Pelosi To GOP: A Democratic President Could Declare National Emergency On Guns

Right, because your feels are more important than what the laws actually say.
You got that backwards, snowflake. Your FEELINGS (and liberals / snowflakes are creatures driven by emotions, not facts) do not supersede what the Constitution says.

YOUR belief that no one in the US 'needs' a semi-automatic weapon...or a weapon of any type...does not dismiss the American people's Constitutional Right to own them.

Many people have made the argument that if you take law abiding citizen's guns away it will not make this country safer. NO WHERE is this FACT more PROVEN than at all of these school shootings....where you have criminals with guns attacking and killing unarmed citizens.

Criminals don't obey laws. If you outlaw guns, do you REALLY think criminals will abide by them? NO. You will only endanger the lives of law abiding citizens.

And part of what drives the Liberal left is the overwhelming need to CONTROL other people and what they do.
You don't like guns so you want to take them from everyone instead of not buying one yourself.
Cory Booker is a Vegan and he wants to take the choice to eat a burger away from others.

Live your live.
Leave me / mine alone.
Stop trying to strip ME of MY Constitutional right@
as i said , FULL AUTO is not illegal in all states and i think that full auto is legal in the majority of states . I think there is a 200 dollar tax plus a back ground check Bulldog .
Pelosi gives voters heads up your guns could be in Jeopardy if the next president is a Democrat

Pelosi warns GOP: Next president could declare national emergency on guns

When is enough going to be enough all they do is fight amongst the parties and never get nothing accomplished that needs to be done nothing that they're hired to do they do nothing but bicker bicker bicker with each other

This sounds more and more like Christine Blasey Ford's teachings to her classes as "Create a scenario--any scenario--that will get the result that you want."

The lies didn't end Brett Kavanaugh's swearing-in ceremony as one of the best candidates ever nominated for Supreme Court Justice, and the Democrats are getting desperate for several reasons:

1. They elected a Nazi-like, Jew-hating, evil racist as a new US Representative and do not censure her.
2. They elected another new US Representative who wants to target people's privacy and earnings that doesn't belong to them
3. They grieve over the second amendment as if eliminating the freedom to carry a gun for protection is unprincipled
4. They hunker down on supporting wannabe cop killer to get rid of a cop who shoots the knife-wielding perpetrator because he is black
5. The Democrats overreach to hurt a Republican and frighten their base with lies and many false witnesses saying them
6. Democrats discriminate against white males who have earned the American dream and benefited from hard work with lies
7. Democrats target inheritances, wills, and all sources of wealth as property they want for themselves to redistribute
8. Democrats do not support apprehension of people who take advantage of welfare if they are Democrats
Right, because your feels are more important than what the laws actually say.
You got that backwards, snowflake. Your FEELINGS (and liberals / snowflakes are creatures driven by emotions, not facts) do not supersede what the Constitution says.

YOUR belief that no one in the US 'needs' a semi-automatic weapon...or a weapon of any type...does not dismiss the American people's Constitutional Right to own them.

Many people have made the argument that if you take law abiding citizen's guns away it will not make this country safer. NO WHERE is this FACT more PROVEN than at all of these school shootings....where you have criminals with guns attacking and killing unarmed citizens.

Criminals don't obey laws. If you outlaw guns, do you REALLY think criminals will abide by them? NO. You will only endanger the lives of law abiding citizens.

And part of what drives the Liberal left is the overwhelming need to CONTROL other people and what they do.
You don't like guns so you want to take them from everyone instead of not buying one yourself.
Cory Booker is a Vegan and he wants to take the choice to eat a burger away from others.

Live your live.
Leave me / mine alone.
Stop trying to strip ME of MY Constitutional right@
I wonder what police would do to confiscate weapons. And what the results would be in giving them willfully to making a stand.
Right, because your feels are more important than what the laws actually say.
You got that backwards, snowflake. Your FEELINGS (and liberals / snowflakes are creatures driven by emotions, not facts) do not supersede what the Constitution says.

YOUR belief that no one in the US 'needs' a semi-automatic weapon...or a weapon of any type...does not dismiss the American people's Constitutional Right to own them.

Many people have made the argument that if you take law abiding citizen's guns away it will not make this country safer. NO WHERE is this FACT more PROVEN than at all of these school shootings....where you have criminals with guns attacking and killing unarmed citizens.

Criminals don't obey laws. If you outlaw guns, do you REALLY think criminals will abide by them? NO. You will only endanger the lives of law abiding citizens.

