with those charges over his head that's your business I just don't get how anyone ,not just you ,can stand the stink trump emits
Mueller report hearing on the way with John Dean and others Trump may not admit he's a crook but the facts might show he is If so, how many little trumpers here will still stand by his side ,,,,and be called unpatriotic traitors?
Like the garbage republican congress did when Obama was President??
Obama got just about everything he wanted, so your point is?
How so?? The senate did nothing but sit on their hands
Obama got about everything he wanted. While the democrats go against Trump even when it will benefit us.
How so? Dems didn't walk out of the room with infrastructure in the balance We want health care reform What do republicans want?

Republicans want American greatness.

As far as Infrastructure, President Trump is more than willing to work on it with Chuck and Nancy once the investigation/impeachment issue is concluded.
Greatness and Trump ??? are you fn kidding me ? Trump goes well with Ponzi not greatness
You mean those 10 charges of obstruction Mueller discovered? And why does a smart guy like you might be not know why trump's afraid for all those subpoenas to be answered ?
/——-/ You mean those made up bullshyt process crimes?
Cell if you were an honest broker you'd admit that those charges carry lots of truth behind them Now if you want to still support a man with those charges over his head that's your business I just don't get how anyone ,not just you ,can stand the stink trump emits
Mueller report hearing on the way with John Dean and others Trump may not admit he's a crook but the facts might show he is If so, how many little trumpers here will still stand by his side ,,,,and be called unpatriotic traitors?

I don't see where John Dean knows anything that Congress would need to have him testify.

Smells like some kind of cheap political stunt.
cell you disappoint me I thought your love of America would supersede all the BS trump is throwing your way
I was wrong

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