Pembroke Pines teacher fired for interrupting Muslim students in prayer

Does everything in this school come to a halt so that Jews and Christians can pray?

This is exactly why the US needs to be formally declared a Christian nation. Then you don't have stuff like this going on in the public schools. We don't accommodate for this or that false religion.
This is exactly why the US needs to be formally declared a Christian nation. Then you don't have stuff like this going on in the public schools. We don't accommodate for this or that false religion.

This post is not how a post is supposed to be started. There is no explanation of what happened and why it should be discussed. I'll note this just to show why I support the clean start rules and why people are always crying because their thread get moved.

It's a CHARTER school. The school did not shut down over prayer. They were in an office and I imagine it's very reasonable to assume the rest of the school day was proceeding as usual.

Pembroke Pines Teacher Fired After Video Shows Praying Muslim Students Interrupted.
And yet had she been fired for interrupting the prayers of Christian or Jew you would be applauding and cheering...

Does everything in this school come to a halt so that Jews and Christians can pray?

Are they obligated by their faith to pray five times a day?

Personally, I don't believe there is any place in public schools for the practicing of any religion during school hours, but others have decided differently and make accommodations...
This is exactly why the US needs to be formally declared a Christian nation. Then you don't have stuff like this going on in the public schools. We don't accommodate for this or that false religion.

Good Christ. You're an idiot.
And yet had she been fired for interrupting the prayers of Christian or Jew you would be applauding and cheering...

Are they obligated by their faith to pray five times a day?

Personally, I don't believe there is any place in public schools for the practicing of any religion during school hours, but others have decided differently and make accommodations...

There is no place in public school for the practice of any religion.


This is exactly why the US needs to be formally declared a Christian nation. Then you don't have stuff like this going on in the public schools. We don't accommodate for this or that false religion.

The paradox of christianity

The only demographic to observe Jesus- Jews

The only demographic certain jesus was fraud - Jews

So the true believer christian is certain they know MORE about jesus than those who actually observed jesus...

Because they parrot a 2k year old book written entirely by Jews which assures us stars are the same size as figs...
Does that school allow Christians to pray in a group, answer the question.

It's a Charter school so I have no way of determining the rules of every single charter school.

This was also two students, hardly a group.
This is exactly why the US needs to be formally declared a Christian nation. Then you don't have stuff like this going on in the public schools. We don't accommodate for this or that false religion.
This is exactly why there should be no religion whatsoever in public schools.

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