And part of what drives the Liberal left is the overwhelming need to CONTROL other people and what they do.
You don't like guns so you want to take them from everyone instead of not buying one yourself.
Cory Booker is a Vegan and he wants to take the choice to eat a burger away from others.

Live your live.
Leave me / mine alone.
Stop trying to strip ME of MY Constitutional right@

What a goofy remark. I have guns myself. If you think I don't want anyone to have guns, you're nuts. Only a goofy gun nut thinks reasonable restrictions aren't a good thing, Idiot.
Pelosi gives voters heads up your guns could be in Jeopardy if the next president is a Democrat

Pelosi warns GOP: Next president could declare national emergency on guns

When is enough going to be enough all they do is fight amongst the parties and never get nothing accomplished that needs to be done nothing that they're hired to do they do nothing but bicker bicker bicker with each other

Truedat, but I do really love watching that old trashy bitch Pelosi almost cry. But sadly I feel like a fan of worms has been opened. Wonder if congress will take back that power to declare national emergencies? Doubt it. So I wonder what future presidents will use it for.
'the right to keep and bear arms". Doesnt say anything about this applying only to muskets.

You're right. It does refer to something what was that again? Something about a well regulated militia? Why do gun fetishists forget that part?
------------------------------ Shall not be INFRINGED Seawitch .

Right, as part of a well regulated militia. Why'd those old farmers put that in there?
'Well-Regulated' - there are so many laws on the books today one could argue that it is un-necessarily 'over-regulated'.
80,000 people killed by guns in the last two years. Nope, not over regulated.

1.3 million killed by abortions over the last two years in the US.
What a goofy remark. I have guns myself. If you think I don't want anyone to have guns, you're nuts. Only a goofy gun nut thinks reasonable restrictions aren't a good thing, Idiot.
1. If you are not a gun-grabbing socialist nut job, God bless you. You are in the MINORITY in the new Leftist-Hijacked Socialist Democrat Party (if you are a Democrat).

2. We have reasonable restrictions, and yes many of them are not working....and a large part of that problem is the lack of enforcement of those laws. Another part of that is going to remain a constant FACT - Bad People / Criminals will always be able to get guns and will always do bad things with them. Disarming law-abiding citizens will NOT stop that. It will just make it easier to commit their crimes.

3. There are a LOT of things that need to be addressed before putting more restrictions on addressing our cultural addiction to gun violence... I am talking about all the violent movies, video games, etc... Hollywood clowns who often make their living starring in extremely violent movies then speaking out against gun violence are just hypocritical assholes I ignore.

The disintegration of the family unit, replacement of parents by the govt, schools, tv, video games, etc - what happened to sitting down at the table together, doing things together, getting to know your child, being the primary influence in their lives, teaching them, raising them, INVESTING in who your child becomes / is? I scratch my head and wonder when in cases like one of the school shooters home was searched and weapons, ammo, even bomb-making material were found just laying around in the basement and the parents said 'I had no idea......' REALLY? WTF?!
Yes, but, sadly, all of those laws on firearm types of restrictions are technically unconstitutional as well. The words "shall not be infringed" apply here.

One of the things the left like to do is take things to the extreme and say "well, does that mean you should be able to own a tank, or rockets, or nukes?". My answer to that is, when the framers were writing the 2nd, it's clear by the text of the amendment, and by supporting documents (federalist papers), they were referring guns, muskets being what they had at the time. The 2nd amendment was written In 1791, the first automatic weapon wasn't made until 1892.

I disagree with what you say, but using your logic, automatic weapons aren't protected by the 2nd amendment. They were only referring to muskets.

'the right to keep and bear arms". Doesnt say anything about this applying only to muskets.

Doesn't say anything about automatic weapons or nuclear weapons either. You think those should be allowed?
----------------------------- the Second Amendment refers to Americans having the same weapons issued to the American Combat soldier . Full Auto weapons are legal in most USA States but not Nukes as combat soldiers don't commonly carry nukes Bulldog and Seawitch .

The fact of the matter is that gun control is as much a part of the Second Amendment as the right to keep and bear arms.

It doesn't mention gun control in the second amendment either.
Pelosi gives voters heads up your guns could be in Jeopardy if the next president is a Democrat

Pelosi warns GOP: Next president could declare national emergency on guns

When is enough going to be enough all they do is fight amongst the parties and never get nothing accomplished that needs to be done nothing that they're hired to do they do nothing but bicker bicker bicker with each other

Truedat, but I do really love watching that old trashy bitch Pelosi almost cry. But sadly I feel like a fan of worms has been opened. Wonder if congress will take back that power to declare national emergencies? Doubt it. So I wonder what future presidents will use it for.
------------------------------------------ just elect TRUMP - Pence types for the next few elections . That might be good enough depending on your age Crixus .
I disagree with what you say, but using your logic, automatic weapons aren't protected by the 2nd amendment. They were only referring to muskets.

