Pelosi tries to blame Republicans for a possible gov. shutdown


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi knocked former President Donald Trump as she criticized Republicans for failing to support a measure to avert a government shutdown.

Are there Democrat Voters who actually believe anything that Pelosi says anymore?
Maybe their malicious hate has rotted their tiny brains.
The Democrats control the Presidency, the House and the Senate.
They can pass their $5 trillion dollar looting spree bill without any GOP votes.
The Democrats are like greedy muggers fighting over a stolen wallet.
Their Looting Spree Bill will enslave American workers to government debt for generations, but, these corrupt crackpot fanatic thieves don't care as long as they can get their kick-back deals.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi knocked former President Donald Trump as she criticized Republicans for failing to support a measure to avert a government shutdown.

Are there Democrat Voters who actually believe anything that Pelosi says anymore?
Maybe their malicious hate has rotted their tiny brains.
The Democrats control the Presidency, the House and the Senate.
They can pass their $5 trillion dollar looting spree bill without any GOP votes.
The Democrats are like greedy muggers fighting over a stolen wallet.
Their Looting Spree Bill will enslave American workers to government debt for generations, but, these corrupt crackpot fanatic thieves don't care as long as they can get their kick-back deals.
Well, they had no problem raising the debt ceiling and then suspending it when the last guy (who had an "R" next to his name) was President.
Then, when a guy with a "D" next to his name won, the Deficit and Debt Eagles came flocking back to the nest (like the eagles did in Lord of the Rings).
The debt ceiling is the issue..not the two infrastructure and budge bills.
Well, they had no problem raising the debt ceiling and then suspending it when the last guy (who had an "R" next to his name) was President.
Then, when a guy with a "D" next to his name won, the Deficit and Debt Eagles came flocking back to the nest (like the eagles did in Lord of the Rings).
The debt ceiling is the issue..not the two infrastructure and budge bills.

Sorry dumbass, the spending is the issue.
Sorry dumbass, the spending is the issue.
Well, then where was your just and righteous outrage when the guys with "R" next to their names were spending like drunken sailors while giving generous tax cuts to their wealthy donors and corporations while cutting the bone off already thin government programs designed to help the less fortunate? Or is that.."not in your color scheme?"...dumbass.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi knocked former President Donald Trump as she criticized Republicans for failing to support a measure to avert a government shutdown.

Are there Democrat Voters who actually believe anything that Pelosi says anymore?
Maybe their malicious hate has rotted their tiny brains.
The Democrats control the Presidency, the House and the Senate.
They can pass their $5 trillion dollar looting spree bill without any GOP votes.
The Democrats are like greedy muggers fighting over a stolen wallet.
Their Looting Spree Bill will enslave American workers to government debt for generations, but, these corrupt crackpot fanatic thieves don't care as long as they can get their kick-back deals.

Strange isn't it, During the Obama regime Republicans were blamed for the government shutdown.

Shift to today, eight years and four years later Biden now blames Republicans for looming government shutdown.
We see this played out each time the budget needs to be adjusted,. Democrats seek spending in excess while Republicans seek more modest increases.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi knocked former President Donald Trump as she criticized Republicans for failing to support a measure to avert a government shutdown.

Are there Democrat Voters who actually believe anything that Pelosi says anymore?
Maybe their malicious hate has rotted their tiny brains.
The Democrats control the Presidency, the House and the Senate.
They can pass their $5 trillion dollar looting spree bill without any GOP votes.
The Democrats are like greedy muggers fighting over a stolen wallet.
Their Looting Spree Bill will enslave American workers to government debt for generations, but, these corrupt crackpot fanatic thieves don't care as long as they can get their kick-back deals.
Will Cancun Cruz be reading "Green Eggs & Ham" again?
Well, then where was your just and righteous outrage when the guys with "R" next to their names were spending like drunken sailors while giving generous tax cuts to their wealthy donors and corporations while cutting the bone off already thin government programs designed to help the less fortunate? Or is that.."not in your color scheme?"...dumbass.

That won't fly dumbass, I am not a Rump and complained many times about his spending. You live in a binary world, I don't.
That won't fly dumbass, I am not a Rump and complained many times about his spending. You live in a binary world, I don't.
I don't care if you're a..whatever. Point is, you looked the other way along with all the other...well "R's". The last guy...wasn't the first "R" to spend like a drunken sailor.
We can trace that all the way back to Saint Ron. :)
I don't care if you're a..whatever. Point is, you looked the other way along with all the other...well "R's". The last guy...wasn't the first "R" to spend like a drunken sailor.
We can trace that all the way back to Saint Ron. :)

I invite you to do just that. I am not a Republican kid, sorry. Again, you are trapped in a Binary system that is pure fiction, you just aren't open minded enough to check it out.
The dems had no problem shutting the Govt down when Trump was President…why the concern now?

Frankly shutting down the train wreak that has been the Xiden Harris admin can only improve the situation
Why do you lie so often? Is that truly the type of person you are, in the real world?

The Democrats never shut the govt down under Trump and many voted to support raising the debt ceiling all the different times Trump needed to raise it.

Shutting down the govt WILL ruin EVERYTHING, FOR EVERY ONE....IT'S THE STUPIDIST AND MOST HARMFUL THING, OUR Congress critters and Senators could ever do, to this nation and every one of us in it.... It'll ruin our Nations credit rating, raise the interest rate on the 20 trillion national debt we already owe, make loans for homes and cars and boats and credit cards on all of us go way up, stifle business growth, millions will lose their jobs etc etc etc....

The debt ceiling is to pay the bills we have already passed and spent.... most all of it under Trump .... It's not for new spending proposals.... That'll be faced at a later date....if congress does not find a way to raise taxes to pay for Biden's new spending proposals.

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