Pelosi's (D) tries to reason w/ Boehner (R)

It is almost like no one knows that the payroll tax cut is only temporary, the increase next year of 2 1/2 percent has already been signed. Get rid of that increase, approve Keystone, do some good and the democrats have got deal.

Democrats intend only what is the most harmful.

They don't care, they got their talking points from their masters and by golly they are going to stick with it.

Why wouldn't Boehner allow it to be voted on?

Good question. Well righties? :eusa_whistle:
She's right!!! :mad: Don't walk away from millions of working people because you want to attach ANOTHER rider to a bill :eusa_doh: to score political points. :eusa_naughty: I know because I got her Tweet :)

Pelosi Letter to Boehner: Do Not Walk Away from the American People Again | The Gavel
In a letter to Speaker Boehner, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi reminded him that Republicans last year held hostage the payroll tax cut and extension of unemployment benefits, demanding that the Bush upper-income tax cuts must be extended for two years, and have walked away from numerous bipartisan efforts this year.

Pelosi wrote that she is “hopeful that reason will prevail in your Conference” to pass the bipartisan Senate compromise to extend the payroll tax.

Tries to reason. :lmao: The house did there work, when will Lazy low life democrats get off of their collective fat asses and do the work. Do you think you guys could manage a budget while you low lifes are doing nothing too.
Why did Boehner prevent the bill from going to the floor?

You can run away from the question, but the rest of America won't.

Neither will Obama.
Why did Boehner prevent the bill from going to the floor?

You can run away from the question, but the rest of America won't.

Neither will Obama.

Bills between houses are reconciled in committee. Been that way a long time.
What is wrong with democrats? Are they so short sighted that they think two months of raiding Social Security so people can have an extra $20 in their pockets is the way to prosperity? It's a bogus issue and typical of left wing dirty tricks and the class envy war.
why should they listen to her. she is a nobody.

Well, because they're stupid and she can help them make some sense of things.

Answer the question, what good is a two month extension? How exactly does a 20 dollar a month for 2 months help struggling families?

It gives the illusion of helping your wallet to distract you long enough so the other hand can reach into your bank account.

The dem-bulbs will cry "lost revenue" to give an excuse for raising the taxes even more for everybody. They can't agree to a full year of that lost revenue.
They're stuck and the Repubs are stumbling around playing "Keystone" Cops.

Taxes are going up. There's no way that they can't.

We've been given too many 'fronts'. The dealer is at the door.
She's right!!! :mad: Don't walk away from millions of working people because you want to attach ANOTHER rider to a bill :eusa_doh: to score political points. :eusa_naughty: I know because I got her Tweet :)

Pelosi Letter to Boehner: Do Not Walk Away from the American People Again | The Gavel
In a letter to Speaker Boehner, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi reminded him that Republicans last year held hostage the payroll tax cut and extension of unemployment benefits, demanding that the Bush upper-income tax cuts must be extended for two years, and have walked away from numerous bipartisan efforts this year.

Pelosi wrote that she is “hopeful that reason will prevail in your Conference” to pass the bipartisan Senate compromise to extend the payroll tax.
Pelosi is such a warthog, a regular piggie at the trough.

Pelosi doesn't walk away from the American people because she knows you can't empty their wallet into her family's treasury. She runs full speed ahead to bump the American people, so they won't notice her busy little grubbing stealing hands removing money from the treasury for her little family's pot at the end of the rainbow.

That miserable little piggie took over a billion dollars away from the American people just last month and put it into a golden parachute for her nephew, who works for a company just like Solyndra, after Congress voted to eliminate subsidies for pet rock projects that don't have financial stability. She made sure to suck another 1.3 billion out of the treasury for her family.

Her Omerta screed is "Screw the American people," (but hide it with a smoke screen accusing the competition of what she actually does.)

Can you say oink?
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Why did Boehner prevent the bill from going to the floor?

You can run away from the question, but the rest of America won't.

Neither will Obama.

Bills between houses are reconciled in committee. Been that way a long time.

LMAO. Yeah, when you prevent it from going to the floor, I suppose it's "between houses".

Wow. I have to give you credit, you at least tried to answer the question.

But, seriously, why wouldn't Boehner allow the bill to be voted on?

I mean, i could buy this whole "the bill was in limbo" bullshit if this wasn't the biggest piece of legislation to come through the house in the past four months, if it wasn't a matter of high importance (as acknowledged by the Senate and President), and if Boehner hadn't previously said he had the votes to get it passed.
Yeah, it's such of HIGH IMPORTANCE. that's why the Democrats want to EXTEND it for ONLY Two months.

what a bunch of BS...and you people eat it up and spew it back at us.
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Why did Boehner prevent the bill from going to the floor?

You can run away from the question, but the rest of America won't.

Neither will Obama.

Bills between houses are reconciled in committee. Been that way a long time.

LMAO. Yeah, when you prevent it from going to the floor, I suppose it's "between houses".

Wow. I have to give you credit, you at least tried to answer the question.

But, seriously, why wouldn't Boehner allow the bill to be voted on?

I mean, i could buy this whole "the bill was in limbo" bullshit if this wasn't the biggest piece of legislation to come through the house in the past four months, if it wasn't a matter of high importance (as acknowledged by the Senate and President), and if Boehner hadn't previously said he had the votes to get it passed.

Didn't the House send one to the Senate that Reid won't call a vote on?

I'm not saying that as a "well they did it too" kinda thing.....Just that everybody's wanting to punt and I'm sick of all their shit.

Where's my pitchfork and sickle when I need 'em???

The Dems want only 2 months of cuts.
The Reps want a year.
Why and Why?
Is Boehner (R) declaring his own war on xmas by keeping the House in session? The WSJ, conservative, Fox- owned paper, says this latest hostage-holding ploy is a loser.
Bills between houses are reconciled in committee. Been that way a long time.

LMAO. Yeah, when you prevent it from going to the floor, I suppose it's "between houses".

Wow. I have to give you credit, you at least tried to answer the question.

But, seriously, why wouldn't Boehner allow the bill to be voted on?

I mean, i could buy this whole "the bill was in limbo" bullshit if this wasn't the biggest piece of legislation to come through the house in the past four months, if it wasn't a matter of high importance (as acknowledged by the Senate and President), and if Boehner hadn't previously said he had the votes to get it passed.

Didn't the House send one to the Senate that Reid won't call a vote on?

I'm not saying that as a "well they did it too" kinda thing.....Just that everybody's wanting to punt and I'm sick of all their shit.

Where's my pitchfork and sickle when I need 'em???

The Dems want only 2 months of cuts.
The Reps want a year.
Why and Why?

Maybe, but it was the house that punted when the clock was running out. To make matters worse, they punted when they were on their own two yard line.
Is Boehner (R) declaring his own war on xmas by keeping the House in session? The WSJ, conservative, Fox- owned paper, says this latest hostage-holding ploy is a loser.

I thought the House recessed?

Did Boehner change his mind about that too?
Is Boehner (R) declaring his own war on xmas by keeping the House in session? The WSJ, conservative, Fox- owned paper, says this latest hostage-holding ploy is a loser.

OMG. gawd forbid these precious Congresspeople might have to work THROUGH CHRISTMAS...:eek:

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