'the right to keep and bear arms". Doesnt say anything about this applying only to muskets.

Doesn't say anything about automatic weapons or nuclear weapons either. You think those should be allowed?
----------------------------- the Second Amendment refers to Americans having the same weapons issued to the American Combat soldier . Full Auto weapons are legal in most USA States but not Nukes as combat soldiers don't commonly carry nukes Bulldog and Seawitch .

The fact of the matter is that gun control is as much a part of the Second Amendment as the right to keep and bear arms.

It doesn't mention gun control in the second amendment either.
Of course it does. Does well regulated mean something else in Oz?
'the right to keep and bear arms". Doesnt say anything about this applying only to muskets.

Doesn't say anything about automatic weapons or nuclear weapons either. You think those should be allowed?
----------------------------- the Second Amendment refers to Americans having the same weapons issued to the American Combat soldier . Full Auto weapons are legal in most USA States but not Nukes as combat soldiers don't commonly carry nukes Bulldog and Seawitch .

The fact of the matter is that gun control is as much a part of the Second Amendment as the right to keep and bear arms.

It doesn't mention gun control in the second amendment either.
Of course it does. Does well regulated mean something else in Oz?

It say a well regulated militia. Doesn't say anything about gun control. Its not that difficult.
Right, because your feels are more important than what the laws actually say.
You got that backwards, snowflake. Your FEELINGS (and liberals / snowflakes are creatures driven by emotions, not facts) do not supersede what the Constitution says.

YOUR belief that no one in the US 'needs' a semi-automatic weapon...or a weapon of any type...does not dismiss the American people's Constitutional Right to own them.

Many people have made the argument that if you take law abiding citizen's guns away it will not make this country safer. NO WHERE is this FACT more PROVEN than at all of these school shootings....where you have criminals with guns attacking and killing unarmed citizens.

Criminals don't obey laws. If you outlaw guns, do you REALLY think criminals will abide by them? NO. You will only endanger the lives of law abiding citizens.

And part of what drives the Liberal left is the overwhelming need to CONTROL other people and what they do.
You don't like guns so you want to take them from everyone instead of not buying one yourself.
Cory Booker is a Vegan and he wants to take the choice to eat a burger away from others.

Live your live.
Leave me / mine alone.
Stop trying to strip ME of MY Constitutional right@
I wonder what police would do to confiscate weapons. And what the results would be in giving them willfully to making a stand.
All of mine were stolen that's my story and I'm sticking with it
Pelosi gives voters heads up your guns could be in Jeopardy if the next president is a Democrat

Pelosi warns GOP: Next president could declare national emergency on guns

When is enough going to be enough all they do is fight amongst the parties and never get nothing accomplished that needs to be done nothing that they're hired to do they do nothing but bicker bicker bicker with each other

Truedat, but I do really love watching that old trashy bitch Pelosi almost cry. But sadly I feel like a fan of worms has been opened. Wonder if congress will take back that power to declare national emergencies? Doubt it. So I wonder what future presidents will use it for.
------------------------------------------ just elect TRUMP - Pence types for the next few elections . That might be good enough depending on your age Crixus .

Meh, I’m just a visitor to this dimension anyway. I’ll get by either way.
Pelosi gives voters heads up your guns could be in Jeopardy if the next president is a Democrat

Pelosi warns GOP: Next president could declare national emergency on guns

When is enough going to be enough all they do is fight amongst the parties and never get nothing accomplished that needs to be done nothing that they're hired to do they do nothing but bicker bicker bicker with each other
Pelosi is full of shit.

A President can NOT declare a 'National Emergency' to violate the Constitution / infringe on American's Constitutional Rights.

That is what she is talking about - that is not what Trump is doing!

Well, they can't NOW. They have before, though.
full auto is NOT illegal in all states Bulldog !! And it should be LEGAL in ALL States Bulldog .
Full auto isnt illegal as long as you have a FBI background check and proper licensing to own one. All you cowardly fucks who dont like the AR-15 and other hunting rifles, should go out and buy one, see how the government works on preventing you from getting your hands on one. Only criminals, get fully automatic weapons because they bring them from south of the border that Eric Holder conveniently supplied the Mexican Drug Cartels.
So in reality, fully automatic weapons for the American public are old and extremely expensive collectible items for the very wealthy.

