Pence BOOED at "Hamilton" performance in NYC last night

WTF does marrying your brother have to do with Gay marriage? Is that you Phil Robertson? You've gone the incest route, are you going to say homosexuals are like beastiality people too?
I can't think for you. You claimed it was an equal rights issue because states defined marriage between a man and a woman. If two men can marry what reason is there for two or three brothers not marrying? There is none.

Uh yeah there is... because it's called incest. If you can't figure out the difference between incest and gay marriage, then me and you will never be able to have any kind of conversation about anything.
Two guys can't get each other pregnant, which is why we have laws against incest. So it's just a moral issue. You are saying we need to change laws to accommodate what you want but we cannot change laws because they are the law. You obviously don't know how dumb that is.

I'm sorry... in the Constitution is there something I missed that said that everyone is equal except homosexuals?
Huh? Where does it say two brothers aren't equal to two unrelated men?

You've lost any and all credibility you had by equating homosexuals to incest. I'm done arguing your dumb arguments in multiple how you said Stephen Hawking wanting Trump to lose was "scientific." I'm just going to put you on ignore and quit dealing with your foolishness.
Go back and read the post. I'm not going to post it again. Hit the back button like two times and you'll find it.

Is this it?

you said:
the law that businesses can deny gay people services based on their sexuality.

First of all, you're wrong.

The law protected people who object to gay marriage out of religious principles from having to participate in business deals involving those events.

The law did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to prevent anyone from doing anything they aren't otherwise allowed to do.

The Trump vote was a repudiation of Progressive far left policies that have hurt Americans. Blue collar voters in the Rust Belt that have voted Democratic since the days of FDR voted for Trump because after eight years of Barack Obama they didn't want another four or eight years of the same thing under Clinton. That's it. It isn't about Facism and anyone who tells you that it lying to you.

Your posts have nothing to do with this thread?

This "thread" so many on this board since the an attempt by you on the left to convince yourselves that you're still the only smart people in the room and that the Trump win was some kind of scam that was pulled on you by unscrupulous fascists. You had eight years to impress, Lewdog and you didn't. This vote was more about the failure of progressive policies than it was about Donald Trump but you won't admit that because if you do...then the Democratic Party has nothing to offer at the moment.

No, I didn't have 8 years to impress. Obama wasn't MY President. I'm not a Liberal. Donald Trump and Pence do not stand for my ideals, and that is why I oppose them. I believe in equal rights for everyone... it's a fundamental right, and Trump and Pence do not believe in that.

"Equal rights" is an interesting concept, Lewdog. You hear it tossed around so often by people who have no intention of extending those rights to the people who don't hold the same political views as they do that it's become almost farce at this point. Liberal college administrators and professors don't think that conservative viewpoints should be heard on "their" campuses yet scream in fury if anyone were to try an deny the rights of liberal college students to march in protest on those same campuses. What you on the left accuse Republicans something that you yourselves do constantly. Those in the audience of that Broadway play booing someone with a different political view as them is simply one more example of what I'm talking about.

I already told you, I'm not Liberal. If you aren't going to read my posts and understand them, then I'm not going to take you seriously.
So according to Wry Catcher...all those who voted for Trump are Brownshirts? You people need to get a grip! Donald Trump is what used to be called a "Rockefeller Republican"...someone who is fiscally conservative and more middle of the road on social issues. He's not a fascist and your continued insistence that he nothing more than you not wanting to accept the reality of what just took place in this election.

So he really didn't mean it when he said women who get abortions should be punished?

No, he really didn't mean it, Waiting! You think Donald Trump is going to make Roe v Wade a priority in his time as President? He couldn't care less. He'll make a few statement to mollify the far right and that's it.
Libs have been whining about losing Roe vs Wade for decades.

Just more crying wolf.
Brothers can't marry each other but that isn't considered a lack of equal rights. You are very intolerant and not particularly bright. You think with your dick.

WTF does marrying your brother have to do with Gay marriage? Is that you Phil Robertson? You've gone the incest route, are you going to say homosexuals are like beastiality people too?
I can't think for you. You claimed it was an equal rights issue because states defined marriage between a man and a woman. If two men can marry what reason is there for two or three brothers not marrying? There is none.

Uh yeah there is... because it's called incest. If you can't figure out the difference between incest and gay marriage, then me and you will never be able to have any kind of conversation about anything.
Two guys can't get each other pregnant, which is why we have laws against incest. So it's just a moral issue. You are saying we need to change laws to accommodate what you want but we cannot change laws because they are the law. You obviously don't know how dumb that is.

