Pelosi's husband got violently assaulted

We know EXACTLY how corrupt the pelousi's are.

Fine. Explain...

They have benefitted from insider trading to the tune of over one hundred million dollars. All at the expense of the middle class.

I'm sure you believe that and, frankly, I don't know anything about that. It's just not in my wheelhouse. But I know I'm sure as Hell not going to take your word for it...

I knew you were ignorant, now you are compounding that with utter stupidity.

So, those who have benefited from insider trading deserve to have their heads bashed in with a hammer??

Exactly what the fuck kind of sick piece of shit are you?
If they'd had that narrative, it would have been released minutes after the story broke. The fact that no details have been released, says they're suppressing information about the attacker.

Or, and even more probable, is they're trying not to jump the gun on releasing information until such time that they know the information they're releasing is accurate...

Instant Karma's gonna get you
Gonna knock you right on the head
You better get yourself together
Pretty soon you're gonna be dead
What in the world you thinking of
Laughing in the face of love
What on earth you tryin' to do
It's up to you, yeah you
Instant Karma's gonna get you
Gonna look you right in the face
You better get yourself together darling
Join the human race
How in the world you gonna see
Laughing at fools like me
Who on earth d'you think you are?
A superstar? Well right you are
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well we all shine on
Every one, come on
Instant Karma's gonna get you
Gonna knock you off your feet
Better recognize your brothers
Every one you meet
Why in the world are we here?
Surely not to live in pain and fear
Why on earth are you there?
When you're everywhere
Come and get your share
But we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
And we all shine on
Come on and on and on on on
Yeah yeah, alright, ah haa, aaaahh
But we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
And we all shine on
On and on and on on and on
But we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
But we all shine on
Go away. You thought yourself important and I don't give two shits, you little dweeb . Leftists just cannot help themselves degrading women

Calling me a leftist shows just how ignorant and stupid you are.

I voted for Trump. Twice. I'm pro 2nd Amendment. I want our borders secured and illegal aliens removed from our country.

Stop me when I get too liberal for you, you diseased gash.

The fact that you so badly want me to leave will be the single thing that ensures that I do not.

If you weren't such a retarded little twat you'd have figured that out.

Now, shouldn't you be off making your man a sandwich or something?
Old Chinese proverb say "Democrats who sow seeds of crime reap bitter harvest."

Well not really a Chinese proverb, I just made that up.

And I'm not Chinese.

I'm sorry he got beaten but honestly? The old drunk wouldn't care if someone else did....nor his hag wife
Calling me a leftist shows just how ignorant and stupid you are.

I voted for Trump. Twice. I'm pro 2nd Amendment. I want our borders secured and illegal aliens removed from our country.

Stop me when I get too liberal for you, you diseased gash.

The fact that you so badly want me to leave will be the single thing that ensures that I do not.

If you weren't such a retarded little twat you'd have figured that out.

Now, shouldn't you be off making your man a sandwich or something?

Go away, I DON'T CARE
Suspect ID'd

David Depape

David Depape Is a ‘Former Castro Nudist Protester’ & Hemp ‘Jewelry Maker’ Who Has Children With a Well-Known Reports Say​

Joe Eskenazi, of Mission Local, tweeted, “My sources also name the suspect in this morning’s hammer attack on Paul Pelosi as David DePape, born 1980, of Berkeley. He would appear to be a former Castro nudist protester. Things appear set to be bizarre for a while.”

A 2013 article in the San Francisco Chronicle mentions Depape, although his name is spelled wrong. It describes him as a “hemp jewelry maker.” That article reported that Depape was the best man at the naked wedding of Gypsy Taub.

A 2008 article in the Oakland Tribune, accessed via, reported that David Depape and Gypsy Taub have three children together. Instead of cooking Thanksgiving dinner in their Berkeley home, they “chose to join 350 others at the Two Star Market for a community meal,” the article stated.

“We like to meet our neighbors,” Taub, a pro nudity activist, told the newspaper.

Taub’s Facebook page says she is from Moscow, Russia, and is “the homeless youth director at Jerry Garcia Family Healing Clinic.” There is no indication that Taub has any connection to the Paul Pelosi attack; the inclusion is meant to flesh out the bio of Depape. Taub has told the media she believes 9/11 was an inside job, according to The San Francisco Chronicle.

In 2013, in an article on Indy, Taub mentioned Depape as a photographer at a nudity ban protest in San Francisco’s Castro neighborhood.

Of course, facebook blocked content already....

Fine. Explain...

I'm sure you believe that and, frankly, I don't know anything about that. It's just not in my wheelhouse. But I know I'm sure as Hell not going to take your word for it...

So, those who have benefited from insider trading deserve to have their heads bashed in with a hammer??

Exactly what the fuck kind of sick piece of shit are you?

I didn't say deserved, you lying twat. I said karma is a bitch and he had built a mountain of it.

Get your facts straight.

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