Hah! Liberal Reporter Tries to Buy AR15 - GETS DENIED FOR VIOLENT PAST
In addition to a mandatory 24 hour waiting period in Illinois, it turns out Mr. Steinberg has a troubled past of alcohol abuse and domestic violence, so he was denied the sale.

Why Was A Gun Used in The Paris Terrorist Attacks Linked To "Fast And Furious"
A Report of Investigation (ROI) filed by a case agent in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF) tracked the gun used in the Paris attacks to a Phoenix gun owner who sold it illegally, “off book,” Judicial Watch’s law enforcement sources confirm. Federal agents tracing the firearm also found the Phoenix gun owner to be in possession of an unregistered fully automatic weapon, according to law enforcement officials with firsthand knowledge of the investigation.
The investigative follow up of the Paris weapon consisted of tracking a paper trail using a 4473 form, which documents a gun’s ownership history by, among other things, using serial numbers.
You should be more worried about a liberal screwing you up the ass with the intent to kill you, more than a US citizen who just wants to defend himself from such liberals. But alas, liberals are such dumbasses...

A presidential claim of national emergency can bypass all of that.
A president can declare a national emergency for tort actions?

A national emergency can justify almost anything, up to and including martial law. That's why it shouldn't be allowed to be used as a political tactic like trump is trying to do.
Actually the Declaration of a National Emergency' triggers up to something like 120 other laws and regulations, depending on the TYPE of 'National Emergency' declared.

The TYPE of NE Trump is considering would only trigger 1 (ONE) of those, pre-established Congressional-authorized moving / freeing up of money to fund the wall - nothing else.

Pelosi is full of shit regarding Trump's NE would 'set precedence', but by all means, don't let the fact that she is lying to your ass again, snowflakes, stop you from parroting her BULLSHIT.

NEs have been declared approx. 59 times since they were 1st used beginning with Jimmy Carter. 32 (I believe) of those remain in existence today -- YEAH, THERE ARE APPROX 32 STATES OF EMERGENCY IN EXISTENCE TODAY...yet no one is freaking out about any of them except the one that might be declared NEXT. (32 still exist, to include the very 1st one Carter declared regarding Iranian-sponsored Terrorism.)
- So, again, Pelosi's claim that Trump's would set precedence is PURE BULLSHIT.

Also, as mentioned, a President can not use a NE to violate the Constitution or infringe on Constitutional Rights. This is just a lie and more Democratic party Fear-Mongering.

Not to mention that the Supreme Court ruled a long time ago that emergency powers do not include the ability to seize private property without Congressional approval. Which means the Democrats would have the same problem with gun-grabbing that they have right now: they can't convince enough people to agree with them.
Pelosi gives voters heads up your guns could be in Jeopardy if the next president is a Democrat

Pelosi warns GOP: Next president could declare national emergency on guns

When is enough going to be enough all they do is fight amongst the parties and never get nothing accomplished that needs to be done nothing that they're hired to do they do nothing but bicker bicker bicker with each other
It is very exasperating. We are boiling ourselves in our own planet, destroying our food chain from the bottom up and these clowns are thinking of every clever way they can to be top dog in DC.
We are boiling ourselves in our own planet,
Of course nothing that just happened with the extreme FREEZE that set unprecedented records has any effect on our Boiling? Of course a liberals brain has boiled so much that there isnt any grey matter left, but that is to be expected...

Yes, crazy isn't it. Temps swinging like never before. North pole warming and the polar vortex moving south for days. Heck how many glaciers are gone from Glacier National Park in the past 50 years?

And yet people that seemingly didn't pass 5th grade science still think weather = climate.

Like, is that kind of decision to debate a topic that they start out by saying they are completely ignorant on it, a thing now?

"Hey, I can't tell the difference between weather and climate, but let me jump against this scientific fact based opinion with my lack of understanding of even the basics of it".

It's like if I was telling Oppenheimer he needed a bigger sledgehammer to split that atom for his atomic bomb since my lack of knowledge on nuclear fission made me an expert on that topic lol
Back in my day, in Cincinnati, in the middle of May it snowed. Yes it actually snowed. Yet, you dumbass liberals back then didnt try to scam out billions of tax dollars to make themselves richer by sayin Global Warming, but Global Cooling. They the liberals were going to save the day.. I wish they would make up their fucking minds...

Haha, yes Because weather is climate? that ranks right up there with the flat earth theory.

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