I'm sorry... in the Constitution is there something I missed that said that everyone is equal except homosexuals?

Is there something in the Constitution that says that all behaviors are equal?
Oh so classy! You libs are truly showing what assholes we always believed you were. Proving it day after day.



Who's whining? I'm being condescending. Liberals acting like uncouth swine no I shouldn't insult pigs.....liberals acting like assholes even in a setting like a Broadway play amuses me to no end.

Classless all the way.
Stay strong, brothers and sisters, and speak out against the REAL "evil-doers" (Bush had is slightly wrong)
Pence should just stay away from Manhattan. Trump only got 12% of the vote to HIllary's 87%.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence greeted with boos from crowd at 'Hamilton' performance

The cast acknowledged the Indiana governor's presence during their curtain call at the end of the show.

We sir, we are the diverse America, who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” said Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr. “But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.

People in the theater said the performance was interrupted several times as the audience reacted to certain lines in the show.

Crowd booed him like crazy, and gave a standing O at the line “immigrants we get the job done,” tweeted Christy Colburn."""...

Veep-elect Mike Pence met with boos at 'Hamilton' performance
Classless on the part of the actors, small ball
We sir, we are the diverse America, who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” said Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr. “But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.
Wow, what a bunch of filthy assholes. No wonder they lost. Like some stupid fucking play is going to make Pence drop his life long core values and replace them with leftist scare mongering. Even little children know better.

My significant other wanted to take the train to New York to see this play. So glad I can save my money now!

An American citizen standing up to a politician and speaking his mind scares you that much, hmmmmm?
Looks like you and your sig should get a one-way ticket to the Ukraine.

You are a pusscake. Please cry quietly.
WTF does marrying your brother have to do with Gay marriage? Is that you Phil Robertson? You've gone the incest route, are you going to say homosexuals are like beastiality people too?
I can't think for you. You claimed it was an equal rights issue because states defined marriage between a man and a woman. If two men can marry what reason is there for two or three brothers not marrying? There is none.

Uh yeah there is... because it's called incest. If you can't figure out the difference between incest and gay marriage, then me and you will never be able to have any kind of conversation about anything.
Two guys can't get each other pregnant, which is why we have laws against incest. So it's just a moral issue. You are saying we need to change laws to accommodate what you want but we cannot change laws because they are the law. You obviously don't know how dumb that is.

I'm sorry... in the Constitution is there something I missed that said that everyone is equal except homosexuals?

Is there something in the Constitution that says that all behaviors are equal?

Since when does a legal behavior define one person to have less rights than another person? If you are a vegan does that mean you should have less rights? If I'm a cat lover does that mean I should have less rights?
Why would Pence go to a play that two of the main characters are gay when he doesn't believe gay people deserve the same rights as everyone else? What did he expect was going to happen? They were going to give him a cookie?

Is it not you who is promoting discrimination?

How am I promoting discrimination? Because the gay cast and their fellow cast members wanted their voices to be heard? Why is it ok for Pence to show he doesn't think the LBGT community doesn't deserve the same rights as every other citizen, but yet he can come to a play and enjoy watching them act? It makes me wonder if he even knew some of them were gay. How funny would that be, and how it would prove a point. You shouldn't treat someone differently just because of who they love and what they do in the bedroom, because you really never know who is gay and who isn't.

Did or did you not post that Pence shouldn't even be there because of what you think is his stand on homosexuals? If he didn't go wouldn't that be discimination? Much like you suggested he does?

Was Pence singled out for their wrath? Yes, that is discrimination. Much like a gay can't buy a cake Pence was subjected to the same type of discrimination.

It isn't bygones by bygones with your people. It isn't even let's all get along with you people. It's your way or the highway.

That's how.

Wow can you misconstrue things to meet your purpose. Congrats, maybe you have a future in politics.

Go back and read my last post again. Then if you don't get it, read it again. If you still don't get it repeat step one gain. "Then if you still don't get it, read it again.

The cast told people NOT to boo. They just made a statement to him to represent ALL people. And how should we let bygones be bygones? Pence hasn't done anything to show he has changed to accept the LBGT people?
Is there a reason why Pence should accept perverts? Is there a reason why anyone should accept perverts?

