Pelosi wants money to defend politicians while not securing the southern border to protect Americans

No wall?? Blame your boy Biden.
Thank you, President Biden!

Guess you like spending billions on illegals. Most Americans want them all gone. The wall would have prevented more from coming in. Once it was up we could have booted the rest out and saved billions.

Those billions would come in handy since we now have the Biden/Harris shit show.
The way I see it, once the government takes my tax dollars, its not mine anymore and they are going to do with it as they please.
It really doesn’t matter how I feel about it. Complaining about it does nothing.

Not when there is a way to stop spending those billions. Easy enough. Finish the wall and boot those illegals that are here out. Those billions will no doubt be spent on other things but not on illegals who shouldn't be here in the first place.

Trump spent four years trying to do that and there are more illegals here than when he started. How about passing immigration laws?

What are you fools haven’t figured out is that Republicans really want all of those illegal immigrants in the country. They’re making money off of them. As long as Republicans are making money, they will never do anything to stop illegal immigration. I’ll just blame Democrats for it and you’ll believe them.

No there are less. The wall is funded and once complete no more will get in and we can kick those that are here out.

Most Americans want all illegals out of our country cause they cost us billions every year.

Its the Dem Biden who stopped construction on the wall. He's the one who wants more illegals in the country. He's also talked about amnesty for those that are here. You really need to get your stories straight. Idiot.

You in Canada have the right idea. Your people contact the Mexican Government. Tell them how many workers they need and when. The Govt. sends them. They do the work and then go home.

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