As VP and a member of Congress he has a duty to represent all of the people, not only those he personally approves. Bigots, those who are intolerant of others actions, when such actions are not outside of the law, should not hold elected office or be appointed to an office which discriminates. And laws should never be enacted to deny life, liberty and happiness to others, when their behavior does not harm another.
We sir, we are the diverse America, who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” said Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr. “But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.
Wow, what a bunch of filthy assholes. No wonder they lost. Like some stupid fucking play is going to make Pence drop his life long core values and replace them with leftist scare mongering. Even little children know better.

You won the election and lost the country. Stupid people like you continue to claim victory, your victory is a Potemkin Village since Trump did not win the popular vote. It is really that simple, someone as simple as you knows this, and thus mendacity is your only play.
Does your pussy hurt?
We sir, we are the diverse America, who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” said Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr. “But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.
Wow, what a bunch of filthy assholes. No wonder they lost. Like some stupid fucking play is going to make Pence drop his life long core values and replace them with leftist scare mongering. Even little children know better.

You won the election and lost the country. Stupid people like you continue to claim victory, your victory is a Potemkin Village since Trump did not win the popular vote. It is really that simple, someone as simple as you knows this, and thus mendacity is your only play.
The country is still here and on the right path. Your disapproval is proof positive. Stupidity is your only play because you don't have a grade school understanding of the election system.

I'm sorry, I forget sometimes to talk down to you and thus you have much trouble keeping up. Trump IS the President Elect, by virtue of the COTUS. Yet, he did not win the popular vote. A thinking person understands what confuses you, they understand that it is likely the Electors will sustain his apparent election. But that alone does not give him a mandate, in fact his unpopularity will grow and grow.

We, those who didn't vote for Trump, have learned that continuing to beat the drum can make fiction into truth (I know, that is too abstract for you, so I'll dumb it down - repeating the same refrain, i.e. Obama is a Muslim born in Africa and is illegitimate [was bullshit] but it convinced the fools); we however have truth on our side, and will beat the hell out of those drums every time we see, smell or watch fascism in action, using facts and reason, not hysteria.
Are you gonna take your ball and go home?:lmao:
I can't think for you. You claimed it was an equal rights issue because states defined marriage between a man and a woman. If two men can marry what reason is there for two or three brothers not marrying? There is none.

Uh yeah there is... because it's called incest. If you can't figure out the difference between incest and gay marriage, then me and you will never be able to have any kind of conversation about anything.
Two guys can't get each other pregnant, which is why we have laws against incest. So it's just a moral issue. You are saying we need to change laws to accommodate what you want but we cannot change laws because they are the law. You obviously don't know how dumb that is.

I'm sorry... in the Constitution is there something I missed that said that everyone is equal except homosexuals?
Huh? Where does it say two brothers aren't equal to two unrelated men?

You've lost any and all credibility you had by equating homosexuals to incest. I'm done arguing your dumb arguments in multiple how you said Stephen Hawking wanting Trump to lose was "scientific." I'm just going to put you on ignore and quit dealing with your foolishness.
You can't answer the question because it reveals your hypocrisy. Coward. You want morality defined your way, period. That's the point. While you may find the thought of two brother marrying (and I said nothing about sex) immoral, not everyone does. Society has always defined morality, not a minor activist group.
It's only just begun, fascism has come to America, and by wrapping its evil in the American Flag, and waving the Cross of Christianity, Pence and Trump will double down on hate and fear. The biddable who voted for this duo have done disservice to all those who gave their life for The Union. Our divided house cannot stand and will not stand unless the cry for justice is heard loud and clear, on Social Media and in peaceful protests around the world.

It is not only the liberals angered by the divisive politics of the President and Vice President Elect, it is all those here and around the world who reject bigotry, racism, misogyny and malfeasance in elected and appointed officials.

You're kidding right? That was pathetic, Catcher! Seriously...

Time will tell, it is an opinion worth, imo, considering. Since your post was an ad hominem (but nicely done), nothing which I wrote has been rebutted by facts. Pence's voting record, and Trump's stump speech (off he cuff speaking, not reading from the teleprompter what his handlers wrote) are facts, and facts are the basis for my opinion which you mocked.

Time will tell? LOL You mean considering that Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet as President yet you've already assumed him to be the second coming of Hitler? Gee, you actually are willing to admit that you might have jumped the gun...JUST A BIT!!!

Not at all. He scapegoated Muslims and Mexicans, women too; he attacked the character of each person on the podium during the nomination process; he attacked women who accused him of vulgar deeds, claimed he would round up and deport 11 million people, many with families, who have live in the US for years / decades and attacked Journalists in the media.

Do you call that something other than fascism?
You sound like a pussy whipped bitch, snowflake

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